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KY | LRe |® IRC: $1985 ” STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND CODE OF PRACTICE FOR | ROAD BRIDGES SECTION I Goneral Features of Design (Steth Rerision) IRC : $1985 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND CODE OF PRACTICE FOR ROAD BRIDGES SECTION 1 General Features of Design (Sixth Revision) Published by THE INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS Jamnagar House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110 011 1996 Price Rs. 36 (Plus packing & postage) IRC : 5.1985 First Published in January, 1956 Second Revision : October, 1960 Reprinted : May 1962 Reprinted : September, 1963 Third Revision : September, 1964 Fourth Revision in metric units : September, 1966 Reprinted : October 1967 Reprinted : November, 1969 Fifth Revision : December, 1970 Reprinted : June, 1973 Reprinted : October, 1975 Reprinted : July, 1977 (Incorporates Amendment No. 1—February, 1977) Reprinted : June, 1980 (Incorporates Amendment No. 2— November, 1977 and Amendment No. 3—January, 1979) Reprinted : April, 1983 Sixth Revision : April, 1985 Reprinted : [991 (Incorporates Amendment No. 4-April. 1987) Reprinted : September, 1993 Reprinted : January, 1996 (Rights of Publication and of Translation are reserved} Printed at M/s. Sagar Printers & Publishers, New Delhi {1000 Copies) CONTENTS Section T+ GENERAL FEATURES OF DESIGN Clause No. Introduction 100. Scope 101 Definitions 102 Collection of Data 103 Determination of Design Discharge 104 Determination of Linear Waterway and Effective Linear Waterway 105 Spacing and Location of Piers and Abutments 106 Vertical Clearances 107, Freeboard 108 Restricted Waterways 109 Obstructions and River Training 110 Determination of the Maximum Depth of Scour It Culverts 112 Kerbs 13 Width of Roadway and Footway 114 Superelevation 11S Clearances IRC: $-1985 Page No. u 2 4 1s 15 16 16 rt) 9 a a 4 | | | irc: 116 7 118 19 120 11 122 s.198s Railings, Parapets or Guide Posts Drainage of Roadway Surface Finishes Utilities Approaches to Bridges (excluding culverts) Expansion Joints Bridge Foundations Page No. 23 28 25 25 25 6 6 IRC : 5.1985 GENERAL FEATURES OF DESIGN INTRODUCTION The Bridge Code in outline form was originally drafted in 1944-45 by the Bridges Subcommittee. The Code was re-drafted by the Office of the Consulting Engineer (Roads) in consultation with the members of the Bridges Committee and was circulated to the Chief Engincers of the Public Works Departments of all States jn India, It was also. discussed at the Indian Roads Congress yur held in 1946, An expanded Bridges Committee modified the draft in the light of the comments received from the Chief Engineers of States, the discussions at the Jaiptr Session and the discussions at the Bridges Committee meetings held from time to time and this Code was first published in January, 1956. Some changes had later been approved by the Bridges Committee in the light of subsequent discussions at the Committee meetings. The Second and Third Revision were published includ ing the approved changes. ‘The Executive Committee of the Indian Roads Congress appr- oved the publication of the Fourth Revision in metric units. This Code was revised by the Bridges Committee, and was later publi- shed as the Fifth Revision. Necessary changes have now been incorporated in this Code based on the provisions contained in IRC: 78-1983, Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Roed Bridges, Sction VII. Foundations and Substructure. The object of the Standard Specifications and Codes of Practice published by the Indian Roads Congress is to establish common procedure for the design and construction of road bridges in India. This publication is meant to serve asa guide for engineers, engaged inthe design and/or construction of road IRC: $-1985 bridges. The provisions herein sball be used with discretion and care shall be taken toensure that the stability and soundness of the structures designed and/or constructed as per these provisions are satisfactory. The design and construction of road bridges require an exten- sive and thorough knowledge of the science and technique involved and should be entrusted only to specially qualified engineers with adequate practical experience in bridge engineering and capable of ensuring careful execution of work. 100. SCOPE This Code deals with the general features of the design of road bridges and the recommendations of this Code shall apply to all types of bridges constructed for use by road traffic or other moving loads. 101, DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall be applicable for the purpose of this and other Sections of the IRC Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges. 101. 1, Bridge Bridge is a structure for carrying. the road traffic or other moving loads over a depression or obstruction such as channel, road or railway. 101. 1.1. Calvert: Culvert is @ bridge having a gross length of six metres or less between the faces of abutments or exterme ventway boundaries and measured at right angles thereto. 101.1.2. Foot bridge: The foot bridge is a bridge exclusively used for carrying pedestrains, cycles and animals, 101.1.3. High level bridge: A high level bridge is a bridge which carries the roadway above the highest flood level of the channel. IRC 35-1985 101.14, Submersible bridge: A submersible bridge is a bridge designed to be overtopped in floods. 101.2. Chanel ‘A channel means a natural or artificial water cours 101.3, Clearance Clearance is the shortest distance between boundaries at a specified position of a bridge structure. 101.4. Freeboard Freeboard at any point is the difference between the highest flood level after allowing for affiux, if any, and the formation level of road embankment on the approaches or top level of guide bunds at that point. 101.5. Highest Flood Level (H.F.L.) Highest flood level is the level of the highest flood ever recor- ded or the calculated level for the highest possible flood. 101.6, Length ofa Bridge The length of a bridge structure will be taken as the overall length measured along the centre line of the bridge from end to end of the bridge deck. 101.7. Linear Waterway The linear waterway of a bridge shall be the length available in the bridge between the extreme edges of water surface at the highest flood level, measured at right angles to the abutment faces. 3 IRC : $1985 101.8, Effective Linear Waterway Effective linear waterway is the total width of the waterway of the bridge minus the effective width of obstruction. The effective width of obstruction is to be worked out as per Clause 104.6. 