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Maternal Disciplinary Practices

in an At-Risk Population
Rebecca R. S. Socolar, MD, MPH; Jane Winsor, BA; Wanda M. Hunter, MPH;
Diane Catellier, MS; Jonathan B. Kotch, MD, MPH

Objectives: To describe maternal discipline of chil- ing or verbal assertion was always less likely as a sec-
dren in at-risk families and to determine factors associ- ondary response. Teaching or verbal assertion was used
ated with disciplinary practices. more commonly for lying than for any other misbehav-
ior, limit setting for disobeying, spanking for stealing, and
Design: Cross-sectional survey. spanking with an object for being disrespectful. Regres-
sion modeling for the 4 most common disciplinary prac-
Setting: At-risk families in North Carolina followed up tices showed (P,.05) that black race, lack of Aid to Fami-
in a longitudinal study of child maltreatment. lies With Dependent Children receipt, more-educated
mothers, and female sex of child were associated with
Participants: Maternal caregivers of 7- to 9-year-old chil- higher use of teaching or verbal assertion; a biological
dren with factors at birth that placed them at risk. father in the home was associated with less use of limit
setting; and black race and report for child maltreat-
Measurements and Results: A total of 186 maternal ment were associated with more use of mild spanking.
caregivers were interviewed. A measure, based on cod-
ing parental responses, was used to assess disciplinary Conclusions: In this sample, limit setting was the most
practices for 5 different misbehaviors. Limit setting was common disciplinary technique. Disciplinary practices
the most commonly used disciplinary practice for 4 of 5 used varied depending on the type of misbehavior and
misbehaviors, with 63% of mothers reporting that this other contextual factors, including child, parent, and fam-
method generally worked best. Spanking was more likely ily characteristics.
used as a secondary response for each misbehavior, when
the primary one had not succeeded. Conversely, teach- Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1999;153:927-934

Editor’s Note: I wonder what the results would be if this study to be related to parenting practices includ-
were repeated focusing on fathers. Would “disrespect” be the stimu- ing discipline,10,11 the disciplinary practices
lus to elicit the most severe response? from population-based samples of at-risk
Catherine D. DeAngelis, MD families have not been well described.
Physical abuse often starts as disci-
pline that gets out of hand,12,13 so it is plau-

ISCIPLINARY PRACTICES can sible that physically abusive parents might
be important to outcomes have characteristic discipline styles, but this
such as child self-esteem,1 has not been studied extensively. Existing
consciencedevelopment,1,2 studies suggest that physically abusive fami-
aggression,1,3,4 behavior lies are more likely to use harsh corporal
problems, delinquency 3,6,7 and subsequent
punishment,14 coercion,15 and a negative de-
adult criminal behaviors,3 depression, and meanor.16 Neglectful parents tend to be un-
alcoholism.8 There are notable gaps in our responsive and more negative to their chil-
understanding of issues related to discipline. dren.16,17 Since some maltreatment occurs
Thefrequenciesofdisciplinarypracticesaside when initial attempts at discipline cross a
From the Departments from corporal punishment are not well line into psychological or physical abuse, we
of Pediatrics (Dr Socolar),
Maternal and Child Health
known, particularly for nonclinical popu-
(Ms Winsor and Dr Kotch), lations of families and children. Measures
Social Medicine (Ms Hunter), ofdisciplinehavebeeninadequatetodescribe
thebreadthanddepthoftheconstruct.9 Little This article is also available on our
and Biostatistics (Ms Catellier),
University of North Carolina is known about what parents choose as sec- Web site:
at Chapel Hill. ondary discipline strategies, when the first


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SAMPLE Disciplinary Practices

