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OBoOss DR-660 Dr Rhythm > Owner's Manual For Nos Cones — Apparatus containing Lithium batteries \VARNING! enc a ‘en mom a eet Bescheinigung des Herstellers/Importeurs Het toring da eras ‘fn Coseainnany i creatinine BOSS Dr, Ahythm DR-660 = Amtsbl. Vig 1046/1984 ‘et. ie bar foveresi ‘De buusten Burdespst wie cas nverartrnge ses Geri ange ind de Bercrapung mr Coen (er Sone at Sang cor Besermungon ergo. Roland Corporation Osaka/Japan Forte USA—y RADIO.AND TELEVISION INTERFERENCE “his Sita annuus does rot exced he Ga Bim ot aio note eminent Ras arene Faguatone ote Canada Deparment f Commarsaters | ‘Pousses avs Cet agoeel ube ne dase sa esis ce case B au vey ez emasions os redosieraes tale | ora es fac parkas para mee canacin Ges Commumestone. | geal splashes SSS OBOSS D R e 660 MnRhythm ‘Thank you for purchasing the BOSS DR-660 Dr. Rhythm, To take full advantage of the DA-660's functions, and to enjoy long and trouble-ree use, please read this owner's manual carefully, Front panel buttons in the text Im this manual, each button on the ont pane! is repreconted with the name printed on the bution of above the bution, [Example] Chorus Button - [CHORUS] Start Bution - [START] Cursor Buttons = [4/5] ‘Copyright© Ye82 by BOSS CORPORATION /Algtsrsares No part bis publcton my be reproduced n any frm witout the pemizsn of BOSS CORPORATION. Mi CONTENTS IMPORTANT NOTES : ‘ MM PANEL DESCRIPTIONS 7 IM MAIN FEATURES OF THE DR-680 ------0--- 9 Chapter 1 Playing the DR-660 [1] Preparation : 2 1.Connectons : 2 2Power un feces 1g [2] Listening to the Demo Song 14 {3] Playing Rhythm Patterns o---sseeeeesrsoe 98 1.Patarn lay mae 2.Tempo Contra! 16 S.Revero /Chorss 116 14} Piaying the Key Pad - <7 4. Selecting a Drum KI Pad Bank =~ 7 Arr eerie 239 Ariane eames £esir) lcd eee iri ey 11] Outtine of the DR-B60 +--+ seseeone BB 4.Drum Kit» - 22 2.eltacts -ssseseeee 2 S.INDIVIDUAL Outputs « 2s {21 Creating Rhytims eae [3] Modes z 2 [4] Changing Parameter Values -1---.001-0---00+ 28 Chapter 3 Creating Rhythm ecu e) 11) Creating a Pattern (Pattern Weta) x0 {Pate Creaton- Inbal Setings 30 2.Restine we 2 Stop Wate» a [2] Pattern Write Functions 7 1.Deeting 2 yeh Patera eee? 2.Copylng 8 Aryan Pater «+> o0 see? 5. the Rol ooo xe 4 Eng me Fam soe 88 s.Swng +38 @.Timing Shit eecesevseeceeneceree iat 7-Changing Metoname Satings 243 [eee freee alte} [1] Song Write Procedure ---- 4 {Song Wet inal Serangs 248 2.Reatime Write + es B.Step Wile ereseeereee vo 3 {2} Song Write Functions - 3 4. Deleting Song Data ~ . 5 2.Copying Song Oata sepenseneerses BL 8.Deieting Pater Data 82 Atngetng Patter Daia 4 2.Chorus gin 75 {3} Changing Effects Parameters 76 1 Stat Parameters 276 2g Elect Parameters 70 {4} individual Outputs --- “79 [5] Pad Bank Layer a 6] Copying a Drum kit 22 cma eeneeu Uli eiecs (1) About mint es S.MIDI Massages. <-++- a 2.DR-650: MIDI Messages 85 [2] Synchronization +» 88 "Connections = ceseeeeees BB 2.The Syne Mode oss 88 3.Tampo indeaton . oe 88 [3] Sia IDI Sound Moa ‘Master: Controling an External MIDI device {Paramore srseseeesees - 2 Seting Parameters =~ [4] Data Transfer via Exclusive Messages ------ 94 1Transmit (uk Ournp) srreenennnes 2 Receive ooo 8 iene) ati Ted U1} initialization [2] Error Messages {31 Troubleshooting [4] Factory Setting for the Drum Kits [5] Prosot Pattern Table [8] Blank Chart MIDI Implementation MIDI Implementation Chart 1M Specifications index contents 102 10 68 120 wat IMPORTANT NOTES Be sre to ube ony the adaper supplied with he unt. Use of any fer power adaptor could real in damage, mafercion, or eerie sock [Power Supply] (© When making any connections with ater devices. lvays rn off the power tol exuipment fire; tis will belp prevent amaze or ralfonction {© D0 not ws this ent onthe same power cea with any device thot will generate lie aoe, such as & motor or vanable Liphung sem © The power supply eequted for Wis wit is shows nits samepine, Ensre thst the line volsge of your snsaliaion ‘eet tis equtemene (© When deconetng the AC atapior from the oul. gasp the pig el: aver pl on the cond (@-2¢ 2 unit isto remain unses for long pid of tne, orplvg the power cod © vei dan ‘objet on ete 1 the power cont do nat step omit place Reavy [Placement] © Do not subject 8 eit w temperature exemestes. leet sunlight nan encioats vehicle, Avoid using or string the ni fn disty or homia area or seat that ave abject © igh ‘ibraton levels © Using the unis near power amplifier (or otter equipment onaining are transformers) may induce bum (© his unit may interfere wit ado ad elesision reception Do ot Ue tis iin the icntyof sch eee. (© Do not expose this wait to empersane exuemes (eg direct lig i an enclosed vehicle ean deform or dclor te unt) Cr nstal ner desces at ade Re, [Maintenance] (© For everyday cleaning wpe he ani ith aso dry elt for fone tat hasbeen sghly dampened with wate. To semove stubbors din ase rail aeuual detergent. Afterwards, Be sre to wipe de unit thoroughly wit st, dey cot (@ Never ase benatne, thinsers,aleobl or solvents of any kind 12 void he kof clarion andor deformation {Additional Precautions] ore te nt ta ong pac, @-De st allow objets oF Heide of any ind wo peneuate the unit Ia te event of such en oocamence, acaninue ust immedi, Conact gualied service pertonte ap $908 65 pes (@ Never sik or apy svong presse to he display. (© 4 smal amoacs of neat wil radiate from he uit, and thes shouldbe considere normal @ Before using the unit in & forign county, corsll wih qualified service personnal (@ Shoold 4 mafuncion oct for if you suspect ere a pyoblem) dicortinve we smmesinely. Costet qualified fervice personel s soon a posible, (© To preven te risk of eleeae shock, do nt open he mt rs AC adapter [Memory Backup] (© Toe unis catins& basery which maintains he contents of memory whe th main power sof. The expected fe ofthis barney i 5 years or move. However, avoid the vaeapeced toes of memory dat, iis stonply recommended that you change he banry every $year Pease be sae that th aca feof he baer wi depend on the physic envionment (specially temperate) in which the soi ik met. Wen st ue wo eange the baney, cont with ‘uae servi personnel (© When the banery becomes went, he following message will appear In the dipsy: “Battery Low, Plese change the barry a8 gon as pone to avoid he le of memory dat (@ Please be amas thatthe contents of memory ty a mes be lon; when the unt efor tepas or when by some chance ‘mafvecton hs oecomed. Imposat data should be sored a another MID! device (eg 2 sequencer, or writen dows on ‘iver, Daiog epi, oe eae i tes 10 avoid the loss of (ats, Howeves, ncaa cases, (sch a when ciel reed to memory ielf is oat of ender) we reget tat it may Be Impossibe resore he data, 6 i PANEL DESCRIPTION [Front Panel] Mode Select Buttons Real time “Step Button Up/Down | Button Flam Button odes TEMPO / DATA ee Tempe Button Dial Numeric Buttons | fo Drum Kit Button Reverb Button CCA ev ee | a Tempo indicator Cursor Buttons Recording Button Enter Button Recording Indicator crag Esk faanian peace Backward / Forward Buttons Pad Bank Button Start Button Delete Button ‘Copy Button PANEL DESCRIPTION [Rear Panel) Power Switch MIDI Sockets AC Adaptor Jack Headphone Jack Stereo Output Jacks Individual Outout Jacks [Display] Delete Ped Be Bei ae suas — eer necrenes fF JH ITA BAR| Eek _|| cvonsnee | PART PATTERN es | = TP = i : rownaen Hat AT To teas tate Ro7 Pate ig nes a Name (Pad Number) ea om crn ee Number to be played nex (Pad Number) |Revers - mint Ot 2 i MAIN FEAUTURES OF THE DR-660 (© The DR. 60 contains 2 16-bit PEM sound souree The 255 high-qually sound allow you te play virtually {ype of masie from Popular ane Rock to Iau, Latin and Rap. (© The DR. 60 aso contains 7 pre-programmed Drum KUs (a colectin of percuson wands} and allows you te rete 32 Kits of your own. One Dram Kit consists of SS sons it can erate 1760 (85 22) ers sod. (© The unit features 16 ~elocty-sensve™ Key Pads whieh accurately rexpend to your teush, Each Key Pad abe responds 0 “aftertauch” Hy varying the pressure on a Key Pad after it hasbeen played, you can control the volume of a Rell (© 0 0n-Bourd digital eMects are avaiable: Reverb and Chorus. The depth ofthe Revert and Chorus effects can beset independently for each Key Pad. (@ 1» adaiton tothe 199 Preset Rhythm Patterns found on-board. ou can erate and store 150 Rhsthm Patera of (© Bs combining Rhythm Patterns (250 maximum), «9 Song, A maximum of 100 such Songs ean be played, ina predetermined sequence, using dhe Seay Chain faneton. (© the fami transport controls! (START, STOP, REC, et of the DR-660 make ita cay to wae as a tape secorder (© Using tne Pat Bank Layer fonction, 1 even wide variety of sounds spouse. Noten can sounds be levered ‘combines, Setting the Velocty Sense Curve to Pad Bank A and reverse, twa diferent sounds can be played Independently from the sume Key Pal depending o sw herd 9 (© Using the Restime Pattern Change function, you cin change Rhythm Patterns doing play. Tis fuetion allows yO0 tus the DIL-660 asa “preset” rhythm maine. (@ MIDI N /OUT sockets permit synchronization with external sound modules, sequencers or drum machines, and save the performance date tothe sequencers. (@ Specified sounds can be assigned to the two INDIVIDUAL outputs-one to each evtput, These sounds can then be processed and mixed independently of the others 0 Playing the DR - 660 Now you can listen to the Demonstration Songs in memory or play the Key Pads. [1] Preparation 1. Connections Belov making any connects run al of your egupen ff By éoing so you ean prevent any damage or malfunction Hessshones (Roand Re-80 ote) (SleroRa (oleIoR) (oss MAnI2V ts) “ove ul advantage ofthe uni’ sound qully, sea sees oupot (LR) whenever possible As. dolaur setting, no sounds nave been assigned fo the INDIVIDUAL outputs. 