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A hospital building is 10 m high and covers an

area of 70 m 12 m. The hospital is located in

flat country and isolated from other structures.
The construction is of brick and concrete with a
non-metallic roof

a) Flashes/km2/yearLet us say, for the

protection of the hospital a value for Ng
is 0.7.
b) Collection area Using equation (1) in
Ac = (70 12) + 2 (70 10) + 2
(12 10) + ( 100)
= 840 + 1 400 + 240 + 314
= 2794m2
c) Probability of being struck Using
equation (2) in 8.1.2:
P = Ac Ng 106
times per year
= 2 794 0.7 106
= 2.0 103 approximately

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