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en —erour-ge Same Power Engineering Training Course ON RELAY SETTING AND RELAY CO-ORDINATION ° Conducted BY Mr. H. Mehta OF POWER-LINKER TRAINING CENTER Wisdom is not Virtue but Necessity AUTHORISED COPY FROM MULTIPLICATION OF THIS DOCUMENT PROHIBITED POWER - LINKER i stat Act and hence No part of this publication may be reproduced or Fm or by any moan, electronically or mechanically, Including photocopying, information storage or retrieval system, without prior pormission In writing from tho Publisher or in aecordinco with tha provisions of the Copyright Act, Any pervon who does any unauthorised Sct it publication may bo" Habe to criminal prosecution and ctu claims for'damage a APR non POWER.INKER INDEX 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Primary and Back — up Protection 3.0 ‘ Zones of Protection 4.0 Need for Co~ Ordination 5.0 Properties of Protection Scheme 6.0 Discrimination Time (Co-Ordination Interval) 7.0 . Criteria for Setting Pick Up & Time Dial 3,9 Tools Available To Reduce Fault Clearance “Time 9.0 Typical Relay Setting & Co-ordination Exercise 10.0 Glossary of Terms 41.0 References 3, APRIL 2006 POWER-LINKER I 11-43 13-28 29-42 42-68 69-69 70-70 POWER-LINKER POWER-LINKER TRAINING CENTER ae WER-LINKER RELAY SETTING AND RELAY CO-ORDINATION 4.0 INTRODUCTION Relay Co-ordination is essential to ohtain continuous operation of system, to obtain maximum returns, to provide best service to the consumer and earn the most revenue. Absolute freedom from the failure of the plant cannot be guaranteed, even though the risk of failure of each item may be low. The risk factors of such items, if muttipied together go high. Larger the system, more will be the chances of the fault occurrence and disturbances due to the fault Stages in faut clearance are: (1) Occurrence “of fault (2) Measurement by instrument trar sformer (CT / PT) (3) Analysis by protective relay for initiating selective tripping (4) Switchgear to clear the fault Relay is only one part of protection chain in the protection system ‘CONTROL, Fuse cs ANY TYPE OF RELAY PROTECTION GEAR FAMILY MEMBERS = 10 Now ROLE OF EACH OF ABOVE FUNGTION 1 OUTOF 1012, ONLY 10% 3, APRIL 2005, 1 POWER-LINKER 2.0 POWER-LINKER TRAINING CENTER For successful clearing fauit: (1) CT must not be saturated (2) CT ahd PT polarity fust be correct (3) Integrity of wiring between instrument transformers to relay Should be alright (4) Auxiliary supplies to the relay are available (5) Relay characteristics are correct and set as per requirement (6) Compatibility between CT and relay (7) Correct CBCT installation (8) Irip coil and trip circuit healthy (9) CB tripping mechanism healthy (10) Earthing should be correct? Relays are installed not 0 prevent the faults, but only to isolate the fault and minimize the damage. Most of the relays act after damage has ‘occurred. Sophisticated relays and correct relay setting and co-ordination are not a substitute for good maintenance practices. PRIMARY & BACK UP PROTECTION Device closest to the fault offers primary protection. Device next in the line offer. back Up protection. If the primary protection fails to maintain the integrity of the system, back up protection’ should operate. (RzY FUNCTION OF R2 RELAY PRIMARY FOR F3 4 + Ist BACKUP FOR F2 x F3 + 2nd BACKUP FORFL FUNCTION OF R1 RELAY + PRIMARY FORF2 + ist BACKUP FOR Fi Failures of the Primary protection could be due to: (1) Mal-operation of the relay (2) mproper installation or deterioration in service (3) Incorrect system design (e.g. CT Saluralion) (4) Wrong selection of the relay type (5) Circuit Breaker failure (stuck breaker) 33, APRIL 2006 2 POWER-LINKER POWER-LINKER' TRAINING CENTER® Consider the protection system shown in Fig. 1 below. rf" Biren oe yw bee nvOmw For fault on feeder of 415V PCC - 1 to MCC — 1, R7 acts as primary protection, R6 acts as first back up for this fault and R4 acts as second back up. For fault on 415 V PCC - 1-Bus, R6 acts as primary protection, R4 acts as first back up and R2, R8 acts as second back up. For fault on HT side of Transformer — T2 , R4 acts as primary protection and R2 &R3_as first backups. The same relay acts as primary protection for a particular fault and acts as back up protection for other faults. 3.0 ZONES OF PROTECTION © Protection is arranged in zones, which would cover the power system completely leaving no part unprotected. Zone of protection should overlap across the circuit breaker being included in both, zones Fig A. Case A is not always achieved. In some cases, CT's are accomodated only on one side Fig B. For fauit at ‘F’ bus bar protection would operate and trip Breaker C but fault continues to be fed through the feeder. & proTecTioN as . | FIG.B FIG.A x © ae PROTECTION R3, APRIL 2006 3 ‘a POWER-LINKER WER-LINKER Z a3 ss Gonerator Protection x: OD ftbo— th 1X: x HAV SWGR. Power Trafo. HV SWGR. Transmission Line Protection Protection Protection _ Protection a HV SWGR, Protection Power system protection is usually engineered through overlapping zones. The advantage is positive disconnection of faulty area / element. The disadvantage n be that more breakers will be tripped than the mi timum necessary some times to disconnect the faulty element For fault at X, Ref Fig D CoB trips due to Relaying equipment of zone B. CBs tips due to relaying equipment of zone B, to interrupt the flow Of short circuit current from zone Ato the fault. For fault at ¥, CBs trips due to relaying equipment of zone B. CBs trips unnecessarily dus fo relaying equipment of zone B. between zones would not lie in either zone and therefore no breaker will be tripped. 3, APRIL 2006 The overlap is the lesser of the two evils. ' FIG If there were no overlap, a failure in a region 4 POWER-LINKER POWER‘CINKER TRAINING CENTER 4.0 NEED FOR CO-ORDINATION + Improper Co-ordination Refer Fig. 1. If is not done, then. MCC ~ 1 incomér trips for | any fault on the outgoing feeder. Instead of tripping one load, an entire bus is | lost. * Proper Co-ordination Only relevant circuit breaker trips isolating the faulty equipment at the earliest. This minimizes the damage. 5.0 PROPERTIES OF PROTECTION SCHEMES Three essential properties of the protective relaying schemes are sensitivity, selectivity and speed. These are not always the properties of the relays but properties of selection of relay settings, protection scheme / relay application and selection of relay characteristics, * SENSITIVITY Pick up refers to the minimum operating current of the relay. Lower the pick up of the relay, higher will be the sensitivity. Higher the sensitivity, fault currents of lower magnitudes can also be detected. | FiG_AG_a SIN -IOMT EARTH FAULT UNIT ” case! son RELAY PICKUP = 40% RELAYP.OC, « 400A (0.4% 1000) . ‘ ‘SENSITIVITY = 490_x 400% 2 20000 x = 2.0% . ia | CASEN a rraneet RELAY PICKUP = 10% . RELAY P.O. = 100A(0.1x 1000) sensimurry = 100 x 100 % = 05% LOWER THE SETTING, HIGHER WILL BE ‘THE SENSITIVITY FOR FAULT DETECTION "3 WER -LINKER TRAINING CENTER POWER-LINKER SENSITIVITY vs THERMAL CAPACITY ; 'n case of static relays and numerical relays, only thermal capability of relay imposes restriction on the choice of the lowest setting. For example, SPAJ 140C, 7SJ810 and MICOM Relays has thermal Capability of 100 In for 1 Secofid, where, In is relay rated current, In case of electro-mechanical relay, lower the setting of the relay, more will be the burden on the CT, large exciting current drawn by CT resulting into more heating of the relay element. Consider a relay tonnected to 1000 / 4 