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Sun images method for checking alignmement of binoculars By Rafael Chamén Cobos (Created: Dee, 2006 Updated: Nov. 2007 Updated Mar 2008 Updated: Jan. 2013 (new Figure 18) Abstract A method for checking alignment of binoculars is described. The method uses the sun as source of collimated light and a simple projection screen as checking device. The binocular under test is oriented to the sun so that two sun images are projected on the screen and focused with the focusing mechanism of the binocular. Positions of sun images are compared with theoretical positions marked on the screen. Error deviations in position of sun images are used to evaluate misalignments of the binocular under test, Accuracy of the test can be quite high because misalignment errors in object space are multiplied by the magnification of the binocular in the image space and deviations on the screen are proportional to the distance between binocular «and screen, which can be arbitrarily increased (under certain limitations), whilst theoretical positions of sun images keep constant, The method allows to detect misalignments that are inside the tolerances specified by the collimation standards, and can be used to control an alignment adjustment. A simplified version of this ‘method without the need of a marked or calibrated screen is also described. This latter allows a quick alignment test in the field during a sunny day. A strategy to adjust binoculars for so-called ‘true collimation’ without the use of any other device is described. Disadvantages of the sun images method are related to the availability of the sun light and to the fact that the sun moves in the sky. Contents {nteoduction Experimental method Results Discussion ‘Simplified version of the gun images method 1 Introduction Generally speaking, the term ‘collimation’ refers to parallelism of light rays, for instance, a ‘collimated light beam’, But this torm rather indicates parallcism of both optical axes when applied to binoculars. In order to avoid confission, we ‘will use in this article the term ‘aliemment” referred to binoculars instead of ‘collimation’, leaving this latter term only for light beams and colimators Ifa binocular is properly aligned, then optical axes of both barrels are parallel each other. Then our eyes can effortless ‘merge both images and vision is relaxed. Checking aigament of binoculars is usually performed by professionals with the help ofa ‘collimator’. A colimator isa device that sends a collimated light beam, i. ., a bundle of paral light rays. Normally it consists on 2 puntual ight surce located atthe focal point ofa very well conected lens. A collimator acts as an artificial star. The collimator lens ‘must have suficient aperture to cover both objectives ofthe binocular. Then, the binocular under testi put infront of the coliimitor and the operator verifies its aligament by observing the produced images (also star-ike points), usually ‘whith the help of some magnifying device to better detect deviations (c.g, @ second, trustworthy binocular put behind the binocular under test). The best collated light source would be a star, but for practical reasons collimators are wed. Alignment test setups are expensive and not suitable for binocular friends at an amateur kvel. The present article is intended to provide @ method for binocular alignment tests without the use of professional components, and using only simple means like a base plate with an attached screen and some device to bold the binocular on the base plate at different distances from the sereen, 1 Experimental method 1.1 Test setup +The test setup consists in + The sun as collimator 1 The binocular under test + A thin wooden screen about 18x25em in size +A dick wooden board about 25x70cm in size, which serves as base plate to suppor the binocular and the ssreen. The binocular has to be somehow altached to the base plate al a distance to the screen that can be \ariable between 30cm and 60cm approximately. The whole set is oriented so that the binocular projects two sun images on the screen + Awooden stick about 20em tong (e. 9, @ pene) to be attached on the eyepieces of the binocular to indicate the tit of the eyepieces by its shadow on the screen ‘See Figures + and 2 Figure 2. Test sotup oriented to the sun 1.2. Test procedure + Accurately measure the used intorpupillay distance IPD of the binocular. To measure, use a dial caliper or steel machinists scale to get the distance between the outside of one eyelens to the outside ofthe other. Then ‘measure the diameter of one eyelens and subtract ths fom the previous figure, The result should give the distance between centers of the eyelenses. “+ Draw two vertical lines on a sheet of paper at a distance each other equal to the IPD ofthe binocular. Make sure that this distance is also accurately measured, Draw also an horizontal ine on the bottom of the shot of paper. Attach the sheet of paper tothe screen, These three lines willbe the references for the sun images positions