Chromatic Number

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1. Ts, dhe depree off (3) in — (8, Bj) 1 Consequently, he ges Fn Hy a Be Pron tha ok rom Hkaving thse eds mot ‘conaining 3 which, being the edges fan r-yperiee of oder m1 (on venes set ~ (2). may also be pruned, by indtion. 1 ‘We close wih an observation about te iden (1.4). 1 sno immedi) ‘bvius fom [6] thatthe bounds (1.1 become idence when each of he events ‘Atos Ay ise sample space 2, However, he ler fom (14) since each robb ermthen becomes unity reroduing he known combs entity Semb)-eo3) ‘witha protic ierpretaton Acknowledgement ‘Thanks to Alex Ros fr use dscssons, References 1.DAA. Grable, Two packing problems on k-matrold ees, Aubar University (1989). grepein. 2. Hap ering Boneron ond, Sai. and Pah et 3985), {FM Hoppe, and Seneta, A Bovfrroaknpe identity and permutation bounds, erat Statist. Rew. $8 (1991), 253-261. 4:D, Hunter. An upper bound forthe probably ef @ ion, 3. Appl. Prob. Baste, 597-603. ‘5.8, Sena, Degree raion, and permutation in improving Bonferronipe bounds, Aus J Sas 9A (198), 27-38, 6.1. Tomesea, typerrees and Bowferron!ineguais,. Comb, Tor BA] (i986), 208-217 mw ‘On the Game Chromatic Number of some Clase of Graphs U. Faigle, U: Kem, Faculty of Applied Mathematics University of Twente 7500 AE Enschede the Neheriands ond HL Kierstad, W.T Tote Department of Mathai ‘rion State University ‘Tempe, Arizona 88787-1804 USA. Astra Camere ning pen gent rh Pe serosa Eckman clang sprue eS pep ‘ngage son, Teme ns seregeenes genre Foes wtsifated Gece Gwe Moye ia ‘maker 10) sch Pers ng gy? png a ‘Tanner wesw 90) 4 fr cache Fh rem foe AQ) Oleg rare laws tme Ton np VO) © ‘go tr ee pea pg Fay wend X30) = or ‘ne pp Toke mug (2) em emt einer ot ‘rawr ert mnseen for ns bes 1. Introduction. ‘Consider he following two-person game on a graph @. Players and 1 move sliemaingly wih Payer T moving fist, sy- Each move consis in choosing 2 ‘rte, sty, which rot yetcooredand assigning one color rom a especie Seto colo ots hat the resulting pat coloring of G has no two adjacent ‘verees bering the same color. The game ends 2 Soon as ne ofthe two lay- {scan no longer execute a feasible move. Pye wits al verees of Gare ‘colored: therese Payer I wins. “The game chromatic number (C2) of @ ste sles number eos sch that thee is a winning Suucey foe Payer I. Bodlendcr {190} introduces the ‘me chromatic number ad stasis computational complexity. He shows or ‘xample, dat (T) < § hols fr wees Tan exhibis wes satstying (7) > 4 (ost of his sults, however, deal wi a variation of he above game, in which the vertices of @ have to be chosen na prespecified ode) ‘We stuly (6) for seve clases of graphs. In Section 2, we improve Bod Juender’s bound (7) <4 for uses abd induce a modified ealring game ‘on ees, which it wef framing oer lass of grap. In Secon 3, we ARS COMBINATORIA. 35(1993), pp. 143-150, look at graphs @ whose eds sare unon of edge sof ues and prove 4G) » Ot log (G) for Bxed . We, farbarmor, exhibit inte number of raph that areurons of wo tres ad sus) (@) > e-log [for some con Sant > 0. A diet aplication of thse esate yk 4(@} ~ O(log) foe planar graphs G. (The poblem of detenining nnvialower bounds remains ‘open fr planar gaps) Secuon 4s devoted interval graphs which tum ou Wostsy 4(G) < 3u(G) ~2. Ina paps with (2) © D(C) can be comin Tay be interesting o observe that may of or results fr upper Bounds on -x(@) sel refer toa generalization ofthe coloring game ine towing way {nsead of “coloring” vertices, the players jst “ark” vers of the graph altematingly Player sess Soon some unmaed vertex of is cen 1 ‘more tan K marked veres. What ise minimum numer K sch that Player ‘has winning strategy? 