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The MARCH issue

Dear Readers,
Looking through
this months 'Q and A' with Matt
Excell, I noticed his mentioning
how friends in Southgate Opera,
(who also sing with CESP), provided a connection to his current
role in 'The Gondoliers'.
It set me thinking about how
many of our members are active in
other local ensembles, and how
their experience can feed back
into the quality of work in our
own productions. I was particularly struck by a recent performance of J.S. Bach's B minor Mass,
given by The London Forest Choir
(a number of whom are also CESP
The Forest Choir,
(together with the English Baroque Sinfonia and some excellent
soloists), gave a performance in
The Chingford Parish Church that
I found very satisfying. It reminded me that, large though our
commitment is to the main show,
it is just one of the valued features
in our yearly round of local music
and drama events.
Richard Wheatley


Last week we finished blocking the final scene (the Act 2 Finale). With still 11 weeks to go before show week, that is
amazing progress Ive never worked with a company so quick to take direction and so enthusiastic to make it all
work. That means were in the unusual and rewarding position of having plenty of time to add detail, tweak timings
and generally polish what luxury!
Having a strong set of principals has certainly raised the bar for CESP and Im more than pleased with the results so
far. Its been like a huge jigsaw, completing small pictures and scenes bit-by-bit. Now we can concentrate on joining
them altogether, and pacing the whole piece. Now the fun really starts!
Leon Berger

Q & A with Matt Excell

What attracted you to join CESP?
My friends from Southgate Opera: Jo Raworth, Cathy
Russell and John Lannigan-OKeefe all perform with
CESP alongside Southgate and have told me how much
they enjoy it. Unfortunately, I had to drop out of Southgates summer show (The Merry Widow), but I really
wanted to find a company doing similar repertoire to
keep on developing. Jo posted the advert for Gondoliers
and I leapt at the opportunity to try out a new company!

How have you found the experience so

Im really enjoying it! Its been fantastic meeting such a
passionate and supportive group of people and the production is really fun. I love Leons directing and its
really humbling to have someone who has played your
role before cast you. I also want to thank all my new
friends who came to support me in The Mikado and I
hope you thoroughly enjoyed yourselves!

Which part are you playing in The Gondoliers?

I am playing Giuseppe Palmieri one half of the kingly double-act. My patter song at the start of Act 2 is a
big highlight of the role and I also really enjoy the quintet at the start of the Act 2 finale. Musically, its my
favourite G&S that Ive done, so far. I really like Leons twist on the production and Im looking forward to
some of the zany ideas that I know are in store!

Do you have a favourite G & S opera / role?

Ok, confession time I dont actually know G&S all that well (outside of the two that Ive performed and
now Gondoliers). My favourite so far is H.M.S. Pinafore and having just done Mikado, I would love to
have a go at Ko-Ko one day. From my severely limited knowledge, I think I would quite like to try Strephon and Robin Oakapple as well. Eventually, Id like to play operatic villains; as I do really enjoy being a
baddie on stage! One, in particular, that I would love to try would be Enrico Ashton from Donizettis Lucia
di Lammermoor.

How do you like to spend your time when you are not singing/performing?
I enjoy going to the opera whenever possible and I have a passion for good food (whether that be cooking
or dining) and drink. When I get the time to holiday abroad, I love it and I have a particular love for Verona
(where I got engaged). I also played American Football for eight years and follow sport in general, but especially supporting Mark Cavendish in the cycling.

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