Subjects included 186 maternal caregivers (hereafter Discipline has been defined in various ways.41-44 A distinc-
referred to as mothers) of children aged 7 to 9 years par- tion has been made between reactive discipline, done after
ticipating in a longitudinal study of child maltreatment. the misbehavior, and proactive discipline, done to promote
This sample was drawn from a cohort of 788 mother- good behavior.9 To narrow the scope of the study and use a
infant pairs enrolled in a prospective study39 of child definition that was readily operationalized, we defined dis-
abuse and neglect in 1985-1987. The initial study, cipline as the action a parent takes in response to a misbe-
“Stress, Social Support, and Abuse and Neglect in High havior. Thus, we focused only on reactive discipline.
Risk Infants,”39 included mother-infant dyads recruited Maternal disciplinary practices were assessed with a new
from North Carolina hospitals in the immediate postpar- measure designed to prompt respondents for primary and sec-
tum period. Eighty-five percent of the infants in that ondary responses usually used for each of 5 specific child be-
study were selected to be “at risk” for adverse social and havior problems: disobedience, hitting a younger or smaller
medical outcomes. “At-risk” criteria included low birth child, disrespect, lying, and stealing. Our approach was de-
weight (,2500 g), young maternal age (,18 years), and signed to orient respondents toward thinking about their dis-
other major medical or social problems diagnosed at cipline techniques as specific strategies implemented to ad-
birth (including no prenatal care, significant birth dressspecificproblemswithinthecontextofthepast6months.
defects, and congenital conditions or serious neonatal We used this approach because we were interested in deter-
illness). The remaining 15% of the subjects in the cohort mining whether mothers use different strategies for different
met none of the “at-risk” criteria. The mother-infant behavior problems and because we believed it would be easier
pairs in both groups were recruited from 37 geographi- for mothers to remember and candidly report their disciplin-
cally diverse counties in North Carolina. The majority of ary practices when the context focused on their child’s mis-
the mothers in these dyads were black and lived in low- behavior. We were also interested in determining the prac-
income households. tices mothers are likely to use as secondary strategies when
By 1991, review of the Central Registry on Child the first are unsuccessful. Finally, we asked what discipline
Abuse and Neglect, a database maintained by the North method works best for the index child most of the time. Re-
Carolina Division of Social Services, revealed that one sponses were coded by interviewers to 1 of 13 disciplinary cat-
third of the 788 infants in the initial study had been egories that were adapted in part from the work of Trickett
reported to county child protective service agencies as andSusman14 andWebster-StrattonandSpitzer45:(1)nothing—
maltreated. That year, a sample of the cohort was avoids dealing with the problem; (2) ignoring—a planned
selected for inclusion in a new longitudinal, multisite strategy, as opposed to “nothing”; (3) tell someone else, or get
study of the antecedents and outcomes of child abuse someone else to discipline; (4) empathy; (5) teaching or verbal
and neglect, the Longitudinal Studies Consortium on assertion (teaching/verbal assertion)—reasoning, giving ex-
Child Abuse and Neglect (LONGSCAN).40 Funding limi- planations, giving alternatives, reminding the child of rules
tations compelled the LONGSCAN/North Carolina site or expectations; (6) limit setting or logical consequences—time-
to include in its sample only a portion of the subjects out, withdrawal of privileges or threat of withdrawal of privi-
enrolled in the original stress and social support study. leges, removing child from situation, making a child return
These subjects were selected in order from separate, a stolen object, making a child apologize, taking away allow-
computer-generated randomized lists of reported and ance; (7) verbal or symbolic aggression; (8) guilt induction or
nonreported subjects. For each reported child selected, 2 embarrassment; (9) mild physical force—spanking with hand;
nonreported children matched for sex, race, age, and (10) moderate physical force—hitting or spanking with an ob-
poverty level were selected as controls. The final ject, slapping, grabbing, jerking, shaking, throwing an object
LONGSCAN sample includes 243 subjects, 83 of whom at child; (11) severe social isolation; (12) terrorizing; and (13)
had been reported for maltreatment between 6 months severe physical force or restraint. Interrater reliability was as-
of age and their first LONGSCAN interview. sessed by comparison of original codes with a 10% random
As part of the LONGSCAN protocol, the North Caro- sample coded blindly by the consortium coordinator (who
lina site collected data annually on all subjects. In-depth, supervises training and monitors data quality).
face-to-face interviews were completed at age 5, 6, and 8
years. This article is based on data collected for age 8 in- Child Factors
terviews. Owing to attrition (refusals, lack of cooperation,
and inability to locate), 186 of the 243 mothers were in- Data on child age and sex were obtained. Manageability was
terviewed. Statistical comparisons between the original measured by asking mothers, “How easy or difficult would
LONGSCAN sample and the age 8 subsample show no sig- you say it is to manage her/his behavior? Would you say s/he
nificant differences in sociodemographic, risk, or maltreat- is (1) easy, (2) average, (3) difficult?” (This variable was di-
ment variables. chotomized into easy vs average or difficult for analysis.)