on the screen: veticl ines fr distance betwen sun images and hor-zental line for tit of sun images: ‘+ Attach the stick (a common pencil) to the eyepieces as a "yoke" by means ofa rubber tape, See Figure 3, ‘The shadow ofthe stick on the screen will show the tit of the eyepieces for a comparison with the horizontal line. Make shure that the horizontal reference line and the shadow of the stick have the same tit. Fiqure 3. Stick attached to the evepleces to adlust horizontal reference line on the screen to evepleces tit by Its shadow + During @ sunny day ortent binocular and screen to face the sun in order to project two images of the solar disk on the screen. Focus the lwo projected images with the focusing mechanism of the binocular. + Ifthe binocularis aligned, itis possible to orient the test setup so that edges of both sun images just touch the reference lines. f the binocular is misaligned sun images will show a separation error or ati error of both with respect to reference lines. See Figure 4 Sone Teeparetinenrar | SCRESY sunages —af 7 “I a ALIONED BNOCULAR. MSALIONED BNOCULAR Figure 4, Position of un images projected by an aligned ané a misaligned binocular 2 Results ‘The present test method hus been applied to a Dr. Wohler Saar Septonar 7X50 binocular. This old binocular seemed to be aimed in normal use, However, for distant objects vision was not comfortable. So I supposed that the instrument had some misalignment that was compensated by my eyes. ‘Test setup data were: IPD = 65mm. Distance eyepieces-screen = 45cm. Following resuils have been found, See Figure 5, 1. The horizontal distance between sun images is smaller than IPD by 1.25cm = 0.5 inch. We say that the horizontal ‘error on the screen is -1.25em (negative sign is assumed to indicate distances smaller than IPD, whist positive sign means distances greater than IPD). Therefore, there is some horizontal misalignment inthe binacular, $0 that ‘optical axes converge horizontally in the image space. Such misalignment is hardly compensated by forcing the ‘eyes to diverge a lite, and this is the reason why vision is not comfortable with this binocular, especially for far away located targets 2, The sun images does not show any tit with respect to the eyepieces. We say that the vertical error on the screen is about dom, or thatthe instrument does not have a vertical misalignment, See also Figures 6 and 7, igure 7. Measurement of vertical error: about Gem A deviation error of 1.2Sem™ 0.5 inch on the screen is clearly discemibl, This corresponds to a misalignment in the object space of 13.5 arc minutes and to a misalignment in the image space of approximately 13.5 x 7= 95.5 arc ‘minutes (see paragraph 4.3 Calculation of deviation error on the screen). This misalignment is clearly outside of the standards (see paragraph 4.4 Alignment standards and accuracy of the method). 3 Discussion 3.1 Using the sun as collimator ‘The sun is so fir away from the earth, that every point ofthe solar disk send us parallel rays. Therefore the sun can be used as collimator for checking alignment of binoculars. Ifa sereen is cated at some distance behind the eyepizces, the binocular will project on the screen two real images of the sun, that can be focused with the focusing mechanism ofthe binocular. Projected sun images offer good congitions to be observed on the screen, because their brightness, whist sharp edges of sin images are the points at which deviation can be easily measured. 3.2. Checking alignment by projection A binocular can project two real images of ts fie of view on a sereen located at some distance behind the eyepieces, and these images can be focused on the screen by means of the focusing mechanism of the binocular. Provided that the binocular receives collimated light at the objectives, it wll project two point images ofthe light source on the screen, Ifthe binocular is properly aligned, these point images will show a distance each other equal to the distance between eyepieces interpupillary distance of the binocular), and a tit (ofthe straight line formed by the ‘two images), equal to the tik ofthe eyepieces. Ifthe binocular is misaligned, either the distance between images or the ti of images, or both, wil differ. See Figure 8. seeo - SCREEN ALIGNED BINOCULAR MSALOONED BINCCULAR Figure 8, mages of a collimated light source projected on a screen by an aligned and a misalignment binocular So, a simple screen can be used to test alignment of binoculars by measuring the distance between images on the sereen when they receive collimated beams at both objectives. Projection offers the advantage that angular deviations are converted in linear deviations on the sereen that can be «easily measured or simply compared with correct reference points marked on the same screen, Moreover, deviations ‘on the screen can be enlarged with the simple action of inereasing the distance of the sereeen to the binocular 3.3. Calculation of the deviation error on the screen Let us now calculate the value of the deviation error of projected images