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for Palm Trees

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Date :

20th July, 2010

Preventive maintenance is to ensure an optimum operative condition for the elements of
the palm tree.
Inspection: Regular visual inspection every six months (a bi-annual inspection) as follow:
1. Carefully inspect the palm fronds for:
o Signs of fatigue
o Damaged leaflets
o Check tightness of all fronds bolts
o Correct installation i.e. number of bolts & sizes, installation of leaf support &
washers (1)
o Any other signs of installation damage (1)
o Correct installation of frond i.e. fronds are correct way up (1)
o Signs of new installation and subsequent damages
2. Inspect the tree trunk for:
o Any signs of damage to the bark (especially at joints)
o Status of the GRP camouflage on the base HD Bolts and at the top of the
trunk, i.e. it has been installed and it is secured.
o 3rd party damage to trunk resulting from provision of additional aperture(s)
o Damage to camouflage bark resulting from installing additional
antennas/bracket on palm tree trunk
o All step bolts existing
o Aperture doors & closing/retaining bolts.
o Safety CABLOC system
3. Inspect the Cone Support and Spine:
o Inspect the spine fixation, number of bolts & sizes and washers (1)
o Check tightness of all bolts for the cone and spine.
4. Inspect the rain water drainage:
o Clean inside the trunk from any objects may block the drain and clean PVC
drainage (pipe).
o Inspect the foam at the jumpers inlet through the cone (between the
o Close & secure access doors
Safety equipments for climbing the palm, safety belt, rope & shock absorber
Spanners, sockets & wrenches
-oOoNB: PM marked with


to be done for the 1st visit only.

Palm Tree Preventive Maintenance Services.doc

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