CT. Let the fault current be 20 kA. Assume thermal capability of relay be 100 A for 1 ‘second. Ifrelay s set for 10%, Relay Current = 20,000 / (1000 x 0, 1) = 200 Iy Pt Criteria: (200 ty P(t) = (100Iy)?x 1 sec t = 025 sec If operating time of the relay is less than 0.28 sec, the 10 % pick up is Permissible, otheniise relay may get damaged, SELECTIVITY It refers to the selective tripping of the Protective gears and also called as the discrimination. The three methods to achieve the discrimination are by Time, by Current and both by Time & current, DISCRIMINATION BY TIME Definite Time Relays is a good example Of discrimination by time. If the current ©xceeds the set value, operating time is independent of current magnitude. ‘rer = 6000 = 20,000 ‘curkenr R3, APRIL 2006, 6 POWER.LINKER POWER-LINKER TRAINING CENTER ‘GROUP EU ae POWER-LINKER ‘Assume the discrimination’ time between successive relays; in Fig. 1, is say 0.3, sec. Let the fault current above the pick up values for all the relays. For fault on MCC - 1 outgoing feeder, fuse operates in 10 millisec, Relay Rz operates in 0.31 Sec and Relay-Rs operates in 0.61 Sec. All upstream relays are graded __ accordingly. The disadvantage of using DMT relays is that the operating time of the upstream relays will be very high. The. fault closest to the source takes longest time to clear. The advantage of using DMT relays is that the operating time is well defined for variable source operating condition. DISCRIMINATION BY CURRENT . Applicable only when substantial” difference between the fault current magnitudes exists for the faults onthe two ends of the equipment. The impedance of the equipment shall be substantial that will create the above difference like transformer or long cable. For illustration consider a fault on LT side of transformer TRe in Fig 1. The fault current is 39,227 A on 415 V side and the reflected current on 6.6 kV side is 2467 A. If the fault is on 6.6 KV side, the fault current is 16 KA. By setting the pick up current for relay M4 above 2467 A, the relay, Rs will not pick up for fault on the LT side but will pick up for the fault on the HT Side. The disadvantage is that discrimination is obtained but no back up is ensured. DISCRIMINATION BY BOTH TIME & CURRENT IDMT (Inverse Definite Minimum Time) relays are used to obtain discrimination by both time and current. The operating time of IDMT relay is inversely proportional to current magnitude,” Even for highest current, time for operation is not Instantaneous but a minimum time, For the same fault current and specified pick up, relay operating time can be varied by adjusting Time Dial. 3, APRIL 2006 7 POWER-LINKFR: 1 2 9 4 5 675890 » ‘current PSM) INHERENT DISCRIMINATION OBTAINED BY IDMT RELAY, opera rumen SECONDS FOR FAULT ON —— aisy Moi 6Aky SwuD-1 ‘Scion’ “Sera | | =e) ost hor NY BH ‘oat anon 0.6 | r on : os =P ann oot = Tn 800, ne 3. APRIL 2006 8 POWER-LINKER ” POWER-LINKER © RB, APRIL 2006 9 ‘Assume the discrimination time between successive relays is say 0.3 sec. Let the fault current be above the pick up’ valués for all the relays. For fault on MCC - 1 outgoing feeder, fuse operates in. 10 msec, Relay R7 operates in 0.32 Sec and Relay R6 operates in 0.63 Sec and Relay R4 operates in 0.94 Sec. For the fault on HT side of Transformer TR2, the fault current is 16 kA and Relay R4 operates in 0.73 Sec. Reduced operating time of relay Ré for 6.6KV faults results in’ reduced operating time. of upstream relays R2 & R3 for H.7- faults. The advantage gained by using IDMT relay is that with the same pick up and time dial settings, lower time of operation for near end faults and higher operating times for far end faults inherently achieved. In case of differences in fault current magnitude along the system, IDMT relays are superior to the DMT relays. In case of same fault current magnitude along the system, Jesired operating time can be achieved by adjusting Pick up & Time Dial. SPEED . If the fault clearing time is less than 100 msec, it is termed as high speed tripping. High speed tripping minimizes the damage to the equipment, increases stability margin for synchronous machines and avoids unwarranted tripping of voltage sensitive loads::x: Critical Clearing Time (CCT) is the minimum time before which fault has to be cleared. Typically it varies between 200 msec to 1 second and depends upon location of fault. CRITICAL CLEARING TIME : CCT + EXAMPLE = INDUSTRIALS SYSTEM cer oaasec ossEC aay LASEC PRIMARY PROTECTION 1 stout cuear 11 kv FAULTS aainy,_10NW 4 vaTH IN Gk _ ean in waTH IN COT 3a Kw EFORE DOING RE EXERCISE, FIND CCT POWER-LINKER R3, APRIL 2006 10 __ CRITICAL CLEARING TIME: TARSAL UNSTABLE Hove ‘sragLe Teves Speed without Selectivity leads to unsatisfactory co-ordination. Methods to achieve high speed tripping are: UNIT PROTECTIONS: (GENERATOR, MOTOR, TRANSFORMER, Bus, FEEDER). . Protection is provided to trip Instantaneously for faults only within the unit under protection. No’ co-ordination with external protections is required Examples of unit protection are Bus differential protection, Feeder Pilot wire Protection, Transformer or Motor Differential protection and Directional Protections for Multi Source / Non radial systems. HIG APPLICATIONS ON: sev guio ue ‘OPERATING rma exc) ae See ‘oran” | “Sate “Eyes Tian feemmo team foe . > 4 sense gums | my ame pons + ae - osteen mo 7 ote en 3,0 POWER-LINKER ® WER-LINKER ‘Speed must be weighed against economy. In;LT distribution networks, loads aré connected at radial end of system, fault clearance time is.shorter and hence need of speedy clearance is not critical,,Unit protections in LT system are generally not employed. In Generating plants, M.V. & H.V. systems high speed ‘ripping is essential to ensure system stability. 6.0 DISCRIMINATION TIME (CO-ORDINATION INTERVAL) This refers to the time interval between the operation of two adjacent breakers or breaker and fuse. « FACTORS AFFECTING DISCRIMINATION TIME FACTORS AFFECTING DICRIMINATION TIME ne yesena, DiscrnaraTon Tse SEN DINNERS REAND R= Gases td = cor Irernuerixe TOME + RI RELAY, ERROR FACTOR + 2 RELAY, OVERSHOOT TIME + S82 SAFETY MARGIN. fee fawn, iss " cha | S0.oPERAnNe 19eE OF Rs Co-ordination interval shall incorporate the following time periods : ° Interrupting time of Downstream Breaker (= 100 msec) + Relay Error Factor . Refers to Negative or Positive Errors in operating time of the Downstream telays / fuse involved in grading. + For Co-ordination Time between Fuse & Breaker = 0.4t — For Co-ordination Time between Breaker & Breaker = 0.26t * t=operating Time of Downstream Fuse / Relay 3, APRIL 2008 1" POWERLINKER oe ae OWER-LINKER TRAINING CENTER POWER LINKER « OVERSHOOT TIME GF UPSTREAM. RELAY : + Operatrig time more than set value due to contact over travel etc. and about 5Omsec for electro-mechanical relays. This is not relevant for moder numerical relays. * SAFETY MARGIN Refers to the extra allowance to ensure a satisfactory gap between operating time. of two breakers or breaker and fuse. It can be about 100msec for electro-mechanical relays. If Numerical relays used for both upstream and downstream, this can be reduced, say, to even 50msec. * EMPIRICAL FORMULAS FOR CO-ORDINATION TIME For {Fuse - Breaker (Conventional Relays)} / {Fuse to IDMT or INST to IDMT relay)} 7. Discrimination time : = 0.4t + 0.15, where Fuse operating time =t Downstream Inst. Relay Error/Fusing Factor = 0.4t Upstream Relay overshoot Time = 50 msec. Safety Margin = 100 msec. Interrupting time of Downstream Breaker = 0 msec (Not Applicable) For Breaker — Breaker (Conventional Relays) (IDMT to IDMT relays) Discrimination time = 0,25t + 0.25, where Downstream relay operating Time BG Relay Error Factor = 0.25 o Downstream breaker interrupting Time = 100 msec. 0 Upstream Relay Overshoot Time = 50 msec. Safety Margin = 100 msec. . AIRL DOs 12 POVIER-LINKER ea POW! . PRESENT SCENARIO 7.0 ¢ ER-LINKER TRAINING CENTER ahaa - POWER-LINKER: Following changes can be done in discrimination time formulae for numerical relays.and VCB/SF6 circuit breakers. «Relay error factor for numerical relays = Ot instead of 0.25t Relay overshoot time Static Relay = 50 msec. Numerical Relay =O msec. . + VCB/SF6 Circuit breaker operating time = 50 msec. . Instead of 100 msec. + Safety margin can be reduced from 100 m sec to 50 m sec, if relays are correctly set. RITERIAS FOR SETTING PICK UP.