Rainforest F and R

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Rainforest Animals

By Felita and Raphy

A toucan can be found in
Mexico ,Central America
and the Caribbean
Islands.the toucan likes to
eat nuts,fruit and small
insects.The toucans nest is
in tree holes to keep
themselves hidden from

A frog can usually be
found in the united
states. Frogs Like to
eat flys. Frogs Live in
the water and on
land.Frogs can jump.



A heliconid butterfly can be
found in places like North
America and Brazil.heliconid
butterfly's like to eat necter
from flowers just like normal
butterfly's. Heliconid
butterfly's rest on trees or
plants.Heliconid butterfly's
can live up to six months

A Reticluted Python can
be found in Southern
Asia.A reticluted Python
likes to eat
chickens,dogs and
cats.The reticluted
Python lives near ponds
or rivers.

Butterfly's can be found
in every country and
every state.A butterfly
likes to eat necter from
flowers.A butterfly's
home is a cocoon.

A raven can be found in a
tree.ravens eat worms.A
raven lives in a tree.

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