18 Fora detailed planation about MIDI connections, reter to (P. 80), 1 Preparation 2. Power up Wen you have mode at ne aecesiry conection, sich op he units the Following order @ Mase sure thatthe DR-660 and allhe cher unis ar correctly and secvtely connec and switched of ® wich on me DA-650 tst en me other unis such as anampiter @ Adjust mo volume wah me VOLUME da, © Winer powering down, tum off lth extemal equipment st, and then the DR-B60. [2] Listening to the Demo Songs ‘The DR-660 consins one Deno Soag which highlight the ani's qualles and capabiies To Near thee demo songs follow ths procstire © Pree WODE ‘The Display will read "SONG" (Song mode). ne The Song mose ie the detaut seting @ Select the emo Song you wish to hear using te TEMPO/DATA da, # ‘Tne Damo Songs are located attr Song Number 98 ane sre insisted a6” ~~ Song #0 be plays (Seng Nama) @® Prose [START ]to near tne selected Dera Song, ‘Tye Tempo inicstor aches with cash beat and the Display shows he current satus @ ross [STOPTEIT}0 stop payback of the Domo Song 1 you wish [START oiayoack om where twas stepped (Continue Play), press (START Jaga, tt you wish to near the Domo Song kom the bethoning, press [RESET ], ten START] ‘Song Tie Biographies of Composers Steven G. Fisher Arsenal ‘Stevan G.Fieher is crrenty he Percussion Product Manager for Roland Corporation US as well 8s an accomplished crummer and percussionist. Some creas include many TV commercais, fm scores, as wel as albums ans recordings with atte such Musi by as Maynard Ferguson, Ozzy Glesple,T-Lavtz and the Temptations. Seven. Fisher | ie contbutions to Rolané Corporation inclce the factory preset patenes for the 8M Total Percussion Sound Module, the “90's Dance” Rhythm Style Card for the Copyright © 1982, | cR-80 Human Rhythm Payer and, eumerous eines and demonstrations Foland US 3 Allright reserved. Unauinonzed use of hs material is @ vdation of applicable laws. [3] Playing Rhythm Patterns “The DR. 660 consns 100 Pree hye Pater. You ea ten oan Pattern ou Ue 1. Pattern Play Press [SONGTFTW) WOOE ‘The Display wil ead “PATTERN! (Patten Mod). PATTERN Seloct the Patten to be played (Numbers 09 — 99) using the TEMPO/DATA oa ° 8 Tart ici Pan ‘Patten umber 1a be played % It you select a Preset Pattarn the later P* appears to ‘he lel of te Pattern Number. 6 ros ‘The Tempo Indicator tasnes with each best and the Display shows the current status * you select the next Rhythm Patern (with the Numeric eyo} belore the cutrent Pattern ie complete, the new yom Patten wil be played immediately folowing the current one. ® Press [STOBIEMT. 1 you wish to [START Jpiayback ot atin | It you wish to play tha Rhythm Pattern trom the beginning, press [RESET]. then [START Rhythm Pattem trom where twas stopped (Continue Pay), preee [STRAT] Then oF the Preset Rhythm Patten is shown in*Chapter 8: (6) Preset Pater Table” on page 110. {3} Playing Ahuten Patten 2. Tempo Control ‘You can et he emp ofa Raythm Psi anywhere within he range of 20 260 deus pe inte (pm) Press (TEMES) FAD BANE “TEMPO hashes in ne Display TEMPO! = =, @ Aastha wono0 wih he TEMPOVDATA da hen you have se the dese ema, peeeFERFS] toni 3. Reverb / Chorus ‘Te lowing expins bow to maketh stings rh Reverb and Choe fs © Press [REVERE] FER x “REVERE ashes nthe Display im (REVERB? l { @ Sete coved Revere depth by tng ne TEMPO, | Kd DATA favo Dsth © Pres [SORIE) [Loomer eee) “CHOFUS ashes the Dsl Ww @ When you nave slectes the desea Drum Ki, press [AU RIT Jagan [Selecting a Pad Bank] - Pressing [BAD BANK ]repeatecy wil selec (h order, Pad @ank A, Ped Bank B, both A and 8, The Display change to read: A-- B-- AB, A-- B+ AB ote. 1% When A and B eppear atthe same time the Pac! Bank Layer function s ON (Page 81), Pad Bonk A tt 7 FAD BANK, ad Bank 8 PAD BANK, Pad Bank Laver PAD BANK, 2. Roll aoe Sove aS ‘The oll interval (speed) can be changed by following the procedure on page 38 3. Flam ©0066 GCC ICD JOC OIG Het, hi Key Pad while holding ‘The Flam interval and volume balance between strokes can be changed by following the procedure on page 38, 20 Chapter 2 Before Creating Rhythms ‘The DR-660 coniains Presot Rhythm Patterns but algo allows you to program your own Patterns and Songs, This chapter quickly explains how to create original Rhythm Pattems and Songs, | [1] Outline of the DR-660 1. Drum Kit ‘A.Drum Kits a collection of 55 sounds (from the 256 available). Those 55 sounds are numbered 1 — 55. 29 On Kite Drum Ke eu Kit ioe} ie. 38 + aon son a ss ss 2 sg coz) ‘Sounds 1 — 18 are assigned to Key Pads 1— 16in Pag Bank A, and eounds 17 — 32 are assigned to Key Pads 1 — 16 t Pad Bank B. Whie sounds 82 — 55 cannot Be played drecty by te Key Pads, they can be played vie MIDI contol (page 82). Pee Bank A names doa fem BOO a EIEN {cs[c3]c3[c3) Pa Bank 8 . oeon Insane of Pa Momo» 6333 mn ETC 2 1 Outing of she om-50 (© The OR-£60 contains 7 Preset Orum Kits (Numbers 0 — 6). tt can siso store a maximum of 22 “User- Programmable’ Drum Kits (Numbers 7 — 36) ‘Tne sounds assigned to the U a 1's Drum Kits can be ected (the volume and pitch can be changed), therefore can be used as new sounds. (© only tne sounds trom one Drum Kit can be used at any one time. Thats, when eresting and using Rhythn Patterns, all the sounds in th torn must come trom one Drum Kit (© A Drum Kit 6 written into a Rhythm Pattern. ‘in Patiern Write mode, what Drum Kit is used for creating s Rhythm Patter is writen into memory. (@ in me Pattern Piay modo, changing Rhythm Patterns will auiomatically change Orum Kits, Aer creating « Rhythm Pattern It Is possible to select a diffrent Crum Ki. The Rhythm Pattern wil then lay with the sounds in the new Drum Kit. It you wish to change the contents of a Drum Kit (sound assignments, tone quay, elc,), refer to page 64, 2 (11 Outing of te oASED Isis 2. Effects it © “The DR- 60 comains two builin effecs, Revers nd Chas @ Reverb ever (leverberation) is @ complex echo eect which adds & sonse of spaciousness to sounds. By changing the revere parameters (page 76), you can enhance the restsm ofthe sounds played by the DA-660. @ chorus “The chorus effect ads richness and warmn to sounds, By enanging the Chorus parameters (page 77). variety of tects can be obtained Sond} 00 OC) ever Generator | i é L | Lig 2 enone “The sepih (amount) of Reverb and Cots can be set forthe enti Drum Kor fr each sound winin the Drum KA. By changing the ReverbiChonss parameter, various afece can be created, ‘@ Ii you wish to change the depth of the Feverb or Chorus effect, see page 74 @ 1 you wish to change the Reverb or Chorus parameters, see page 76. 