Double-Journal Entry Example 1

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Josh Barnett

Miss Barnett
English 9
24 November 2014
Waiting For You by Susane Colasanti
Pg. 11

Im completely crispy.

Pg. 12

Its weird how time can change something

you though would always stay the same.

Pg. 15

Pg. 20

Pg. 25

I dont care about how I look (shoulderlength blonde hair with natural highlights,
brown eyes that have these green flecks if the
light hits them the right way, not fat or skinny,
white T-shirt, jeans, black Converse).
His brain is like this industrial sponge that
sucks everything in and keeps it trapped there
Its a friendly plant.

Waiting for you

Double Entry Journal

I think this quote is representing a metaphor because of the
comparison of herself to crispy. She isnt really crispy they
were just trying to add some emphasis on the fact she was
very hot.
I interpret this quote to be saying, over time she started to
lose things that she thought would always be there like her
friendship with Nash.
I think this quote shows imagery. Reading this quote I can
visualize her with focus and clarity like she is standing before

This shows a simile by comparing Nashs brain to an

industrial sponge while using the word like.
Personification is given to this inanimate object, saying that a
plant is friendly while plants cannot be friendly that is a
quality of a human.
Due to the recurrence of the word waiting in this passage,
this is the motif of the book. Throughout the whole book it
recurs, and bears an important relationship to the theme of
this work.

Pg. 68

Were all bored and desperate and waiting

for something to happen. Waiting for life to
get better. Waiting for things to change.
Waiting for that one person to finally notice
us. Were all waiting.
Then she pounds down the stairs, thumping
like an elephant.

Pg. 71

But when Sandra has an opinion, thats it.

Its carved in stone.

The use of the exaggeration its carved in stone to provoke

the strong emotion, states that this is a hyperbole.

Sifting through the photos of family picnics

and trips to Vermont and all of us hiking and
my parents like kids swimming in the river,
all of these memories come rushing back at
me in one big wave. The intense emotion
washes over me, but I dont know what its
Shes a laser.

Thats very interesting. I often look through family photos,

too. When looking at the photos, I always wonder what
everything was like before my parents had me and my
brother. Just like in Marisas photos they look like they have
no care in the world like kids, I like seeing them happy.
Especially when we look at the photos together!

Pg. 41

Pg. 89

Pg. 103


No. I have to be all worried about my

parents, and Im so angry at my dad. I want to
tell Sterling about the separation, but I cant. If

The comparison of Sandra (Marisas sister) to an elephant

stomping while using like shows a simile.

I like how in this sentence they refer to Eileen (peer of

Marisa) to a laser due to her attentiveness to the teacher. This
is a metaphor because she is being compared to the laser
without using like or as.
I wonder why Marisa wont tell her best friend about the
separation, I know it would be hard to tell her so soon but it
may be for the better. Whenever I am upset about something

Pg. 140

I say it, then its real.

How could something that felt so right
actually be so wrong?

if I converse with someone else on the topic I find clarity.

I have never found that something so right was actually
wrong. I can relate on having a relationship as did Marisa but
she picked the boy that was more popular even though she
knew she should have picked the one she loves to be around,
thats what I did.

Pg. 194

Nash glares at Rachel for the bajillionth


I knew when Marisa says bajillion that she was exaggerating,

so I came to a conclusion that is was a hyperbole.

The rain fluctuates between drizzle and

torrential. It messes with your mind. It makes
you think things will always be like this,
never getting better, always letting you down
right when you though the worst was over.

Marisa is so sad. Some sorrowful things happened to her

with losing her best friends, her parents splitting, and now
her boyfriend is talking to his ex. If this were me I would not
be able to go through all she is. I have a close friends, a very
cohesive family, and a trustworthy boyfriend to lose all of
that and then it regress, thats very hard.
I love this sentence. It is saying that she wants the feeling in
her life with Nash back but its too late. She wishes she could
get even just the feeling back but it is now diminished.
I can relate to Marisa in this quote, in all my classes when the
teacher gives us an assignment we complain and do not want
to do it. I like to do assignments in math and science but most
people dont like to do them and then moan and groan,
especially in English class.
I know how Marisa feels. Recently, my pappy passed away
and it was very hard on my family. The last time we went to
visit Pittsburgh, he seemed happy as can be. My dad knew
things were bad but my brother and I never saw it coming,
just like Marisa being blindsided with the lies in her family.
This is a very clever statement that sums up all of her feelings
around that time.
I dont like how Marisa finally notices Nash because he gets
new clothes and starts to care for himself more She should
notice him for his personality not just looks. Yes, I know it is
nice to have a man that is good looking but in the long run to
hold a strong relationship you need to be able to be around
each other and get along. She is way to judgmental!
I wonder why she keeps using the term maybe and question
her every move. I personally believe god has a plan for
everyone and you need to follow his ways to find his ultimate
plan for you, but Marisa is only looking to make herself
happy. I think she needs to focus more on the little things
then it will all fall into place.
This sentence sums up the whole book. After numerous trys
and encounters she figured out what she wanted and what
she need to accomplish to find him. Little did she know he
was right in front of her.

Pg. 195

Pg. 215

This bittersweet nostalgia of all the times

well never live again. Its intense.

Pg. 234

Everyones complaining because we have to

do graphs for this activity and were only
supposed to do graphs in science and math.

Pg. 261

Things fall apart, even when you think

theyre stronger than anything you could ever

Pg. 291

Pg. 306

Pg. 320

Hes not typical Nash, with crumpled shirt

and crazy hair and horn-rimmed glasses. Hes
got this whole new-and-improved thing going
on. Hes styling Nash. He has a new haircut
and new clothes and is that product in his
Maybe its hard to see whats right in front of
you while youre frantically searching for it.
And maybe Ive finally found what Im
looking for.

So just like that, I walk out of this life. And

into the one Ive been waiting for.

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