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Sierra Wall
ELED 3650
Student Assessment Profile
Student 19F
Student 10M
Assessments Administered:
Learning Profile Quiz/Sociogram
Benchmark Math Assessment
Dibels Testing (Accuracy and Rate)
Student #1 Description:
Student 19F is a Hispanic female student who is in the third grade at East
Elementary. Student 19F is an ELL student with a WIDA level of 3.3. Her math ability
level is at a pre-level (.80), meaning she is not yet at a first grade level, while her reading
ability level is at a first grade level (1.00), meaning she is still two grade levels behind.
Student 19F lives with both of her parents and has five siblings. Her home language is
Spanish. She loves spending time with her family and loves animals.
Student #2 Description:
Student 10M is a small Caucasian boy who is in the third grade at East
Elementary. This student has an IEP for a learning disability, because he struggles with
reading and writing. His math ability level is at a second grade level (2.27), while his
reading ability level is at a first grade level (1.16). Student 10M lives with his mother and
twin brother, his father died last year due to cancer. In the classroom student 10M
constantly needs attention and assistance in completing his work. He appears to be very
distracted and has a difficult time with interactions. This student also has a passion for
collecting money and playing video games.

Assessment #1:
The first assessment I administered to the students was a learning profile quiz to
assess how each student learns. I developed this quiz based on information I obtained
from other learning style quizzes. I administered this quiz to the whole class to avoid
making these two students feel singled out. While administering the assessment I read the
whole quiz out loud to help each of my ELL students. I then had Student 19F and 10M
explain why they chose the answers they did to help me have a deeper understanding of
their personalities and learning styles. I chose to administer this assessment to all students
so I could better understand each of my students. By doing this it allows me to adjust my
instruction accordingly to fit the needs of each and every student. Along with this
learning profile quiz I developed a sociogram based on the classroom interactions.
Throughout the day I observed how students interacted with one another as well as with
their teacher. I was looking for both positive and negative behaviors. I chose to do this
assessment to observe which students are having a difficult time socializing with their
peers and/or teacher, based on this information I would be able to create a plan to help
with student social abilities.
Student #1: Based on the quiz results student 19F likes to work and interact with
her peers, she doesnt like to work alone, or be alone. This student learns well through
speaking and verbalizing and falls into the category of verbal/linguistic intelligence. She
enjoys to read and write and believes she is a good speller. According to the quiz student
19F also falls into the logical/mathematical intelligence. She enjoys participating in
activities that involve math or logical thinking such as puzzles and math games. On the
learning profile quiz this student also fell into the bodily/kinesthetic intelligence. She

enjoys building things, using her hands, and being active. Compared to her peers this
student has very similar learning styles. The majorities of her peers are interpersonal and

Learning Style Inventory







enjoy working
with others. The table below represents the scores from the assessment.

Source: Learning Style Inventory Results

As I was administering the sociogram I observed as student 19F interacted with

her peers. This student is very quiet and has a close relationship with two other students
in the classroom. Each of her interactions was very positive and polite. However at times
she appears to rely heavily on one other student for help on assignments. This can
become a negative interaction because she is not able to complete her work without the
help or assistance from this student.
Based on my findings I can help student 19F by adjusting my instruction
accordingly to fit her personal learning styles. From my findings I know that this student
works well with others and enjoys projects that deal with math or logic. Because this
student has such a low math score I would focus on using her interest in math and logic to
help her be more successful in math. This would be important area of growth for this
student because she is currently at a pre-level math ability. By helping this student find
interest in her math instruction and work it may help improve her scores and help her
reach grade level.
To help student 19F improve in the area of math I would use her learning style
inventory quiz to adjust instruction. Because this student fell into the intelligence of
bodily/kinesthetic I believe using manipulatives would be a great tool to use. While
teaching this student about new math concepts or any new concept I believe it would be a
great idea to have this student use some type of hands on material. I would also place this
student into ability groups to allow her to work with peers and share ideas or thoughts.
However while placing her in a group I would be sure to be aware of how much work she
is actually doing, to assure she isnt relying too heavily on everyone else. After making
adjustments to instruction I would give this student a self-assessment, having her explain