101.9. Low Water Level (L.W.L.) The low water level is the level of the water surface obtaining generally in the dry season and it shall be specified in case of ach bridge. 101.10. Load Bearing Abutment Load bearing abutment is an abutment which supports spans of a bridge but is not considered non-load bearing, as defined in Clause 101.11. 101.11. Non-Load Bearing Abutment An abutment supporting a span of 5 metres or less when used in conjunction with one or more spans each of which is more than 10 metres. 101.12. Safety Kerb A safety kerb is a roadway kerb widened to- provide for ‘occasional pedestrian traffic. 101.13, Superelevation (Cant or Banking) Supsrelevation is the transverse inclination given to the cross-section of a carriageway at @ horizontal curve in order to reduce the effects of centrifugal force on a moving vehicle. 101.14. Width of Footway or of Safety Kerb The width of footway or of safety kerb shall be taken as the minimum clear width any where within a height of 2.25 metres above 4 IRC : 5.1985 the surface of the footway or safety kerb, such width being measu- red at right angles to the centre line of the bridge, Fig.1- xtreme outside foce of Exireme inside foce of Eateme outeite fre handrail (or Footway /safely Kerb) ren Rood surface Fig. 1._ Width of footwa (Clause 101.14) 101615. Width of Rodway ‘The width of roadway is the minimum clear width measured at right angles to the longitudinal centre line of the bridge between the inside faces of roadway kerbs or wheel guards. 102, COLLECTION OF DATA All detailed information for a complete and proper apprecia~ tion of the bridge project, shall be included in the project-docu- ments, Generally, the following information shall be furnished: 102.1. General Data including Maps, Plans and Topographical Features 102.1.1. Am Index map to @ suitable small scale (topo sheets eale one cm to 500 m or 1/50,000 would do in most cases) showing the proposed location of the bridge, the alternative sites investigated ‘and rejected, the existing means of communications, the general topography of the country, and the important towns, etc, in the vicinity. IRC: 5.1985 102.1.2. A contour survey plan of the stream showing all topographical features and extending upstream and downstream of any of the proposed sites, to the distances shown below, (or such other greater distances as the engineer responsible for the design may direct) and a sufficient distance on either side to give a clear indication of the topographical or other features that might infiue- nce the location and design of the bridge and its approaches. All sites for crossings worth consideration shall be shown on the plan,, 100 m for catchment areas less than 3 square km (scale not less than one cm to 10 m or 1/1000). 300 m for catchment areas of 3 to 15 square km (Geale not less than one cm to 10 m or 1/1000)., One and ahalfkm for catchment areas of more than 15 square km (scale not less than on. cm to 50 m or 1/5000). ‘Note: 1a dificult country and for crossings over artifcial channels, the engineer responsible for the design may permit discretion to be used regarding these lsnits of distances, provided that the plans give sufficient information on the course of the channel and the topographical features ear the bridge site, 102.1.3. A site plan to a suitable scale showing details of the site selected and extending not less than 100 metres upstream and downstream from the centre line of the crossiag and covering the approaches to a sufficient distance which, in the case of a large bridge, shall not be less than 500 mon either side of the channel. The following information shall be indicated on the site plan,, The name of the channel or bridge and ofthe road and the identification mark allotted tothe corssing, with the location (in kilometres) of the centre of crossing. 102,1.3.2. The direction of flow of water and maximum dis- ‘charge and, if possible, the extent of deviation at lower dischas The alignment of existing approaches and of the proposed crossing and its approaches. 6 IRC: 5.1985, The angle and direction of skew ifthe crossing is aligned on a skew. The name of the nearest inhabited identifiable tocalizy at either end of the crossing on the roads leading to the site, References to the position (with description and reduced level) of the bench mark used as datum, The lines and identification numbers of the cross- section and longitudinal section taken within the scope of the site plan, and the exact location of their extreme points. The location of trial pits or borings each being given an identification number and connected to the datum., The location of all nullshs, buildings, wells, out- crops of rocks and other possible obstructions, to = road alignment. 102.1.4, Cross-section of the channel at the site of the pro- posed crossing and two other cross-sections at suitable distances, ‘one upstream and the other downstream, all to the horizontal scale of not less than one cm to 10 m or 1/1000 and with an exaggerated vertical scale of not less than | cm to 1 mor 1/100 and indicating the following information: The bed levels upto the top of banks and the ground levels to a sufficient distance beyond the edges of the chan- nel, with levels at intervals sufficiently close to give a clear outline of markedly uneven features of the bed or ground showing right and Jeft banks and names of villages on each side., The nature of thé existing surface soil in bed banks and approaches, and the location and depth of trial pits or borings with their respective identification number. 1 TRC: $1985 The highest flood level and the low water level., For tidal streams, record of the tidal information, ‘over as long a period as possible, including any local information specific to the site of works. The form given below is recommended for presenting such a record: Highest high water (HHW) ° Mean high water springs (MHWS) Mean high water (MHW) Mean high water neaps (MHWN) Mean sea level (MSL) Mean low water neaps (MLWN) Mean low water (MLW) ‘Mean low water springs (MLWS) Chart Datum Lowest low water (LLW) 102.1.5. A few cross-sections, in addition to those required under Clause 102.1.4. upstream and downstream of the proposed site of the bridge, with both the horizontal and vertical scales being the same as the horizontal scale adopted for the cross-sections required under Clause 102.1.4. 