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Target Audience

Age: 16-25
Gender: Male
Social Class: Working class
Ethnicity: White, British
Interests: Skinny jeans, t-shirts, black clothing
Why they listen to house music: The buzz and excitement creates an
exhilarating experience for the listeners
Dress sense: Black and white clothing
How often: They would listen to house fairly regularly
What they would like in a magazine: Pictures of popular house artists and
to be informed about festivals and gigs.

General Background: Name: Callum Hawkley Age: 18

British, Lives in Solihull
Attends festivals and raves every month, passionate about house
Uses Soundcloud to listen to his favourite genre (house) and his
favourite artists.
His favourite artists are Chris Lorenzo and Hannah Wants.
In a music magazine he likes to see images of current and upcoming
artists and likes to know information about the type of music they
produce and their personal backgrounds.
His favourite magazine to read is DJ Mag because he likes to know
information about his preferred music magazine.
Enjoys listening to house music but doesnt agree with the negative
stereotype associated with it.

For the preparations of my music magazine, I created a questionnaire

in order to find out what sort of things to include in my music
magazine. I did this by giving random people my questionnaire around
college. I asked 13 people to fill in the questionnaire.
Front cover
For the front cover of my music magazine, I asked what colours would
be appropriate for a music magazine. The outcome was a white
masthead and a black background. In my opinion, I agree with the
publics decision as I believe these colours are the most suitable for a
house music magazine.
How they listen to house music
In my questionnaire, I asked what applications the public listen to
music on the most. The most popular answer was Soundcloud which is
famous for its large supply of house music to the audience. This means
that there will be a coverline focussing of a track/mix being put onto
soundcloud by a famous artist.
Live music events
I asked in my questionnaire if people had attended live music events.
Out of the 13 people who I asked, 11 of the people said yes whilst the
other 2 said no. As many people have been to live music events, I
believe this would be a popular feature on my music magazine.

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