that produces a misaligned binocular. See Figure 9. cxject space agony foto = tt rege space ‘SCREEN Figure 9. Variables related to the deviation Let us suppose that the binocular is misaligned by an angle ¢ between both optical axes in the object space, ‘Then, a ‘puntual source located at the infnite will produce two images on the sreeen whose distance each other is d=IPD+e ‘where e is the linear deviation error on the screen with respect to the theoretical value d = IPD. Being L the distance fom cyepicces to the scren, the value of e can be easily calculated as: e=L.tan(e’) where &” isthe misalignment ange of the binocular in the image space. By definition, the magnification of the binocular is M = tan (e") tan (e), so we can write e=L.M.tan(e) And since ¢ and ¢° are small angles we can replace tangent values by are values (in radians), so we finally have e=L.e? — (¢* inradians) e=L.M.e (@ inradians) =(L.6")/3438 (¢? inare minutes) €=(L. Mc )/3438_( inare minutes) ‘Therefore, the linear deviation of images on the sereen is proportional to the angular misalignment of the binocular in the object space ¢, to its magnification M and to the distance L. at which the screen is located, Alternate itis possible to calculate the absolute misalignment angle ¢ of a binocular by measuring e and applying the inverse formule ee. 3438/(L.M) (¢ inare minutes) Applying this formal inthe case ofthe binocular under test (Dr. Wahler Saar Septonar 7x50), with values e = 1.2Sem, L.=4Sem, and M = 7 we get a misalignment of corresponds to a misalignment of approximately ¢? = 13.5 x7= 95,5 are minutes in the image space 3.5 are minutes in the object space, which ‘The main advantage of projection is that increasing the distance L makes the deviation error e on the sereen increase. Since the theoretical separation value between both images — IPD — does not change, measurements will be as ‘accurate as the degree to which the testis setup to deliver — which could be quite high, Inthe practice, values of L between 20 and 60cm produce deviation errors of images that are clearly discemible and, the sereen is accurately marked and positioned and the images accurately positioned upon it measurable 3.4 Alignment standards and accuracy of the method Existing standards for collimation (aligament) ofbinoculars are diverse and somewhat confising. Misalignment angles are usualy referred tothe object space. However, since we perceive misalignments atthe eyepiece, ie, inthe image space, where angles are mukipid by the magnification ofthe binocular, its necessary to specity at what magnification the misalignment valves are given. For example, a vertical misalignment of 3 are minutes in a 7x binocular is a good vahe, but ina 25x binocular i imacceptabke. ‘Therefore, it is sensefil to specify misalignment anges inthe image space rather than in the object space because they are independent of the magnification, Then, misalignments in object space can be cakvulated by dividing given values by the magnification, Following alignment standards for binoculars have been found inthe literature. We reproduce them below, with values referred to image space. Values for abject space can be calculated by dividing them by the magnification in cach particular case. Misalignment angles inimage | US standards | Soviet standars | Others space (magnification taken into account) Vertical divergence «38 <8 <40" Horizontal convergence <50) <20) < 60) Horizontal divergence «100 < 60) < 180° It is interesting to translate the angular values specified in the standards into deviations on the screen according to the used test setup fora particular test. In our ease, for M= 7x and L.= 4Sem, Following formule applies: e= (£7) /3438 (e* inare minutes) ‘where "is the misalignment in the image space and LL is the distance to the screen, According to this formule allowed deviations on the sereen are: Devations on sereen al Us standards | Sovet standars | Others ‘45cm, Ms 7x Vertical vergence <0.45em <0;19¢m <0.526m Horizontal comorgonce <0.65em <0.26em <0.78em Horizontal divergence <1.30em <0.78m < 235m As worst case we could consider a binocular with a moderate magnification of 6x and a moderate distance binocular- sereen of 40cm. Then, maximum allowed values according to the standards are: Devations on screen at L= | US standards | Soviet standars | Others 4Qem, M = 6x Vertical éiergence <0.40em <0,17em << 0.460 Horizontal convergence <0.58em <0.236m << 0.690 Horizontal divergence <1.46¢m <0.69em <2.08em ‘All these values are discernible and mesurable on the screen and itis reasonable to assume that also lincar errors on en discernible, therefore we can conclude thatthe method is able 10 casily detect misalignments inside the tolerances specified by collimation standards, This assumes that IPD is accurately measured at the eyepieces and drawn on the sereen, because the degree to which the testis setup to deliver is critically dependant upon accurate measurement and charting ofthe IPD as itacts as a element in the ‘equation ffom which are minute error is calculated, the screen as small as 0.15em= 1/16 inch are e Incritcal cases accuracy can be increased by increasing the distance to the sereen. 