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Ellie Lundeen

Management Plan
My class is a first grade class at Putnam Primary. The students
range from six to seven and we have twelve boys and twelve girls;
twenty-four students in total. My class is very diverse; we have ten
black students, eight white students, and five Hispanic. Most of their
social economic statuses range from mid to lower level. The principles
that will guide and shape my management plan will follow very closely
with the Coloroso Model. As students begin to enter to the first grade
they are becoming more aware of their morals and inner disciplines.
My class will focus heavily on the importance of behavior and the
difference between punishment and discipline. My class will also focus
on the destructiveness of words. I am a great believer in positive
reinforcement but to do so, a teacher must be an example. I feel that
event he most simple things can influence a child, and language being
one of the most important. Finally, my last principle that I would like to
guide my class would be joy. I want every student to enjoy his or her
day and find some fun in everything we do. I will allow my students to
interact and connect during lessons so they are able to have fun and
have the opportunity to express themselves.

Environmental Considerations
Our classroom focuses on making a comfortable and relaxed
environment that allows students to be focused and safe. We have a
few small lamps that are placed in the corners of the classroom for
independent reading or writing time. Their main purpose is to create a
relaxing atmosphere that calms the students if they are doing
independent study or need quiet time. There will only be a few lamps
because our class has a large window and a door that can go outside
that allows a lot of natural light. We also have music that is designated
for certain parts of the day. We have clean up music that is played after
centers and music that my host teacher plays during calendar for
weather and days of the week. Our calendar music changes each
month so students are never bored and it creates excitement each
time we have a new calendar. One special thing that we do is reward
music for a addition and subtraction program called Rocket Math. If a
student passes that day they are rewarded by coming to the carpet
and picking the song for the class. This is something that the whole
class enjoys and works towards every day. There are no plants inside
the classroom but we do have a pot that has flowers planted outside
our door. These flowers are able to be seen through our large window

and give some aesthetics to our class. We also have a board behind
my desk that holds my students artistic work. When we do units that
incorporate drawing the students that are proud of their work can
leave their drawings on my desk to be hung on the board. This board
changes often and is a great way at displaying artwork that our
students are proud of.

Description of routines/ procedures

1. Beginning of school day: This is an important routine as it creates
the tone for the whole day. The students should be ready and
excited in the morning so that they are able to carry the good
attitude on throughout the day. Students will come into the class
and immediately hang up their backpacks and put folders away
in cubbies. They will then pull out their morning work folder and
handwriting book and write the math problems and sentences for
their morning work. When finished, they must do two pages in
handwriting book and get it checked. When they are checked off
they may read or go to the library.
2. Signals for student attention: This is a very important procedure
because getting student attention can save so much time. Two
things that work well in our class is saying If you can hear me
put your hands on your head. If you can hear me put your finger

on your nose. If you can hear me.etc until everyone is quiet.

We also continue this strategy with clapping or play Simon Says.
3. Talk among students: This is an activity that before my current
placement I felt was negative, but my new host teacher has
shown me that it can be constructive. I think that talking and
socializing can be important for the class moral and unity.
Although the students cannot talk all the time, they should still
be able to sit with their friends and feel comfortable in class. Our
students are able to talk during group work and it is very
important during centers as it shows that they are working
together. The most important aspect of this strategy is that it
must be school focused; students should be discussing the work
or a concept instead of socializing.
4. Fountain, sink, bathroom, and library: This procedure is very
important for a teacher to establish early. Students can leave the
room during the designated times or during emergencys. Library
time is after morning work or during small group. Each student
must have a red pass before they are able to leave the class.
5. Activities after work is finished: I like for students to have
something to do after they finish assignments so that they are
occupied and so that other do not feel rushed. The activities
should be constructive but more creative so that they can do
something different than what we usually do in class. I also like
for students to be occupied so they do not rush the ones still