what type of instruction work well for her and when she feels she is learning the most. By
doing this I would be able to continually monitor her learning and the effectiveness of my
Student #2: Based on the results from the learning quiz student 10M scored high
on interpersonal, meaning he enjoys working and interacting with his peers, he also
stressed his love for helping others. He however said that he also likes to work alone and
doesnt like being in large crowds. This student scored high in the bodily/kinesthetic
intelligence, meaning he likes to have hands on activities and keep himself busy. He
enjoys building things, has a hard time sitting still, and taps his fingers or pencil during
class. Based on interaction and observations of this student it is evident that he learns
well through hand on activities and one-on-one interactions. The table below represents
student 10Ms scores on the learning style inventory quiz.

Learning Style Inventory

Verbal/Linguistic Visual/Spacial Musical/Rhythmic Intrapersonal

Source: Learning Style Inventory Results

As I administered the sociogram I observed as student 10M interacted with his

peers as well as his teacher. Student 10M had a difficult time interacting positively with
others. As he interacted with his peers he would do things to annoy them and laugh when
they became upset. Student 10M also relied heavily on his teacher to help him complete
each of his assignments, because of this creating a negative interaction.
Through analyzing these assessments I found that this student would benefit from
adjusting instruction accordingly to fit his needs. On his assessment he circled the answer
of liking to help others. With knowing that, I can plan for this student to help his peers in
an area he is strong in. Through observation I found that student 10M is very good at
math. I believe it would be a great idea to have this student help students on math
assignments. I would motivate student 10M to complete his math work in a timely
manner so he would have time to be a class helper. I believe this would also help improve
this students social interaction. Before I had this student become a classroom helper I
would teach appropriate social skills. To do this I would find books to read to the class
and have them practice the skills talked about in the book. I believe it would be beneficial
to make these accommodations. By doing this I believe it would motivate this student to
complete his work as well as learn appropriate social skills.
Assessment #2:
The second assessment I analyzed was a math assessment. This particular math
assessment was a benchmark assessment for four of the their math program, created by
the program. This math assessment was assessing students ability to successfully group
counters to answer multiplication questions. I chose this assessment to analyze both

students math abilities as well as their abilities to take the assessment. The assessment
determined whether or not students are able to read the story problems, determine what
math equation they need to do, and be able to correctly solve the problem. During
instruction students were taught how to look for key words in story problems to
determine what the question was looking for. During the time of the assessment two
students were pulled into the back of the room to receive any extra assistance as needed,
such as reading the problem. Below is a breakdown of what students were being asked
along with the purpose of each question.
Test Question
#1: 4 groups of 2 =
#2: 2 rows of 7 =
#3: 6 groups of 3 =
#4: Which of the following number sentences is the
Commutative Property of Multiplication for
#5: Which array represents the multiplication
sentence of 5x5=25?
#6: Use the array to find 3x2.
#7: Bill has 4 groups of counters with 3 counters in
each group. How many counters does Bill have in
#8: Match the multiplication sentence to the group
of counters.
#9: The array below shows 4 rows of 5 squares.
How many squares in all?
#10: Juan, Maria, and Stephen each have 8 pencils.
How many pencils do they have altogether?

Question Analysis
-Refer to model to understand grouping.
-Counting the groups.
-Refer to array to understand problem.
-Counting the squares on the array.
-Refer to model to understand grouping.
-Counting the groups to understand multiplication.
-Knowing what the Commutative Property of
Multiplication is to solve.
-Refer to model of an array to understand
-Refer to array to solve multiplication problem.
-Ability to count the array.
-Ability to read a story problem.
-Knowledge on groups.
-Ability to multiply.
-Ability to read and create a multiplication sentence
based off a model.
-Ability to count the squares on an array.
-Ability to create a multiplication sentence from an
-Ability to read a story problem.
-Ability to multiply.

The benchmark score for this assessment was 80%. If the students were able to
score 80% or above, their classroom teacher felt they had the concept and were able to
move on to the next chapter. On this math assessment the overall class average was a

the class
is ready
to move
on to the
Below is
breakdown of the class results, showing how students performed on each question.





