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Grade 6 Vocabulary

Chapter 1
Global Citizen: Anyone who lives on earth
Rights: The things it is fair for you to have or be able to do
Responsibilities: The things you should do in order to be fair to others
UN (United Nations): Helps countries settle their disagreements without going to
Active Citizenship: A citizen who takes responsibility in their community

Chapter 2
Convention on the Rights of a Child: The rights children should have
Longitude: On a map: Run east and west of the Prime Meridian.
Latitude: On a map: Run north and south of the Equator.

Chapter 3
Culture: How people live their lives
Heritage: All the cultures in a persons family
Ethnocentrism: When people think their cultures are better than others
Multiculturalism: An attitude of respect for all cultures
Reliable: Able to be trusted
Stereotype: A simple image or idea of a particular type of person (mostly unkind)
Generalization: A broad statement or idea that applies to a whole group of
Exaggeration: Saying something is better or worse than it really is
Media: Mass communication (examples: TV, Magazines, radio, internet)
Racism: Thinking something negative about someone because of their skin
Issue: An important topic or problem
Identity: How you define yourself
Diversity: A range of different things
Assume: To believe without proof
Bias: Siding in favour of or against something without a good reason, usually

Chapter 4
Physical Environment: Physical features that occur naturally in an environment. 4
main parts: water (rivers, seas, oceans), natural vegetation, landforms and rocks,
weather and climate
Landforms: A natural feature on the earths surface. Example: mountain, plains,
Climate: The common weather in a particular area
Natural Resources: materials or substances such as minerals, forests and water
that occur in nature and can be sold to other countries
Imports: something that is brought into a country from another country
Exports: something a country sells to other countries

Chapter 5
Folk Tale: a cultural story that is passed on through a family and usually has a
GNP per capita: Gross National Product how much money the average person
in a country makes
High-, middle-, low-income country: How rich or poor a country is
Global South: The poorer countries (mostly in the South)
The North: The richer countries (mostly in the North)
Quality of Life: The general health and happiness of a person
Poverty Cycle: A cycle where poor families are stuck in poverty for years
Aid: help
Consumer Society: A society where buying and selling things is very important
to everyone

Chapter 6
Sustainable: using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or
permanently damaged
Management: The process of dealing with or controlling something
Water Cycle: the way that water moves between being water vapour to liquid
water and then back to water vapour

Precipitation: rain, snow, sleet, or hail

Aquifer: An underground layer of rock that holds water
Groundwater: Water held underground in an aquifer
Estuary: an area where a river flows into the sea
Water Quality: how good or bad water is
Water Shortage: not having enough good water
Conservation: protecting or saving
Contaminated: making something unclean by poison or pollution
Thinking on Your Feet: to make a quick decision or give an answer quickly

Chapter 7
Urban: city
Rural: Countryside
Urban migration: large groups of people moving to a city
Population density: The number of people living in an area. The higher the
number, the denser population the area has. A dense population means there
are many people living in a small area
Infrastructure: The basic buildings and systems needed to keep a city running
Lifestyle: the way a person or group of people live
Aqueduct: a pipe or channel used to move water using gravity
Canal: a man made river
Industrialization: a process of moving away from traditional ways of doing
work to using machines to do the work

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