& TIME DIAL INTRODUCTION TO PLUG 'SETTING (PS) AND PLUG SETTING MULTIPLIER (PSM) AND TIME MULTIPLIER SETTING (TMS) rb PS = Desired pick up current / CT Ratio = 583 / 1600 = 0.364 Set PS=0.5 A. Primary Operating Current (P.0.C.) = CTRx PS 44sv Nice 1600 x 0.5 = 800A FAULT LEVEL R.L = 683A PSM = Fault Current / Actual POC 38,8728 = 38872 / 800 = 48.59 u TIME DIAL VS OPERATING TIME For PSM = 10, TMS = 1.0, OT1 = 3.0 sec For TMS = 0.4, Operating Time OT = 0.4 x (3/ 1) = 4.2 sec ° PREVALENT PRACTICE FOR PICK UP SETTING : CASE STUDY Data: * IDMT RELAY : Relay R7 : Locati C.T.R = 1600/1 . Pickup = (0.5 — 2.5) In, Step = 0.1 In Time dial = 0.05 — 1.00, Step = 0.01 + Fault Current = Phase Fault Calculation) + Max. Running load current = 583A * Highest Drive Full Load Current = 1454, + -Highest Drive Starting Current * THREE CASE STUDIES : * CASE -14 }8872A (Obtained From Three RT. ‘6001 SV MCE RL=SBA Tasca Toys a04 @ TRY FAULT LEVEL 338724, = 869A (6 x IFL) Fick up set only on basis of maximum connected load current & time dial set to obtain co-ordination with downstream fuse + PS= Max. Running load current / CTR = §83/ 1600 = 0. Set PS AT 0.5A 3, APRIL 2006 14 dense Teas Tar= 869.8 § 75100 FAULTLEVEL «2,728 POWER-LINKER ae ne ne POWER-LINK! Ce R TRAINING CENTER « Primary Operating Currerit.(P.0.C.) = CTRx PS 4600x 0.5 ‘800A: w w « PSM= Fault Current/ Actual P.O.C = 38,872 / 800 = 48.59 + Choose normal inverse (NI) characteristic : * Characteristic of IDMT unit flattens out for PSM > 20. IDMT relay equations OT=TMS*B/(PSM)*- 1.0 OT: Operating Time in sec TMS: Time Multiplier Setting PSM: Plug Setting Multiplier { = B a Normal Inverse. 0.14 0.02 Very Inverse 13.5 4.0 Extremely Inverse 80.0 2.0 Long Time Inverse 120. 1.0 “GROUP Operating time of = _0.14 R7 @timedial 1.0 (PSM)"7—=41 Operating time (with PSM OF 20) = 2.267 sec. @ time dial 1.0 * Time Dial Vs Operating Time g + Desired Operating Time t Rg’ Downstream fuse blow off time t = 0.01 SEC Discrimination Time. td =(0.4t+0.15) I = 0.154 SEC _" - Desired Operating TimetR7 = t+ td tem =0.01 + 0.154 = 0.164 SEC. Desired operating time TS = Operating fime at selected PSM and TMS 1.0 = 0.164 / 2.267 = 0.072 Set time dial = 0.08 Actual operating time = 2.267 x 0.08 = 0.18 sec RS, APRAL 2006, 16 POWER-LINKER POWER-LINKER TRAINING CENTER : ce Fig_RC_7A CASE 1 PICK UP BASED ON LOAD CURRENT 40000 38000 100000 CURRENT (AMP.) tp, = 583A ley = 13808 [ne Curve ‘A’ shows the operating characteristic with the above settings. Curve ‘D’ shows the acceleration characteristic of the motor, when started with a base load. Point ‘X’ is the intersection of curves ‘A’ & ‘D'. i.e. (1380A ) @ 0.85 sec. Since motor starting time is more than 0.85 sec, relay will pick up & will trip MCC incomer breaker, which is not correct. This example illustrates that itie choosing plug setting based only on toad current is not correct. Using IOMT over current relays for overload protection leads to inadvertent tripping. vesorne eaeneertt POWER-LINKER TRAINING CENTER: = (EE « CASE~2 Pick up set only on basis of maximum connected load current & Time dial increased from Case-1 value to avoid relay operation during motor start up. ° Fig RC_7B — CASE 2 INCREASE TIME DIAL TO OVER RIDE MOTOR STARTING 19.0 = fF i TIMEIN SEC 100 +000" 19000 38000 190000 te. = 583A [ey=1380A CURRENT{AMP.) Time dial increased fs 0.3;. Characteristic curve. shift vertically upwards - from. une ‘A to’ curve ‘C’; Curve ‘C’ & Curve ‘D' do not intersect; Hence, relay does not operate for motor starting on full load. © But, clearance time for faults = 2.267 x 0.3 = 0.66 sec Upstream relay clearance time will also increase. Hence, not acceptable, . R3, APRAL, 2008 18 POWERLINKER Any Other Method Case -3 : Desired Settings © Previous two cases not acceptable Case ~1 : Relay operates during motor starting * Case~2: Operating time for faults very high. #- Now try the following criteria Primary operating current > Max. running load current - Highest rating drive full load current + Highest rating drive starting current ‘Time dial to co-ordinate suitably with downstream fuse. @ PS= (la leus +Istw) / CTR: een PS = (583 -145 + 869) / 1600 aNSvMCE, i rissa = 0.616 Let PS set at 0.94 é Ips 45 A "| Igr=860a @) 75 KW FAULT LEVEL = 38,8728 « Actual primary operating current (P.0.C.) = C.T.R.x PS. = 1600x0.9 = 14400 ° PSM = 38,872 / 1440 = 26.99 © Choose normal inverse characteristic. Operating time = ing Time @ PSM>20 & time dial 1.0- @ PSM = 20 & time dial 1.0 | Operating time of R7 = 0.14 For NI | @ time dial 1.0 (PSM) | Operating Time =.2.267. sec for PSM = 20 & time dial = 1.0 RA. APRIL 2006 10 POWTRAINKER ~ GROUP. a ' >a POWER-LINKER + Desired operating time t1 : Downstream fuse blow offtime t = 0.01 sec Discrimination time td = (04t+0.15) . _ = 0.154 SEC. Desired operating time tt - Strid = 0.01 + 0.154 = 0.164 SEC. * Desired Time Dial TMS: TMS = 0.164 / 2.267 = 0.072 Next available set point sszennfi .08 © Operating time ‘ = 2.267 x 0.08 = 0.18 see. for faults. CASE 3 INCREASE PLUG SETTING - CORRECT METHOD 10.0 TIME IN SEC cr 0.01 z Pits ig 400 40000 38000 100000 lp® 603A Igy 12004 CURRENT (AMP.) Curve ’ B * shows the operating characteristic with the above settings. ‘Two goals are achieved, The relay does not pick up when highest rating tnetor ia atarted with full lnadt on the bus. Upstream operating times are whats ld ntatenenal bine. . “a ALE Ri ates iB E os POWER-LINKER TRAINING Cl ENTER: 2 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN.OVER-LOAD AND OVER-CURRENT © Over load withstand capability of equipment in general — many seconds to minutes > For Example ero Y x ce 220Ky, Fig. 15 : Over Current Relay Not For Over Load Protection * Generator overload capability Time (Sec) 70 | 30 60 720 Stator current (%)__| 226 | 154 [130 116 Transformer overload capability Time (Minutes) seen 20 45 80 120 Current (%) 300 200 175 160 145 130 || + Over current is Short Circuit Curent and in this case fault has to be | removed with in 1 sec, where as dverload can be sustained in | minutes/hours. Hence, over current relay with any characteristics cannot be | used for over load protection. pe eee one a” POWER-LINKER : POWER-LINKER TRAINING, CENTER » {cme OVER CURRENT RELAY NOT FOR.OVER LOAD PROTECTION as Ag maygonage omnsoan coasactenisn | Z ‘OVERLOAD CHARACTERISTIC. maavvres +] — o rena seen oveRLoaD ez — RELAY CURVE Fig. 158 Bare | ; wed (3050) i | : 5 TONE OF OPERATION if “| Z 1395-200% BL lo. eg i fa 8a | AIG. 15A, aa Pan NOLTILAS OF LOG SETTING CURRENT THT Richens {f over curent persists for greater than. 1 seo, it will result in loss of SYtilionists (erage instability) or motor stalling (voltage Instability). Conceptually over current relays cannot be used for over load protectin. 