102.1.6. A longitudinal section of the channel, showing the site of the bridge with the highest flood level, the low water level, (also the highest high tide level and the lowest low tide level for tid al channels), and the bed levels at suitably spaced intervals along the approximate centre line of the deep water channel between the approximate points to which the survey plan required in Clause 102.1.2, extends. The horizontal scale shall be the same as for the survey plan and the vertical scale not less than one cm fo 10 m or 11000, IRC : 5.1985 102.2. Alternative Bridge Sites and Selection of a Particular Bridge Site 102.2.1. A brief description of the reasons for selection of particular site for the crossing accompanied, if necessary, with typical cross-sections of the channel at alternative sites investigated and rejected. 102.3. Hydraulic Data for Particular Bridge Site Selected 102.3.1. The size, shape and surface characteristics of the catchment including percolation and interception. 102.3.2, The possibility of subsequent changes in the catch- ment like afforesation, deforesation, urban development, extension of or deduction in cultivated area, etc, 102.3.3. Storage in the catchment, artifici or natural. 1023.4, The intensi catchment. and frequency of rainfall in the 102.3:5. The slope of the catchment, both longitudinal and cross. 102.3.6. Hydrographs for one or more years, if possible, and in the absence of such data, fluctuations of the water level observed during different months of the year. 102.3.7. The highest flood level and the year of its occurre- nce, If the flood level is affected by backwater, details of the same. 102.3.8. A chart of the periods of high flood levels for as many years as the relevant data has been recorded. 102.3.9. The influence of afflux on areas in the vicinity likely to be affected. 102.3.10, Low water level. 102,3.11. The design discharge (Clause 103), the linear water- way (Clause 104) and corresponding average velocity of flow. 9 | IRC : 5.1985 102.3.12. The observed maximum depth of scour with corresponding level and details of obstruction or any other special causes responsible for the scour. 102.4, Geological Data for Particular Bridge Site Selected 102.4.1. The nature and properties of the existing soil in bed, banks and approaches, with trial pit or bore hole sections showing the levels, nature and properties of the various strata to a sufficient depth below the level suitable for foundations and the safe intens- ity of pressure on the foundation soil (as far as practicable, the spacing of trial pits or bore holes shall be such as to provide a full description of all substrata layers along the whole length and width of the crossing). 102.4.2. Liability of the site to earthquake disturbances and its magnitude. 102.5. Climatic Data Information regarding usual annual temperatute range, susc- eptibility to severe storms, cyclones, etc., and probable wind veloc- ity, rainfall characteristics indicating period of rainy seasons, relative humidity and salinity or presence of harmful chemicals in the atmosphere. 102.6. Loading and Other Data 102.6.1. The live load for which the bridge is to be ‘designed 4s per relevant clauses of IRC : 6—1966* with any specific variation from those clauses if required to cover special load conditions, 102.6.2. Special local conditions,’ like traffic intensity and pattern to enable the designer to fix the loading to be adopted for the footpath and to fix number of traffic ‘ancs required. “Standard Specification’ and Code of Practice for Road Brides, Section II—Loads and Stresses, 10 IR 1985 102.6.3. Utilities or services, if any, to be provided for and ifso nature thereof (c.g. telephone cables, water supply pipes, yas pipes, ete.) and relevant information regarding size, arrangement, ete. 102.6.4. The minimum vertical and horizontal clearances required for any special requirement like, navigation, raising of the bed, etc,, and the basis on which it is sbegested 102.6.8. An index m=> showing location of rail and road bridges, if any, crossing tne same channel or its tributaries within a reasonable distance of the proposed bridge and a note (with sketches or drawings) giving important details of such bridges. 102.6.6. A note stating whether large trees and rolling debris cte., are likely to float down the channel at the proposed bridge site, 102.7. Avy other additional information which may be considered essential for complete and proper appreciation of the project, 103, DETERMINATION OF DESIGN DISCHARGE 103.1. The design discharge for which the waterway of the bridge is to be designed, shall be the maximum flood discharge on record for a period of not less than 50 years. In case where the re- quisite information is not available, the design discharge shall be the maximum estimated discharge determined by consideration of the following or any other rational method. 103.1.1. From the records available, if’ any, of discharge observed on the stream at the site of the bridge, or at any other site in its vicinity, 103. catebment: From the rainfall and other characteristics of the (i) by use of an empirical formula, applicable to that region, nl IRC ; 5.1985, i) by a recognised method, provided it is possible to evaluate for the region concerned the various factors employed in that method. 103.1.3. By the area velocity method with the help of hydraulic characteristics of the channel. 103.1.4, By unit hydrograph method. 103.2. Where possible, more than one method shall be ado- pted, results compared, and the maximum discharge fixed by judg- ment by the engineer responsible for the design. The bridge shall bbe designed for this maximum discharge. 103.3. Freak flood discharges of high intensity—exceptional discharges of high intensity due to the failure of 2 dam or tank constructed above the bridge need not be catered for and the ‘maximum estimated discharge from the catchment area should be considered for design of the by 104, DETERMINATION OF LINEAR WATERWAY AND EFFECTIVE LINEAR WATERWAY 104.1. For artficial channels (irrigation, navigation and drainage), the effective linear waterway shall generally be such as to pass the full discharge at normal velocity but concurrence shall invariably be obtained from the authority controlling the channel. If it is proposed to flume the channel at the site of the bridge, this fluming shall be subject to the consent of the same authority and in accordance with the essential requirements. 108.2. For non-meandering channels in alluvial beds but with well defined banks and for all natural channels in beds with rigid inerodible boundaries, the linear waterway shall be the dista- nee between banks at that water surface elevation, at which the designed maximum discharge determined in accordance with Clause 103 can be passed without creating harmful afflux. 