Leroux Aasl Job Description Memo

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TO: Principal Smith

FROM: Alicia LeRoux

RE: Library Position 2015-2016
When hiring for the new librarian position for the 2015-2016 school year, I hope that you will consider
using a new job description. The American Association of School Librarians job description greatly
entails what it means to be an effective librarian. Since I will be applying for the new position, I can
assure you that I am trained to be a 21st Century Librarian for our school. The current job description
for our district states essential job functions, such as a librarian who will furnish information on
library activities, demonstrate procedures for searching catalog files, and arrange displays of books. A
21st Century Librarian has dynamic roles and responsibilities, not just functions.
The AASL job description describes five main roles and responsibilities todays librarian should have.
The AASL job description states that a librarian should be a leader, instructional partner, information
specialist, teacher, and a program administrator. I am currently in a 21st Century School Librarian
program of study at Longwood University. Below, I demonstrate ways that I have been trained to
become a school librarian and meet the job description requirements of the AASL.
As a leader, I maintain an active membership in a professional association. I am currently a member of
the Virginia Association of School Libraries, and will attend the fall conference. I subscribe to
professional listservs such as LM_NET for school library media specialists worldwide. This keeps me
current with the latest trends in the library profession.
As an instructional partner, I collaborate with teachers and students to design and teach engaging
inquiry and learning experiences and assessments that incorporate multiple literacies and foster critical
thinking. I currently implement this in my history classroom by coaching my students to ask Why?
and What if? By conducting effective research, looking at primary and secondary sources, and
creating collaborative student groups, my students are using their 21st century skills every day.
As an information specialist, I organized the collection in the library for maximum and effective use.
While completing my clinical hours, my projects included weeding, researching what materials were
needed, and genrefying the fiction section.
As a teacher, I read for understanding, for exposure to diversity of viewpoints and genres, and for
pleasure. Just recently, I completed coursework for both Young Adult Literature and Childrens
Literature. Both of these classes have prepared me to work in a middle school library since many of the
reading selections and author studies bridge the gap during these transitional years.
As program administrator, I will continue to create and maintain a teaching and learning environment in
the library that is inviting, safe, flexible, and conducive to student learning. Learning should be fluid
and continuous. As I have maintained in my classroom, I will continue to foster an environment
whereby students love to learn. I want students to consider, reflect, and question as they learn to learn.
I hope this memo reflects the need to use the AASL job description for the upcoming school year. Our
school needs someone with such qualities.

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