2 11 outne of mo OR-80 3. INDIVIDUAL Outputs ‘The DR. 660 is equipped wih eo INDIVIDUAL ourpe! jacks (INDIVIDUAL 172), as well a pir of Stereo OUTPUT juehs (ourpurtin ‘Through thee jacks sound without Reverb/Charus effects output [As a foctory laut, the unt i set to output sounds through the Stereo OUTPUTS (UR) any. Ths seting can be changee fo include the INDIVIDUAL outputs ofeach Instrument as required + When using an external mixer, you can gain a higher degree of control over an individual sound by ‘assigning it to an INDIVIDUAL output. You can then EQ or process that sound separately trom the ‘thers before mixing. you wish to use the INDIVIDUAL output jacks, see page 79, 2 [2] Creating Rhythms “There te swe main metods for creming Rhye Paves or # Song Pacen Write apd Song Write Pattern Write - “Te int sep in wring» Song is he cestion of he idivde Rhythm Pater hat wil used within se Song. There ae two svethods of Pater creation; Sep Wake and ReaKime Write Sep Write allows you te create 3 Pater one bes (or sep) atx ime Reaie Write allows you wo crests Pater by stay paying ion the Key Pads HiSong Write -- + (P. 46) “The 100 reset Riythm Palen, ané the Rhythm Petes which you cele os your own, ean Sw be combined to produce 2 Song Pattorn Write reame wie] step Hite | Programmabie Paen eset Pattern | ‘Song Write Rosttime wite Step Write 8 [3] Modes ip ne oe be DR-660 provider ul range of weing(Pater/Song creation) and eiing functions. These functions ae ranged ino 6 Mees @ Song Mode ~ Provide for Song Ply frelon esting @ Pattern Mode Proves for Fase Play /cresion eng @ Pad Mode sre sees veeinseernseen : 2 Used to assign sounds tothe Key Pads @Etfects Mode ~ Allo fr suing of he Reve aod Chom parameters, @ Utility Mode serene even Provides conte! ollFlan/Metronore setings a8 well a Swine/Timiog Shift prameten. This move i also wed when you wish Inti” the oot real al he erin factory seine). @ MIDI Mode - Used o make MIDI purameter songs or sings elated to dia ransfer whe asing enteral devices (sequencers, sound models ee) [Mode Selec nm) Wun me OR 660 stoppee (no Pater playing) ‘Press the relevant Made Sutton([ SONGTBTN | [BAD] (EFFECT. Can ao), er [4] Changing Parameter Values esting « Rhythm Panera 1 ChorwsRever parameter se the following sors (@ TEMPO/DATA di Jown Buttons) ‘though he TEMPO/DATA dal uy nats asthe dia ety dove, you can also we) [¥}wpiown euttons) or the Numeric Keys. Creating Rhythm Patterns (Pattern Write) “The DF -660 allows you to create original Rhythm Pattems. This chapter explains how to do just that. @ The DA-660 contains 100 Preset Patterns and up to 150 User Programmable Pattems (where your original Patterns are stored). © The Preset Patiems cannot be edie. @ User Programmable Pattems are numbered from 100 — 250, wiile the Preset Patterns are numbered from 00 — 99, When you select a Proset Patter, the letter " P * will appear to the left of the Pattern ‘Number in the Display. [1] Creating a Pattern (Pattern Write) “There ate two methods fr Pater ceaon Mi Realtime Write - Rytm Patems ae erated by actly playing them on the Key Peds (sll in time withthe metronome) If che ig fe ‘el of your performance int quite night, you ean ue the Quane Funston (page 30) to coment (Hie ako posse enter performance information (Pura) fom an extemal MIDI devi) Step Write -- 1 yon a ot comforable wth paying the Key Pada Resin, ont wor! Using te Sip Wie mod, you ally ‘aera one ea or ‘tp aati. Ths meted allows ooo ae al he ie ju med eet comples Pater ‘Both methods can be used In the cretion of single Pate. Step Weng can be used to create tne hase Pater, and atone! sounds can then be added using Reatime Writing, Or, a Pattern can be fit eaptured in Realime, and ‘hon ested as necessary using Stop Write. 1. Pattern Creation Initial Settings © Before hepining create Pate (with either method, the ellowing seniags mst be made. Daring Reatine Panes cretion (paying the Key Pade, quanszaton automatically comecs any ming inaccuracies that may + + + ‘Tining of iting Key Pads. v Ting nuh Ht ft Rn Pan aS Ieotreci to an exe ting) In the Step Write mode, the quantization seting determines the resolution’ of single bent, Tht the umber of visions within ach beat (48,16 ee) Dispiy [Note [Display] Note | Owpiay| Note ean Roe | [sz nae ss 11 Gromng 2 Patten (Patten Wets) CECE : — 20) “The Beat Number represents the numberof quar nots win each mesture For insane, 9 make 8 Rbytin Patera with 4/4 time signature (for quaner ate to the bar, you mat et he Bea: Number to“. To make & Psern in 3/4 ine, you mut st histor ORS A Rhyn Paueen ean be aia {mame using upto 7 charset. The Patem Name wil be shown inthe Dispty during the Song Whe process (page 46), $0 you ean easily seal each Pater ORE nearer) ‘This function allows you wo teplae he Rte Patern corey plying with fret ane (seated by presing [START] / WE}. Here you can selec! the next Rhyihn Patrn, Ht you do not wish to use the Realtime Patton Change functon, you 60 ot need to Sette above parameter. For & detailed explanation, ‘Chapter 5, Reale Pattern Change” on page 8, [Procedure] s+-++---++++1 ress [SONGTBTHT]. The Display snould reas “PATTERN (Patorn Mod). Using the TEMPO/DATA dial, select the Pattern = = ‘numeer where you wish to wee a Rhythm Pattern cr the Display ! I frase [HEE]. “QUANTIZE" and "BEAT wi apearin sof [l c art Fam Nanbe where ine Seth Quant vv using the TEMPO/DATA ai hyn Pen fe oe ss BJte move the cursor (he Rashing nator in == te Dep ener tn = an re a Het Selthe Beat Number wh the TEMPO/DATA dal > el Soo t eta Beat Notar 3 15) Crating Pattern (atte Wats) Press [Deo move the cursor to the Patern Name ove me cursor win SE), and ener e name ‘eng the TEMPO/DATA sit Position the cursor inthe tower ltt comer af the Display win [2]. Prose [Sn Reatime more times to select the sm Change Seting Display Using the TEMPO/DATA ial, select the Patter umber where you wich to set the Realtime Pattern Change turcton 2. Realtime Write 22 . =n i it 244 1 | WAR RPC } Ht ‘When you hate completed he int! ening (page 3) for Pater Write, proceed with he lowing: First select he Oram Kit raqlred by the Rhythm Pater you are going te wee (Page 78). Prose [HEALTSTEP eo the wors “REAL” appea's inthe Display ch time you press the button) (REAL and “STEP” are eolacted atornately Press [HEC]. (The Recorsing inciator wi ight) Press [START]. (The Tempo Indicator ashes at the set tempo.) ‘The mettonome sounds accorting to the Metronome Sorting (saze 43), Press ‘et the desired tempo (20 — 260 beats per minte) wth the TEMPO/DATA di LUsten tothe meioronome then set the tempo you fi easiest for Realtime wit. Press [TEMPO ]agahn (to return othe Realtime Write mode). 101 cleatng © Pate (Patter weed © Play no Any Patter (or part off) on the Key Pads in time with the metronome, The velocity (volume) af each key stroke wil also be recorded. The sounds thal you ener wil then pay repeatedly, Continue fe acd aferent sound unt the Patten is complete, Je To obiain a Rol, press and hold ine desired Key Pad white holding [HOLL Joown.For a Fim, tap the sestres Key ad whit noting ECA] sown Use [FABBANR to change Pac Banks as necessary. fhe ening (ee of the Rhythm Pater snot quite ght, change the Quantze vale wit the TEMPO/DATA cil 4 Sounds that have Been entered into a Rhythm Patten ean be erased i desired, To ease a partcular sound, hold own [DELETE]. anc thon the Key Pad a he sound you want erased. While playing, sounds wi be erased as long ss the Key Padi doressed © you press [RET while me OF.-660 ls playing the Recerding Incest wil go oUt and te Sound played by hing a Key Pas wit pt be input tote Rhythm panern This functon Is, heretore, ean be alectvely use for mantoring Key ad eounce or Prcteing ® Press[STOPTERT to ext Reatime Wri 33 101 chostng # Patt (Patern Wate) 3. Step Write © cmelaie i * ‘When you have completed ine nal stings pate 31) fr Patesn Write, proceed with he following ‘& Fistselect the Drum Kit requires by the Rhythm Pattern you are going to wrte (Page 12). © ross REALTSTEP]so the word “STEP” appears inthe Osoay, (CREAL? ang “STEP® ae selected stemately each time you press he burton) (The Recording necator wil ight) @ Prose [START]. (Tne Tempo indicator flashes at the settempo} ® vsing (EWD}) ‘select the step (beat) you wish to work on (Gest Number, lock Number) A quarts note consists of 98 ‘lock’ (isons), ‘The clock ruber varies depending onthe eat sot with he Quantze function. (Example) Quantize is set to an 81h note ot1@ [de] © Ghat OA 4 i1you select. step wnere a sound has alveacy been entered, you can heat that soune. ® taitine Key Pad forthe sound tobe or “The velocity (volume) ofthe key Ke wil leo be recorded. AK To obtain a ll, press end hold the desires Key Pad while noting [HOLL ]éown. For a Flam. tap the desires Key ad while Nolsing ELAR] sown, kUse[FEDBANE to change Pad Banks 26 necessary: “The positon advances by one step (bea. Continue to enter Sounds one step ata time 3 181 crnaing «Pawn Patan Wate! & Tom the rythm Patiern you have created, press [START]. To sop, press [STOPTEXT 4 To erase 5 parcular sound, positon the cusor on the riovant stop using [BWO.