12 IRC : 5.1985 104.3, For natural channels in alluvial beds and having un- defined banks, the effective linear waterway shall be determined from the design discharge, using some accepted rational formula at the discretion of the engineer responsible for the design. One such formula for regime conditions is: , Ww =cv9 where W = regime width in metres (equal to effective linear waterway under regime conditions); Q = the design maximum discharge in m/sec; C =a constant usually taken as 4.8 for regime channels but it may vary from 4,5 to 6.3 according to local conditions. 104.4. If the river is of a flashy nature and the bed does not submit readily to the scouring effects of the flood, the waterway should be determined by the area velocity method taking into account the design flood level and the characteristics of the bed material as well as water surface slope. 104.5, Where it is decided to adopt measures which are likely to affect the volume of the tidal flow and other characteristics ofthe tide, it shall be ensured that no port or harbour or other installa: tions in the proximity of the bridge are adversely affected. 104.6. For calculating the effective linear waterway (as defined in Clause 101.8), the width of obstruction due to each pier shall be taken as the mean submerged width of the pier and its foundation upto the mean scour level. The obstruction at the ends due to the abutments or pitched slopes shall be ignored. 104.7. Effect of Presence of Dams, Barrages, Wiers, etc. 104.7.1. Presence of dams, barrages, wiers etc. on the rivers affect the hydraulic characteristics of the rivers like obliquity and concentration of flow, scour, silting of bed, change in bed levels, flood levels, etc, These effects shall be considered in the design of bridges depending upon whether the proposed site of the bridge is upstream or downstream of a dam or a barrage, or weir, etc. 1B IR + S.198s 104,7.2, Since the above parameters depend on many factors which are varying from site to site, no uniform guidelines can possibly be laid down. Such problems be jointly taken up with the concerned Irrigation Departments and suitable provisions made in the bridge design. 105. SPACING AND LOCATION OF PIERS AND ABUTMENTS 105.1, Piers and abutments shall be so located as to make the best use of the foundation conditions available. 105.2. Keeping in view Clause 105.1 above, the number of supports and their locations shall be so fixed as to provide the most economical design of the bridge and at the same time satisfy special requirements, if any, for navigation, drift timber, railway or other crossings and aesthetics, ete 105.3. The alignment of the piers and abutments shall, as far ‘as possible, be paraile] to the mean direction of flow in the channel ‘but provision shall be made against harmfvl effects on the stability of the bridge structure and on the maintenance of adjacent channel banks caused by any temporary variations in the direction and velocity of the current. 106, VERTICAL CLEARANCES 106.1. In the case of a channel, vertical clearance is usually the height from the design highest flood level with afflux of the channel to the lowest point of the bridge superstructure at the position along the bridge where clearance is being denoted. 106.2. Clearance shall be allowed according to navigational or anti-obstruction requirements, or where these considerations do not arise, shall ordinarily be as follows: 106.2.1. For openings of high level bridges, which have a flat soffit or soffit with a very flat curve, the minimum clearance shall be in accordance with the following table. The minimum clearance shall be measured from the lowest point of the deck structure inclusive of main girder in the central half of the clear opening un- less otherwise specified. “4 IRC : $1985 Discharge in m8jsec. Minimum vertical clearance in mm Upto 0.3 150 Above 0.3 and upto 3.0 450 Above 3.0 and upto 30.0 600 ‘Above 30.0 and upto 300 ‘ 900 Above 300 and upto 3000 1200 Above 3000, 1500 106.2.2. For arched openings of high level bridges having overhead decking, the clearance below the crown of the intrados of the arch shall not be less than one tenth of the maximum depth of water plus one-third of the rise of the arch intrados. 106.2.3. In structures provided with metallic bearings, no part of the bearings shall be at a height less than $00 mm above the design highest flood level taking into account the afflux. 106.2.4, Inthe case of artificial channels, having controlled flows and carrying no floating debris, the engineer responsible for design may, at his discretion, provide less vertical clearance than that specified in Clauses 106.2.1. and 106,2.2. above. 106.2.5. In the case of bridges in sub-mountainous region while fixing the vertical clearance, silting of the bed of the river should also be taken into consideration, 107. FREEBOARD. The freeboard for high level bridges shall not be less than 600 mm, 108, RESTRICTED WATERWAYS When the waterway is restricted to such an extent that the resultant afflux will cause the channel to discharge at erosive velo- cities, protection against damage by scour shall be afforded by deep foundations, curtain or cut-off walls, rip-rap, bed pavement, bearing piles, sheet piles, or other suitable means. Likewise, embankment 15 IRC: s.1985 Slopes adjacent to all str uctures subject t6 erosion shall be adequ- ately protected by pitching, revetment walls or other suitable construction. 109, OBSTRUCTIONS AND RIVER TRAINING Obstructions in the channel bed likely to divert the current or cause undue disturbed flow or scour and thereby endanger the safety of the bridge, shall be removed as far as practicable from within @ distance, upstream and downstream of the bridge, of ‘not less than the length of the bridge subject to a minimum of 100 metres in each direction, Attention shall be given'to river training and protection of banks over such lengths of the river as required. 110. DETERMINATION OF THE MAXIMUM DEPTH OF SCOUR 110.1, The probable maximum depth of scour to be taken for the purpose of designing foundations, for piers and abutments, and river training works shall be estimated after considering all local conditions. The following may help the judgment in deciding the maximum scour depth. 10.1.1. Wherever possible, soundings for the purpose of determining the depth of scour shall be taken in the vicinity of the site proposed for the bridge. Such soundings are best taken during or immediately after a flood before the scour holes have had time to silt up appreciably. Allowance shall be made in the observed depth for increased scour resulting from: @ the design discharge being greater than the flood discharge; (i the increase in velocity due to the obstruction in flow caused by construction of the bridge; (Gil) the increase in scour in the proximity of piers and guide ‘bunds. 