working or distract them. Our class lets students read, draw, or

go on the computer for school-approved games.
6. Lining up: Lining up is very important to me. Lining up should be
organized in some way. I will either call by the quietest table or
call students individually depending on their behavior. If lining up
from the carpet I will call depending on color of the squares.
7. Expected behavior of students in-group: This is a crucial
procedure when dealing with small groups. If students cannot
control themselves and act appropriately in a small group then
they will not benefit from it. Small group work can be challenging
for young students so you must model appropriate procedures
before doing the actual group work to get the best results.
Students will rotate groups based on the color-coded chart at the
front of the class. Students are allowed to talk in small group if
appropriate but should keep their conversations academic.
Students should be focused and have a minimal noise level if
they are not in group work/table work.
8. Student participation: Student participation is crucial to
everyones personal development. I want every student in my
class to participate as best as they can. Student participation
must happen for improvement to happen so this will be a main
class focus. Each student has a different level of attention but
everyone is required to be sitting on the carpet during whole
group or at their seats for individual work. They may not be fully

concentrated, but this will give them the opportunity to

participate as best as they can.
9. Student conduct during delays, interruptions: I have realized how
important of a procedure this is after being in my host classroom.
I think it is important to have a set activity or behavior to do
when this happens. If there is an interruption students are to
work independently on handwriting or reading or finish any work
left in their cubbies. They are also able to quietly talk amongst
themselves if it is a short delay or if they are discussing the

Managing Behavior
Classroom Rules:

Everyone must be respectful, kind, and helpful to others.

Do unto others, as you would like done to you.
Always raise your hand if you want to speak.
No talking in the hallway.
Always keep your hands to yourself.
No talking when others are talking.

My rules are based off of respect and how to interact in the

classroom with the teacher and other students. I chose be respectful,

kind, and helpful to others because I wanted the first rule to be based
off the students characters and not something that is telling them what
to do. I want this rule to guide the students in their actions and lead
the way for the year. My second rule is, Do unto others, as you would
like done to you. I chose this rule because in the first grade the
students are very focused on what is fair. I also wanted to focus on
manners and sharing, as I have not seen as many students aware of
these in my host class. I think this easy for the class to remember and
understand that you must be kind to each other. My third rule is
Always raise your hand if you want to speak because this is also
something that I find every class at any age struggles with. I think this
is a good overall rule for a class as it shows respect to the teacher and
classmates. The fourth rule is No talking in the hallway. Talking in the
hallway is one of our school rules and one that needs to be followed.
My fifth rule is Always keep hands to yourself because I dont feel
that school should be a threatening place. Whether students are
playing or are being mean I dont want any student to feel nervous to
be in the class. My final rule is No talking when others are talking.
This rule applies to when students and teachers are talking, everyone
must be respectful and listen to what others have to say. I want
everyone in my class to feel like what they are saying is important and

In my classroom my consequences will be subtracting points (I

will be using a point system to keep track of behavior), moving back to
your seat if you can not control your hands, and moving seats. I feel
that my consequences should be things that happen in the moment
and should be teaching moments. These consequences along with
natural consequences will help enforce the classroom rules.
Although I do not think punishments should be used often, I do
understand that they are needed. The punishments that I will
incorporate in my class are taking talking time off of lunch for those
who cannot control their talking in class or sending notes home to my
students parents. Recess should not be used as punishment as it is
developmentally important to a child and is a much needed break from
the day. I would use recess as a last resort punishment because I have
seen it be an effective threat and/or punishment in my host classes. I
also think punishments that prey on an insecurity should be avoided, I
have seen to many children personally upset from a punishment. I
think your language and actions need to be mindful of a childs

Ive learned through the Coloroso model that children have an
inner discipline and simply need the correct guidance. When in

trouble the students in my class know what they did wrong

immediately and if they do not, it is the teachers responsibility to use it
as a teaching moment. I wanted my management plan to play off of
the knowledge that the students already knew because they
understand school basics and expectations from being in kindergarten.
These rules are a mix of important behavior rules along with moral
rules. Many of my rules are focused on showing respect to others as
well as respecting yourself in the classroom. I chose my consequences
and punishments from this same idea, if a child knows that what they
are doing is not right they should expect a consequence as well. As I do
support consequences at appropriate times, punishments should be
used lightly and only for last resorts. I agree with the Coloroso idea
that a punishment can create anger and resentment and rewards
create habits.

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