}/LEWD]). Hi the Key Pac that comesponds othe sound to be erased while halding [DELETE ]down ® Tocominve to enter adstonal sounds, change the Quaniize vake with the TEMPO/DATA cial it necessary), then ‘repeat sleps @ and ( as many fmes as necessary. | Amaximum of 9 eounds can be antred on the same step ® win ptayoack othe Pater stopped, prss [STOP/ERT ]to ox Step Wie ‘A Drum Kits writen in a Rhythm Pattern, That i, if you wish to change to a diferent Drum Kit ater having created a Rhythm pattern, repeat steps D—@ in Realime Write or Step Write then select a new Drum kit | Mi To change sounds «+--sss----sseeereeeee ‘To chante sounds fer they have Been entered into x Rhythm Pater follow this procedre: ©. Press| HEALTSTEP]:0 thatthe word “STEP* appears nthe Display. {Pressing the bution alerately alle REAL and STEP.) @ Prese[HEG]. (The Recording Incicator wil ight) @ Press[START]. (Tne Tempo indicator wil ash atthe set tempo.) © Usa (FWD) select the step on which the = sound exchange sto occur © Press [Beto poston mo eureor on the sound name cal (the sound name flashes). 3 _—— © ® © Esch time you press [Br]. the Display at oreesponding veleiy valve (1 — 31) as shown below: mately showe all the souncs assigned to the specified stop, and ihe “To select a previous Display, press[] ‘Select the sound you wish to change using [4}![B]. Select the replacement sound using the TEMPO/DATA dial ‘Then oress[ Jt select he veloc seren, Sol the velo value wih the TEMPO/DATA dia ‘You cannot select a sourd that ls no assigned tothe Drum Kit current in use, ‘You cannot assign more than one instrument in the same pad Number tothe same step, i Patterns within Patterns ‘Tower o Rhytho Pater within ages Pater (coniing of mestres, for example), flow this procedure: Press [REALTSTEP ]so ne wore “STEP” appears inthe Dicey. (REAL? and “STEP” are selecte allernetetyaach time you press the button.) {he Recortng Inictor wi ght) Prose (The Tempo Incleatr Hashes a these empo.) sing [FREED]. spect the step on whic you wis o begin antaring sounds, [A quarter note consists of 86 cocks (vst), The clock number varies depencing onthe note got with the Quariize function Follow steps to @ on page 34 to wie the Ahythm Patter. ' ith playback of the Patern stopped, press[ STOPTERTT Ito ext Step Write 2) Pattern Write Functions (olowing are eel fortis fr proceeding Panera Wet Deleting a Rhythm Pattern Tie fmson tons you delete any Rhythm Puen you ve erated ° © Press[SOWGTPTW |so tne Display reads "PATTERN" (Patter Mode) ® Stop piyoace Select ne Patiom Number (100 — 240) o be deiotd wih the TEMPO/DATA cia * Preset Patterns (00 ~ 98) cannot be deleted e Prese [DELETE] The Dsplay responds wits" Fyre @ ess [ENTER Jo prceued of [STOPTERE}» coves tne operation + . Copying a Rhythm Pattern Performance dst ‘Quastie'Beat Nunber-Patetn Name, ec.) of a Rhythm Pater an be copid 10a diferent Rhythm Patra Number. © Press [SONGTPTHT]s0 me Display reads “PATTERN (Pater Moce). ® Stop playback it necessary). Select the source Patiem Number with he TEMPO/DATA dial source Patan | Deetinaten Pan ® ress [GOPY]. The Display shouls reas “COPY” Number | Kombe Deateaton Pattern Name ® Select» destnaon Patter Number win the TEMPO/DATA di © Prese[ ENTER] ‘The Display responds with * ® Press [ENTER proce J cance 1 you copy a Rnyinm Pattern fo a Pattern Number where a Pallezn alteady exists, the new Pattern will overnite (erase) me oi 3. Editing the Roll Youcan change he el pest oy feslwin ss rire Display] Neve [Ouciy| Note [Ouplny| Note J forte |) pomome |B, [ee ed ee © Press [UTIL], the Display snouts road “UPKLITY" (Utby Meee) @ Select" HROLL* ovina] =e ® Sette Rol intoval using the TEMPO/DATA cial 4. Editing the Flam You con change the te iter and he volume eferenc Berween he wo suds COOGEE 0 — 21) “his pacameterconuols he time irs Detween the two Sounds, At On Mam fect is bind CGE 0 —7) “This parameter comzols the vest ao difereace between he to sounds, When Wise e100", grace ote will e payed (crace Motel (Meio Noe) {21 Pan Wore Funcions © Press[UFLTY]. The Display should reas “UTILITY” (Utlty Mode @ Yo change tne Fam ineral select“ BF LAN INT wsog [E)(E]. To change the Flam Rat, slat “BF LAN RATION a I BFLA IT, Flam ines Fam Ratio @ Set me Fam interval or Flam Rato value using he TEMPO/DATA dl 5. Swing foes Ls ue Swing sx erm used describe «particles rhythmic fel’ a bouncy’ fee often assisted with ss mac. This fenton work by delving cenain prions oF «beat, with she amount af delay bei variable. Swing impossible to describe, so we suggest het yo do sme experimenting os jas wha we mean SIRE sovsserasarnieorwerearsu7sreo%) ‘The Sing amount (represented as» percentage eterines how mh he pat of each eat wl be layed Increasing he percenaze accents th ring el At SOS, he ing nerve egal nd 6, he lt wing ice aie He, seat Shing enous” 679 SOM. 7H au © Press The Diplay should read =e “PATTERN” [Pater Mode) os ary T et @ Specty the Rhythm Pattem (Pattern Number) to which mswing, |" HT ‘you wish to adé the Swing effect wit the TEMPO/ 375% ead, DATA cil. i Pattern Kumber whee Swing is @ Pres [GFIEITY]. The Display should read "UTILITY" (Ut Moos) 12) Pattern write Functions ee @ seer BSUT NG" vine VE) @ Setne Quantize value wih the TEMPO/DATA dia Display] Note ‘usner Note 16th Note 20nd Note er |% > | > | ® Postion the cursor win [Be], then sei the Swing ‘Amount withthe TEMPO/DATA cia. © Press ERTER) ‘The Depiay responds wih" Sure?" B To enter the Swing value you have specied, press ‘8 Once « Petem has been ecified by the Swng etec, the onginal cannot be retieved. I you wish lo keep the orginal Rhythm Peter, copy toa diferent place (Pastor Number) betore eng, “0 {2} Pawar wine Funesone 6. Timing Shift ‘he Timlog Shit fnction allows you wo move sounds shighly forward or backward w erate spec Mythic Feels. Uap ths function you can eeatesbleraances which wil enhance the tel of your Pater COSTIEEM ¢- 95 — +06) ‘This parameter determines how ft 2 sound wil be shied. A neg rare (+ vale his a sound bckward (A quer nate # 96 ook) © Press [SONGTETI]. The Dispiay enovld toad “PATTERN” (Pattern Mode) @ Using the TEMPO/DATA dil, select the Rhythm Pattem (Pattern Number you wish toed ® Press (OHLAT ‘The Display shoul road “UTILITY” (Unity Modo} ® Usiog TV EB]. select BSHIFT* © bit me relevent Key Pad to eelect he sound to be nites 5 Youcan change Pad Banks required, but you cannot lise he Pac Bank Layer mode (page 81). @ Set me Shi Amount with the TEMPO/DATA da number ( ~ valve) shi he sound forwar, anda poritine ie i 5 c e Mu SCS ‘Patten Number whare Timing Shite to be ast =! IFT Bao +56 I J mS 1 I _! iG ~f “ {2} Paes White Furcions © Press ENTER] ‘The Dapigyreeponce wit" Sure 2° rol a] We c cI @ Press [ENTER] proceed o[ETOPTERT}0 cence BSMIFT Sure? ea “+ Once a Paliem hasbeen eld, the gal cannot De reweved.¥ you wish to eave the anginal. copy i 10 & Ctfernt gestion (Pate Number before ecting Iva sound is ahitied beyond ine range of te Timing Shit function, that sound we not be Meard. A rest will occur in is 12 Rbython Patorn wses a Orure Ki fn which the Pad Bank Layer funetion fe ON (page Bt), you wil not be able to change Pas Banks * -ciruy a a) [21 Pawn Wite Functions 7. Chan: “The DR- 840 allows yu Wee wore 10 — 7) ap itrval of the meonome (ase during Reale Par eeaon), ig Metronome Settings Display | _ Note rae st saat a) fron dy [item | 3 e Prass [UTILITY]. The Display shouls read “UTILITY” (Ublty Mode) 8 Usnel@ VIE]. selec “BOLICK LEVEL * to ede me voume, and" BCLICK SEL* tit he interval @ Serthe volume or inter using the TEMPO/DATA dia Chapter 4 Creating a Song (Song Write) Rhythm Pattems (Preset or original) can now be combined to create a ‘Song). This is accomplished by placing the Pattams in the desirad order. @ The OF - 650 can store up to 100 Songs. @ One Song can contain up to 250 Rhythm Patiems. Each Pattern ‘occupies ane ‘Patt of the Song (@ 5y using the Song Chain function (page 57), up to 100 Songs can be played successively. 