10.1.2. Discharge for design of foundations and protection works: To provide for an adequate margin of safety the foundation and protection works shall be designed for a larger discharge which should be a per cent over the design discharge given in Clause 103, This percentage may be 30 per cent for small catchments upto 500 sq. kilometres, 25 t0 20 per cent for medium catchments of 16 IRC: $1985 ilome for large catchments to 5000 sq, kilometres, 20 to 10 per cent Of 5000 to 25000 ag Kilometres and Tess then 10 per een fo larger catchments above 25000 sq, kilometres at the disczeon of the engineer to cover the possibilty of floods of longer return perio eeurring during the life ofthe structure. 110.13. The following theoretic! fethod may be adopted when dealing wih natural channels owing in non-coherent all vium for the estimation of mean depth of scour ‘din’ in_ mt below the highest flood level. bein dina t.34( 2) where Dy=the discharge in Cumecs per metre width. The value of ‘Dy shall be the maximum of the following: ective linear waterway the otal design discharge divided by the eect li (° Stiveco abutments or pide nds athe case maybe sation of fow i) The vale obtained tang into account any concent ew (O ‘proua porton ofthe watery ated rom ihe ty of the ross ection ofthe river. Such medication ofthe valve way nt be deemed applicable to minor bridges with I<€0 m, (ity acon observations, any. seas ote "The elfesive linear waterway shall be in accordance with lute 1046. Nw Thelma sre tute ae tied ape cn of the bed materia Kaymibe allt factor fora representative sample of th cbiained upto the level ofthe deepest aniipated scour and given by the exprestion 176y/dn dm, beng the weighed mean diameter in nilimeties ‘The value of Kay for bed material nocally recom- Imended for varius grades of material are given below : dm weighted Value of ‘Kas ‘Type of bed material sri "al he ‘medium silt 0.323 1400 standard sit 0.305 1.250 =n 2 1S AR 5.1985 110.1.4. Maximum depth of scour for design of foundation and protection works : The maximum depth of scour below the Highest Flood Level (H.F.L.) at obstructions and configurations of the channel shall be estimated from the value of drm given in clause 110.1.3. and the provisions contained in clauses. and For the design of piers and abutments located. in a straight reach and having individual foundations without any floor protection works. (1 i the vicinity of piers 2.00 dem f 127dim approach re- tained (i ncar abutments: 4 | 2.00 dam se0ur all round . For the design of floor protection works, for raft foundations or shallow foundations, the following scour values shall be adopted: @ ina straight ceach 1.27 dam (i) ata moderate bend 150 dim id ata severe bend 175 dow (iv) at a right angled bend 2.00 dam ‘The values of seour depts given in above sinuses may be suitably increased where actual observed datas available on similar suctes im the viiaity ofthe proposed bridge. 110.1,5, Special studies should be undertaken for determin- ing the maximum scour depth for the design of foundations in all situations where abnormal conditions such as the following are encountered: (i ina bridge’ being tocated in a bend of the river involving a cutvie linear low, or excessive shoal formation, of 8 bridge being located ar a site where the deep channel in the river hhugs to one side, oF (ili) a bridge having very thick piers induct wavy local scours, or (Gv) where the obliquity of Now in the river is considerable, or (0) where a bridge is required 10 be constructed across x canal, oF wcross F downstream of storage works, with the possibility of the latively clear water inducing greater scours, oF (vi) a bridge in the vicinity of dam, weit, burrugs oF other ivrigution structures where conceattation of flow, aggradation,degiedation ‘of bed, ete, are likely to effect the behaviour of the structure. 18 IRC: $.1985 110.1.6. Ifa river is of flashy nature and the bed does not lend itself readily to the scouring effect of floods, the formula for dm given in Clause 110.1.3. shall not apply. In such cases, the maximum depth of scour shall be assessed from actual observations. 110.1.7. For bridges located across streams having bouldery beds, there is yet no rational formula for determining scour depth. However, the formula given in clause 110.1.3. may be applied, with a judicious choice of values for Ds and Ks and the results compared with the actual observations at site or from experiences ‘on similar structures nearby and their performance. If a pucca floor at bed is provided, in such cases, itis essential to check the hydravlic performance of these structures under various flow condi- tions to ensure that a standing wave is not formed on the down- stream side which may result in very heavy scours. It is also essential to check the usual scour that may take place downstream ofa bed flooring and to make adequate provision for the same. It itis not possible to increase the waterway and to avoid the formation of a standing wave, a depressed pucca floor on the downstream may be provided to contain the standing wave within, the floor. 1. CULVERTS I1L1. The lengths of the barrels of culverts shall be sufi- cient to provide at least for two-way trafic and preferably the full road formation width at the top. 111.2. To facilitate inspection and carrying out of répairs the minimum vent dimension of the culverts shall normally be 750 mm. 111.3. The vent size of pipe culvert for irrigation purpose is left to the discretion of the engineer responsible for the design. 112, KERBS 112.1. Unless otherwise determined or provided by law, the section given in Fig. 2 shall be adopted for road kerb. 112.2, The section of the kerb should be so designed that it 19 IRC : 5.1985 INNER FACE OF PARAPET 225 (MIND 175 (Ming FINISHED ROAD SURFACE Fla. 2, Outine of ond kerb (Clawe 112.1 (All dimensions are in ‘milimetre) » would be safe for vertical and horizontal loads as per vant clauses in IRC : 6—1966*. ver relevant 112.3, A safety kerb will have the same outline as that of a roedway kerb except that the top width shall not be less than mm. 113, WIDTH OF ROADWAY AND FOOTWAY 113.1. For high level bridges constructed for the use of road traffic only, the width of roadway shall not be less than 4.25 m for a single lane bridge and 7.5 m for a two-lane bridge and shall be increased by 3.5 m for every additional lane of traffic for a mul jandard Specifications Section II—Londs and Stresses, 20 IRC: 5.1985 ple lane bridge. Road bridges shall provide for either one lane, two Janes or multiple of two lanes. Three-lane bridges shall not be constructed, If a central verge is constructed in a wide bridge, thus providing two separate carriageways, the carriageway on each side of the verge shall provide for at least two lanes of traffic and width thereof shall individually comply with the minimum requirements stipulated above, The width of central verge, when provided, shall not be less than 1.2 metres. 