3, APRIL 2006 2 POWER-LINKER mt . GROUP. | aa POWER-LINKER © SETTING DIMT RELAYS ° Primary Operating Current * Must lie above maximum running load'current and largest drive starting current by safety margin. * Max. running load current includes motor full load current. Hence, it is subtracted. "Must lie below the lowest through fault current. * Relevant for generally used DOL starting. ole > P.OC.> (tsa - lew) Where, P.O.C. = Desired Primary Operating Current cf relay Im = Max: Running ley = Highest Rating starting Current Inu: = Highest Rating Drive FulbLoad Current le = Minimum fault current relay to sense. © Remark: The first comparison.1F > P.O.C is generally satisfied in most of the cases, since fault current magnitude is generally very high. The only cri case in which this comparison is important is when source fault level is low. + Desired Pick up * PICKUP. > Primary Operating Current (P.O.C.) C.T. Ratio * DMT Relay - Independent of fault current, hence, plug setting multiplier applicable for IDMT relays not relevant. 1 > Iser 5000A 5001A or | = 20000A Operating time is same RS, APRIL 2000, 2 POWER-LINKER GROUP. z ER-LINIKER TRAINING CENTER ay Sey 2 = ie POWER-LINKER x | TYPICAL-CALCULATIONS TYPICAL CALCULATIONS FOR DMT RELAY sie.) sown son. oaroare nnn rusty _ _Greed TA Wy WAKA Ie= 14008 recwnsomeey Hom *PS > aula * lem) ® Wedooa’* (Xtra? > (uamean + 0 eo ‘Me OELAY Serna 1a st FUSE PRE-ARCING TIME + ALLOW 20% MARGIN OVER MUM S ootsee PS OBSIRED a ESIRED TIME DELAY ee ae Eececce se sSer PSA tsa = (oanaot (roca ante ues) SET TIME DELAY AT a7 seC + Example of DMT Relays Electronechanical relays: CTU, CAG + VTT All Numerical relays have in built DMT feature. ° SETTING IDMT RELAYS ~* Primary Operating Current Must lie above (Maximum running load current + Largest drive starting current) Max. running load current includes motor full load current of started motor. Hence, it is subtracted. Must lie below the lowest through fault current. R3, APRIL 2006 . 24 POWER-LINKER, N POWER-LINKER TRAINING CENTER | “=o POWER-LINKE! Formula le> P.O.C. = Ia kus + bor where, P.0.C. = Desired primary operating current fe = = Max. running load current lsm = Highest drive starting current lew = Highest drive full load current © Desired Relay Pick up - PS ( Plug Setting ) = Ratio of Primary Operating Current of Relay to C.T. Ratio (C.T.R.) teu + Istu) CTR Selected pick up setting : Select the next higher available © Actual primary operating current (P.0.C.) = Actual P.O.C. = Selected Pick Up x C.T.R. + Plug Setting Multiplier - PSM _ Fault Current © patual P.O. C. Desired relay operating time tt = tttd Where, t = Downstream Relay / Fuse Operating Time td = Discrimination Time. Dosired Time Dial Set Point - TMS (TIME MULTIPLIER SETTING) Desired Relay Operating time tt Desired TMS Setting = : = Relay Operating Time @ Selected PSM and TMS 1.0 + Solected Timo Dial (THS) setting aoe Nearest Higher Time Dial Setting Selected 3, APRIL 2006 2 POWER-LINKER, ELECTRO MECHANICAL RELAYS + Normal Inverse (NI) ; CDG11- 3 SEC, CDG11- 1.3 SEC * Operating Time @ PSM = 10 & TMS = 1.0 => 3 sec/ 1.3 sec * Slope of both 1.3 & 3 sec. characteristics same + Operating Time = TMS x 0.14 /[{PSM)° - 1.0] 2> — A operating time (3 Sec Relay) ~ (1.3 Sec'Rélay) * Toachieve closer co-ordination 1.3 sec. relay more useful ‘* Application: time graded phase and earth fault protection e.g. transformer, feeder (inéomer / cutgoing) FIG. 46 : TIME CURRENT FIG. 16B : TIME CURRENT CHARACTERISTIC OF 3SEC CHARACTERISTIC OF 1.3SEC INVERSE TIME RELAY INVERSE TIME RELAY 12345 0 2% MULTIPLES OF PLUG SETTING CURRENT * Very Inverse (VI): CDG13 : ‘* Operating Time @ PSM = 10 & TMS = 1.0 > 1.5 SEC © Operating Time = TMS x 13.5 /[(PSM - 1.0] 2 Too High « Operating time of relays above Ré will further increas * Relays R6: time for LT faults = 0.49 sec * Upstream Relay R3 (VI) ‘+ Operating time for LT faults = 0.87 sec = Coordination for LT faults with downstream relays achieved as in case with (NI) * Operating time for HT faults = 043 sec, Lower compared to NI (0.68-0.43 = 0.25 sec less). © Operating time of relays above R3 will further reduce * APPLICATION OF IDMT RELAY TYPES + Extremely Inverse (El) [) cuocormuw Generally used to back up fuse ee e1 ; ~ | a teme «Very Inverse (V1) 7 “yo vi \s preferred on upstream side ' of transformer t, t casvwces a «Normal Inverse (NI) 4 If in doubt use NI ae : + Long Time Inverse (LI) ruse To protect NGR os ‘ Paneer matiauy — 2 mee RY APRIL 2006 28 POWER-LINKER «GROUP AM 32 inse] WER-LINKER 3.0 TOCLS AVAILABLE TO REDUCE FAULT CLEARANCE TIME e WHY FAST FAULT CLEARANCE Fault current reduces markedly after 1 sec. - because of high value of steady * __ state reactance (Xd). Sensing current itself may fall below relay pick up. Equipment generally rated for 1 sec. short time duty. * Advisable to’clear the faults, maximum within 1.0 sec. ° Reduced damage at fault location. FAULT CURRENT OF SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR FALLS TO LOW VALUE AFTER ABOUT 1 to 2Sec STEADY STATE vaLuE -» 12 x cuRRENT SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT VS TIME PLOT + TOOLS AVAILABLE + Instantaneous over-current (50) ‘* Applicable only when substantial difference between the fault currents at two ends of the equipment exi Wrong application to use instantaneous over-current relay on an incomer, ‘as any fault on outgoing feeder will trip the incomer, leading to complete loss of supply. 20 POWER-LINKER CCH * EXAMPLE * Relay R4 : location + H.T. side of transformer TR-2 Sa © C.T.R = 200/1 Ra * For PCC-1 bus fault, Fault Curent = 39227 A@ 415V = 2467 A@6.6KV . For Transformer TR-2 H.T. fault, Fault Current = 16000A @ 6.6kV ‘A15V PCC. + By setting the pick up of instantaneous over current element above 2487/, tho relay R4 will not pick up for fault on the L.T. side. but, will pick up instantaneously for the fault onthe H.T. side. ‘¢ Not desirable to set instantaneous pick up at exactly LT. reflected fault current. R3, APRIL 2006 30 POWER-LINKER ay POWER-LINKER TRAINING CENTER E i * Margin abcve LT. reflected fault current shall be not less than 30%. 20% for ralay errors 10% for variation in system impedance °. Transformer Impedance (+ 10%) * Generator Impedance (+: 15%) Line, Cable Length = Approximate 7 © Primary operating current (P.O.C.) = 1.3 x 2467 = 3207 © Pick Up PS = P.O.C CTR = 3207 200) . = 16.0354 Set Pick Up AT 17, + ADVANTAGE ‘APLLIGATION OF INSTANTANEOUS OVER CURRENT UNIT xveFRow em FOR THEFAULT on RR APRIL IS 7 POWER-LINKER * Instantaneous over current element (50) of relay R4 does not sense L.T. faults. : * But, operates instantaneously for the H.T. faults. * Thus, upstream relays R2 & R3 time can be reduced. ‘+ R2, R3 — need to be co-ordinated with relay R4 for 6.6 KV faults. + Ré4— Instantaneous + R2, R3 — operating time reduces. + DISADVANTAGE + Instantaneous over current element (50) doas not sense LT faults ‘* Thus, no back up protection to the L.T. faults. + Hence, An Additional IDMT / DMT over-current al ~ (51 OR 5072) relay is to be provided to give | back up protection to the L.T. faults; i + Example of instantaneous over-current félays: a | * Electromechanical Relays: CAG17 . 