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Entering class:


After the bell rings, the timer starts at 60 seconds. When the time is up:
Your desk must have nothing on it other than your binder, something to
write with, a calculator if you want one, and your book.
Any homework due must be placed in the basket.
You must be working on the warm-up.

During class:

There are two modes of class time, red and green, which I will always have at
the front of the room:


I need your attention

No talking
No personal electronics
Raise your hand
Remain seated
Restroom only for emergency


Your work time

Work individually or together
Music allowed while working
You may use any classroom
Desks may be moved (ask first)
Restroom pass as necessary

I reserve the right to add or remove from the above lists depending on
class behavior.

Ending class:
I will tell you when it is exactly 3 minutes before class is over, and you will:

Finish what youre working on.

Pack up.
Find your desk and move it to its original position.
Clean up everything within 1 meter or 1 yard of your desk.

When a rule is broken, you will move up a step for that day (multiple for
severe disruptions). The steps are as follows:
1. Warning
2. Additional homework
3. 100-word paragraph on how you disrupted class
4. Report to your parents

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