were interested in whether these at-risk parents typically these factors with corporal punishment has been well de-
resorted to more severe strategies for their secondary dis- scribed, but for the most part the relationship between
cipline techniques. contextual factors and other types of disciplinary prac-
Factors that affect disciplinary practices and their tices has not been well studied.
outcomes include child, parent, family, community, and In her extensive review of the relationship
situational characteristics.9 The relationship of some of between gender and disciplinary practices, Steinmetz2


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Mother Factors Logistic regression modeling was performed for each dis-
ciplinary practice (that was reported at more than 5%) as
The mother’s race, age, and education (highest grade com- the dependent variable, and the child, mother, and family
pleted in school, in years) were assessed. Her history of factors listed above as the independent factors. This re-
physical victimization had been assessed previously (1991- gression accounted for the correlation of observations within
1994) in the longitudinal study (“When you were a child each subject. The resultant odds ratios are the odds of us-
or teenager . . . were you ever physically hurt by a parent ing the particular disciplinary practice for a given misbe-
or someone else—like hit, slapped, beaten, shaken, burned, havior. Main effects were entered in the model at a = .10,
or anything like that? (spanking did not count); . . . were and were eliminated using stepwise elimination at a = .05.
you ever punished or disciplined by someone in such a way All possible 2-way interactions with significant main ef-
that you were bruised or physically injured?”). Maternal fects were tested and retained at a = .05.
depression was assessed using the depression subscale of In addition, we were interested in examining what each
the Brief Symptom Inventory.46 The partner status (bio- mother chose first as a disciplinary response to a misbe-
logical father, other partner, or no partner) and relation- havior, ie, the primary response, and what mothers chose
ship of the mother to the child (biological mother or other to do when the primary response did not work, ie, the sec-
caregiver) were assessed with a family chart that ascer- ondary response. To examine factors associated with dif-
tained who lived in the home and relationships to the child. ferent primary responses relative to secondary responses,
Attendance at religious or spiritual services was assessed we divided the disciplinary techniques into 3 categories:
for the past year (by means of a 6-point Likert scale with (1) corporal punishment (codes 9 and higher); (2) teaching/
responses ranging from “never” to “more than once a verbal assertion or limit setting (codes 5 and 6); and (3)
week”). other (codes 1-4, 7, and 8). We then looked at 4 primary
to secondary response groups (since the frequency for the
Family Factors “other” code was small): corporal punishment (primary)
to corporal punishment (secondary) (CP to CP); corporal
Child maltreatment status was determined through a re- punishment to teaching/verbal assertion or limit setting (CP
view of the North Carolina Central Registry of Child Abuse to T/LS); teaching/verbal assertion or limit setting to cor-
and Neglect to determine if there was any report (substan- poral punishment (T/LS to CP); and teaching/verbal asser-
tiated or unsubstantiated) of abuse or neglect of the index tion or limit setting to teaching/verbal assertion or limit-
child. Income as percentage of poverty level was deter- setting (T/LS to T/LS). The T/LS to CP response group starts
mined by asking about the total income from all sources with nonphysical techniques and moves on to physical
after taxes and deductions (measured in $5000 incre- means if the other methods do not change behavior. The
ments), and the number of people in the household de- CP to T/LS response group starts with physical methods
pendent on this income, and calculating the percentage of and then backs off to less intense methods. When the pri-
the federal poverty level for 1995. Receipt of Aid to Fami- mary and the secondary responses are the same (ie, CP to
lies With Dependent Children (AFDC) was determined in CP and T/LS to T/LS), this might be thought of as a gauge
a question about sources of income for the household. So- of the intensity of use of that type of discipline. Since the
cial support was measured with the Social Provisions Scale.47 practice is not changing contingent on the child’s behav-
Neighborhood support was assessed by summing the 4-point ior, it could potentially be a gauge of noncontingent dis-
Likert responses to 3 questions (whether the neighbor- ciplinary practices as well.
hood was one in which people help each other, watch out We examined the frequencies for each misbehavior
for each other’s children, and can be depended on). The for these 4 primary to secondary response groups when
number of siblings in the household also was determined, subjects reported them for at least 3 of the 4 given misbe-
including full, half, and step siblings). haviors. We examined 4 regression models—one each
with the 4 primary to secondary response groups as the
STATISTICAL ANALYSES dependent variable, and the same array of independent
variables as above, but found 2 models not to be robust
Frequencies were determined for each item of the discipline due to small frequencies. Thus, we report bivariate analy-
measure. Reliability of the measure was assessed with k sta- sis for all independent variables found to be significant at
tistics. Frequencies also were determined for the child, mater- a , .05, for the primary to secondary response groups.
nal, and family factors, including summative scales for ma- Dichotomous variables are reported using odds ratios, and
ternal depression, social support, and neighborhood support. continuous variables using means for 1 or more misbehav-
There were 5 given misbehaviors. Because stealing was iors vs never used.
reported infrequently, it was not included in regression mod- Data were analyzed using SAS software (SAS Insti-
eling, leaving 4 possible misbehaviors: disobedience, fight- tute, Cary, NC) on a personal computer. The study was ap-
ing, disrespect, and lying. A respondent was included in proved by the University of North Carolina Institutional
regression modeling if she reported that she had actually Review Board for the School of Public Health, and in-
dealt with at least 3 of these 4 possible misbehaviors. formed consent was obtained from all participants.