1. + All numerical relays have in built instantaneous over- current feature ABB make- SPACOM SERIES - SPAJ 1406 SIEMENS make - 785.600 GE MULTILIN make - SR 750 (Feeder Management Relay) + CASE STUDY ‘ DATA 415 V side R1 setting: PS = 1.2, TMS =0.1 NI characteristics. Fault level 36000 A 66 KV side CT ratio: 200/1 7 Desired discrimination-time between Rt and. R2 for 415 V'fault = 0.3 sec. FL = 36,000 A 3, APRIL 2006 32 POWER-LINKER anes ti iO POWER-LINKER TRAINING CENTER WER-LINKER To find : Operating time for R1 and R2 for 415 V fault Setting — (50) and (51) of R2 SOLUTION: 415 Vside P.O.C. = 3000 * 1.2 =3600 A PSM = 36000 / 3600 = 10 For NI characteristics R1 > OT = 0.1 x 0.14 / ((10) °”— 1.0) = 03sec Desired discrimination time between R1 and R2-for 415 V fault = 0.3 sec Desired operating time for R2 = 0.3 +0.3 = 0.6 sec for 415 V fault. Relay Rz characteristics > VI (HT side of transformer) Fault level on 415 V side = 36000 A Reflected fault current on 6.6 kV;side = 415 x 36000 = 2264 A Pick up setting = 1.3 x 2264 = 2943 A Piug setting = 2943 / 200 = 14.7A Set PS=15A Actual Primary setting = 15 * 200 = 3000 A Since, HT fault level is 16 kA, instantaneous of R2 will operate for HT faults but will not pick up for LT faults. P.O.C. of R1 = 3000 x 1.2 =3600 A Reflected current on 6.6 kV side = 415 / 6600 * 3600 = 226 A Plug Setting = 226 /200 = 1.13 A Set PS=1.25A P.O.C, of R2 =200 * 1.25 = 250A Reflected fault current on 6.6 kV side = 415 / 6600 * 36000 = 2264A Plug Setting Multiplier PSM = 2264 / 250 = 9.1 | PSM of R2= 9.1 : POWER-LINKER TRAINING CENTER fee POWER-LINKER For VI characteristics Set Sey . Operating time at TMS = 1.0 OT = 13.5/ (9.1 - 1.0) = 1.67 sec Besired operating time for 415 V falilt= 0.6 sec Time Multiplier Setting TMS = 0.6 / 1.67 = 0.36 Set TMS = 0.4 ‘Actual operating time for 415 V fault = 1.67 x 0.4 =0.67 sec « INSTANTANEOUS EARTH FAULT (50N) [ “APPLICATION OF INSTANTANEOUS EARTH FAULT UNIT . TRA2 auva S.6KVIO.AIKV 226% 00011 ‘* Applicable On Delta Side of Star- Delta Transformer + Earth fault on star side of transformer = Return path for any earth faults at star side of star / delta transformers is via transformer neutral. > « Earth fault relay connected in residual circuit - measures only zero sequence ; current. : «No zero sequence current flows in line side of transformer delta. Rap R3, APRIL 2006 4 POWER-LINKER == LNE-TO GROUND FAULT ON STAR SIDE v LUNE TO LINE FAULT ON DeLTA-SIOE * Thus, earth fault relay on delta side of transformer primary remains inoperative for star side earth faults, « * Delta provides natural isolation for Zero sequence currents * No co-ordination required for ground faults "between star & delta side of transformer . * Hence, possible to use instantanesils earth fault relay (SON) at transformer primary F * ADVANTAGE ‘APPLICATION OF INSTANTANEOUS EARTH FAULT UNIT —_ {ae Toss Pron desu 4 EIT] ivia * ience a Fig_RC_9B 3, APRIL 2006 35 POWER-LINKER EPS OETA RETENTION mT POWER-LINKER TRAINING: CENTER : cea POWER-LINKER Upstream relays R2 & R3 operating time for 6.6 KV faults will reduce drastically as R4 will be instantaneous. Example of instantaneous earth fault relays: Electromechanical relays: CAG11, CAG12, CAG14 All numerical relays have in built instantaneous earth fault feature. e.g. * ABB make- SPACOM SERIES - SPAJ 140C * SIEMENS make -78J 600 * GE MULTILIN make - SR 750 (Feeder Management relay) Generally requires stabilising resistor to prevent spurious tripping during transients. R3, APRIL 2006 36 POWER-LINKER ° EXAMPLE Val teu som = Reraa + Reo Ve Re bu Retaa © Ror =4Q © Length = 100m, R. = 8 Q km Ru=Ru=0.8.Q FOR 100m ¢ Burden : §0-51R = 1VA : POWER:LINKER TRAINING CENTER tan sah iva fa'¥ CF SECONDARY RESISTANCE” Ry LEAD RESISTANCE Fix Retas Above 362 R3, APRIL 2006 37 ° ly =1A iy PHASE RELAY RESISTANCE Burden 1VA © Ree =- = (leu) ay? Burden. 1VA * Reg=———-= = 1009. (lev)? oy lonarce ° Ve =————-(4+2X08+ 1) CT ratio 8X175 = (4+1.6+1) =7 (6.6) = 46.20V Ipu 46.20 RstaB * Retro = - 100 . 01 Vr = 462-100 (on) Rr = 3622 POWER-LINKER POWER-LINKER TRAINING CENTER» + PILOT WIRE PROTECTION « High speed tripping on cable faults * Pilot wire protection unit is used to clear cable faults instantaneously. * This reduces damage to the cables & increases stability of network. + Reduces fault clearance time of upstream relays. + In case of large interconnected networks with number of tie lines, the upstream relays - located on grid & generator-feeders - operating time becomes too high. « In order to reduce upstream relays operating time, pilot wire protection employed. : * Application se | POWER-LINKER H + Pilot wire protection relay - used for cable of length > 500 mtrs. + EXAMPLE OF PILOT WIRE PROTECTION RELAY: + Static Relays : e.g. Horm- 4 — Alstom Make. ciel | 2cone rant SENDING END| * High impedance differentialrelay. 3, APRIL 2006 38 | + Pseudo pilot wire protection relay (Feeder Differential Protection) POWER-LINKER, POWER-LINKER TRAINING CENTER » EXAMPLE CAG 34 - Electro Mechanical Type MCAG34 - Static Relays RADHA - 288 Combiflex SENDING END RECEIVING END FOR THE FAULT OW arKy ‘SWED-20i¢ FOR. g wmour pxor WIREPROTECTON want! : SPeRaTING FaENTES wTESt 3 operating RENEE, Fig_ae_t0a, Fig_RC_10A 3, APRIL 2006 39 POWER-LINKER GROUP | aa coy POWER-LINKER * Location : 6.6 kV SWBD-~ 1. ‘ * Consider another outgoing radial feeder to SWBD-2. * Before provision of pilot wire protection : for fault on H.T. of transformer TR-3 * R12 - Primary protection operates instantaneously = 50 msec. * R11 Acts as first back Up operates in-330 msec. * R10 Acts as second back up operates in 330 msec. * R2 R83 Acts as third back up with desired operating time - 660msec. (Co ordination interval between R10 & R2R3 330 msec.) * Thus, operating time of relay R2 & R3 increased to 660 msec. compared with 330 msec without this SWBD - 2 feeder. After provision of pilot wire protection relay to the 6.6 kV SWBD -1 to SWBD - 2 APPLICATION OF PILOT WIRE PROTECTION DR = : szecrfee, mp uorwme 5 wike Protection “pRorechon meet 1 22KVi6.sxv( gg eg! Bane a) al on AE ror BEL toss Estos ef, EET 40.33 1(0.05) ' ' +033 10.08) tot £0.05 rue mi Ry fee ot I * Any cable fault, which are frequent will be cleared instantaneously by pilot wire protection, * Hence, operating time of Telays R2 & R3 FOR 6.6 kV faults can be only 330 milliseconds * This'is on assumption that bus ‘faults are very rare. R3, APRIL 2006, 40 POWER-LINKER (Co PO} DIRECTION OF POWER FLOW FOR TRIP] NS yee Ti 2 Euo 8 WER-LINKER EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT INJECTION SUPERVISION SENDING ENO A R3, APRIL 2006. - TYPICAL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF PILOT WRI TYPE HORM 4, WITH PILOT SUPERVISION zaoy te. oe E PROTECTION RELAY, @ of HORM 4 for external fault BEHAVIOUR OF HORM4 DURING EXTERNAL FAULT DIRECTION OF POWER FLOW FOR TRIPPING SB one a A —-. ~ e | Receine ENO B TROUGH FayeT c Loney 210s, PILOT cone ReauRED RP 3 PILOT WIRE RESISTANCE 4a POWER-LINKER, GROUP . POWER LINKER TRAINING TER POWER-LINKER + Bus bar protection Though the bus faults are rare, the damages caused by bus faults are very severe, This may require clearing of bus faults instantaneously, In system with two bus sections, it will be desirable to isolate the faulty bus section at the earliest, to maintain continuity of the supply throughrthe healthy bus section, Differential protection + Restricted E/F protection ete. 9.0 TYPICAL RELAY SETTING & CO-ORDINATION EXERCISE * The initial discussions centered around individual protections. This was Siven for basic understanding of concepts involved. Using a these concepts, now we will attempt to do Relay Co-ordination for an entire system. ‘«—.. Normally these are done separately: * Since Ground faults are moh iefifathese settings shall be scrutinized more thoroughly. . PHASE FAULT: * Fig. RC_14 RELAY SETTING C0, ORDINATION EXERCISE. PURSE AUIS TaTaooun BME SRRE ae a 064R1). ONARI) easy |S a] 383 4 Ls ch ass —t Bm eteun yess mean “YS, APRIL 2008 "an POWERLINKER AEA! RLLINKER TRAINING CENTER WER-LINKER 2» Relay R7; Location : Incomer of MCC-1 (415 V) © CTR= 1600/1 ° Relay type = SPAJ140C (SPACOM series ABB make) © Over current IDMT unit (51) : (0.5 -2.5) x In, Step = 0.1 In . 