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Evaluation Question 5: How did you

attract and address your audience?

The front cover is the

very first thing that the
audience would see and
so it was the key
component in attracting
them to my magazine. I
think the use of bright
colours was the first
aspect of the cover that
audience. They make
the magazine stand out
from the others on the
magazine shelf in a
shop and people will be
instantly drawn to the
magazine. Next, the use
of a large font for a popular DJ name will draw people in
as they will see this name, read what its about, read
the other coverlines and want to buy the magazine to
find out what everythings about. I have also included a
puff which offers a free CD with the magazine. This will
make potential readers want to buy the magazine as
they will see that by buying it they are getting free stuff
as well as the magazine. This is a well known selling
point for music magazines as it works well and so I
have followed convention and added it. Finally, I have
an article about a festival and used its logo. This logo
will be familiar to the listeners of dance music and so
they will see that my magazine has something to do
with it and want to read it. By using these methods, my
potential audience is increased.

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