found that discipline depended on the sex of the child. found between aggression and corporal punishment in
Similarly, Straus and Donnelly4 showed that boys were both cases.7,19-23
hit more often, and more often subjected to verbal Several studies have shown that older parents are
aggression, than girls. 18 Child aggression has been less likely to use corporal punishment.4,24,25 Multiple stud-
examined both as a precursor to and an outcome of ies4,23,24,26,27 have shown that being spanked as a child is
corporal punishment, and a positive association is one of the strongest predictors of whether one would


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ships to disciplinary practices, although each plausibly
Table 1. Characteristics of Families (n = 186)* might affect disciplinary practices.
Several studies indicate that lower socioeconomic
Child status is associated with more corporal punishment, but
Age, y 8.5 (7.8-9.6)
in the research by Straus and Donnelly,4 once the age and
Sex, female 55
Manageability (average or difficult) 59 ethnic group of the parents were taken into account, there
Mother was no longer an association. Several studies have shown
Age, y larger (or more crowded) families to be more likely to
,26 24 use power-assertive methods.1,31,35
26-35 49 The child abuse literature shows a strong associa-
$36 27
tion between stress and lack of social support and physi-
White 34
cal abuse.13,36 Thus, the practice of extreme forms of cor-
Black 66 poral punishment might be related to lack of social support
Education and/or higher stress levels.
Did not complete high school 41 In previous research, Socolar and Stein24,37 found that
Completed only high school 42 the beliefs of parents and physicians about spanking and
Physically victimized as child or teenager 28 other types of discipline depend on whether the disci-
Brief Symptom Inventory score for 2.10 (0-21)
maternal depression
pline is in response to dangerous misbehaviors com-
Relationship to child (biological mother†) 80 pared with annoying ones. Others38 have also found dif-
Partner status ferences depending on the kind of transgression. It is likely
Biological father in home 27 that parents use different disciplinary strategies depend-
Nonbiological father figure in home 17 ing on the type of misbehavior, although this aspect of
No father figure in home 56 the context has largely been ignored to date.
Religious service attendance‡ 2.52 (0-5)
Social support§ 75.50 (56-96)
In previous research about the relationship be-
Family tween disciplinary practices and contextual factors, only
Child reported for abuse or neglect 42 a very limited number of factors have been examined. In
before age 8 y this study, we explored a range of contextual factors likely
Had only abuse report(s) 5 to be associated with disciplinary practices using mod-
Had only neglect report(s) 65 els that allowed us to control for other variables. In ad-
Had both abuse and neglect report(s) 30
Percentage of federal poverty level (1995) 99.7% (11.0%-417.0%)
dition, while there are several studies of disciplinary prac-
Receive AFDC 40 tices in small samples of neglectful and/or abusive
Neighborhood support\ 8.96 (3-12) families,13 research does not exist that focuses on disci-
No. of siblings (full, half, and step) 1.4 (0-7) pline in larger or population-based samples of at-risk fami-
lies. Thus, our goals were to examine the relationship of
*Data are given as mean (range) or percentage unless indicated otherwise. numerous contextual factors to disciplinary practices, to
