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Question 7: Looking back

at your preliminary task,

what do you feel you have
learnt in the progression
from it to the full product?

When reviewing my preliminary task I feel that I have made various progressions
in regard to development in technologies and branding etc. When making my
first preliminary magazine, I simply used a logo to portray the house style of the
magazine, within partial colour to represent this. On the other hand, in my final
magazine, I have made full use of colour, fonts, images, and the overall house
style of which flows through the entire magazine. In regard to how to represent
certain elements of the magazine, I have learnt more about the way in which the
images are laid out, and how the audience will perceive them in order to
represent the point I want to make. I also feel that my ability to plan and research
for my magazine has developed since I began my preliminary task, and I have
been able to gather more information on my desired genre than before. Although
I have learnt a lot in these aspects, I have also learnt a lot about the
representation of the persons on my magazine and whether they suit the genre
of which my magazine is being aimed towards. Knowing this has enabled me to
develop my whole magazine around the picture and colours that would often be
seen within the genre itself. Since my preliminary task, I have also learnt how to
develop and eventually produce a double page spread, which was something I
was unable to do during the preliminary task.

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