4 [1] Song Write Procedure “Two matods of Song creation ace avaiable Mi Realtime Write Using this metod, Paterns are recorded in x Song as they are played im Reaime, Composing easy a ll you do is exeete Reale Patem Changes or zlest Pater Numbers withthe Numeric Keys Step Write ‘This method aso allows yout specify the eres in which the Ryihm Paners wet be ke, but you can ke as mach me 0 doit as you aed. allows you to compose complex Songs wbich would be dificult accompli n Relive, 1. Song Write Initial Settings Before writing» Song you must fis make ie ntl seins for eter Realtime o Step Write OEMS onorr) Whee you ehange Ray Pater daring Sang Pay, the Drum Ki Change fusvon (fis ON ) will stomaticaly slat the ‘ram Kit regu by the new Raylhm Patera (You cast ctange Drum Kis masalydarieg So Play) 112s sto “OFF, the Drs Kit wil remain anchanged when anew Rhythm Paser selected, The Dram Kit sled athe besining ofthe process wil be wed troushost. (You ean change Drum Kits manly dures Sone Py.) Every Sg canbe atsgeed a name of upto 7 characters, The names showa inthe Display drig Song Py Caran ‘With this fonetion, wp o 100 Songs canbe played in suecesion. \¥ you do not wish to use the Song Chain funeton, you do nat need to set the above parameter Fora detaieg explanation about the Song Chain funtion, se8 “Chapter 5; [1] Song Chain on page. TEENIE (20 — 260 bprvorr) ‘You can set a Init! Tempo foreach Song, If an Inia! Terao has bea sex.» Sone wil tan with that emp, regres ofthe tempo carenty shown in he Displiy. When te function it OFF, the Song will play withthe tempo curenty shown in the Disa. 4 [Procedure] -- © Press[SONG7TETW]. the Display should ead “SONG” (Song Mode). ® Specity me Song Number (0 — 99) wah the TEMPOY DATA dal ® Press Display. select the Oram Kit Change sting ® ‘Torn the function ON/OFF with the TEMPO/DATA cial. ® Pross [Bo move the cursor to the Song Name postion in the Dispiay, e Move me cureor win [a)/(BJand enter the ‘characters withthe TEMPO/DATA dial ® [A]Movo tne cursor 19 the lower ltt comer of the Display. Press []iwice to solect the Inital Tempe setting Display. @ Serthe inlet Termpo wits he TEMPO/DATA dia * lane lempe is above 280 bpm, the Intat Tempo display willbe" OF F ® Pross[to select he Song Grain seting Display, e Using he TEMPO/DATA cial, select the Song Number to be played noxt 11) Song Wine Proadice I KIT=0 Sate 1=iF i T i INT=OFF fm) ag = an T Heit CHN=OFF Ce 01 Song Woe Procedure 2. Realtime Write “ © ‘When you have completa the nial sings on pane 4, fllow tis procedure Press [REALTSTER], The Display shoul road REAL” (PREAL” ang"STEP" are selectee aterately each time you press the buton ) (The Recording Indestor wit tant) Poss STRRE) The Rhythm Pater currenty selected ears playing, oy ‘The Tempo Indicator anes atthe se tempo oy vena me renoroAra os sone ne rox anon [| a Pan f Pattern Number to Se Song Name wan It you epecty the Patter number using the Numenie Keys, the selected Rnytnm Patter wil be played next and thon automaticaly wrt ita ie Song. H you select a Rhythm Patern where 2 Realtime Patom Change (page 58) s se, ‘he change to Fi-e/Varition Patterns fihuly recorded inthe Song Ropest sop to select aie Rhythm Pattems to compat the Song, ress [STOBTERT ]wnen you ere tnsned. When the number of Paterns (Parts) exceeds 250, the recording process ends automaticaly ‘You cannot wite any now data whatsoever inte 8 Seng where any exstng Rhythm pattem has been writen, 10} Song we Procedure 3. Step Write e } Press [START] (The Tempo Indicator wit lash at the = =p ‘nen you hve compleed th nial sings on pee 47, olow hs proved ress(REALTSTER]. (The Display should ead STEP") (CREAL* and “STEP” are salectes attemately each time you press the button) ress (HEC). (The Recorcing Indicator wit ight) svieted tempo) = mo a sng [EWE] [ED specty where witin te Song (wnen Pan Number) the Rhythm Pater fs Yo be Por to be entre | Pattrn Numba Using tho TEMPO/DATA ia, epecily the Ahythm ™ Petters Number rece [ENTER]. ‘The selecies Paton Number is witten into the selected Part. Tho Song automatialy advances tothe nex Part (he next port af he Song) Pressing START |wa play the selectes Rhythm Patter, Pressing [ STOPJERIT |wil stop playoacs Stop Wing can continue asthe Rhythm Patter plays Repeat ses © to @ unt you have writen the ante Song. (Wit playack cle Pattom stopped, press STOBTERT ]to ext Step We 4 133 Song Wee Prosace 50 It you have written a Fill-in Pattecn and Variation Patter into @ Song in Realtime using the Realtime Pattern Change function (page 58), and then later edit the same Song with Step Write, an * > * wi ‘appear in the Display at the Rhythm Pattern (Original Pattern or Variation Pattom) that is turned to the Fill-in Pattern, Song Reshine Wrve song v0 veo | too |] te ¢ D 7 7 orga Paton rete pow (ton Pete Edit with Song Step Weite warren tag ao +189—Sr same ae 182 [2] Song Write Functions ‘Te folowing at seat aston or proseeing Song Wt 1. Deleting Song Data e ® ® 2. Copying Song Data o @ ‘The Song Dee fee slows you to delete entire Songs Prose [SGNGTPTA]. The Oipiay shoulé road "SONG [Song Mode}. ‘Stop playing then selnt the Song (number 0 — 96) a be deleted wih the TEMPO/DATA is. Press [DELETE] The Display responds wih" Sa Prose ENTER Jo process o/[ STOPTERIT Jie cance t ‘Song Number 1 be ate ‘The Song Copy Function lows you to copy ene Sngs 1 ther Song Numbers Press[SONGTETHT] The Dispiay shout read "SONG" (Gong Mose) ‘Stop playing, then elect the source Song (number) to ra be copied with tie TEMPOIDATA di oma The Display snoule read “COPY CS Using the TEMPO/DATA dit, sloct the destination Sculcy Sexe sete Song Number. Number Nombe Destination Song Kame H me destration Song aleady conteins Rhythm Patterns, te mew Song data wit overwrite (eras0) the ols 12) Song Wine Functions © Press (ENTER), ae “The Display responce wih “SUP @ Press ENTER} 0 procoed or [STOBTEXTF to cance. wn so or - % 3. Deleting Pattern Data “Toe Paern ete fanctlon erases al the perfermance da consid in a Rhythm Pater wien into a Song © Pross[SONGTPTN]. The Display shoulé read "SONG" (Song Mode). ® Prese[REALISTED]. (The Diepay snould reac “STEP” (CREAL* and “STEP” are selected alternately each time you press the button) e ress [HEE ana tnen[ START to solect the Song Writ mode © seg FWD). [BWE]) oct the Rhythm Patern Number to be date. © Proes[ DELETE). ‘The Disp responds win Sure?" © Pross[ENTER }o proceed or STOPTENT to cance. 2 121 Song Wie Funsions 4. Inserting Pattern Data ® ‘Wan ne Pater tse function you en sen new Rbyte Paten no any position Pan of «Sons Incarting Rhythe Petters Y into Part 093 ananm | Brat | Rr | Renan Anjum | Rhythm | Awtom | Rhyenn | Rhythm atten | Pattern | Patten | Paton | mee | Fite | Puen | Potion | Prien | Patan A ete | * ej c . Poss [SONGTPYW]. the Display enould read "SONG" (Song Modo. ress [REALTSTEP]. (The Olepay snould read “STEP” REAL” and “STEP* are selacied ats ately each te you press the buon) rest [REG Jane tren[ START ]to cele: the Song Wate mode, ress [BOBY]. The Display should read “COPY” and siNsERT” Using the TEMPO/DATA ial, select the Anythm Pattern Number tobe nsenad [WDD]. selecrme Pan Number where the new Rhythm Pato wl be inserted d Press [ENTER] ‘The Display responds wih "Sure 2" Prees [ENTER proceeso: STOPTENT to cance. Potten Name 53 5 Chapter 5 Playing Songs and Rhythm Patterns This chapter explains the various functions for playing Songs and Ahythm Patterns, [1] Song Play ‘wi he BR -660 ppd © Prose SONGTETA]). The Dieplay chould read “SONG (Song Mode). ® Using me TEMPO/DATA cia, select the Song Number (0 —99) tobe played the Dgpay wil respond wit: + song to be payed iSong Number) ry ut 4 © press[START] © Press| Pressing START Jags wil resume playback om where the Song was stopped ginning of ne Song dk Pressing [ESET Jona then [START wit tan playback trom 1. Continue Play » ‘Continae Flay resumes plyback of «Song fom the point whee i was topped. You can sat playback fom any prt more than one pet inthe Song, With payback stopped follow hs procedure © Using [EWE [BWD]. epectty the Part Number where === you wish playback o begin, om Loos ® Press [START] ‘The Song wil ten trom the spectied Part art whore pay stets Song Name 6 111 Song Play 2. Song Chain “The DR 660 allows you wo ply more ten ane Song cowtinuculy. In eBch Song, you cn set» Song Number whic should be Song Chain allows you to play p10 100 Songs contectvel. Song Number 01 Song Number 03 ‘Song Nomber 00 [Procedure] ---- © Press[SONGTFTI] The Display snous rad *SONG™ (Song Mode) ® Prese[REE] CEiwee == oT al @ Using the TEMPO/DATA dal, sic te most Song T Number to be played. CHN=OFF To play one Song repeatedly, specty the same Song Number as many tes as dosed % you do not wich fo use te Song Chal fonetion turn OFF. @ Press[ STOPTERIT to return tothe previous Dispiay. 