Source: Math Assessment Results

Student #1: Based on the math assessments student 19F was able to score 8/10
questions correctly receiving a score of 80%. This student missed questions five and
seven. These questions each require the student to read a small section or story problem.
Based on the results it appears that the language deficit is having an effect on student
19Fs scores. During instruction this student is able to complete each of the assignments
and appears to understand the math concepts. However her math results show that she is
still struggling in some areas. She was able to reach the benchmark score of 80% on this
Upon analyzing the math assessment I found that student 19F needs
accommodations and modifications made during the time of the assessment. To adjust
accordingly for student 19F I would read the assessment to her as well as provide her
with math manipulatives. By doing this I feel her test results would better reflect her
actual math abilities. I would also focus on re-teaching the concepts for each of these two
questions. To do this I would pull this student aside in either a small group or one-on-one.
I would focus on teaching arrays, how to refer to an array to solve a multiplication
problem, and story problems using multiplication. By re-teaching these skills I believe
this student would be able to show her true math abilities and perform well on the
assessment. For future lessons I believe it would be a great idea to pull her aside in a
small group to provide more one-on-one instruction before the time of the assessment. To
follow up with this student I would create a follow up assessment to know whether or not
the re-teach was effective.
Overall I believe that this student needs more accommodations and modifications
made to help this student show her true potential. I believe her language abilities are

holding her back from succeeding in other subject areas. However this student has began
to show tremendous growth in the area of math, she just won the most improved student
at East Elementary in the subject of math. I believe she has been able to show this type of
growth due to the use of manipulatives in the classroom. She is able to use hand on
activities to create concrete ideas or pictures of how to solve the math. Upon talking to
this student she is very pleased with her hard work and is excited to continue to grow.
Student #2: Based on the math assessment student 10M was able to answer 10/10
questions correctly, receiving a score of 100%. While taking his assessment he had the
motivation of completing it on time so he could go to lunch early, or at least on time.
However his classroom teacher told him she would be checking each answer to make
sure he did his best work. As he took his assessment he was very focused and was excited
for his assessment to be checked. He appeared to be very proud of his work. When he
answered each question correctly he was praised.
Based on the analysis I found that this student needs appropriate motivation and
praise to complete his math assessments. On this assessment student 10M performed very
well, receiving a perfect score, however his ability level is at a second grade level. This
shows that this student has the knowledge and ability to perform very well but is lacking
the appropriate motivation to do his best work. To help this student become more
successful in school I would like to create a better relationship with this student and find
out what motivates him. Together we would create a motivation plan and goals. I believe
this student would need both short term and long term goals, but something that I know
he will be able to reach so he will continue to receive intrinsic motivation. After creating

goals I would create self-assessments to help this student monitor himself and the
effectiveness of the motivators.
Overall I believe this student is very capable in math and has the ability to be on
at least a third grade ability level. However this student doesnt have any motivation or
drive to complete his work and do it correctly. This student doesnt appear to understand
the importance of performing well. I believe by providing this student with the
appropriate motivation and praise he will be able to be more successful in school.

Assessment #3:
The final assessment I chose to administer was Dibels. While administering
Dibels I was assessing students on their accuracy rate and words capable per minute
(WCPM). I would pull students aside one by one and have them read to me. I would
provide the student with a story while I had the same story on an I-pad. As student began
reading I would start the timer and follow along with the students. As the students made a
mistake I would mark it appropriately on the I-pad. I would also assist students in reading
words that they were unable to read on their own. I chose to progress monitor my
students to assess their reading abilities and monitor their progress. As I administered this
assessment I began to see the range of abilities in these third graders. I found that thirteen
students are at or above third grade level, on a green level, one student that is barely
below grade level, on a yellow level, and ten students who are below grade level,
receiving a red level. Refer to graph below.