AFDC indicates Aid to Families With Dependent Children.
†Analysis of the same sample at age 4 of index child revealed that at that
use a new measure of discipline that is more compre-
time 89% of caregivers were the biological mother. hensive and contextually rich, to describe primary and
‡Measured with 6-point Likert scale, ranging from “never” to “more than secondary disciplinary techniques, and to learn about dis-
once a week.” ciplinary practices in a statewide sample of at-risk families.
§Measured with the Social Provisions Scale.
\Measured by summing 4-point Likert scale responses to 3 questions
(whether neighborhood is one in which people help each other, watch out RESULTS
for each other’s children, and can be depended on).
A total of 186 mothers were interviewed. For our sample,
spank as a parent. In addition, parental sex is found to risk factors present at birth included no prenatal care
be associated with disciplinary practice, in that mothers (15%), congenital condition (21%), birth weight less than
were found to spank more often than fathers,4 though 2500 g (32%), and maternal age younger than 18 years
this may be an effect of the greater amount of time that (33%). Multiple demographic and social measures show
mothers spend with children, as compared with fathers. these families to be disadvantaged (Table 1).
There is conflicting evidence about disciplinary styles of Of the 13 discipline codes, only 4 were reported as
black families, but a fair amount of evidence suggests that primary or secondary responses by more than 5% of re-
they tend to be more power assertive, punitive, and ar- spondents: teaching/verbal assertion, limit setting, mild
bitrary.28-31 Elder et al10 and Patterson et al32 showed that physical force, and moderate physical force (Table 2).
stressful experiences increase psychologic distress in par- The agreement between coders was excellent, with an
ents, which in turn increases aversive, coercive, and in- overall k of 0.91 for questions about disciplinary prac-
consistent discipline of children. McLoyd and cowork- tice (95% confidence interval, 0.87-0.96; P,.001).
ers33 found that unemployed mothers had increased Limit setting was the most commonly used disci-
depressive symptoms and that this predicted more fre- plinary practice for 4 of 5 misbehaviors. Sixty-three per-
quent punishment of their adolescent children. McLoyd34 cent of mothers reported that limit setting worked best
linked the disciplinary styles of blacks with the in- with their children most of the time. Teaching/verbal as-
creased stressors they experience—economic and other. sertion was used more commonly for lying than for any
There is not much research regarding parental part- other misbehavior, limit setting for disobeying, mild physi-
ner status, education, and religiosity, and their relation- cal force for stealing, and moderate physical force for be-


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Table 2. Use of Disciplinary Practices as Primary Strategy for Misbehaviors

% of Respondents

Teaching Limit Mild Moderate

Misbehavior (No.)* Verbal Assertion Setting Physical Force Physical Force Other
Disobeys (180) 16 60 11 6 7
Fights with younger child (138) 34 43 9 4 10
Is disrespectful (148) 28 32 20 12 8
Lies (149) 46 33 7 7 7
Steals (61) 16 51 25 5 3

*No. varies by misbehavior because responses shown are only for actual misbehavior and discipline used in the past 6 months; no hypothetical responses
are included.

