Rainforest J and M

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Rainforest Animals

By Jaedin and Max

Squirrel monkey
A Squirrel monkey
lives In central and
southern America.It
eats fruit and nuts
and eggs.its habitat
is the canopy.

The siamang an be found
in trees.The siamang eats
fruit, nuts, eggs and small
vertebrates.The siamang,s
habitat is Malaysia and
Indonesia.The swing from
tree to tree yusing there
arm only.

Reticulated python
It lives in southern
Asia.It eats
chickens,dogs and
cats, bIrds,deer, pigs
and humans.Its habitat
is near water.

Rh i n o c e ro s B e e t l e
T h e Rh i n o c e ro s B e e t l e c a n
b e f o u n d i n Ce n t ra l A n d
S o u t h e rn A m e ri c a n d so m e
p a rt s o f A u st ra l i a .
T h e Rh i n o c e ro s B e e t l e e a t s
f ru i t , n e c t a r a n d t re e sa p .
T h e y l i ve u n d e r a l o g . T h e y
h a v e a l a rg e h o rn f o r
d e f e n si v e p u rp o se s.

Poison dart frog

It lives in Bolivia,c osta
ric a,Peru,Colombia, brazl and many
other parts of Central Americ a.It eats
Ants, termites and spiders.Its habitat
is near ponds, streams and rivers.

The red eyed tree frog

The red eyed tree frog can
be found in southern
Mexico and Central
America.It eats smaller
frogs, insects and
crickets.It lives near ponds,
streams and rivers.

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