Ability Levels
On/Above Level




Number of Students

Source: Dibels Assessment Results

Student #1: Student 19F is below level, on a red level. This student received a
score of twenty-two words capable per minute with an 81% accuracy on her first cold
read. While reading this student needed constant help with sounding out words, she
would see a word and make a guess about what the word said. This student also had a
difficult time understanding what she was reading. She didnt understand the meaning of
the words. This student informed me that she never learned to read in her first language,
which is Spanish.
Based on the analysis of the assessment I found that student 19F needs a lot of
instruction in reading. I believe that this student needs to go back to the basics of reading.
To do this I would provide my students with another test, assessing her phonics abilities.
Based on the results I would create a plan to focus in on her individual needs. To teach

student 19F I would have her come before school for a small tutoring session. I would
also like to get some family involvement and create a reading plan for this student to
work on, reading at least twenty minutes a day with an adult. From there I would assess
her weekly to determine what she has been learning and what she needs to work on next.
I believe by doing this she will receive the building blocks she has missed out on, due to
her language development. By making these small adjustments I believe student 19F
scores will begin to improve.
Overall I have found that this student is very determined and motivated to
succeed. She is always working her hardest and talking about how much she loves
reading. By providing her with the foundation she needs I believe she will be able to
excel and her reading abilities will flourish.
Student #2: Student 10M has an ability level that is below grade level. Making up
one of the ten students at a red level. This student received a score of twenty-nine words
capable per minute with an accuracy of 83% on his first cold read. As he was reading he
was trying to read very fast and had a problem with skipping over words and reading
words incorrectly. Because this student was having a difficult time slowing down he was
asked to read the passage again. Before he began he was encouraged to do his best
reading and not to worry about speed. He received a score of forty-three words capable
per minute with an accuracy of 90%. His score improved after he slowed down and was
able to focus on doing his best reading.
Based on the analysis of the assessment I found that student 10M needs assistance
and work on fluency. To move student 19F beyond his current level I would have this
student come before school to have one-on-one instruction. During this time I would

model how to read, working on one fluency skill at a time. I would then have the student
read the material back to me. To make sure this student is able to improve I would
provide books that are on his appropriate reading level. I would also communicate with
his reading group instructor to plan and coordinate instruction. By talking to his reading
group instructor I can also receive feedback on his daily or weekly progress in reading.
Along with these adjustments I believe the home life has a huge impact on success,
because of this I believe it would be a great idea to have a conference with his mother and
discuss what she can do with him to move him beyond his current ability level and onto
grade level.
Overall I feel that student 10M has a good foundation in reading, he just needs
more explicit instruction in fluency as well as comprehension. To help this student move
beyond his current level and be more successful in school he needs motivation as well as
individualized instruction. Within the few months of working with this student I have
seen him grow tremendously with the help of having extra adults in the classroom to
provide him with more one-on-one instruction. By knowing this I would like to review
his current Individual Education Plan (IEP) and try to get this student an aide for at least
part of the day. I believe this would help student 10M excel in each of the subject areas.
Upon completing this analysis of student 19F and 10M I found that both students
have immense potential to be successful in school. They each need a little push and
explicit instruction to move them beyond their current levels. Even though this can be
very time consuming, it is worth it. I believe each and every student should receive oneon-one time with the teacher so they are receiving individualized instruction that fit their

needs. To create individualized instruction assessments can be used to determine
students current levels and what students are still struggling with. Formative assessments
are also a great tool in monitoring students progress throughout instruction. By using
assessments appropriately I believe it provides teachers with the knowledge to help
students reach their full potential and receive the best instruction possible.
Scoring Breakdown:
List of three assessments: 10/10. Youre clear about the assessments youve used, why
youve selected these to include here, and what they assess. Of note is that you actually
conducted four assessments, if you include the sociogram as part of your project.
Description of assessment data: 30/30. Your description is appropriately comprehensive,
and you contextualize the data you describe as relative to the individual learners as well
as against class means and grade level expectations.
Identification of behavior or skill: 20/20. You identify appropriate areas for growth for
each learner, both in a holistic sense as well as respective to each content area assessed.
Action plan: 30/30. Thorough action plan, with concrete action steps that are manageable
for you as a classroom teacher. Of note is your anticipation of multiple considerations and
variables that could impact your action plan, and your proposed collaboration with others
to further enhance student learning.
Writing: 10/10. Solid and appropriate tone and technique.
Artifacts: 25/25.
Final Score: 125/125.

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