8 37 [2] Realtime Pattern Change Realime Paiste Chane allows you to move 4 various Rhythm Fatems you have selected beforehand. This maybe effively used for 1. Structure Rhythm Paes should be handle as fllws whee Resim Fair Change © criginal Paterns These bse Ry Pater © Variation Pattems Shou be handed as Vato ofthe Origin (@ Fil-in-to Original Patterns ‘Shoal vt for Fil ns Belore Orgies) Pacers ar playa. @ Fil-in-to-Variaton Patterns ‘Should ve wed fr Fling before Variation Panes ar played 2. Setting Realtime Pattern Changes Ine simi way asm ening fr Pater We, yo cant one Reine Patera Cage @ Press [SONG/PTN] The Display should read “PATTERN” (Pattern Mode). @ Using the TEMPOYDATA ia spec te Patan Number where you wish ose Resim Pater Change @ Press| — tar T Het ® Press FE] select the Reatime Pater change sting Display, © TEMPO/DATA cial tum the Realtime Pater Change UAR RPC TL tuncton “ON 143 OFF t ® Using LE], move the cursor 10 the Rhythm Patter eae dsc haanias fama ge ‘Number position. Then using the TEMPO/DATA cial, Vaitlon Pattern Number 16 be ow ‘select the Rhythm Patter Number to be used as & ‘ Variation Patter, 121 Resnina Patten Cnange D Press [HI]. to change screens. Using tne TEMPO! DATA dal, eo he Ay Patern 19 Be used as a my 23 aol im DATA cial o Select the Riythm Patter tobe used a6 a @ Press ]to move the curser, nen use the TEMPO! [t F-in-to- Original Pater Ft-e-to-Onigina Pators Number @ won you have completed me setungs, preset 'STOPTERIT). The previous Display wi turn 50 12] Rastie Pater Change 3. Playing Realtime Pattern Changes © Press [SONGTPTW]. The Display should reac PATTERN" (Pattern Moce). @ Using ne TEMPO/DATA a, sect the Rhy Pata o be paved Whe you sls «Rhythm Patras which Reskime Change Bas bee the Orginal Farm Number appears inte Display TIED L ove eames uamsans to be Tad ore @ Press| START 10 play he Ahyenm Pate. 1 He 193 t Eee kf you press [FWD]wnile the Anynm Pattern is being played, the Fil-in-to- Variation Pattorn wil start immecatay ‘The Vaiaton Patter wil hen play when the Fil-in Patter is complete 60 {2} Restine Pattern Change you prose [BWDT]wnie ine nytnm Pt wil han change tothe Anythn Patera selected in step when he current Pater is complet, 7 5 being played, the Fi8-in-to-Orignal Pattern wil lant immediately, 4 you press [FWD] ster me ict eat ofa bar the Fil-m-to Vantin Patirn wil be played immediately (ate begining of he next an twine change tthe Varaton Pate when the currant Pater is complete kt you prose [BWWD Jater he ast beat of bar, the Fit-in-to- Orginal Pattem wi ear immediately (atthe Beginning ofthe next bar. twilthen change tothe Rhythm Pattern selected in step @ ater the curren stem is complet. 2 1 you prate [ETOB]tc stop playback wn the Varation PatterniFli-in Patio is being played, an then press [RESET], te Song wit tw one beginaing of the Rnyinm Pattern selectecin step 2 (Example) nen the Fil-in Patan consists of one menture Dice Fitsin-to-Veation Patten | Variation Pattern oy fp pf pp E t Fl to-Ongnal Pattern Onegin! Patten 6 Chapter 6 Changing Sounds ‘You may find it necessary at times to change the sounds assigned to the Key Pads. You may also want to ecit the timbre (tone color, effects settings and output assignments, {{1] Editing sounds “The sound ocd nsrumentaaned wu Key Pad can Be ee 4 Each soundis assigned to a Drum Kit, Therefore, edited sounds wil be assigned to the same Drum Kit 1. Sound Parameters .. “The parameter svallbe for eating the sounds ofthe Instruments ae fllows, You can edit all the Sound Parameters (except for the Drum Kit name) or Preset drum kit (0 ~ 6} in a temporary base (thats the edited data willbe returned tothe provious when a new drum Kits selected} ASSIGN. sound Assign --~ = 7] SP IT]] Te R-s atows ou w aio any sur vo any Key Pa. You ean io LAD fee asenay meso ate as fet “The DR- 660 comin ihe 255 sues a shown on he fling age [The list of Instrument) See Tasrunen name a os Tans aE Taaaate—[ steer ea tie (asa | cesta] a5 ‘[BoSioK | boing solid kick = 26. [Brest | ester kek ru Brtek | bight kek 26 ravers Wick Dancek | eance wok 228 room eT [Dees K_|_deep kick +30 eoneck 2 ley "| elay hc 234 Door K [door ick ce shel i ‘Dp | deep rover Hk +33 sriash ec Dry ki [ery nek $34 sof acovste Woe Oy x2 [ery wee? Is 50g KE. ‘Bulk —[ aul we | stengih ck [eek | elecvone mex 237 syptiesize: wa} Boek? |" elecronie kick 2 +38 ‘echno wc [Gatokt [gate Wek + 238 ud ck [GaieX2 [gate hick 2 —— 20 “ihe kos Hard | hard acousteRce ——|[_+#1 tomtom Kk House | Rouse nik Ee TA 608 ek ybrok [fyb Hk +a "TA. 909 nce utdveok [mondo rever Rek na revere got RG [Mondok [mondo kek 235 wvarby ik ea 11) Eotina sounds No. | Display | instrument Name Wo. | Display | Instrument name 726 Wood | wood ws 87 [a0eack [TA 808 acousie hak ‘28 [BO8E KC | TA 408 eectonic wei jaGi | TH 606 gate Kick [209H6K | TA GO9 hard wk ahakS | atiack snare 352 [B9ShIS big anak enare +53 [sremns breath snare, 754 [BnieS | bright snare $55 [s/Risi | bush rot soaie oo Reals] vealsnare? Ot [RaggSt | reggae snare t 105 | Reggs2”| reggae aro? 108 [Ring $ [ring snare Rocks | rocesnare RoekS2_| rock snare? SpatS | spate snare 'SpruiS | super ight snare /SprWrS | super wnac ‘SwingS [owing nave #55 sis? bush rot enero? Thin 8 | Sore $57 [51661 1 bushstp snare f Te fhghs [og sare ©58—SrSIS2 | brush slap sare =135_[Tny S| any arare S1S153 | bushi snare S176 [Trans ash snare SxSaS_ | bwshewsh snare =i7 | Tedas |-TR-6b8 snave chops [chop sare 1 a [TaBo9s | TA 200 sare ‘Shops? chop nara 2 =1i9-|¥ep § | yep snare ikers—erackerenare $120 [oo —| 80% snare rvayS_[ eudey anare 2121 [9061S | TR-oe IgE anare Toanees {anes snare 2a [odin | TA. 000 ng ante Toaayé | aeey snare 125 [anbei_| amben se sick [oig'3 agit snare Teea4 [Heist | alse ste Toiscos | asc snare [tas wisie “fmt ie si Sogn dep snare 126_[Steks—[ atone EiecSt | electne snaie 127 [o08stk | Th 6OB aE ax [eecs2 | etecvons snare =i28-/AmBoTT| ambintion “at are $i29- Amor | ampertion 2 (FX snare $150" Ambat3:|embert ton GioasS | glass snare amowntion @ ‘crabs gran snare Soot fm righ Hare | har nave $135 [BoosTL_| boosh ior iow HousSt_[ ose snare 7 3156- [Brant [bras eg tom 7 Houss2_| house snare z =135-[ershT2 brush ap tom 2 HeusSo-| house snare 3 [136_[erohT3_[-enan ap om 3 Spr | hawse doi sare Ta? [Brshta | bs sop tom 4 Hoge S 1 huge snare | ie foy ti —Paeytem =a nypers | hyper snere =139[by 72] erytom 2 wes tia -s [UA are 140 [Dy 73 ay tom =84_ LAF SiS | UATat snare Stat [Oy Tay toma $85 utes! —ightenare Ha [eeaTt | ekerensiomt 26 [uissa—ignt snare ) (© For sounce indicated by * * "in the lle shown on page Sé, ere wil be an increase inthe lower requency content when the vale is increased Winer you Mt tha gram near the canter When you It the dram nate the age ‘The vale is higher The value is tower (@ For sounde indicated by *« +", when the value is kereased the sound wil be as the cymbal was hit lesa othe When you hi the evmbsl ear the cup When you ht the eymbal nate the eae The value © higer, Te vain ie lower "A Winen nuance setings cannot be made for a pareular sound, "~~~" wil be seplayed. oo 111 eating sounds TEPAN: v7 —c —azanow = Foc a sound assigned wo stereo out, hs seg determines i pa RZ RS Ae RE RE RP Even fa sound is set to* I ND J Yi will ot be sent tough the INDIVIDUAL output unless “IND” i elec the inavidual Output soting {page 72) 1 The pan setting wil not allect« sound assigned to an indus! Output BAA.TYPE: powyirovy exci — 7mmonomono Exc! —7 ~ These sings determine the way sounds wil be profuceé shen one or ore sounds ae payed continously @PoLy “his foncon allows sounds with slong decay to “ove” one another. For example, i ride ymbal peter is being played, ‘king tis sexing wll perm al the sounds to decay natural. Lew 09 117 Eating rourss 0 @ POLY EXC ‘When "wo sounds which cannot Be played athe Same time in pormal paying technigue bu which Wil be sounded peer ‘when either of tem play cominutl” sich as Open ane Closed isha, they ea be sto the sme EXC numbers fr not bing sounded peter, excl x exch pence time @ Mono ‘Wen one sours played repeatedly each pesions sound wil be eu ff 10 make oom forthe neat oe. mat @ MONO EXC Any soonds having the same EXC nombereanact be played iogeher. Also when the same sound is played repeatedly, cannot be played together, Sounds nach ax Goiro Shor snd Guto Long. which are not normally bead topes, soeld be set wo the samme EXC number beet Lovell | exc exc pgxce INS ~ Tee ot mined Not med | Mises 181 Easing sounds TEI CAV: Sensitivity Curve (EXP VIN 1/EXP 2/LIN 2”XFOOIKFD VIX VIK 2) = PAT ARA) Tf ostniy cares demi ew he Key Ps wl respond 0 ! T HE Lt * Pc ia playing velocity (paying sengi) to Pa Bank A and B re Strath ‘A Senstuity Gurve cannot be sa foreach Key Pad, ‘When tis 9 XFDI or XFDO, nana yeamies effec canbe obsined by using the Pad Bank Layer ene. (Page 81) EXKITNAM: Drum kit Name SE Pane SP PET] eet Dne xt — 2 canbe mrt sane oop ea T aH EKITNAM STANDAD rum Ke Kame Drum Kit 0 — 6 are Preset; thel names cannot be changed, 111 caning eounse eee 2. Editing Sound Parameters Hece ne © Press[ PAB]. The Osplay should reac'PAD" (Pad Mode) ® sing 4 ):[B]. setect me Parameter tobe ested 6 oss ENTER) ® Hit the Key Pas where the sound you wish ts replace is assigned necessary, change Pad Banks by pressing PAD BANK] use) [Bio seers eoune assignec ta Pad Numbers ~ 01 to ~ 28. © Select ne new sound withthe TEMPO/DATA cial = “et you wish te hear he new sound, press [ENTER T B1¢ABL) © Pees (STGFTERT]. the Parmeter stig Dipay Creel waren weston eee Insane Hunter 101 cseag seunce (When you select BLEWEL — BEI TNAM] @ tame Key Pad where the sound o be edited is assigned. necessary, change Pac Banks vsing[ AB BANE] + To sect an neroment assigned to Pad Numbers 01 (Er4mpie) Pitch eating Display vo ~ 25, pose [ENTER]inon use (2) CB], nates = a of he Key Pad. ” ae Je 1 | a0 ® sng the TEMPO/DATA dial, set the value of he Cuica eaaeapiael Parete e220) soc ced Pach (ost valve) perleee 1k To change Drum Kit Names, move the cursor with [EIB], tren onter te onaracters using tne TEMPO/DATA cial “Wen you have ssleced! sound acigned to Pad Numbers 01 to ~ 29, pressing [ERFERT]wit tow you to heat that sound . 