3.5 Using the diameter of the solar disk as angular scale With the sun images method there is other interesting way to directly calculate the absohite misalignment « in the object space by using the size of the sun image itself as @ angular scale ‘The angular size ofthe sun is approximately 32 are minutes in diameter. Therefore, a misalignment of ¢ are minutes in the object space corresponds to the proportion «/32 of the diameter ofthe solar disk. Since this proportion is kept in projected images, we can write © /32=0/D ‘where e isthe Inear misalignment error on the screen and D is the diameter of the sun image on the screen, and theresire = (e /D).32 (€ inare minutes) Applying this formule in the case of the binocular under test (Dr. Wobler Saar Septonar 7x50) with values € 1.2Sem (see Figure 6) and D = 3em (see Figure 7) we get a misalignment value of ¢ = 13.33 are minutes. This value is very similar to the value ¢ = 13.5 are minutes found with the other formule described in paragraph 4.3: ¢ =e 3438 /(L. M). Using the sun diameter as direct minute scale defines a more accurate and straightforward method of determining the ‘minute arc alignment deviations than using the angular calculation method described in paragraph 4.3., because neither distance to the screen nor magnification are involved. (The exact magnification would have to be calculated separately and accurately for accurate results using the other anguiar calculation method). Using the sun as a ready-scaled object in image space avoids the need to calculate magnification at all 3.6 Disadvantages of the sun images method Disadvantages of the sun images method are are related to the availabilty of solar light during the test and to the fact that sun moves. Alignment tests are only possible in sunny days, provided thatthe position ofthe sun in the sky is suitable (o our work place, Possible cokd wether and wind may also be a problem, ‘Other problem arises by the fact that the sun moves in the sky at a rate of I’ each 4sec (1 are minute each 4 time seconds). This can be particularly annoying because in few seconds coincidence of sun images with reference lines is lost and displacements are comparable to the error values you are measuring, Therefore, readings have fo be quickly performed and you have fo constantly reorient the test setup at each new measurement Ifyou take photos by hand, without a tripod, you must forescen the movement of sun images before you prepare the camera fora shot. Otherwise you come always “too late” and the edge of the sun images have left the reference fines Best solution is using @ tripod for the camera, and providing the screen with a calibrated chequered sheet instead of a ‘marked sheet with the three reference lines. In this case, the instant of taking the photo is uncritical and results eam be ‘measured with the help ofthe chequered sheet on the photo We should also take into account possible damages in the binocular due to the effects ofthe sun's heat upon the ‘opties during an alignment test, because sun rays are strongly concentred inside the barrel at the proximity of prisms and eyepieces. However, Ihave not detected such effects in my tests, 4 Simplified version of the sun images method 4.1 Quick check of the alignment of a binocular Inits simplest version, sun images method allows checking alignment of a binocular without the need ofa sereen with reference lines. Holding the binocular by hand or on a tripod in ffont of a wall (or a cardboard), we orient it to project, both sun images on the wall. On the wall we will also see the shadow of the binocular body. We adjust the distance Dinocular-wall so that the size of'sun images is more or less equal to the size of shadows of eyepieves (in case of porro prism binoculars) or whole barrels (in case of roof prism binoculars). If we can superimpose sun images with eyepieces shadows, the binocular is aligned. See Figure 10, Figure 10, Checking aligment ofa binocular with simplified sun images mothed in three eases ‘On top of Figure 10 is shown e binocular facing the sun. The three bottom parts represent the shadow of the binocular in three cases. The yellow circles are the sun images. In case (A) the binolcular is aligned; optical axes are parallel and we can superimpose sun images and eyepiece shadows. In case (B) the binocular is unaligned and this superimposition is not possible. Case (C) is frequently found in binoculars. In this ease the binocular isnot strictly aligned, because optical axes diverge i an horiontal plane and superposition isnot possible. However, the divergence is easily compensated by the eyes as a normal eyes behaviour for close distances vision. ‘The alignment test with sun images is easier as we think and will detect small misalignments, The accuracy of this check is based on the fact that the bino mukilies the angular misalignment errors by its magnification. The accuracy does not