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First Day Procedures Rules What the student is expected to follow Purpose: Set limits or boundaries, just as there are rules in games to maintain order Goal:Timed Round Robin What are the most important rules to have in a classroom? - Choose a recorder - Each member contributes an idea - Recorder writes down the idea - Stop when you hear the timer On the next page, students decided on 4 expectations for the classroom. First Day Procedures First Day Procedures Procedures A method or process for getting things done in the classroom Example: There is a procedure for opening a lock on a locker. It's usually ‘one turn to the right, one turn to the left, and a final turn to the right. There is no penalty if the procedure isn't followed. The lock just doesn't open. Likewise, there is no reward if the procedure is followed. The lock simply opens. To do anything in life successfully, you simply follow the procedures. Procedures are for your benefit. They will help you do your work with less confusion and thus help you succeed. (Other examples: airplane, elevator, wedding) First Day Procedures Moming Procedure - Enter the classroom quietly - Un-paciat your seats - Place other items in your locker - Be sure to have two sharpened pencils - View SmartBoard for further directions Attention Procedure - When you hear the phrase: “Eyes in five”, stop what you are doing and listen to the teacher Pencil Procedure - Take broken pencil and place in container - Takea new sharpened pencil Dismissal Procedure - Place any supplies on your desk - When called go to your mailbox - When called go to your locker - Pack-up at your seats - Place chair on desi - Come to carpet quietly Lining Up Procedure - Form one line - Face forward at all times - Hands should be by your side - Mouths should be closed Locker Procedure - Four Timesa Day - Arrival, before hunch, after lunch, dismissal + Amrival’ un-pack at desks then place items inside locker - Dismissal: Gather items from locker then pack- up at desk First Day Procedures Phe lerter “I” Used to show that you have a question. (‘Ihave a question.”) J / Sa momen Ne please. / / May L use the restroom? hi The letter “A” The letter °C” Jse 4 Used to show that Used to show that you you have an answer. have a comment First Day Procedures

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