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Yueh-Ting Tsai

Renaissance Weekly

Volume 1 Issue1

Is This Gods Doing

Many, many people this past year have died for no obvious
reason. They are in great pain and feel as if they are
stepping on fire. Some of the ill are having many bad
bumps swelling under their arms and even in the groins.
The Plague seems to have traveled all over Europe even
the Mediterranean for at least 4 years, form 1347-1351.

Inside this Issue:


Gods Doing?
2. Person of the Week
Leonardo Da Vinci
Page 1
3. Ye Old Advice Column Page 2
4. Letter to the Editor
Page 2

No one seems to know for sure what is causing all of these

poor people to suffer and die, but there are a lot of
theories. Some people believe that the disease came from
China. A place with many magical happenings. Some
people believe that is simply Gods wrath punishing us for
our sins. There is a small group of people that even say the
fat rats in our cities carry the disease. But surely that is
not the case, rats cant carry diseases. Can they? But
where ever this so called plague came from it will not be
easy on our people.

Person of the Week: Leonardo Da Vinci

This week we chose a very special person to cover in this issues Person of the
Week. Leonardo Da Vinci is a well known artist.
But, he does a lot more than make beautiful art. He is very smart, a fine
musician, and the ladies say that he is a quite handsome guy.
Leonardo was born in Vinci, Tuscany. In the mid 1460s his family moved to
Florence so he could receive the best education that he could. Now Leonardo has
come up with plans on how to make cannons, catapults, ships, and armored

Volume 1 Issue 1
Page 2

Renaissance Weekly

Ye Old Advice Column

Dear Renaissance Weekly,
Do you think that is bad to defy the laws of your Church? I have recently burned the
papal decree in front of the public and have been asked to recant, but I didnt know they are
calling me a outlaw.
Not M. Luther
P.S. I hope this gets into your advice column
Well, Not M. Luther I have read some of the pamphlets you have written and think
that what your are doing is great. If there is something that you disagree with then you
should try to change it. What you are doing could lead to some wonderful things. You could
even make your own church. You could call it Lutheranism, just dont forget who gave you
that idea
One bad thing that could come from this is a war between the people of the Roman
Catholic Church and your followers. If this happens they could maybe call it the Peasants
War. However, if this happens you could always write another pamphlet called Against the
Murdering, Thieving Hordes of Peasants, and condemn them for getting in a war. Hope this

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,
I dont know if youve heard but there is some crazy guy defying the Roman Catholic
Church, What a freak! I even hear that he was going to write to your advice column,
This Martin Luther guy is messing everything up! He just burned the Papal Decree this
is where we drew the line. We ordered him to take it back but he didnt so know hes at the
top of our Most Wanted List.
Now, in 1524 a war began partly because of him! They call it the Peasants war. The
peasants say that Luther inspired them. Youd have to be a crazy person to believe in such
crap! I just hope that someone will take care of this man and stop him from causing more

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