Table 3. Use of Disciplinary Practices as Secondary Strategy for Misbehaviors

% of Respondents

Teaching Limit Mild Moderate

Misbehavior (No.)* Verbal Assertion Setting Physical Force Physical Force Other
Disobeys (163) 4 45 33 12 6
Fights with younger child (119) 4 60 25 7 4
Is disrespectful (127) 5 47 22 14 12
Lies (122) 7 57 18 9 9
Steals (55) 15 31 31 4 19

*No. varies by misbehavior because responses shown are only for actual misbehavior and discipline used in the past 6 months; no hypothetical responses are

ing disrespectful. Mild physical force was more likely as Bivariate analysis of factors associated with the 4 pri-
a secondary response when the primary one had not suc- mary to secondary response groups showed that the
ceeded for each misbehavior, whereas teaching/verbal as- poorer families use corporal punishment as both a pri-
sertion was always less likely as a secondary response mary and a secondary response (Table 5). Factors as-
(Table 3). Thirteen percent of respondents reported CP sociated with using corporal punishment first and teach-
to CP for at least 1 misbehavior; 33% reported CP to T/LS; ing/verbal assertion or limit setting as a secondary response
58% reported T/LS to CP, and 73% reported T/LS to T/LS were black race, receipt of AFDC, the absence of the bio-
for at least 1 misbehavior. logical father, and less social support. There was an as-
Regression models were evaluated using the 4 most sociation between mothers with more education and more
reported disciplinary practices as dependent variables and religious service attendance and use of teaching/verbal
child, mother, and family characteristics as the indepen- assertion or limit setting as a primary response and cor-
dent variables (Table 4). Independent factors that were poral punishment as a secondary response. The use of
predictive of disciplinary technique in multiple models teaching/verbal assertion or limit setting as primary and
included race, AFDC receipt, maternal education, and re- secondary responses was more likely for female chil-
port of maltreatment. Black race was associated with teach- dren. The use of corporal punishment as primary and sec-
ing/verbal assertion and mild physical force, and race was ondary responses was more likely for poorer families.
part of an interactive effect with maternal age for limit Factors that we studied that were not associated with
setting. Those receiving AFDC were less likely to use any disciplinary type or response group in the analyses per-
teaching/verbal assertion and more likely to use moder- formed included child manageability, maternal depres-
ate or severe physical force. Mothers who were more edu- sion, relationship of the mother to the child (biological
cated reported significantly more use of teaching/verbal or other caregiver), and the number of siblings of the child.
assertion and less use of moderate or severe physical force.
Mothers who had been reported for maltreatment of the COMMENT
child were more likely to use mild physical punishment
but less likely to use moderate or severe physical pun- In this sample, limit setting was the most common dis-
ishment. Limit setting was used less often in homes with ciplinary technique reported by mothers. It would be in-
biological fathers than in homes with no father present, teresting to know to what extent this is generalizable to
whereas limit setting was used more with a nonbiologi- other families. Patterson et al48 found that the most fre-
cal father in the home compared with homes with no fa- quent parental discipline techniques in their sample of
ther. Girls were disciplined with teaching/verbal asser- antisocial boys were ignoring (18%), commanding or re-
tion more often than boys. Mothers with a history of questing (15%), giving a time-out (10%), and scolding
victimization reported that they used mild physical force or nattering (8%). It is difficult to compare disparate clas-
less often than nonvictimized mothers. sification systems for parental discipline, but likely that


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Table 4. Logistic Regression Models for 4 Types of Primary Discipline: Factors Associated With These Disciplinary Practices*

Odds Ratio†
Parameter Estimate (95% Confidence Interval)
Teaching verbal assertion
Child’s sex (1 = male, 2 = female) 0.531 1.7 (1.1-2.5)
Race (1 = white, 2 = black) 0.488 1.6 (1.0-2.5)
Maternal education (years of school) 0.122 1.1 (1.0-1.3)
AFDC (0 = no, 1 = receiving) −0.624 0.5 (0.3-0.9)
Religious attendance* ... ...
Neighborhood support* ... ...
Religious attendance 3 neighborhood support 0.073 ...
Religious attendance given low neighborhood support NS NS
Religious attendance given high neighborhood support 0.497 1.6 (1.0-2.8)
Limit setting
Biological father in home (0 = no, 1 = yes) −0.623 0.5 (0.3-0.9)
Nonbiological father in home (0 = no, 1 = yes) 0.461 1.6 (1.0-2.6)
Race* ... ...
Maternal age* ... ...
Race 3 maternal age 0.057 ...
Maternal age given black race NS NS
Maternal age given white race −0.731 0.5 (0.3-0.9)
Mild physical force
Race (1 = white, 2 = black) 0.755 2.1 (1.1-4.1)
History of maternal victimization (0 = no, 1 = yes) −0.695 0.5 (0.25-0.98)
Report of maltreatment (0 = no, 1 = yes) 0.755 2.1 (1.2-3.7)
Moderate or severe physical force
Maternal education (years of school) −0.385 0.7 (0.6-0.8)
Report of maltreatment (0 = no, 1 = yes) −1.300 0.3 (0.1-0.6)
AFDC (0 = no, 1 = receiving) 0.886 2.4 (1.2-4.9)