113.2. For bridges carrying combined road and tramway or any other special type of traffic, the width indicated in Clause 113.1. shall be modified to suit these special requirements, 113.3. Causeways and submersible bridges shall provide for at least two lanes of traffic as specified in Clause 113.1, above un- Jess one lane of trafic is specially permitted for the design. 113.4. For a bridge on a horizontal curve, the roadway ‘width shall be increased by an amount not less than that required by the relevant LR.C. Road Standards. 113.5. When a footway is provided, its width shall not be less than 1.5 metres, 114, SUPERELEVATION 114.1, The superelevation on the road surface of a bridge on a horizontal curve shall be provided in accordance with the rele- vant LR.C. Road Standards. 114.2. Due allowance shall be made for the effect of super- clevation on the stresses in the various members of the bridge. 114.3. If there is a change of gradient on the bridge deck, suitable vertical curve shall be introduced conforming to the relevant ILR.C, Road Standards. 118, CLEARANCES 115.1. The minimum horizontal clearance shall be the clear width and the minimum vertical clearance the clear height, avail- able for the passage of traffic. 115.2. The minimum horizontal and vertical clearances for single and multiple lane bridges with vehicular traffic shall be as shown in Fig. 3. a IRC: 5.1985 =| HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE lee aot / | Ze LL 1 TAL cLeaRance—| noacwav — 2a! OAD LEVEL OF CROWN OF Ri INTERMEDIATE, | eortions SHE'VING MAIN BETWEEN CND POSTS (OF/ON ARCH RIBS HALF SECTION INTERMEDIATE HALF SECTION STRUCTURE BETWEEN PORTIONS. END POSTS OF/ON | ‘ARCH RIBS FIXED SYRUCTUAE ‘SHOWING MAIN FIXED imensions are in millimetres) (b) Multiple lane bridge (Fi. 3. Clearance diagram (Clause 115.2) (All (@ Sing! IRC: $1985 115.3. Unless otherwise specified, bridges shall have all their parts constructed to secure the minimum clearances for traffic given in Fig. 3. 115.4, For footways and cycle tracks, a minimum vertical clearance of 2.25 metres shall be provided. 115.5. For a bridge constructed on a horizontal curve with superelevated road surface, the horizontal clearance shall be increased on the side of the inner kerb by an amount equal to $ metres multiplied by the superclevation; the minimum vertical clearance shall be measured from the superelevated level of the roadway. Extra horizontal clearance required for the supereleva- tion will be over and above the increase in width required on a curve under Clause 113.4, underpasses shall be provided in accordance with the stipulations contained in IRC: 54-1974, Lateral and Vertical clearances at Underpasses for Vehicular Traffic. 116, RAILINGS, PARAPETS OR GUIDE POSTS 116.1, High Level Bridges 16.1.1. Substantial railings or parapets along each side of the bridge shall be provided for the protection of trafic. Considera tion shall be given to the architectural features of the railing or parapet to obtain proper proportioning of its various members and its harmony with the structure as a whole, Consideration shall be piven also to avoiding, as far as is consistent with safety and appea ance, obstruction of the view from the passing motor cars. 116.1.2. Railings or parapets shall have @ minimum height above the adjacent roadway or footway safety kerb surface, of 1.1 metre less one half the horizontal width of the top rail or top of the parapet, The forces to be considered in design sball be as per relevant stipulations of IRC : 6—1966. 116.1.3. Where a road provided with cycle tracks goes over @ bridge and the cycle track is located immediately next to bridge 23 IRC + 5.1985 railing or parapet, the height of the railing or parapet should be kept 15 cm higher than that required as per Clause 116.1.2. above. 16.1.4, The clear distance from the lower rail to the top of the kerb shall not exceed 150mm unless the space is filled by vertical or inclined members, the clear distance between which is not more than 150 mm. The strength of the lower rail shall be at least as great as that of the top rail. ‘The space between the lower rail and the top rail shall be filled by means of vertical, horizontal or inclined members, the clear distance between which shall be fixed with due regard to the safety of persons and animals using the structure, 116.2. Submersible Bridges 116.2.1. Railings shall be either collapsible or removable. 116,2.2. Collapsible railing shall be used where itis necessary to put up the railings immediately. the bridge is opened to trafic after a submerging flood. Care shall be taken in the structural design of these railings to ensure that they sit well in their grooves and are not liable to be dislodged by floods. 116.2.3, Removable railings may be adopted when there is no danger to the traffic using the bridge for short period without railings. Care shall be taken in the structural design of these railings to ensure that the various members are inter-changeable and can be easily removed and refitted. 116.2.4, Collapsible or removable railings shall be designed to resist as far as possible the same forces as specified in Clause 116.1.2. for railings or parapets on high level bridges. 116.3. Culverts 116.3.1, For culverts, the parapets shall be of suitable design ‘with a minimum height above the road surface of 300 mm. 116.3.2. The requirements for strength shall be the same as laid down for high level bridges. 116.4. Vented Causeways 116.4.1. Guide posts may be used in lieu of railings, if the submergence of the road surface over the causeway is 40 frequent 4 IRC : 51985 asto render the use of removable or collapsible railings unzatis- factory. 117, DRAINAGE OF ROADWAY The transverse drainage of bridge roadways shall be secured by means of suitable camber in the roadway surface. If necessary, longitudinal drainage shall be secured by means of scuppers, inlets, or other suitable means, which shall be sufficient in size and number to drain the gutters adequately. If drainage fixtures and down- spouts are required, the down-spouts shall be of rigid, corrosion resistant material not less than 100 mm as the least dimension and shall be provided with suitable clean-out fixtures. The details of floor drains shall be such as to prevent the discharge of drainage water against any portion of the structure. Overhanging portions of concrete floors shall be provided preferably with drip heads. 