depend on the magnification of the binocular, provided that the distance to the screen or wall is adjusted to produce sun images of same size in all cases (the higher is the magnification, the shorter is the distance). ‘To easily check the separation and tit ofsun images its very convenient to use a litte artifact consisting in stick (c. g 2 pencil) with two prinkeled pins or smaller sticks at a distance equal o the used IPD of the binocular. See Figure 11 ad «a th the eimpliied version of the method Figure 14, Little artifact to use ‘Then, the shadows of'stick and pins willbe usefil reference lines for checking. See Figure 12, Figure 12 shows the test ofa “Nikon 1240 CF WA’ porto binocular. Horizontal alignment of the binocular is correct, but a slight vertical misalignment can be observed. This misalignment is nappreciable in common use of the binocular 4.2. Checking ‘true collimation’ of a binocular (at all possible interpupillary distances) An interesting feature of the sun images method is that i allows to quickly check ia binocular is ‘true collimated’, ie., ifts igned at all possible interpupillary distances. This circumstance occurs when axke and optical axes are all three parallel each other; then the binocular is said to be “filly or true collimated”, Otherwise alignment is lost when IPD is changed because alignment occurs only ata determinate IPD. Then the binocular is sad to be “conditionally aligned”, Soe Figure 13. MexAFD user Fo une ruLuy ‘COLLATED’ (@uicne AT ALL ES) ‘coNmIONALLY ALIGNED! (avn ony ‘ATUSER PD) ‘To check “tue collimation” it sufces to verify alignment al two different LPD's with the sun images method, preferably at méximum and minimun TPD’s, Ifthe binocular is aligned at these two IPD's, then itis aligned at all possible IPD's, 5 Adjustment of true collimation A ‘true collimated” binocular has both optical axes and the mechanical axis (the axle of the hinge) parallel. Sun images method allows to adjust a binocular for rue collimation without the need of specific devices by using the strategy of ‘comparing the four sun images positions that the bincular projects in two cases: when the binocular hinge is fully fblded out and when the binocular hinge is filly folded in, The pattem formed by the positions of these four sun images ives suificent information on the deviation of the three mentioned axes, and with an appropiated strategy of adjustments itis possible to bring all tree axes parallel 5.1 Analysis of sun images positions Consider now a conditionally aligned binocular set at the IPD of the user. Conditionally alignment means that the ‘optical axes are parallellto each other, but they have a certain deviation with respect to the mechanical axis, This direction of this deviation cannot be directly estimated. We just realize that sun images match the distance between eyepieces and their ti. ‘This is the main problem involved in the adjustment of true collimation: to find out in which direction the optical axes are deviated fiom the mechanical one, because only this information will alow us to apply the necessary corrections in ‘order to climinate this deviation. Fortunately, the sun images method provides valuable information for that, since the sun images pattern produced by the binocular at different positions ofthe hinge is characteristic for each deviation of optical axes wilh respect of the axle, Consider the following three basic positions of the hinge A. Hinge filly folded out B. Hinge folded to the IPD of the wser. C. Hinge filly folded in, And consider also four basic deviations of the optical axes when the binocular is adjusted to the user's IPD, i.c., at hinge position B: (sense of deviations s considered as projected on the sereen, ie., when looking at the sereen) 1. To the le 2. To the right 3. Upwards. 4. Downwards. Figure 14 schematically shows the pattems of the sun images projected on a screen by the binocular, combining the three basic positions of the hinge and the four basic deviations ofthe optical axes at wse’s IPD. 7 7 3 z or ATS ws \ fos r/o VPs ABC Bo Bp ee oe sos KA 2 sp | ote kee a8 ote we lage * ” tw | te ? Flour 14 Pattoms of sun mages in a. contonaly algned binocular alee postions ofthe binoruar hinge Black dots represent the intersection of the ideal (collimated) optical axes on the screen and red dots represent the intersection of the actual optical axes on the screen. Therefore, red dots can represent sun images. Top horizontal series shows all deviations at hinge positions A, B, C. ‘Middle horizontal series shows the four basic deviations at hinge position B (uscr's IPD). Inall cases the binocular is conditionally aligned at the user’s IPD Botton horizontal series shows only the deviations at hinge positions A, C, and the red dots have been reinforced. because they depict the four basic pattems of sun images that will provide the required information to correct deviations of optical axes, Basie patterns: We can identify the four basic patterns by means ofthe following quoted informal descriptions. This can help to remember them See Figure 15. 