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-Complete the spaces with have, go or get.

A housewife's life is very stressful - or is it?

Many people think that housewives have a very stressful life.
We ask two, Moira and Eve, about their typical day.
First Moira Macallan, from Dundee in Scotland.
I__________ up at 730 and I make the breakfast for my children. Then
I________dressed and take the children to school. Then
I_________shopping. I go to the supermarket and buy food and things
for the house. When I_________ home I make the beds and clean the
house. 1________ a shower before I pick up the children from school
at four o'clock. In the evening we________dinner and watch television.
I________ to bed at 10.30 because I'm very tired.

Eve Standish is from Bristol in South West England.

I________ up at 10 o'clock and_________fruit and an orange juice for
breakfast. Then I ________a bath and get dressed. At 11.30 I meet my
friends in the city centre. First we__________a coffee, and then
we__________shopping. We usually_________lunch at about one
o'clock in a restaurant in town. In the afternoon we
sometimes__________to the gym. When I_________home,
I________a drink with my husband. In the evening we__________to
the theatre or to a nightclub. I normally____________to bed very late.
-Write questions about Moira or Eve.
1_ What time_____________________________________ ?
She gets up at 7.30.
2_ ________________________________________breakfast ?
Yes, she does. She has fruit and orange juice.
3_ _____________________________________________ in the morning?
No, she doesn't. She has a shower in the afternoon.
4_ Where_____________________________________________ ?
She meets her friends in the city centre.
5_ What___________________________________________?
She has dinner and watches television.
6_ What time_________________________________________?
She goes to bed at 10.30.
7_ __________________________________________________?
No, she doesn't. She goes to bed late.

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