Formulate A Plan

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Formulate a Plan
Cate Walsh and Alma Flores-Perez

Who Can We Work With?

OutYouth- Helps youth in our community. Creates a safe

space. Needs recruitment and publicity.

GSA- Open community in our school. Not enough


KAHS- Possible video production. Or showing of video.

Same-sex Parents- Life is possible. Have been through

most of it already.

Deborah Esquenazi- Same-sex parent and filmmaker. Space for sharing videos. Provides


Initial Ideas

Video Interviews




Volunteer Opportunities with OutYouth

Volunteer with Austin Pride

GSAs need recruitment

Raising money for GSA

Queer Prom (Rainbow theme)

Face painting

Option 1

Produce a recruitment video for Out Youth

Get it shown on KAHS


There might be teens at AHS students who need the safe


Out Youth is such an amazing program for our peers


Might already have videos along these lines

Not direct service

Need production skills for a good video

Option 2

Volunteer with Out Youth


Direct Service

Already have a variety of programs that need volunteers

Possible opportunity for volunteer points for others


Might not make as lasting of an impact

Option 3

Help high school GSAs organize for Pride Parade


Pride needs growing support in Austin

GSAs are an important key in most local high schools

Get a lot of attention at the parade


Costs money for float

Lots of schools to organize

Very short time frame (Sep 20)

Option 4

Help the AHS GSA

Recruitment or raising $

Queer prom (rainbow theme), face painting, bake sale


GSA needs more members

More $ means more and better activities for members

More direct impact in our school community

Open up lasting programs


Much smaller scale

Gillion has already tried diff recruiting options.

What Were Thinking

Out Youth recruitment video!

Interview people for a variety of backgrounds

Portray a hope for future

Produce a video to be shown on KAHS

Same-sex parents, people who go to Out Youth, who work

with Out Youth, members of AHS GSA
Videos reach teens better

Production help

Karen LaShelle and Deb Esquenazi (same-sex parents)

Karen- Creative Action (provide classes/tutorials in


Deb- Blue Cabin Films (borrow equipment)

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