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Proposal Information

Project Title:

Robotics Youth Summer Camp

Project Type:

Special Program

Start Date:


End Date:


Project Budget:


Request Amount:$2,250
Description of Project or Program:
We plan to conduct a one-week summer camp for rising freshmen.
In order to take advantage of the students interests in the middle
school robotics team, we plan to focus on robotics. This necessitates
the purchase of three robotics kits at a discounted price to
accommodate approximately 16 students. Each kit costs $750 and will
allow four students on a team to complete a robot. These three kits,
along with another that had been previously purchased, will allow
these students to work in four teams to learn STEM skills needed to
build and program a robot. Building and programing robots not only
teaches the STEM skills students need but also provides tangible
evidence of those skills. The summer camp should help increase the
participation in STEM-related classes and extracurricular activities by
students entering high school. The aim to increase participation will
affect multiple science-related extracurricular activities, such as
Engineering Club, Robotics Club, the Envirothon Team, and the Science
Olympiad Team. The faculty needs an increase in student participation
in order for these organizations to benefit a broader group of students.
Active participation in any activity fuels the growth of the teenage
mind. Yet, especially in scientific endeavors, active participation is
limited by equipment. And equipment can be costly. When students
are not given opportunities to have an active role in scientific
endeavors, they have less interest in the activities that would instill the
STEM skills so important to being globally competitive. Hence, in a
school that has 58 percent of the student body identified as
economically disadvantaged, funds are not available to purchase
surplus supplies nor do the parents of these students have the funds to

March 22, 2015

provide the equipment. To increase STEM skills, we must attempt to

increase access to and participation in scientific endeavors.
The purpose of this proposal is to initiate a summer camp that
would transition middle school students who participate in robotics into
the high school robotics program or other science-related endeavors.
Since few students participate in science-related extracurricular
activities at LHS, the robotics camp would promote science-related
extracurricular activities to incoming freshmen. By the end of tenth
grade at LHS, only about 45 percent of students (about 30 percent of
minorities and economically disadvantaged students respectively) are
considered proficient in science. By increasing participation in sciencerelated extracurricular activities, we may be able to increase scientific
While the Lincoln County School District has a summer camp for
science aimed toward elementary students, there is no such camp for
students in the middle or high school grades. This project aims to
create a science-centered summer camp specifically for those students
transitioning to high school. The goal of this camp is to encourage
these students to participate in more STEM-related course work and
academic endeavors during their high school careers. We believe
exposure to a science-centered camp during the summer before
entering high school will make students more comfortable in the high
school setting (as the camp will take place at the high school). That
comfort level will make freshmen more likely to participate in
extracurricular activities. Students who begin extracurricular activities
as freshmen are more likely to continue those activities and are more
likely to graduate high school.
In addition, students will develop 21st century skills. Students will
work in teams to create robots. This will require skills in collaboration,
communication, problem solving, and critical thinking. The project will
require students to apply information gained through core subjects,
which will strengthen students understanding of those core subjects.
Having to make and program the robots will increase students
technological knowledge and abilities to apply that knowledge.
Furthermore, students will be exposed to the varied possibilities
offered by science. They will be exposed to the possibilities of science
in a way that will promote science as a worthwhile activity and to
career possibilities in engineering and computer science.

March 22, 2015

Finally, the project will gain attention for the sciences in the
community through the media plan, grab the interest of students
before they even begin high school, and allow the high school students
chosen to act as assistants to develop leadership and problem solving
skills. In addition, the project is in highly qualified hands. Adam
Benoit, the projects director, is a National Board Certified teacher and
holds a masters degree in science education. He was chosen as LHSs
2011-12 Teacher of the Year. His ideas about teaching science have
been published in The Journal of Science Teacher Education. He has
presented teaching and grading methods to the school and the school
district. He also has implemented multiple projects utilizing grant
money in the past. These include money from and
from local grants for the purchase of Probeware ($2,000) and for
plasma physics supplies ($1,800).
Piedmont Service Area:

Lincolnton, NC

Geographic Area: (2000 character maximum)

Lincolnton is in the Charlotte metropolitan area, situated approximately
25 miles northwest of Charlotte. It is located on US 321 between
Gastonia, NC, and Hickory, NC.
If funded, will this contribution provide any benefits such as goods,
services or facilities to Piedmont Natural Gas and/or their employees?
Evaluation Process: (2000 character maximum)
We will assess the extent to which students have gained more STEM
skills through a competition between the teams at the end of the weeklong camp. In addition, at the end of these students freshmen year,
we intend to survey the participants to see if the summer camp has
made a difference in participation.
Firm Funding Commitments: Additional funding, if any, that will
contribute to the objectives of this proposal. Please include: name of
funder, amount of funding, where funding is directed. (2000 character
Lincoln County Schools will cover the cost for facilities and utilities as
well as miscellaneous items for advertising and planning,
approximately $250.

March 22, 2015

Media Plan, Community Visibility and Recognition Opportunities: (2000

character maximum)
Adam Benoit plans to send a press release to local papers about the
camp and source of the funds as well as invite them to cover the
competition between the teams that will serve as a culminating
activity for the week.
Please describe why you feel PNG should support this request: (2000
character maximum)
We are encouraged that Piedmont Natural Gas Foundation has invested
$6 million in our region since its formation in 2004. Its dedication to
nonprofit organizations in communities throughout North Carolina,
South Carolina, and Tennessee underscores its commitment to the
areas in which Piedmont Natural Gas services. The Foundation is
inspiring in your efforts to promote science, technology, math, and
engineering (STEM) skills in K-12 education. Your Piedmont Natural Gas
Foundation Community Enrichment Initiative, specifically the K-12
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Education grants
are welcome initiatives for improving science education. Your grants
intended to enhance student performancegraduation rates and
overall success for students, to incorporate science, technology,
math and engineering skills critical to success in a global economy,
and to promote positive behaviors and motivation to stay in school
help to create more competitive graduates. This project works toward
these goals for a diverse student body.
Current Board Members:
Candy Burgin, Chairperson
Mark Mullen, Vice-Chairperson
Cathy Davis
Edward Ed Hatley
Tony Jenkins
Clayton Mullis
Robert Bob Silver

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