1, “LET OPENED angle”: Slanting sun images, forming a left-hand-opened angle, Distance between sun =F. To images about the same as the IPD in both, A and C cases. It means optical axes deviated to the, correct this deviation, move objective lenses to the left. 2. “RIGHT OPENED ange’: Slanting sun images, forming a right-hand-opened angle. Distance between sun images about the same as the IPD in both, A and C cases, It means optical axes deviated to the RIGHT. To correct this deviation, move objective lenses to the right. 3. “PARALLEL tines with OPENED BOTTOM”: Horizontal sun images. Distance between sun images altered with respect to the IPD: smaller in A case, greater in C case. It means optical axes deviated PWARDS. To correct this deviation, move objective lenses upwards. 4. “PARALL TOP”: Horizontal sun images. Distance between sun images altered lines wiht OP) with respect to the IPD: greater in A case, smaller in C case. It means optical axes deviated. DOWNWARDS, To corre this deviation, move objective lenses downwards Figure 15 shows a recapitulation of the basic image pattems and the necessary corrective movements oft the objective lenses. N=HIIGEFULLY FOLDED OUT NOVEOEIECTYELENSES MOVE ORLECTELENSES MOVEODIECTIVE LENSES MIVE GEVECTIVELENSES Figure 15, Coective movements of the objective lenses in a consitionally aligned binocular in order to reach tre ‘collimation Inthe practice, any other patter is an intermediate pattern that can be handled in two steps by using the corrections of two basic patterns, 5.2. Use of the eccentric rings ‘The eccentric rings that are located around the objective lenses in most binoculars form an ingenious system that allows small displacements of the objective lenses in any transversal direction. Since the optical axis is determinated by the objective and eyepiece centers, eccentric rings movements modify the optical axis orientation. The resulting image movements are opposite to the objective lens movements. ‘There are two eccentric rings around each objective lens that can be rotated independently. Combining the angular positions of these ring itis possible to set the center ofthe objective lens on any positon inside a smal crcl, See Figure 16 where the two eccentric rings have been adjusted to form an angle of 90° ‘Ai, Ad» OFFSET VECTORS ACCORONNG OTHE POSTIONS OF RI 1 AND RNO 2 Each eccentric ring produces an oriented displacement that i represented by an offset vector as shown in the figure, ‘The vectorial sum of both offiet vectors gives the final displacement of the lens center. ‘The efféct ofthe eccentric rings movements inthe lens final postion isnot intuitive. One must think a litle in order to ‘mentally convert the rings angular positions ito near displacements, In order to facilitate this task it convenient to imagine each eccentric ring as a vector that coincides with a diameter ‘ofthe ring iselfand that goes from the thickest point of the eccentric ring to the thinnest one. See Figure 17. Figue 17. Eccentric ring vectors ‘The lens center position is defined by the orientation of these two eccentric ring vectors Figure 18 relates the position ofthe objective lens to the anguiar positions ofthe eccentric rings. It will help us to locate the lens center and to move it na controlled way. The circle schematecally represents the litle cular area ‘where the lens center can be situated (see Figure 16). This area is divided into litle zones that ae related to different orientations ofthe eccentric ring vectors, Each litle zone contains information about the orientations ofthe eccentric rings vectors that correspond to this particular zone. Figure 18, Zones diagram that relates positions ofthe objective lens center to the angular positions of the eccentric i weotors, Inthis figure only 12 possible anges for the orientations of the eccentric ring vectors have been considered, which are identified as the hours of a clock, being “12 o'clock” he top of the ciel, For example, the information “12. 3” ‘writen in a certain zone means that if we orient the eccentric ring vectors “at 12 hours” and “at 3 hours” respectively, the kos center wil fill on this ne. The zone marked “X” corresponds to the center of the tube and is reached when both eccentric ring vectors are in opposition. The diagram has blank zones without angular information, that correspond to intermediate values. This diagram should be used as a help to make the eccentric rings adjustments. For example, lt us assume that we reed to move the objective lens to the right. We have first to locate the lens center. To do this, we fist notice the positions of the eccentric ring vectors atthe objective and we look for the lite zone corresponding to these positions. Finally, we change the orientation ofthe eccentric rig vectors to the value that appears in a one situated on the right side of the present zone, Itis possible to interpolate intermediate values corresponding to blank zones with the help ofthe assigned colours. ‘The coloured zones form, approximately, circumferences