0.05 - 1.00, Step = 0.01 Fault current = 38872A, (Obtained from Three Phase fault calculation) *. Max. Running Load current = 583A, * — Highest Rating Drive Starting current = 869A +. Highest Rating Drive Full Load current = 145A tact Ista = True CTR. ‘583 + 869 -145).. 1600: + Pickup, PS = a 0.816 Set PS at 0.9A + Actual Primary Operating Current (P.0.C.) = C.T.R.x PS. = 1600x0.9 = 14408 * PSM — = Fault Current Actual P.O.C, = 38872 7440 = 26.99 ° Choose Extremely Inverse (El) chardcteristi Relay R7 to be graded with fuse. E1 characteristic is particularly suitable for gfading with fuse due to it’s long operating time for lower arcing faults. ° Operating Time ofR7 = = _80 for EL @ Time pet 1.0 (PSM)*-1 * Operating Time = 0.2 2 Sec for PSM =20& Time Dial = 1.0 RS, APRIL 2006 43 POWER-LINKER », ..POWER-LINKER TRAINING CENTER : ey © Desired operating Time tt: Downstream fuse blow-off time t = 0.01 Sec Co-ordination interval * td = 04t+015 = 0.184 Sec. Desired operating time = tet = 0.01 + 0.154 ~ = 0.164 Sec + Desired Time Dial TMS : for PSM = 10, TMS =1.0'=0T' =3.0sec TMS = 0.4 => OT=04 x: oT= TMs oT! Operating time at any TMS = TMS x operating time at TMS =1,0 . °o TMS = Required Time Setting = or Desired Operating Time cree eee ae Operating Time @ TMS = 1.0 OT = From Coordination Requirement OT'=> From Equation Or Standard Graphs TMS = __Desired operating time tt Operating Time @ TMS 1.0 & PSM 20 = 0.164 0.20 = 0.82 Set Time Dial at 0.85, [Time Dial = 0.05 - 1.00, Step = 0.01] * Operating Time = 0.17 Sec. for faults. (0.2 x 0.85] * With above settings, proper co-ordination with downstream fuse can be obtained as seen from Fig. RC_11 R3, APRIL 2008 44 POWER-LINKER isi PCWER-LINKER TRAINING CENTER {ae POWER-LINKER » Relay RG : Location : facomer of PCC-1 (:415V ) e C.T.R= 3000/1 Relay type = SPAJ 140C (SPACOM series ABB make) © Over Current. IDMT unit (51) Pick up = (0.5-2.5) x In, Step = 0.1 In ‘Fie Dial = 0.05 - 1.00, Step = 0.04 ° Fault current through Relay R6 for = 38872A (Obtained from Three Phase fault at 415V MCC-1 calculation) Max. running load current 782A © Highest drive starting current 869A 2 Highest rive full load currents 45 ° Pick up PS = ten + bsm_- try CTR. 0 (2782 + 869 -145) 3000 = 1.169 Set PS at 1.24 © Actual Primary Operating Current (P.O.C.) CTR.x P.S. 3000 x 1.2 = 3600A " © PSM = Fault Current Actual P.O.C | 38872 3600 = 10.797 ° Choose Normal Inverse (NI) Characteristic : © Operating Time of R6 = 0.14 for NI | @ PSM 10.797 & Time Dial 1.0 (PSM) 4 | » Operating fime = 2.87 Sec. for PSM = 10.797 & Time Dial = R3, APRIL 2006 45 POWLISLINKLIC . eae Ay POWER-LINKER i + Desired operating Time t1 Downstream relay R7 operating Time t =0.17 Sec Co-ordination interval td = (0.25t+0.25) = 0.2925 Sec. Desired operating Time =». © tl =t+td = 0.17 + 0.2925 = 0.4625 Sec. * Desired Time Dial TMS: TMS = Desired operating Time t1 Operating Time @ TMS 1.0 = 0.4625 2.87 = 0.1611 Set Time Dial at 0.17. [Time Dial = 0.05 - 1.00; Step = 0.01] + Operating Time =.0.49 Sec. for faults. [2.87 x 0.17] * With above settings, proper co-ordination with downstream relay R7 can be obtained as seen from Fig. RC_11 Relay R4: Location : 2 MVA Transformer Primary (6.6 kV ) C.T.R = 200/1 Relay type = SPAJ 140C (SPACOM series ABB make) IDMT Over Current IDMT unit (51) : Pick up = (0.5 - 2.5) x In, Step = 0.1 In 05 - 1.00, Step = Time Dial = Instantaneous Over Current IDMT unit (60) : Pick up = (0.5-40) x In, Step = 0.1 In Time delay = 0.04 - 300 Sec., Step = 0.01 Sec. 3, APRIL 2006 468 POWER-LINKER aR-LINKER TRAINING CENTER’ © For fault on the L.T. side of Transformer TR —2 Fault current = 39227A @ 415 V. =2467A @ 6.6kV + Forthe fauli on the H.T. side of the same Transformer TR - 2, Fault Current = 16000A @ 6.6kV + Instantaneous Over-Current element ( 50 ) setting : Provides Primary Protection to the 6.6 kV H.T. faults. ° This Instantaneo LT. faults. 4 * Desired Primary Operating = 1.3 x 415V reflected fault current @6.6Kv current (P.0.C) ‘urrent element of relay should not Pick up for = 1.3 x 2467 = 32070 © Pick up, PS = Set Pick up at 17A ° Set Time Delay at 50 msec. [Time Detay = 0.04 - 300 Sec., Step = 0.01 Sec} RS, APRIL 2006 a7 POWERALINKER, « 1DMT Over-Current element (51) eetting : 3. APRIL 2008 POWER-UN! KER TRAINING CENTER Provides back up to the 415V faults. Desired P.O.C. of downstream relay R6 = 3600 A@415V = 226A @ 6.6KV Pick upPS = Desired P.O.C. CTR. = 226 200 vs 143 Set PS at 1.2A 4f, C.T. ratios on H.T. <. side Then, PS of 51 on LT#&H:T- sidgsalmost the same. ‘Actual Primary Operating = C.TRx PS. Current (P.0.C.) = 200K12 = 240A PSM = 415V fault current reflected @ 6.6 kV Actual P.O.C = 2467 240 = 10.18 Choose Very Inverse (Vi) Characteristic : Operating time of R4 @ Time Dial 1.0 = _13.5_ for Vi PSM - 1 For PSM = 10.18.&Time Dial = 1.0 Operating Time = 1.455 sec 48 POVER-LINKER Rated current Ratios on H.T. & L-T. side -—GRoUP Gg. - aS a — eee ay POWER-LINKER TRAINING CENTER {f= cma POWER-LINKER * Desired Operating Time t1 ‘ Downstream relay R6 operating time t = 0.49 Sec Co-ordination interval td = (0.25t+0. 25) = 0.3725 Sec. Desired’ ‘Operating Time t1 = tt+td = 0.49 + 0.3725 = 0.86 Sec. ° Desired Time Dial TMS: - TMS = Desired operating time tt Operating Time @ PSM 10.18 & TMS 1.0 = 0.86 1.455 = 0.591 Set Time Cial at 0.6. [Time Dial = 0.05 - 1.00, Step = 0.01] .87 Sec-for faults, 11.455 x 0.6) * Operating Time = ° Relay R2 : Location : Incomer from Grid Transformer TR-1 (6.6 kV) © FIG_RC_41 RELAY SETTING CO-ORDINATION EXERCISE- PHASE FAULT vee ROW ann (28) | G 7M e209 tg x 8 RS, Ara. 2008 49 POWER-LINKER RS, APRIL 2006 50 POW ilen e C.T.R=400/1 © Relay type = SPAJ 140C (SPACOM series ABB make) Over Current IDMT unit (51) Pick up = (0.5 -2.5) x In, Step = 0.1 In “Time Dial = 0.05 - 1.00, Step = 0.01- Max. Running Load Current = 262A [Full Load current of TR-t] «NOHLT. motor considered in this example. If H.T. motor is present'then the Plug Setting for relay R2 shall be raised to override the motor starting. + For fault on 6.6 kV bus : «Total fault current = 160000. * Contribution through TR-1 from Grid = 3967A For fault on 415V bus : + Total fault current . = 2467A @ 6.6KV = 607A @ 6.6 KV = 262 400 = = 0.65 Set PS at 0.7A ‘+ Actual Primary Operating Current (P.0.C.) © PSM for 6.6 KV fault = Fault current contribution from Grid ‘Actual P.0.C. = 3967 280 = 142 * PSM for 415V fault ER TRAINING CENTER contributicn from Grid * For 415V faults : Co-ordination interval .td = (0.25t+ 0.25) ~ ' = 0.47 Sec [t= 0.87 Sec} Desired Operating Time t1 = tttd = 0.87 + 0.47 = 1.34 Sec ° For 6.6 kV faults : Co-ordination interval td (0:25 t + 0.25) = 0.26 Sec. [t= 0.05 Sec] Desired operating Time tt. - = t+td = 0,05 + 0.26 = 0.31 Sec, ° Desired Time Dial TMS: R3. APRH anne For 6.6 kV faults: For PSM 14.2 & Time Dial 1.0, Choose NI Characteristic Operating Time = ___0.14 (14.24 = 2.568 Sec. Desired operating Time t1 HV Operating Time @ TMS 1.0 0 T™s 031 2.568 u 0.1207 © For 415V faults : For PSM = 2.17 & Time Dial = 1.0, Operating Time = __0.14 for NI (2.17)°? = 4 8.98 Sec. TMS = Desired operating Time tiLV Operating Time @ TMS 1.0 = 135 8.98 = 0.150 * Theoretically it may be desirable to select higher TMS (0.15 in this example) to achieve proper co-ordination for both faults. However, this increases operating time of upstream relays still further. + Since R2 acts as Second