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Guided Notes:

How would you rewrite the 13th, 14th and 15th so that anyone and
everyone can understand it.



In the case Plessy Vs. Ferguson, would you think the same verdict
would have been decided if Homer Plessy visually looked black? If so

Homer Plessy was riding in a white car. What was the true crime?

Plessy and his lawyers argued that this was a violation of the _____
and _____ amendment

Why was the North more promising?

Roughly _________ blacks emigrated from the southern states.

Besides monetary reasons, why else would blacks leave?

The Great Migration was ______ leaving the _______. Why was it
easier for this migration?

Plessy V. Ferguson set this into motion in the Southern public facilities.

Describe what you see and how you would react if you were in that

How would you describe this scenario in your own perspective? You
are a male who lives in South Carolina. You just got scouted for the state
regional football team. You live in the segregated area of town since you
are a minority. You are the only minority player on the team which consists
of all white, middle class men. You must travel to other cities which
segregation and discrimination is extremely active. How would you think
encounters (with other teams, waitress, reporters, etc.) would be for you,
a male minority in deeply segregated America during the 1950s?

Brown Vs. The Board of Education is important (in your own words)

Based on the court decision, Brown Vs. The Board of Education violated
______ amendment, which overturned __________________________.
List 3 facts or points of interest in the short video

The Montgomery Bus Boycott was particularly important not only

because of Rosa Parks resistance but because
Rosa Parks ________ to _______ up her seat. However, she was
sitting in a black designated seating area. How does this relate to Plessy
Vs. Ferguson?

This legislation known as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ______

segregation in public schools and ____________ discrimination.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is crucial for two reasons


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