2. Trees, Inhis section, we willeonsider graphs that dont contain yee, Theres 0 oss in generality when we assume that hese grap are consid ih sare tess, ‘Bolaenr (199) hes shown thatthe game chromate number (7) ofa wee T sass (7) < Sand tha here are ues with (7) 4 ‘Theorem 1. IFT iste then (7) < 4 ‘Proof; We will give a winning sraegy for the eooring game deserted inthe ‘node using aly 4 color Iniay, Player choses an arbitrary veneer of, which wil henceforth be called the oo, and assigns some calor oi During the whole game, Pye ‘anne asus Ty of hat conta al the veres colored so far Player T Inializes 7 » (7). ‘Suppose now that Payer has just moved by coloring vertex v. Let P he the {igue)erctd pa rom tin and let be he st vex P has in common ‘with. Then Player doc he following () Update 5: = 75 UP. @ is uncolored, assign a feasible color ow (@) WaiscoloedandT, contains an uncolored veexv € Ty. asigna feasible colerto 4) Wattvericesin Ty arceolred, color any vertex aljcen ios ax update Te= RUG} {iscler ht his strategy of Payer guaraniges each player he existence ofan ‘uncolored verex wi at mos 3 colored olor ntl the whole es colored, 1 « Let ws now conde a matication ofthe coloring game in which Player I is allowed to color 3 vetes in one move. We denote by the modied game coloring number, ‘Theorem. There isaconstant «such hat fr every wee with » vertices the ‘madied game coloring number (7) sashes WT) < e-og Proof: The winning strategy for Payer is as fellows. Before hs rth move the SV" of uncolored verze 01 partiens ino ao erty connected components ‘foo S{ ( Es6.y 2h (alan + ota cae e Thnelieet C42 DI 4 4 ‘We will we elim A and cla B with k= [|< 3 inorder analyse the move ‘of player Informally, the two proper inpy tt play Il canot reat ny Tage consced components an increase thir potent” the same ime. To bem define, essay that acomponeat of uncolored vercos i Large fis reed weight atisies 9S) > 18; eterwise itis small I follows fom claim ‘at Plyer cannot induce large components when coloring almost 3 verces f Sunless cli B bacemes applicable in tho analy Lets, be te nonempty consected components of uncolored verices ater mover Tot payer. Weassecite with this collection of components the poten! r= APIA He A/D, us where sj = (5) ~ 1. Note tat he contribution of small component 10 te ‘Potent gi always bounded by 4/9)" < 134 Claim C: 4p — des < Bm “Toprove claim G, conse he situation after Player's (r—1)stmove Payer Weoors 3 verze and Us dees parton of he remaning uncolored ve ties io coneciedcomponcns Sf. Let se the maximal edd weight ‘occuring in hs parton and denoe by g. the associated porn. Tr < 17, then Payer 1 wil ao keap al components small nis tn move. Thus befor Sy < In assune, etre, hat «> 18, Suppose Player color vertes, 1 < k < 3, $y 50 that indo he new components S.-i, <8, ten tS ew componcns ae all smal Is; > 9, thon li B sys tat eer exactly lage companca creat the ot contribution to + asst mos rot all compooens. Moreover, if exaly 1 lage component arises rom 5 thea tenet contin wo 9 comes from small coments pls possibly a vale ‘ound by GP) pt itke2 pyr! tees mater words, we obtain the bound fonder <4) + tn, (On te ober hand, Plycr's rategy for aryng out move yes decrease of $1 ofat least ea Gp teed capt = 14/9" Because «> 18, we observe S 4/9" 204/3). Or ~ Boa) + Ping =F) < 134, ‘The relation 4 < 134 now ia direct consequence of claim C. I plist (8) = O(log») hoks fr all connected components $ of uncolored vertices occuring afte ny move of Player, which groves te theorem, 1 uwil fal tom th prot of Thecrem 3 gether with Tore 4 below ta ‘Theorem I cael sbstantly be improved. I we deine B{n) = max (F(T) | P wee on meres) then teria constant 2 > 0 such thar 3(n) > Zo mor aiitely many n M6 23. Unions of trees ‘We now tum ouratention