1k Te continue to eat other Parameters, repeat steps @ to @)as many tines 9s necessary Wen you have selected m sound assigned to Pad Numbers — 01 to ~ 23, prese [STOBTERT Jet, then proceed wit ope 2 to @ [2] Editing Effects “You can st he depth of he Reve and Chor effet for th enire rem Kl and indivi For ech sound. 1. Reverb depth Sete dep ofthe Revers (0—9) “This funtion lows you wo set he depth af he Reve | When INDIVIDUAL output 1 is being used, the Reverb effect cannot be obtained, © Press (REVERE) "REVERS" Hashes in he Display = = ® Using the TEMPO/DATA a, sat the overall Reverd feta Jevel forthe Drurs Kit 661 149 a ot To-set me Revers lave for @ pareuar sound, At hit the Koy Pad to whien the relevant sound is assigned ‘et the revert lave! with the TEMPO/DATA da i necessary, change Pad Bons using PAD BARE] Be1 149 IC ron TA ' im, Prose land you ean again set the overall oes ever lvel ‘wire tn Rover Lov ® Press[ REVERE when the eotings are complete Even fhe Reverb level seat foreach sound, no Reverb efoc willbe obtained the over Revor lvel is 0. '% you ealact Dot Banks (A and B) using [PAD BANK] the Reverb vel can be set simultaneously for both Banks. “Tis is aust way of sting the Raver nv for a Oram Kain when Pad Bank Layer (page 81) fs ON every Love ot sank A (a) = a : : wn Ef a fb mee te fa. Tao oe a ears Gal (2) Eating Ettete 2. Chorus depth = 2 : e ® ‘Sethe cept a the Chotws. 0— 9) “ris unein allows 01 the depen of the Chon When INDIVIDUAL output 2is being used, the Chorus effect cannot be obtained, sro chore (at CHORUS" ashes inthe Display. == = ry Using he TEMPOYDATA di set te overak Chor ver Done (RE ft love or he rum Kt Boi i49 a AL L To set he Chorus level fora percuar coun, tet mt ene C1 the Rey Pad o whi the relevant sound ie assigned ry Seite Cho vl nt We TEMPO/DATA da! cc rane ca it A necessary, change Pac Banks vsng[ PRE BARE). @e1 fag a] Ts rovae FU HET Press ‘end you can again set the overall — Number of the Key Pas ‘chorus level ress [EHORUE]when tna setings are complete. Even me Chorus levels se for aach sound, no Chorus elect willbe obtained if the overall Chorus levels 0 11 you select bom Banks (A and 8) using [PAO BANE], the Chorus level can be set simttaneousl for both Banks “This is a ustfol way of seting he Chorus level fora Drum Ktin which Pas Bank Layer (oage 61) fs ON. ‘chorus Level of Bank A (AI6) gat 149 1s [3] Changing Effects Parameters By eduing Rever and Chorus Parameters, you can ceae a vay of ees. The eed seins wil e writen ito the Drum Kit cue 1, Effect Parameters Parameters elated with ReveréCborus ate fll EEBR.TYPE: Reverb Type (HALUROOM/PLATEIDELAYIPAN-OLY) ‘oe Parameter dtemines he Rever Type Tie Dasipien HALL This sion vob In 4 onc a ROOM Thi einute rvebaton in» roma! st com ares 1 sas pl we oes ots i of mai DELAY Te @ » noma doy ote [This mites soht ond tol delay sounds whch wa inadualy PAN-DLY rocassed from dive! sound seating ta aoUne ershating, sounds fo the nght-and io, E¥p TIME: Revers Time (o—31) This Parameter detemines the reerbernon tine. Ae tbe valve locrests, te reverberation time foresees (eating the isin of = larger spc EBRLLPF: Rovere Pre LPF (0 —7) 12) Changing EMacts Parametae SE mim) This Peameter ses the calf tregueney which consals the high frequency cote: of te teverberan sound. As he vue is incense, Ime higher equencies are cat (D-FDBK: Delay Feedback (0 — 15) iE (When DELAY or PAN-DLY is selected, this Paametr determines he oumber of repeats EAC.TYPE: Chorus Type (cHORUSIF LANGER) ~ 38 ‘This cating ele eter he hors or Flange fet Fic. DP TH: chorus Depth o— 15) This senting deteries the depth ofthe Chores dsrton. The higher the vale the mote pronounced te diserton “Tis sening determines the rate of Chorus dior, Higher values n [a1 change Etects Parameters EEic.FDBK: Chorus Feedback (0— 15} « ae PIL ten deerme te etc vl fhe Cars tec Hike 1 TH ITA| vem ruses moe pononced Mango er Oc. FDEK fee “This selog determines the delay tine of he Chorus sous, Jcrssng te vale inereases he dla ine ac. 2. Editing Effect Parameters ~ aes © Press[EEFECT]). The Dispay should read “EFFECT (Elect Mod), @® sobs to rotovan Parameter win) (E]. ® Setthe value of the Parameter with the TEMPO DATA dla [4] Individual Outputs ‘he R660 sows yoo stig one sound to each af the INDIVIDUAL oupe(1and2. The volume ouput evel can lobe et 3 A soune assigned to an INDIVIDUAL output wil not be heard trough te stereo ouput OU \Winen INDIVIDUAL output 1 ie being used, the cours gant hrough te stereo outputs WE! not ake on Revers tect ether OO When INDIVIDUAL output 21s being used, the sound sent trough the 12 output wl rot ake on Chowus elec ener. © Pross{ HEVERS ]or[ CHORUS] @® Using) ]. select wor or NDZ”. @ ress [EAB]. The Display rou read “PAD ® using PE V(E]. select “BEAN” © Hine Key Pa to which he sound o be ouput through the INDIVIDUAL output i sssigned @® Using ihe TEMPO/DATA cial, selec 1NOIV 7” [a] bndviust ours e e 8 e e @ 8 [When using INDIVIDUAL Output 1] ~~ Prose [REVERE] “INDY Hashes ia the Disa. Hit ne Key Pas 19 whieh the sound t be sent through INDIVIDUAL output ti assigns. ‘Set the Output Level (0 — 8) with the TEMPO/DATA a Repeat stops @ and @) as many mes as necessary Press| REVERB! Jwnen all the setings are compote [When using INDIVIDUAL Output 2] «=~ oess[ SHORTS) "N02" ass intte Delay site Key Past mich he sound 6 be set hough |NDWIOUA ops asigned Sot te Ose Level (0 — 9) wah te TEMPO/DATA opt tape @ ane @ as mary es a racessany Press [EHORUS]wnen all the stings aro complete. ouput Level Number of the Key Pad whore the Ostout Lave = Ai v= 3 Lt fot ort I rare PUL I rr 7 ut i soe tae ot a kr at swore the Output Leva [5] Pad Bank Layer [Using Pad Bank Player] @ fy assigning 2 sound to a spaciic Key Pad in Pad Bank A, and an ected version of the same sound to the same Key Pad of Bank 8, a fat sound can be created when those sounds are played (layered) together © y assigning different Velocity Sense Curves to the Key Pads of Pad Banks A and B (page 71), you can play citferent sounds from the same Key Pad depending on how hard (or soft) you play. For instance if you st XEDI at Pad Bank A and XFDO a! Pas Bank B the volume an the ao for sound mine of these we suds wil her 2 very ateral nay according fo the strength ft the ey pads Pad Bank A. Pad Bank 8 Lovet Love | bre Se Pad Bank Layer Love strength a [6] Copying a Drum Kit “The DR- allows you copy Deum Kit at ino any User Programmable Drum Kit (7 — 38) © Press{[BRURTEIT] The Dsplay should read ‘DRUM KIT", © Using me TEMPO/DATA dis, sect he source Drum Kit (Number) tobe copies © Using he TEMPO/DATA dal, spect he destination Orum Ket (Number) 3 You cannot select a Preset Drum Ki Number (0 ~ 6) as a desing © ress (ERTER]. == — ‘Te Display responds wih "Sure?" ae ; a | 4 to proceed ox [STOBTERIT 10 cancel o> Se" SE Stapdrd edgy Dawu MK lawaten Dun ae tr fee a (© The folowing data willbe copied! ‘© Fevorschorus levee for invde! soundoveral Dram it “Pad Pera Instrument Aig Level Pic decay Nuance Pan Assign Type / Sense Curve ‘#-etoct Parameters ‘Reverb Type / Reverb Tine /Revetb Pre LPF / Delay Feedback / Chorus Type! Chorus Depth Chorus Rate / Chon Feeback / Chor ely Pac Bank Layer setings “@ Note Numbar Assignments (@ Dram Kit Name Connecting MIDI Devices ‘The DR-660 Is equipped with MIDI INOUT sockets which permit ‘connection fo @ variety of MID! equipment (sequencers, sound modules, etc), [(1] About MIDI MIDI pronounced “miiy") stands fr Musial Insmumens Digs [terface MIDI is @ world-wide standard sha allows musi! instruments dnd computers co exchange musta Most electone musk instaumens sid tay are MIDI compatible. MIDI compatnle devges have MIDI sackets which are wed! to physically link jasraments (sing special cables). Under the MIDI stand performance evens sch slaying on 8 keyboard, ee depressing x pedal are handed ab MIDI mestages, Eo eS 1. MIDIMessages= ‘Tae following enplains how MIDI menage a ransmined and reeve. MID! Sockets MIDI snssages are tansmied and received bough dee MIDI sockets MIDIIN. —-Tais oeke receives incoming MIDI messages MIDI OUT This sock rans outgoing MIDI messages oot devices, (MIDI