My Media Evaluation - Question 3

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My Media evaluation Question

3 What Have You Learned

From Your Audience Feedback?
By Thomas Cutmore

My Audience Demographic
The demographic of my audience primarily aims for the age group
of 17 19 year olds who are middle class white British. However,
could also fit in with white Hungarian as well. This is because the
actor fits within the age and class group, and also meeting that
ethnic majority, which, audience of those categories could fit into,
but the cinematography and photography was done by a white
Hungarian, which if the production was successful, the
photographer could get more notice from Hungary as well as
Britain. My music video also fits with both genders, female and
male in all sexual agendas as although the music video only
focuses on one male performer, as well as attracting female
attention, it could also attract male attention as well.

My Audience Demographic
I am also aiming for my audience to be interested in
media products related to the genre of my production
itself, such as alternative rock music and fans of bands
such as Bring Me The Horizon, You Me At Six and Don
Broco. The main reason for the choice of these bands as
not only do they share a same/similar music taste, but
also are all British, which could help strengthen the
network between British music as people who listen and
enjoy British rock music from British artists may be
tempted to look at the production from the band we

How my questionnaire was

structured/types of questions I used.
I asked 9 A Level students, 4 males, 5 females to evaluate my media
production. The total number of students were made up of both
media and non media students, with a wide range of interests and
tastes in both style and music.
The types of questions in my questionnaire that I used were
questions ranging from how the video kept the audiences attention,
how they liked the camera work and editing, enjoyment overall,
standard of mise-en-scene and if they found the length appropriate,
and in my own questionnaire, the overall cinematography. These
questions were useful in terms of helping me build a demographic of
my audience and compare it to my rough demographic as I can use
the results to see how different genders with different music and
style preferences find my music video.

The results of my questionnaire.

Overall I received a positive response on my music video
production as the results of the questionnaire varied between
the scores of 3 5 in terms of sophistication, enjoyment and
presentation of aspects in my music video (i.e. camera angles
and editing).
Also by using local locations in my music video, such as
Riverside and Castle Gardens, it has allowed the audience to
tap into and understand the music video more as they
recognise the locations to where the music video has been
filmed in. My questionnaire can back this up as the results of
my mise en scene scored between 4 and 5 from both

Evaluating my questionnaire.
In my questionnaire it showed that males had a higher
interest in the aspects of the camera work, editing,
mise-en-scene and overall enjoyment. One the female
side there was still enjoyment and still found the
aspects of the music enjoyable, but not as much as the
males as on the questionnaires that two of the female
participants answered, the questions on holding the
attention and the standard of mise-en-scene were given
3s, where as the males were 4s and 5s. This could be
because of how the males link themselves to the actor
as the actor is a male as well.

However so, one female participant who shared the same interest in the music
genre and fashion sense gave a high response in terms of enjoyment, which could
re inforce how people who share the same music and style preferences could tap
into the music video better than others. This could be linked with media theorist
Stuart Hall with his encoding and decoding theory. This theory could be linked to the
audience being able to decode the images and messages being held in the music
video as they can tap into the music video through the mise-en-scene and other
aspects of the video such as costume etc.
As the music video holds the theme of social isolation and depression, it could
appeal to those who are taking psychology and/or sociology as it could help them
look into how the individual sees the world and what it feels to be them. 2 of my
participants, one male, one female both studied psychology who found the music
video appealing in terms of attention as both scores were 5s, and understood the
story in higher detail as the themes of the music video interested them as after the
questionnaire I asked them in terms of enjoyment and understanding and they gave
positive and enthusiastic responses.

Evaluating the value of my audience

The value of my audience feedback was vital in terms of
judging the audience demographic in terms of male and
female and also seeing if the music/style preferences
also play a part of how the audience enjoys the music
In terms of the most enjoyable feature of my music
video, between males and females, was the editing and
camera angles/work. This could be as we used a range
of both in terms of techniques and how we structured
the edit to provide a complex and enjoyable music

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