Writer Identity Crisis

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Faryal Khan

English 1102-068

The Student Writers Experience

As far as all my joyous and memorable experiences with the wonders of academic
writing, I can recall absolutely none. Besides the merely occasional delusions of grandeur I got
from every single assigned essay I aced in English 1101; as soon as I see that A+ marked neatly
on the top right hand tip of my paper, the mere comments that follow it below are nothing but
lonesome letters hurdled into clusters of only what can resemble the anomaly of a doctors note.
My relationship with the age old tiring academic essays that wrinkly professors assign their
soon-to-be wrinkly students is, and has always been, simply and strictly kept for the sake of
maintaining the precious grade-point average of a 4.0 which all mothers and even intellectually
engaged fathers adore. The sight of my Asian mothers approved smile when she sees the only
acceptable grade letter of an A+, is indeed the only other motivational accomplishment that
keeps me going through the exhausting labors of a procrastinators late night struggles on
completing a 5+ page argumentative essay which reflects my pity thoughts on essays written by
other highly esteemed scholarly figures. Though I may not enjoy working on academically
related writings, I am proud the fact that I am able to pull through all the formalities and purge
out a paper worthy enough of a passing letter grade.
I have mastered this ingenious process of crafting an A + worthy academic essays with
the help of my not-so-beloved college English 1101 professor and the dear gold mine of outlined
essays prompts swarming around the endless void that is the internets search pages All these
years of trying to discover the perfect formula for an essay worthy enough to be deemed greater
than a B average. At long last I have accomplished now only what I could have done if only my
changeable so-called high school English teachers had emphasized towards it more ; and that
secret is chocolate pudding with a hint of vanilla extract. Well in more sensible terms I mean

Faryal Khan
English 1102-068

acknowledging and analyzing the information you have at hand synthesized with you, the
skillfully young-adult writers personal thoughts and experiences towards whatever intellectually
stimulating material of information you have soaked into that continuously developing intelligent
young mind, just waiting to be used - appropriately of course.
My professor, although he was one of the most skillfully boring and prolonged speech
givers in the history of mentally de-stimulating lecturers I had endured throughout my fragile
young life, I had surprisingly learned much from his feedback on my rough drafts and at times I
had learned much even from lectures on the struggles of life as we know it. I found that when
teachers hand out outlined formats, based on the type of essay, students gain a good little push on
the back to help them start swinging through formal writing processes. Positive enforcement
through grading critiques and continuously challenging topics to expand upon helped me develop
into a better writer than I was before in high school.
Though, no matter how much my professors want be to become a professional and
academically polished writer ,I do not see myself cracking away at 12am sophisticatedly
explaining my limited experiences with the certain issues that they present me with to write
about. Although my spirits towards completing academic written assignments might not soar as
high as a stoners, I must admit I find quite an amusing sense of artistic expression through
nonsensical poetic writings.
After previously taking a creative writing course in high school , which involved
everything except the gosh-darn structured essay assignments we all despise so very much I have
discovered, that I have a little knack for slam poetry. At long last I had found my true calling,
no longer did I look towards writing as a boring assignment I had to complete, but now I was a
writer who sought inspiration through the sleepless nights and destructive thoughts kept hidden

Faryal Khan
English 1102-068

within the haunting chambers of my mind. Poetry was so much more than nursery rhymes of red
roses and blue violets, slam poetry was emotional performance it had the best of left and right
hemispheres combined, personal issues one can express through analytical use of creative
The writing courses I took as a senior in high school and freshmen in college have been the
two most influential experiences in my personal development as an academic writer and a
sarcastically poetic one as well. This is because these were the most recent of years in my shorttermed memory life which unfortunately will come to an end by the spring of next year. In
conclusion, my best academic writings are definitely not the ones my professors assigned to be
due the next day of a class which started in the second month of the semester. My writing goal
from all that I have learned throughout these past years is to one day be accepted as a worthy
writer, one whose piece of well-developed and amusingly crafted literature pleased her instructor
and the dashing readers of The New York Times. Why? You may ask , well lets just say Im still
doing this for the grade.

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