told rer, thats 1 graphs scan easing as stunon of Ewes. 1G isaunion of tes. Tyee 0 sn generality ‘when we assume hat each we 7; i spanning tee of. To keep our discussion Simple, we will ony conser 2-fld wees, thatthe ease k= 2. Nowe at the ‘al chromatic numer of 2 fold oe G satsisx(@) < 4. The station ts ‘ut tobe que erent forte game chromatic number 72). ‘Theorem 3. Thr ita constant c such tha each 2-fol wwe Gon m vertices sates 4G) S clog Prof: Assume G isthe union of te wes 7 and 73. We wil bound the gare _@romatie number OFG bythe modi game chromatic numbers of and: HO) SHUT) #9015) ‘To soe that his cation holds, compare the sitston fr Player Tat move r+ 2 withthe stain at move: some “opponent” has colored 3 vere in the ‘meanie. winning suategy fr Player can tus consist in playing according {othe modifi eoerng game relaive 107; ifr is even and eave to Ts is oa. 1 “Theorem 4. There i an ifn clas of old wees @ satistying 4(@) > ‘og, n, where w is the number of vertices of G. Prof We ona paph fm he comple graph Kent» 2 ves follows: we rece cath og of Ky by 2¢ pr ogesan sich Sige isoay ioe ene, Neclahath game cena Sass) > tp ee ver tof Kan 9) Be tbe Yee ae ne th cas tewsen snd by the sino. We Ge coking Sey fo Fert which wl crema fe oo he py to we (E+ Dx ee “srg dios no ruse he ou asia 02° aye ‘Ae stot he (+ Dsttom. = Ook I, bee wil bea sb H/C, or encore eos cach of wich adic one ay ‘chat win cola fora™ Tress LetM boa mates fn On Sih py ofan, Pay icles an ance vet oft 09) ‘ited sl wey tbe beef My Nest chavo il {vaste eset auth have en thn pay oe ‘Ate end ofthe ihc exhot be vers ni agit vere soled and ats af ib nce. Ts he nol vets of SES ste tmn E- Cley. ark ronds, ns fb Yer n Xe wear Ceo ei 1 ur fs sraighorvando extend he mosified game on auce othe ake wher the onpancat may cole & vertices, With he potent function Bey" (ee = € then the analogue of Theorem 2 can be proved. Hence, othe siement of core 3 hols fr A-fold wes (exe). As pplication we ar edo Cerary 5. Toei acne sch tat ex plang Gow vers satisfies = 41) < clogn. Prot Because cach planar graph contains some vere of degree a most 5, ech plana graphs 5fld es, 1 ‘We donotknow wicier Cooly 58 "bes posible” many sn, Infact we ‘now nating bout the gine chromatic umber of seis paral pps, See ‘allel graphs are, in prcul, planar fold wes) terval graphs Recall thatthe waph isa interval graph i is iemorpie wo sme graph {G(1) where the venices oF G1) are a et! f intervals. the real ine and eo dlinetinervas i € Fare consderedadacem in GUD) se 4. iscanve- eno think ofan ical graph = G1) inte fs interval representation 1: Theres ols in generality when we assume tha all intrvls i hae ually distinct ft endpoints 29) and matly dsc sght endpoints (9. eis ‘wellknown hat he interval graph allows fesibcoeringwithw( 2) cal, ‘where u(G) denoes he iz of argest clique in ‘Theorem 6, The game chromatic number (G) ofthe interval graph @ = G1) suises AG) <3) 2 Pron: We give a winning sraegy fr Player using 34(C) ~ 2 coos. Atcach ‘um Payer Tasigns a feasbe coor wo he unigue interval € I such ht, (@) i posit, contains he lat interval colored by Payer Mand (©) sect o (haste les right endpoint 3). remain to prove tat this strategy works. Fist we invodae some notation, [Ata given sage ofthe game let C be the se of colored interval Define the ore eight and mide degre 24(2), eran ema) by eta) = IU € CVAD EH eral = 1G € CVA HD EP md = I VI) CAN 18 ‘Cleat ci) ander) ever exceed a(G) — 1. Tema #0, et w(0) = max{Q(H):b€ Fund Ci. “Te Teorom now follows fom the Lem 7 Lemma 7, Ar te end of every play by Player I for every uncolored intra 4g thre are at east emd{s) colered intervals k such that Boh +8) ad so(0 € kr bence, emi) ri). This increases te numberof colored intvals k such tat bh 10 Chanda) eb 1 ‘To complete the proof of Theorem 6, note ta athe end of any play by Player say itera is adjacent of d= elds) + er) +emdCs) colored neva. So ¢ 3u(G) ~ 4, and ate san of Payer T's neat tn, d < 3e(G) ~3 and 30(G) ~ 2 eae slice. 