back upfor L.T. PCC bus faults, perfect Co- ordination with relay Ré riot essenti +. Hence, select TMS = 0.13) [Time Dial = 0.05 - 1.00, Step = 0.01] * Operating Time © 0.33 Sec. for 6.6 KV faults. (2.568 x 0.13} With above settings, proper co-ordination with downstream relay R4 can be obtained for 6.6 KV faults, as seen from Fig. RC_11 _° Relay Rt : Location : Grid transformer TR - 1 Primary ( 22kV) * C.TR= 1251 * Relay type = SPAJ 140C (SPACOM series ABB make) + IOMT Over Current unit (51) : Fie RIA gay Pick up = (0.5 - 2.5) x In, Step = 0.1 In Time Dial = 0.05 - 1.00, Step = 0.01 3, APRIL 2006 52 POWER-LINKER ER © Instartaneous Over Current unit (50) : + Pick up=(0.5-40)x!n; Step $0.1 In * Time Delay = 0.04 - 300-Sec., Step = 0.01 Sec. + For fault on 6.6 KV bus: © Contribution through TR - 4 from Grid = 1190A @ 22kV ‘* For fault on transformer H.T. winding: Current through relay R1 = contribution from Grid @ 22kV = 13121A ¢ Instantaneous Over-Current element ( 50 ) setting : (0 the 22 KV H.T. faults. ment of relay should not Pick up for ° Provides Primary protecti ¢ This Instantaneous Over; 6.6KV faults. . * Primary Operating 4.3.x current through relay R1 for 6.6KV fault current (P.0.C) = 1.3x1190 = 1551A © PickupPS = CTR. = 1554 425 = 12418 Set Pick up at 134. © Set Time delay at 50 msec.” ¢ IDMT Over-Current element (51) setting : «Provides back up to the 6.6 KV faults. + Primary Operating Current of downstream relay R2 = 280 A @6.6KV = BA@ RW ia Desired Primary Operating - = Primary Operating current of downstream Current of relay R1 relay R2 « Pick up, PS = Desired P.O.C. CTR = 84 125 = 0.672 Set PS at 0.7A ooy « Actual Primary Operating, = CO.T.Rx PS. Current (P.0.C.) = 125x0.7 = 87.5A * PSM for current through = Reflected fault current Relay R1 for 6.6 KV fault ‘Actual P.O.C = 1190 7.5, PSM = 13.6 * Choose Very Inverse (V1) Characteristic : 5 >. Operating Time of R1 = 13.5 forVl . @ selected PSM & Time Dial 1.0 PSM-1 +e Operating Time="4.074 Sec, for PSM = 13.6 & Tima Dial = 1. R3, APRIL 2006, 54 PCWER-LINKER ER-LINKER TRAINING CENTER Desired operating Time tt : * For 6.6KV faults, relay R1 shall discriminate with IDMT Over-Current unit (51) of relay R2. = Downstream relay R2 operating Time - IDMT element (51) :t = 0.33 Sec for 6.6 kV faults, * For 6.6 kV faults : Co-ordination interval td = (025+ 0.25) = 0.3325 Sec. [t=0. 33 Sec] Desired Operating Time tt. = t+td = 0.33 + 0.3325 = 0.6625 Sec, © Desired Time Dial TMS : TMS for 6.6 kV faults = Desired Operating Time t1 Operating Time @ TMS 1.0 = 0.619 ‘Set TMS at 0.62 [ime Dial = 0.05 - 1.00, step=0.01] * Operating Time = 0.68 Sec. for 6.6 KV faults. {1.071 x 0.62] * With above settings, proper co-ordination with downstream Felay R2 can be obtained for 6.6 KV faults, as seen from Fig. RC_11 Relay R3 : Location : Incomer from Generator TG - 1 ( 6.6KV ) © CTR= 2000/1 * Relay type = SPAJ 140 (SPACOM series ABB make) * Over Current IOMT unit (51) = Pick up = (0.5 - 2.5) xn, Step = 0.1 In Time Dial = 0.05 - 1.00, Step = 0.01 A wi. For fault on 6.6 KV bus : ‘©, Total fault current = 16000A. © Contribution by TG - 120334 {from the fault study output } For fault on 418V PCC-1 : «Total fault current = 2467A @ 6.6kV © Contribution by TG-1= 1860A @6.6kV 1-0 (0.08}| zou [esw ZF gv ft Max. running load current = 1804A [Full Load Current of TG-1} Pick up, PS = Running Load Current CTR = 1904 2000 = 0902 4 Set PS at 1.0A ‘ Actual Primary Operating Current (P.O.C.) = C.T.R.xP.S. = 2000x 1.0 = 2000A PSM for 6.6 KV fault = Fault current through relay R3 current contribution Actual P.O.C of TG-1 = 12033 2000 = 6.02 PSM for 415V fault = Fault Current contribution of TG-1 Actual P.O.C. = 1860 2000 = 093 Relay R3 does not sense the 415V faults as PSM < 1.0 Pe Choose No-mal Inverse (N!) Characteristi Operating Time of R3 = _0.14, for NI @selected PSM & (sm), Time Dial 4.0... « Operating Time for 6.6 kV faults = 3.833 Sec. “for PSM = 6.02 & Time Dial = 1.0 © Desired operating Time t1: ¢ Relay R3 does not sense 415Vfaults. Hence, no need of further calculation. ° For 6.6kV faults, relay R3 shall discriminate with Instantaneous Over- Current unit (50) of relay R4 2 Downstream relay R4 operating Time Instantaneous element ( 50 © For 6.6 KV faults : Co-ordination interval td = (0.25t+0.25) = 0.26 Sec. [t= 0.05 Sex] Desired Time of Operation t1 = tttd 0.05+ 0.26 0.31 Sec. * Desired Time Dial TMS : 7 TMS for 6.6 KV faults = Desired operating Time tt Cperating Time @ PSM 6.01& TMS 1.0 Set TMS at 0.08 {Timo Dial = 0.05 - 1.00, 8tep ~ 0.01] “e Operating Time for 6.6 KV faults = 0.31 Sec. [3.833 x 0.08] ° With above settings, proper co-ordination between R3 & R4 obtained. Refer Fig. RC_11 GROUND FAULT * Solidly Grounded system Fault current is typically in kAmps. Medium Resistance Grounded system Fault current limited to. transformer full load current or * Typically around 4008 Se * High Resistance Groinited “Fault current Tinted to less'than 15 Amps, * Criteria’s for selecting Ground fault Pick up setting For Sélidly Grounded System * Higher Pick up shall be selected to avoid excessive current through the relay. * By adopting higher Plug Setting, Sensitivity is not sacrificed as fault currant is in kAmps. For High Resistance Grounded System * Pick up shall be low enough to obtain desired Sensitivity. This is true as fault current is low. This current further reduces for arcing faults. * To increase Sensitivity, sometimes 1A relay are connected to SA CT secondary. 4 APRIL 2006 58 POWER-LINKER Gana ey POWER. LINKER TRAINING CENTER| Trower. -LINKER: ° Ground retay senses only zero sequence currents. * Flow of zero sequence currents is very much influenced by Transformer Vector Group Connections. ° EXAMPLE * Fault on Star side of Delta - Star Grounded § Transformer results in flow of Zero Sequence Current on Star side, * But, no Zero Sequence Current can flow on Delta side. * Hence, providing the back up Ground Over-Current relay (say S1N) on Delta side of Ster-Delta Transformer is meaningless. * Detection of ground faults on the ungrounded systems can only be done using Voltage relays. Zero Sequence Voltage obtained through the Open Delta PT. ° Inthe Resistance Grounded Systems the fault currents magnitudes remains almost the same irrespective of fault location © Fig. RC_13 RELAY SETTING-CO-ORDINATION EXERCISE-GROUND FAULT 4 rorenireae as roneagyeaspe men ——— Se a me 286. — 1 SE, rt ate tl a Le 2.19.51) a seams E80 wey os Derry j S-ETOLTA-o0p a0) oe oor J ft Relay R10 : Location : Incomer of MCC-1 { 415V) © C.T.R= 1600/1 Relay type = SPAJ 140C (SPACOM series ABB make) “ay pSe-7 * Ground fault IDMT unit (51N) Pick up = (0.1 - 0.8) x1n, Step = 0.1 In Time Dial = 0.05 - 1.00, Step = 0.04 Fault current = 40957A (Obtained from Ground fault calculation) Selection of Plug Settings for Ground fault relays are not influenced ay equipment rated current and motor starting current as system is assumed to be balanced. Under these conditions, zero sequence current is minimum. Let PS be set at 0.8A. Primary Operating Current of relay (P.0.C.) = 0.8x 1600 = 12804. Current flow through relay : = 40957 @ bolted earth fault 1280 = 31.99 Current flow through relay = 26622 [40957 x 0.65} @ arcing earth fault 1280 Thus, relay operating Time will be same for both arcing & bolted earth faults as for both cases PSM >20. Choose Extremely Inverse (El) Characteristic : Relay R10 to be graded with fuse. El characteristic is particularly suitable for grading with fuse (slopes are almost matching) due to it’s tong operating time for lower arcing faults. Operating Time of R10 = 80 for El @ Time Dial 1.0 (PSM APRIL 2006 60 POWER-LINKER PO’ ERC iKEF RAINING CENTER®s:3 + Operating Time = 0.2 Sec for PSM= 20 & Time Dial = 1.0, + Desired operating Time t1 Downstream fuse blow off Time t = 0.01 Sec Co-ordination inteival td = (0.4t+ 0°15) = 0,154 Sec. Desired operating Time t1 = tttd 01 + 0.154 _ 0.164 Sec. 0 © Desired Time Dial TMS TMS = Desired operating Time t1 Operating Time @ TMS 1.0 = 0.164 .20 = 0817 Next available set point = 0.85 [Time Dial = 0.05 - 1.00, Step = 0.01] ‘© Operating Time = 0.17 Sec. for fautts. (0.2 x 0.85] « With above settings, pretties Stdination with downstream fuse can be obtained as seen from Fig. RC_13 «Relay R9: Location : Incomer of PCC-1 ( 415) 2 CTR= 3000/1 + Relay type = SPAJ 140C (SPACOM series ABB make) © Earth fault {DMT unit (51N): Pick up = (0.1 - 0.8) x in, Step = 0.1 In Time Dial = 0.05 - 1.00, Step = 0.01 « Fault current passing through = 40957A relay for fault at MCC-1 (Obtained from Ground fault calculation) RD, APRIL: 2008, 61 POWER-LINKER POW! ER Bherrmrene CENTER * °° * A Set PS at 0.44, Primary Operating Current of relay (P.0.C.) = 0.4 x 3000 = 1200A. Current flow through relay element~~ = 40957 @ bolted earth fault 1200 334.12 Current flow through relay element 26622 @ arcing earth fault 1200 = 22.18 Thus, relay operating Time will be same for both arcing & bolted Earth faults as PSM > 20. Chosen characteristic is Normal Inverse (NI) : [40957 x 0:65] Operating Time of RI @ PSM 20 = 0.14 for NI @PSM 20 & Time Dial 1.0 (PSM) Operating Time = 2.267 Séc: for PSM= 20.0 & Time Dial = * Desired Operating Time tt Downstream relay R10 operating Timet = 0.17 Sec Co-ordination interval td =(0.25t+0.25) = 0.2925 Sec. Desired Operating Time tl =t+td ' .17 + 0.2925 4625 Sec. Desired Time Dial TMS ‘TMS = Desired Operating Time t1 Operating Time @ TMS 1.0 = 0.4625 2.267 = 0.2040 Set TMS at 0.21 {Time Dial = 0.05 - 1.00, Step = 0.01] + APRIL 2006 "0 POWER INKER: 1 LLDPE a 3, APRIL. 2006 oa © Operating Time = 0.48 Sec. for faults, : (2.267 x 0.21] ° With above settings, proper co-ordination with downstream relay R10 in the desired fault current range, can be obtained as seen from Fig. RC_13. Relay RB: Location : Standby Earth fault relay. of TR-2 (415V) ° For any fault between relay RO & Star winding neutral, relay RO will not Pick up. There is no back up Ground felay for this fault Phase Over-Current relay on the Delta side may operate as a back up for Star side Ground faults. But, this will take long time and if system is resistance earthed, it may not operate. + Line to Ground fault on Star side will be reflected as line to line faults on the Delta side. ° Hence, Relay R8 is providedion'the Transformer neutral. © .C.T.R=30001 ° Relay type = SPAJ 115C (SPACOM series ABB make) Earth fault [DMT unit (51N) Pick up = (0.05 - 0.4) x In, Step = 0.1 In Time Dial = 0.05 - 1.00, Step = 0.01 + Fault current passing = 409574 (obtained from ground fault calculation) through relay for LT fault * As discussed for relay R9, set PS at 0.44, PSM >20, for both bolted & arcing earth faults. * Chosen characteristic is Normal Inverse ( NI) : Operating Time = 2.267 Sec. for. PSM = 20.0 & Time Dial = 1.0 Ogre: osc ’ aia cee | : : EE POWER-UNKER Desired Operating Time t1 : Downstream relay R9 operating Time 1 = 0.48 Sec, Co-ordination Interval td. = (0.25t+0.25) = 0.37 See. Desired Operating Time t1 oS tata” = 0.48 +0.37 = 0.85 Sec, 0.4 (0.21) 418V PCC - 1 Desired Time Dial TMS TMS = Desired Operating Time tt Operating Time @ TMS 1.0 = 0.85 . 2.267 = 0.3749 Set Time Dial at 0.38 [ Time Dial = .05 - 1.00, Step = 0.01 ] Operating Time = 0.86 Sec. (2.267 x 0.38} With above settings, proper Co-ordination with downstream relay R9 can be obtained as seen from Fig, 14A. Rot * R9=> Trips LT. side breaker * RB => Trips both H.T. & L.T. side breakers. APRIL, 2006 64 POWER-LINKER nh pp 2. yi mp DS nn ha mh on a g er % ¥ 1 «| ot Des sieweebcluernan ° Relay ype = Spay 449.0 {(SPACOM series ABB make) Instantaneous Over Current unit (SON) : Pick up = (0.1- 0.8) x fn, Step = 0.1 In Time Delay = 0,04 - 300 Sec., Step = 0.01 Séc. ° For the faull on the H.T. sideatss ISE-GROUND FAULT FOR FAULT ON Gok Treo 40 ‘teams “Rotem | SEARS. os1(Rs) cones 9, 0.31 HET) 262) Let PS be sot at minimum 0.14 (Resistance Grounded system). Primary Operating Curent of ralav'(P © C) = o1x200 = 20A Sensitivity of relay = 20 x 1900 350 57% Thus, relay will Pick up for bot; arcing & bolted earth faults, Rowe delay is sutatminimun io, @ 60 msec, OWER-LINKER TRAINING GEN + Relay R2: Location: Incomer from Grid transformer TR-1(.6.6 kV) e CAR= 4001 * Relay type = SPAJ 140C (SPACOM series ABB make) + Earth fault DMT unit (50N/2).__ Pick up = (0.1 - 0.8) x In, Step = 0.1 In Time Delay = 0.05 - 300 Sec., Step = 0.01 Sec yf : - * For6.6 kV Earth faults, fault current through relay R2= 250A > a + Let PS be set at 0.1A a (Resistance Grounded System) > * Chosen Definite Minimum Time (OMT) Characteristic. > | >? 6.6KV system is Resistance Grounded ‘System. Hence, fault current does not 1 vary much with the location’ of the fault. No variation in the fault current. : a Hence IDMT not useful. 1; DMT relays used : Grading can be obtained using Discrimination by Time Jo. Principle. re © Desired Operating Time tt : 7, . Oy Downstream relay R6 Operating Timet = 0.05 Sec - Co-ordination interval td = (0.25 t + 0.25) ; po; = 0.2625 Sec. ' ‘ Sa Desired Operating Time t1 = trtd = 0.05+ 0.2625 = 0.31 Sec. Set Time delay at 0.31 Sec. [Time delay = 0.05 -300 Sec, Step = 0.01] With above settings, proper co-ordination with downstream relay R6 can be obtained as seen from Fig. RC_13, RIL 2006 66 : COWER-LINKER, 3 © Relay R3 : Location : Stand by Earth fault relay ‘of TR-1'(6.6 kV) © C.T.R= 4001 Relay type = SPAJ 140C (SPACOM series ABB make) ‘Earth fault DMT unit ( 50N/2) ” Pick up = (0.05 - 0.4) x In, Step = 0.1 In ‘Time Dial = 0.08 - 1.00, Step = 0.01 ® SetPSat0.1A: Same as relay R2 at the downstream. + Desired Operating Time t1 : Downstream relay R2 Operating Time t Co-ordination interval td Desired Operating Time tt Set Time delay at 0.64 Sec. [Time delay = 0.05- 300 Sec, step = 0.01] (.31 Sec (2.25 t + 0.25) 0.3275 Sec. tttd 0/31+ 0.3275 0.6375 Sec. e Relay R5 : Location: Incomer from Generator TG-1 (6.6kV) © C.T.R= 100/1 Relay type = SPAJ 140C (SPACOM series ABB make) Earth fault DMT unit ( 50N/2) : Pick up = (0.1 - 0.8) x In, Step = 0.1 In Time delay = 0.05 - 300 Sec,, Step = 0.01 Sec 2 Set PS at 0.1A R3, APRIL 2006 - or POWER-LINKER, POWER-LINKER Desired operating Time tt: Downstream relay R6 operating Time Instantaneous element (50N)t = . 0.05 Sec Co-ordination interval td = (0.25t+ 0.25) +=. 0.26 Sec.-[t = 0.05 Sec] Desired operating Time tt = tttd = 0.05 +0.26 = 0.31 Sec. Set Time delay at 0.31 Sec. [ Time delay = 0.05 - 300 Sec, Step = 0.01] With above settings, proper co-ordination with downstream relay R6 can be obtained as seen from Fig. RC_13. Though as per co-ordination the operating Time is obtained as 0.31 Sec, it can be set higher say 0.6 Sec. so that the Generator trips the last. Relay R1: Location : Grid Transformer TR-1 Primary ( 22kV) © CTR= 1251 * Relay type = SPAJ 140C (SPACOM series ABB make) + Earth fault Instantaneous unit (SON) : Pick up = (0.1 - 0.8) x In, Step = 0.4 In Time delay = 0.05 - 300 Sec., Step = 0.01 Sec For the fault on the H.T. side of the same transformer TR-1 Fault current = 131214 * Let PS be set 0.8A (POC = 125 x 0.8 = 100 A) + Time delay is set at: iinimum i.e, @ 50mSé6. R3, APRIL 2006. 68 POWER-LINKER

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