118, SURFACE FINISHES Allcarriageway and footpath surfaces shall have non-skid characteristics. 119, UTILITIES Where rquired, provision shall be made for traction wire supports, poles or pillars for lights, trenches or other suitable places for the installation of electric or telephone conduits, water or gas. pipes and other similar utilities or services. 120, APPROACHES TO BRIDGES (Excluding Culverts) 120.1. The approaches on either side (excluding culverts) shall have a minimum straight length of 15 metres increased where necessary to provide minimum sight distance for the design speed. Note: tn difficult country, the engineer responsible forthe design may at his discretion permit reduction in the minimum straight lengih of approaches, provided reasons for making a departure from the Code are clearly recorded. 120.2. The straight length of approach referred to in Clause 120.1. above shall have a minimum surfaced width equal to the roadway on the bridge itself. 28 1985 120.3, Where horizontal curves have to be provided on the upproaches beyond the straight portion on either side, the mini- ‘mum radius of curvature, the superelevation and transition length for various speeds and curve radii shall be increased in accordance with relevant I.R.C. Road Standards. 120.4. If the approach is in filling, borrowpits should not be dug close to the embankment to avoid risk or parallel flow being developed which may endanger safety of the embankment. Suitable minimum distances from the toe of embankment and depth of borrowpits for the immediate approaches of the bridge may be specified for each case, depending on the size of the channel and topographical conditions of the area. In this connection, provisions made in IRC : 10—1961 “Recommended Practice for Borrowpits for Road Embankments Constructed by Manual Operation” may also be kept in view. 120.5. If there is a change of gradient, suitable vertical curves shall be introduced conforming to relevant LR.C. Road Standards. 121, EXPANSION JOINTS To provide for expansion and contraction movements, floor ‘expansion joints shall be provided at the expansion ends of all, spans and at other points where they may be necessary. 122, BRIDGE FOUNDATIONS 122.1. The depth of foundations for piers and abutments shall be such that they are safe against scour or are protected against it. They shall be taken down to a level sufficient to secure firm the foundation from consideration of settlement and overall stability. 122.2, Depth of Foundations in Rock The depth of embedment and seating shall be decided depending upon the method of construction, the quality and profie of rock and the need for affecting square seating and adequate embedment, These parameters need evalulation for open and deep foundations separately. IRC : 5.1985 12.2.1. Depth of open foundations : For open foundations resting on rock, the depth of rock which in the opinion of the geological expert is weathered or fissured shall be excluded in deciding the depth of embedment into the rock existing below. Where foundations are to rest on erodible rocks, caution shall be exercised to establish the foundation level at sufficient depths, so as to ensure that they do not get undermined keeping in view the continued erosion of the bed. After allowing for conditions stipulated above, the minimum embedment of the foundations into the rock below shall be as follows, which in case of sloping rock pofile can be provided by properly benching the foundations : (@) Forhard rocks eg. igneous, gneissc, granite with an ultimate crushing strength of 00kgiem™ or above artived at after cons {ng the overall characteristics of the rock such as fissures, beéding planes ete-—0.6m. (©) For rocks having geological formations other than those mentioned in(a) above and having. ultimate crushing strength of 20 kgm? considering the overall charactersties of the rock —1.5 metres, (©) Other cates not covered by (a) and (b) above, the embediment of the foundations shall be decided Keepiog in view’ the overall ch teristics like fissures, bedding planes, cavities, ulti frength, proposed treatment of foundation strats, et. 122.2.2, Well foundations: As far as possible, the wells shall be taken by all the methods of sinking including pneumatic sinking (where considered necessary), dewatering, etc., to foundation level and shall be evenly seated all around the periphery on sound rock (i.e. devoid of fissures, cavities, weathered zone, likely extent of ion, etc.) by providing adequate embedment. The extent of seating and embedment in cach case shall be decided by the Engineer-in-charge keeping in view the factors mentioned above to ‘ensure overall and long-term safety of the structure. 12.2.3. Pile foundations (@) Driven plies: Driven piles having adequate grip shall be driven to design depth/refusal, piles shall be load tested to ascertain that they are able to sustain the design londs.with adequate factor of rately. 27 IRC: 5.1985 (b) Bored piles: Such piles shall be bored well into the sound rock (ie. devoid of fissures, cavities weathered zone, ete.) and properly sosketed 122.3, Depth of Foundations in Soil Where only erodible strata are, available, the foundation may be designed either as deep or as shallow foundation. The embedment of foundation in soil shall be. based on the correct assessment of anticipated scour considering the values given under Clauses 110.1.2. is 10.1.4. For this purpose, clay shall also he considerd as scourable. 12.3.1. Deep foundations (in erodible strata), The foundations in all cases shall be taken down to a depth which will provide a proper grip according to some rational method. The grip below the anticipated maximum scour level shall not be less than 4 the maximum anticipated depth of scour below H.F.L, specified in clause 12.3.2, Shallow foundations (in erodible strata) Foundations may be taken down to a compara- tively shallow depth below the bed surface provided the foundation bearing stratum is practically incompressible (e.g. sand), is preven- ted from lateral movement and is also protected against scour, 1223.3, The depth of all foundations in erodible strata below the scour line shall be in no case less than 2 metres for piers and abutments with arches and 1.2 metres for piers and abutments supporting other type’of superstructure. 