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To be returned to
Nina Parish (Director of Studies, MLES)
Howard White, (Director of Studies L&P), by Friday 17 May.
(Do not complete this form if you are going on a full-year or part-year ERASMUS exchange.)
1. Name: Samantha herriot

2. I will be writing a Special Study in the following language: russian

3. I should like to do my Special Study on the following subject: the impact/

importance of theatre, dance and music in modern Russian culture

[You may give either a rough title or a broad subject area (eg "Italian cinema").]

4. I have discussed this choice with the following member(s) of staff:

[We cannot guarantee that a particular teacher will be your supervisor.]

Lists allocating students to Special Study supervisors will be placed on the

Undergraduate Office Moodle page as soon as possible. It is YOUR responsibility to

make sure that you know who your supervisor is and to have agreed a definite topic
with your supervisor before you leave Bath.

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