*n = 157; a = .05. All factors and 2-way interactions with significant associations are shown. AFDC indicates Aid to Families With Dependent Children; ellipses,
main effects not interpretable due to interactions and NS, not significant.
†Odds ratio is for the odds of using this disciplinary practice for a misbehavior.

commanding or requesting and time-out would fall un- sive misbehavior. In addition, it raises the question of
der limit setting, making it the most common discipline whether physical punishment is often a parental reflex-
in the sample of Patterson et al as well. There is very little ive response to aversive stimuli rather than a planned strat-
literature describing disciplinary practices, other than cor- egy or a response to a child’s need for learning. There is
poral punishment, for general populations. Such descrip- evidence that parents use mild physical punishment as
tive research would be helpful as a first step toward learn- a planned strategy,24 but it is not clear if this is the case
ing about the effects of various disciplinary practices in for more severe forms of physical punishment.
the general population. The factors that we found associated with the 4 pri-
We found that disciplinary practices depend on con- mary to secondary response groups must be considered as
textual factors including child, parent, family, and situ- exploratory, since they are bivariate analyses, and do not
ational characteristics. Increasingly we see that it control for other independent variables. Using corporal pun-
does not make sense to ask simply, “What kind of ishment as a primary response and teaching/verbal asser-
discipline does a parent use?” But rather, “What kind tion or limit setting as a secondary response implies a co-
of discipline does a given parent use for a given child, ercive and potentially illogical contingency pattern for
in a specific family for a particular misbehavior?” It is parental response to child behavior. The association of black
notable that black mothers in this sample tended to use race, AFDC receipt, the absence of the biological father, and
teaching or verbal assertion more and to spank more than less social support with using this pattern of response for
white mothers. The finding that they spank more is not 1 or more misbehaviors needs to be explored further to de-
new, but that they use teaching or verbal assertion more termine the motivation and efficacy associated with this re-
is notable. Black mothers may emphasize their role as sponse. Perhaps these mothers are trying to use corporal
teachers even when they use corporal punishment. It will punishment to stop the misbehavior and get the child’s at-
be interesting to explore this finding in more detail in tention, before going on to discuss it.
the future. The new measure of discipline used in this study was
Aversive stimuli are known to stimulate aggression helpful in exploring the relationship between the type
in animals and humans.49,50 The most aggressive paren- of misbehavior and type of discipline, and allowed the
tal behavior included in this study, spanking with an ob- extension of the existing body of research about disci-
ject, was used for the misbehavior of disrespect. This may pline that focuses on situational context. We also gained
suggest that parents found disrespect to be the most aver- new knowledge about some of the patterns mothers ex-