122.4. Foundations for Abutments 122.41. The foundations of load bearing abutments shall be designed for the following additional conditions: If the abutments are designed to retain earth but are not protected in front, the foundations shall be. designed to withstand the earth pressure and other horizontal forces for the condition of a maximum scour depth of 1.27 di» in front of it Where d,,, represents the mean depth of scour below H.F.L. ay ner clause 110.13. s IRC: $-1985 In case the abutments are protected reliably in the front, relief due to earth pressure in front may be considered assuming the designed scour at the toe of the protection work. The foundation of the abutment shall also be checked for the condition that the approach and protection works get scoured to depth 2 dim where din fs the same as in Clause 110.1.3. for this condition no live load need be taken into account. 12.4.2. When abutments ars erected beyond the action of the river, they may be designed based on actual conditions. 12.4.3. The design of abutments for over or under bridges for bridges over canals and small rivers with well defined and permanent banks shall be based on actual conditions at site. If it is considered that there is no possibility of undermining the founda tions, the depth of foundation may be fixed to suit the actual site conditions, effects of the horizontal forces and earth pressure being taken accordingly. 122.5, \iowable Bearing Pressures and Settlements on Soils— General Considerations (a) The allowable bearing pressure shall be based on adequate sub-soil exploration and testing and type of structure, etc., Behaviour of other structures in the vicinity shall also be considered, if such data is available. (0) The allowable -settlements and rotations shall satisfy the requirements of safety and stability of the substructure and superstructure. (©) In cohesive soils, the effect of long term settlements due to consolidation shall also be taken into account. 12.5.1. Allowable bearing pressures, For calculations of allowable bearing pressures, bearing capacities, settlements, etc., use shall be made of the relevant Indian Standards mentioned below: © IS: 6403 Indian Standard Code of Practice for Determination of Allowable Pressures on Shallow Foundations, 29 IRC : $1985 and Cons- (iy 1S: 2911 Indian Standard Code of Practice for Desi ton of Pile Foundations. ‘Various parts dealing with diferent types of ples. iil Bearing capacity in cohesionless soils may be determined on the basit of standard penetration test conforming to 1S:2131 and on ‘compressible solls on the basis of shear strength and consolidation tests. (iv) IS: 2950 Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design and Cons- ttuction of Raft Foundations ‘Note: Various par 1 deals with Design. (9) 18: 8009 Indian Standard Code of Practice for Calculation of Settlements of Foundation. Nore: Pact [Shallow Foundation. Part Il—Deep Foundation (under finalisation) 122,5.1.2. The factors of safety for pressure on foundations to be considered for design of foundation shall be as per Clause 706.2. of IRC : 78-1983. 12.5.2. Allowable settlements on soils In case of simply supported type of bridges, the longitudinal slope of the bridge fixed from the consideration of tolerable riding quality caused by the differential settlement of the supports shall not exceed I in 400, unless. provision has been made for rectification of this settlement,, In case of structures sensitive to differential settlement, the tolerable limit has to be fixed for each case, For calculation of long term settlements of clays, the existing bed level shall be taken for calculating the settlements. No effect of reduced overburden pressure due to scour shall be considered. 12.8.3. Allowable bearing pressure on rock The allowable bearing pressure on rock shall be fixed after taking into consideration the various characteristics as per Appendix I of IRC: 78-1983 the help of an experienced engineer ing geologist being taken for better appreciation of the problem. More reliance shall be made on the in-situ tests data. Normally allowable bearing pressure exceeding 2 MPa shall not be adopted. 30 IRC: 5.1985 Inthe case of disintegrated rock or very soft varieties of rock, the allowable bearing pressure may be assesseé by adopting the methods prescribed for soils. 122.6. Pressure Distribution under Various Combinations of Loads, Forces and Stresses 12.6.1. Om soils which are predominantly clayey and liable to consolidation under load, The pressure distribution at the base when only the forces due to dead load, buoyancy and carth pressure are considered shall be as uniform as possible and the maximum pressure shall not exceed the safe bearing capacity of the soil Under the worst combinations of all loads and forces as per Clause 202 of IRC : 6-196, no tension shall be per- mitted under the foundations, and the maximum pressure shall not ‘exceed the safe bearing capacity of the soil, which shall be worked ‘out based on the factors of safety recommended in Clause 706 of IRC: 78-1983. 12.6.2. On soils which are predominantly sandy 122,6.2.1. The pressure distribution at the base when only the forces due to dead load, buoyancy and earth pressure are consider- ed, need not be uniform, but the maximum pressure shall not exceed the safe bearing capacity of the soil taking into account the direct loads and moments calculated to be effective at that level. No tension shall, however, be permitted under any combination of the above loads and forces. Under the worst combinations of all loads and forces, no tension shall be permitted under the foundations, ‘and the maximum pressure shall not exceed the safe bearing ‘capacity of the soil, which shall be worked out on the factors of safety recommended in Clause 706 of IRC : 78-1983 122.6.3. On rock Under the worst combinations of all loads and forces, if on calulation of the foundatsion pressure considering the full base width, tensile force is found to develop on one face and 31 IRC: 5.1985 if no adequate anchorage is provided, the foundation pressure shall be recalculated on the reduced area of contact. The maximum pressure thus calculated shall not exceed the safe permissible pressure on rock, keeping in view the factors of safety recommended is Clause 706 of IRC : 78-1983 122.7. Permissible Increase in Pressure under Various Combinations of Loads and Forces (For bridges on open foundations and also for bridges on well foundations.) 12.7.1, Whenthe effects of Wind Seismic forces are considered in any of the worst load combination's as specified in Clause 122.6. the ‘maximum bearing pressure shall not exceed the safe bearing capacity of the soil by more than 25 per cent. Wind and seismic loads shall not be assumed to act simultaneously. 32

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