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Reg. No.:.................... .

QP Code 206351

Second Year M.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations - November 2012

Clinical Specialty- II
Medical Surgical Nursing
Sub Specialty: Nephro-Urology Nursing

Time: 3 hrs

Max marks : 100

Answer all questions



1. Define kidney transplantation. How will you prepare a patient for kidney
transplantation. Explain the preventive measures for graft rejection (5+10+5=20)
2. Mr. Satheesh is admitted in dialysis unit for hemodialysis: How will you prepare
this patient for hemodialysis. Enumerate the complications of hemodialysis.
Explain the rehabilitation of a patient undergoing hemodialysis


3. Explain the quality control in nephrologic nursing. Explain the role of specialist
nurse for maintain quality control in nephrologic nursing.


4. Mention the indications for nephrectomy. Explain the nursing management of

client after nephrectomy for the first 48 hours. Explain the rehabilitation of the
client after nephrectomy.


Short notes


5. Complications of renal calculi

6. Evidence based nursing in care of patient with chronic renal failure
7. Renal trauma
8. Neurogenic bladder

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