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hibit as they follow-up on primary strategies—namely,
that mild physical force is used more often and teaching/ Table 5. Logistic Regression Models: Factors Associated
verbal assertion less often as a backup than as a primary With Primary to Secondary Response Groups*
response to misbehavior. On the other hand, this mea-
Odds Ratio
sure indicated that fewer than 5% of mothers reported (95%
verbal aggression. It is likely that the true incidence of Confidence
yelling is higher than this.18 Possibly, yelling is remem- Response Group Means P Interval)
bered as “talking.” Sometimes there may be a fine dis- CP to CP (15% ever used)
tinction between verbal assertion and verbal aggression. Income as percentage of
Finally, the method of open-ended response with cod- poverty level
ing used in this new measure elicits a richer description Used at least once 61.5
.004 ...
Never used 96.8
of actual parental practices than closed-ended struc-
CP to T/LS (28% ever used)
tured surveys. It would be useful to learn more about Race (black) .005 3.7 (1.4-9.2)
whether an open-ended approach increases the validity AFDC (receiving) .03 2.3 (1.1-5.1)
of measurement of parental discipline compared with a Biological father (present) .02 0.3 (0.1-0.8)
closed-ended approach. Social support (index total:
There are limitations in this study. First, discipline higher = more social support)
Used at least once 72.7 ...
was measured by parental report, rather than actual .01
Never used 76.7
observation. Survey methodology has the advantage that T/LS to CP (53% ever used)
it can be used more readily for large samples, and has Maternal education (years of school)
the potential to be valid since parents know about their Used at least once 11.7 ...
own behavior. However, Patterson et al 48 found that Never used 10.8
parental report was not as accurate as direct observation Religous attendance (0-5 scale:
never to more than once per week)
for most aspects of discipline. In particular, there could
Used at least once 2.8 ...
be a social acceptability reporting bias against the use of Never used 2.0
physical discipline. In fact, we found a paradox that T/LS to T/LS (73% ever used)
could be due to bias in the willingness of mothers to Child’s sex (female) .03 2.4 (1.1-5.4)
report about moderate or severe physical punishment.
We found that families that had been reported to state *n = 120; a = .05. CP indicates corporal punishment; T/LS, teaching or
child protection authorities for abuse or neglect said that verbal assertion or limit setting; ellipses, not applicable; and, AFDC, Aid to
Families With Dependent Children. Means are compared for continuous
they used mild physical punishment more and moderate variables. Odds ratios are used for dichotomous variables. Mothers must
or severe physical punishment less than other families. have responded for at least 3 of 4 misbehaviors for primary and secondary
The latter may be due to fear of reporting this kind of disciplinary practices to be included in the analysis.
punishment when a family has been in trouble with
state authorities in the past. On the other hand, this AFDC teach or use verbal assertion less and use moder-
finding may be true because both neglectful and abusive ate or severe physical force more?
families are included in the maltreatment report cat- Recently, there has been much interest about the ef-
egory, and neglectful families may actually use moderate fects of fathers on family interactions and child out-
or severe physical punishment less. If physical punish- comes.51 In our study, the presence of a biological father
ment is underreported, then the corollary is that other was associated with the group who used teaching/
types of disciplinary practices are likely to be overre- verbal assertion or limit setting as a primary strategy and
ported. Second, it is difficult to know to what popula- used corporal punishment as a secondary strategy. In ad-
tion these findings can be generalized based on the dition, it is interesting to note that our data suggest that
sample selection process. Third, 20% of mothers were it may not be just the presence or absence of a father, but
nonbiological when the child was 8 years old, and 11% whether the father is biological that makes a difference
were nonbiological when the child was aged 4 years. It is in the extent to which limit setting is used to discipline
likely that many important factors have changed over children. By extension, it seems likely that for some child-
time for a significant fraction of these families, including rearing behaviors the role of the father within the house-
the identity of the primary caregiver. Thus, this cross- hold and the biological ties he has to the family may be
sectional view at 8 years does not embody the ways in more important than whether a father is present.
which the at-risk status may have changed over time. As we continue to learn about discipline, it will be
Fourth, we have described disciplinary practices, but not important to learn more about what is effective in the
outcomes that may be related to those practices. It short-term, and the ways in which disciplinary prac-
would be useful to know more about short- and long- tices affect long-term child outcomes such as prosocial
term outcomes of these practices, eg, which strategies behavior, self-esteem, conscience, and aggression. We will
are more effective in stopping the misbehavior, and what also need to understand more about discipline as an in-
are the ultimate effects of these strategies in terms of teractive process through time, between parent and child
how the child is socialized? Finally, we have described within a contextual frame. As we learn about the short-
relationships between contextual factors and disciplin- and long-term effects of disciplinary practices, and the
ary practices, but for these to be useful, it will be impor- processes involved in those practices, we will need to in-
tant to learn in more detail about the nature of these troduce interventions to help parents discipline in the
relationships. For example, why do families receiving ways that bring about the results they desire.


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