1 ‘We donot know wheter the upper bound in Theorem 6 can be improved in general. When proving lower bounds onthe game chromatic number f te class ‘tineral gaps, we may assume that Player plays istona graph by aking twodisntcopes of@.Itiseasytshow at foreach, ee san interval graph GQ witn(@) = ant 9g 32066) -2. Indo et Payer lay st on the graph Ks + fu. where G + H dene soi’ copies of G and 1 with al possible edges between he verices of Gand 1. and Ty a ndepeadct sem verces. On each play Player I cok a ‘wetex ofthe independent set with an unused color. He ean we at east — coos before Payer I colors al the vertices of Ki wth ~ 1 ferent oles. Similay, ent) + Kant + 1+ Kot + fyy-) has game chromatic number 2 — 1 when Payer Tt goes ist. We mention witout going into deals at ‘tral grap can be constructed wih ame chromate number 2, Finally, we observe that he following sae. which we call he greedy sat gy, 6m elective for Payer I. When following the greedy srtgy, Payer vay colors vertex whose nelghborbood has ben colored wih tbe maximum ‘umber o eso us ‘orem 8. Forever k here exis anita raph G such that w( @) = 3, ut Payer can fre & cokes I Player Tues the presets. Prot: Again, assume tat Player It goes ist. Let @ consist of 2+? dixjoint copies of Ks Player I's suaegy consis of F~ 2 roan. At the star of he ‘th ound there ate 2" copies of Xa +, such that none of the pins in the ‘have buen colored and exactly ¢—1 ofthe plas inthe have een coord, sing thecal 1, ~ 1- layer Il eompees the round in 2°" plays by ‘lorng on point ro each these fy with coor + 1. Payer must respond by ‘compete coloring 27 ofthe eliqus Kz, Ths, afer E~ 2 rounds colors ‘wilhave eon used 1 References 1. FLL, Badande [1990], On the complexity of some coloring games, Pro ‘cedings of WA 1990, Workshop om Graph Theareucal Coneepis i Com- utr Sience, Springer Lecture Notes in Cone Science, pe). ‘The Number of Rooted Maps ‘with a Fined Number of Vertes ~Zhicneng Gao Deparment of Combinatorics and Optimization University of Waeoo ‘Wateioo, Ontario, Canada N2L 361 Asia Lt Tym) sp, Fm) eB mane ef ed ge ‘tetera te a eek ae en EETice Ber Ciel ad Renard saad egg oma Haid ms eos eg nla Vemma heron, Eager a m0 de wh ml oe ‘esltiefineens of ein fom Dy a abr al oe 1. tnoction ‘Aap icone graph G embed in sure 5 such a ay Bat very conpanct ofS ~G (alld fac) satpeogea dk. A maps rotd by di ngsting an dg, ction log te cde ands sis of the edge. ought ewe g = 1=x/2 w dene he pp of sure with Euler dare x Fran rnb srt, gt same athe genus” (Seo (2] for more dts ost ore) ‘Conder mene ot maps which have some dings es inden by ani st Lt pz) Be generang faction for sch maps on 2 rnb surtace Of pe 9, mre mats the number of faces whch ae Tei rot sno he sugubed fs, y aks We ot es valency day = (a4 € 1) mrt be valk fe dongs ace, Wesiry ele Aig.) for nn-oenbl sues, and ee Mym(2bo8) = Ma 2.21) + My 9.20) Lt Tym) = C2 Diam Hay) Pym) = C2" 1 a, 18) Thoma) C2 gdp 9.80) Pon La hy C0) ‘Then Tn, (respectively, Pn) iste numberof reked maps onan oi enable’ (espectvely, no-vienable) surface of type 9, which have m veres fad wfaces. m,n) ad Pn) athe number of sch maps with root face Yaleny k Bend, Ciaedand Richmond (3 obsned asymp formulas or Ty(omm) and Pym, 9) when < m/c 1/eand mn oo. Ith pape, we “May te exreme case when one of mands ted while he ler goes 0 nn- iy: By dali, we only need 0 study the case when m is ned. The one-veriex ARS COMBINATORIA 35(1993), pp. 151-159

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