each of 12 zones of same colour. Same colour means same angle between eccentric ring vectors. So, ifa determinated blank zone fills on the circumference line of a determinated colour, itis easy to estimate an intermediate adjustment by keeping the same angle between vectors 5.3 Adjusting the true collimation A said, to adjust the true colton it sufces to align the binocular at two different postions ofthe hinge (preferably at filly folded out and filly folded in). This is much more difficult than aligning a binocular at a single interpupilary distance. The reason is clear: both adjustments are mutually dependent, they influence cach other. Therefore we will reed to fx colimation atemately at two positions ofthe hinge, again and again, but ina convergent way, til the complete collimation is reached, n adjust proce low 1. As start point the binocular is supposed to be conditionally aligned at the user's IPD. 2. With sun images method check alignment at maximum and minimum hinge folding positions (A and C respectively, as described above) and with the help of Figure 15 deduce the deviation of the optical axes with respect to the axle, corresponding to the user’s IPD hinge aperture (B). 3. Set hinge at postion B (user's IPD) and write down the position ofthe eccentric vectors for each, objective ens 4, Locate the center of the objective lenses using the zones diagram in Figure 18, 5. Move the eccentric rings in order to approximately displace the center of the objective lenses in such a ‘way that the deviation of both optical axes with respect ot the axle is reduced, Use the zones diagram in Figure 18 to facilitate the eccentric rings movements. Write down the new eccentric ring positions 6. Che atignemt at this postion B by using the parallel vision method or any other method. Fine tune alignment by slightly moving the eccentric rings ifecessary. 7. Repeat steps 2 to 6 tillthe binocular is completely collimated. Ifthe corrections are done in the proper direction, the succession of adjustments must be convergent and finaly true collimation is reached. Its highly recommended to mark the eccentric rings with an easily visible dot on their thinnest point, as shown in previous figures, in order to immediately visualize the vectors. Itis alo recommended to write down all performed adjustments, in order not to be lost during the procedure, ‘The complete collimation performed in this way requires a great amount of patience! 6 Conclusions «The simimages method for checking misalignment of binoculars uses the sun as source of colimated fight and a simple test seup consisting in support forthe binocular anda sereen ‘+ Misalignment of the binocular are detected by comparing the two sun images projected by the binocular ‘on the soreen wit reference lines marked on the same sereen, ‘© From measured deviation errors on the screen itis possible to calculate absolute misalignment angles of the binocular. ‘+ Since error deviations on the screen are proportional to the distance binocular-screen, accuracy ean be increased by setting the sereen further. ‘© The achieved accuray allows to detect misalignments that are inside the tolerances specified in collimation standards, ‘+ A simplified version of the method —though not so accurate- can be used in the fieKl for a quick test without the need of marked or calibrated scale. In this ease, sun images are compared with shadows of eye pieces on any surface acting as screen, An easy to make artifact consisting in a stick and two pins improves this simplified version ot the method. ‘+ The sun images method allows checking ifa binocular is “true collimated’, ic, ifboth optical axes and the axle are parallel each other ‘+ Adjusting “true collimation’ ofa binocuiar is possible without father devices because analysis ofthe sun inrages given by the binocular at two separated position of the binocular hinge gives enough information on the actual direction ofthe optical axes and on the way they must be moved in order to match the axe direction ‘© Disadvantages of the method are related to the availabilty of solar light and to the fact that the sun moves. 7 Acknowledgments 1. To Ed Zaranski, moderator ofthe ‘Binoculars forum of Cloudy Nights, who read the frst description of the sun images method, made remarks to it and helped me to clarfy woak points ofthe method. 2, To M.Clark, member of the ‘Binoculars forum of Cloudy Nights, who made useful comments and remarks on the ‘accuracy of this method and pointed out using the size ofthe sun Image itself as a scale to calculate the absolute mmisaligment, 3. To Bill Cook, exper in binoculars, who coined the terms “rue collimation” and “consitionsl alignment” commonly used in binoculars literature, 4. To Peter Abrahams, leader ofthe Binocular History Society, who provided references to standards for binocular collimation in diferent email lists on binoculars (see "Binocular List #9: 2/3/98. Collimation” and Binocular List 1246: 25 February 2008. (End of article)

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