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Definition, Etiology,

Epidemiology, Classification,
Risk Factors of Cirrhosis Hepatis

Cirrhosis Hepatis is hepatis chronic

diseasse that marked by difuse
inflamation and chronic inflammation
of the liver, followed by connective
tissue proliferation, degeneration and
regeneration of liver cells causing
chaos in the composition of the liver
Etiology: Hepatitis B, C, D
Metabolic Disorders :
Hemakhomatosis (iron
overload), Wilsons Diseasse,

Epidemiology : Patients with liver cirrhosis more

prevalent in men compared with women About a
1.6: 1 with the highest average age among age
group 30-59 years with peak of about 40-49 years.
From the data available in Indonesia Hepatitis B
virus causes cirrhosis 40-50% of cases, whereas
hepatitis C in 30-40%
1. Morphologically Sherrlock divide into:
Makronoduler, Mikronodiler, And Combination
2. In Functional : Liver Cirrhosis Kompensata and
Risk Factors: Alkoholism, Sexual unsafe, Using
drugs IV, Chronic liver disease due to hereditary or
acquired after birth

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