THAU = UDI mesages received st MIDI IN ae re-uaasmited by the MIDI ‘THRU socket (This socket doesnot ans messages ta opiate invde the wait) “3% Intheory. any number of MIDI devices can be connected using the MIDI sackets. Te practical iit, however, appears tobe 4 ar dovioes, Beyond 6 unite, he signal quabty may begin to deteriorate and become unreliable 1 The OR-660 5 equipped wih MIDI IN and MIDI OUT eockets. The MIDI IN socket can also be used as a MIDI THRU socket by sting he Soft Tar function ON (Page 92). MIDI Channels ---------~ ‘sng MIDI, a vase ofnformntion can betas o several MIDI devices osag only one MIDI cable, This i made posible by MIDI chanel, MIDI channels are eary to sdertand if we wee the analogy of television broadcasting. Maay television programs ae broads fram many TV stations and yoor TY aatean rectives them all. By sting your television to a specie chanel you can watch oly te dese program, The sme idea appli to MIDI channels. The maser device is sommes ike he Ieoucest sion, andthe save device Hk otlevision receiver. The MIDI messages eed bythe MIDI cable ar ike te programs tat are rane rom the rosea! sans FEET, LY: formation trom mary ttrant bordcsing ston is sant =r | Soact the channel of the er a boasting stten you — swan to waten 11) About M01 MID: provides 16 cannes (1 — 16), MIDI mestges ae tinsmitee when te tanomiting device andthe ceiving device aes 1o tke same channel When the MIDI chansels are se as shown Below, only Sound Module B willbe heard by paying he evboud io our 201 wos THRU “ranemt_Cranvet ecove Channa 2 |__Sa8E Ste eee Eo oSaund Modus A= 0 | STE ss Se arate 65 However, when the OMNI Mode s e110 ON, al he messages se tecsived— sepa of ow the MIDI channels ae st. Ane shen the OMNI Mode is OFF, messages of onl the specified MID channel are recived 2. DR-660: MIDI Messages The following shows which MIDI message the DR. 660 can wars and i. MIDI menages ae divided into wo main eroups: Chanel Messages and System Messages. Channel messages st handle by each change, while the eye messages Work repurles ofthe MIDI Channel Messages - “These messages tarsi performance informacion, Normally, chasse messages alone are sufficient © easure proper MIDI contro How a receivers conolle by each MIDI message i determined by Bow the sive et @ Note Messages ‘Nat meses nimi rom psoas iformaon, Noe ene tle hfe Note Number: Percussion sound (Number that ngcates the positon of the key’) Nota On Paying ofa Key Pas Note ot Feleasing ofa Key Pad Velocty + How hard a Key Pad was struck Note Numbers te represeeted by numbers 0 — 127 to indicate the pasion of notes on a Keyboara insument, wit 60 representing middle C ( C4 ),On 2 shytim machine, however,» Note Number canbe se foreach drum sound. That i, drum sounds can te payed by the comerpondng Note Nombere 85 10) About Mot Note Numbet /Note Name RAEN AEA TATRA ETT ee : i On the DR 660, « Note Number shouldbe set or euch Key Pad. @ Program Change Messages Thee meager chao sons On he DR 69, Regan hangs mesges este diferent Dri Kit “The DA-860 can tranam and receive Program Change messages MiSystem Messages ~ Sra meses icade Ech message, syevoizon d,s onion Om ‘The OR 680 can eceve syettonizton nirmaton. @ Common Messages CCosimon messes acd Song Selecon and Song Position Pinter messes, The DA-860 can transmit and recaive Song Selecion and Song Peston Pointer messages. @ Realtime Messages “Ths at nese dn syelronnation.Renine Mess inl Ck informs fr eigenen, Conue Stat nd Active Sensing (at moors MID conection iar) ‘The OA-660 can tenam and receive Clock, Sta/Stop and Continue Start messages, and can transit Active Sensing messages. @ System Exclusive Messages “These messages ae used for tassmitng Rhy Pater or Setup messiges wo an external sequence, “The OR-880 can transi and receive System Exclus mostages. 11) About Mot [MIDI implementation Chart] ‘MIDI has made it possible for» wide variety of devices 1 exchange information batt tnx alway ue that all rypes of MIDI messages canbe exchanged terween all ype of devies. For example if you ates eyibeizer as 8 mater device 1 contol ‘iil piano, the pte bende (he lever or whee that moses the ich ofthe syitesier wil ave no effet onthe sound ofthe ‘ano, The important thing 1 keepin ming when using MIDI ic hat he seve (receiving) device must beable to understang” what he mle (eanemiter) i saying’ 1 ther words, the MIDI messager mst be common fo bth maser and save. To belp Yo ‘viekly Getermine what types of MIDI messages canbe exchanged berweeo ster ua slave, he Operation Magus ofeach MIDI Gevice includes © MIDI Implereoition chan By ooking a this chan, yor can quickly see what messages the deve able wo ‘eansmit ang receive. The left side of the car ists the aes of x varity of MIDI messages the Transmission aed Reception columas use “and "x" masks indicate whether oF no ach of hese espe cn be anise or receive, This means thats specific MIDI meage can be exchanged ony if tere is a" Ja both he Traneton colin of te maser andthe Reception columa ofthe save MIDI implemenuaion chars ae sandurdize so You can fl he chars rom two manus together ote att Foie here ot ave ApS Me 7 ao) oie [2] Synchronization “Toe DR. can he mae to synchronize with eternal MIDI device (eg. yt machin. sequencer, te). You en coma emp oF starstop fam eter the extra! device othe DR-680. ee maser transiting) device xp tarsmit Song Selet or Sone Psion Pointer messopes, te Song Number or postion for Song pay specified onthe mater wl be astomaticly ston the DR-660. 1 the stove (ecving) device can receive Song Sect of Song Postion Pointer message, the Seng Number or poston for Son play specified one DR- 660 wil be atomtially set 9 the lve 1. Connections wor cur [ wor 2. The Sync Mode “The Syne Made etrmineswhien device, the DR- 660 oe a extemal device, wil be the maser. INT ss: An extemal MID! vice synentonizes it tempo with te DR-850 Mot -~- The OR -€60 eynchronizes Io the MIDI clock signals sont rom an extemal MIDI device ‘Wits he DR- 660 sped inthe Song Pay or Panera Play mode, follow this procedure © Press [ BT) “Tne Olplay shoud read “MIDI (MIDI Mode). ca © Using the TEMPO/DATA dial, set the Sync Mode to sr. ® Select" BSC" vang 12) Synenvniation 3. Tempo Indication SE Ses ‘When se Syne Mode is 19 MIDI Syne the tempo willbe shows i he Dispiy andthe emp ca no longer be come from 1 you press START Joctore Timing Ci the paying mode. However. lay dos atom the exes device, tbe Dipay responds wit he Tempo Iaseston of ull statu the DR - 660 recives Timing Chocks [3] Slave: using the pr-s60 a MIDI Sound Modulel, Master: controlling an External MIDI device ‘You can play the DRA asing performance infomation rseved from an external MIDI device. The DR can ako play font) an cern MIDI instrament. io1 our 1. Parameters “To contol pay the DR- 60 fiom an external MIDI deve, sth folowing parameter: EENOTE#: Note Number (27 —81) -> ‘hen the DR-660 seceives Note On messages (on the proper MIDI channel), the Note Nombere determine which sounds wil be played Wien she DR. 660 sass Note On messages, the Note Narber se ere wil be wee wo select sounds on the eternal unit, Sounds hich ace not assigned to Key Pads cna be apse, however. vee if you have assigned the same Note Namber to more thn ove Key Pad, coly one sound wl be played. Pad Bank Aa rion and the sound asignedt he Key Pad ofthe lowest number wil be played. 3 Note Number Assignment can be set for each Drum Kit ! [3] Sieve: Using the OF-650 a8 4 MIO! Sound Modula / Masta: Contioing an Extwnal MID! dolce Efmivich: mini channels (1 — 16) Foy] Rete tee on wih te DR 0 ces megs. Te LIZ Hf] 98-160 toes nt ee a OMT ON me recone os be = 110 the same MIDI chanel number asthe wansmiter, To wantmit ‘mesages, te MIDI channel set bere wl als be see EAsYNC: sync Mode (intimin = ‘This pirameser determines wheiter the DR 660 will be te master (ONT or the slave (MDD cevice = io ict 7s ‘This parameter determines whether or not to wansmit or receive : ee = ‘Drum Kits upon receiving Program Change messages, and will gPRG ‘wansmit Program Changs messages when Drom Kits are selected by operon of ts pase! batons. Drum Kit/ Program Number Table Drum ki | Program || DrumKit | Program || Drmxn | Program umber | Number || Number | Number || Number | _ number 73 7 2] 1 72 2s 1s 7 28 26, 16 7 28 w 7 7 20 8 16 76 at 8 18 7 3 20 29 78 3 OT 2 73 ¥ 32 2 20 Es 33 23 a 36 24 a 7 95 25 3 38 96 [51 sive: Usig the OREO ato MIDI Sound Module / Masta’: Conmoting an External MO! device EBRXVOL: Volume Messages (0— 127/0N/OFF) -- BRxVOL OFF [GARKEXPR: Expression Messages (ON/OFF) *~ DR. 650 ectves Exprestion messages. The Expression Seung 16 oe sored in memory and dai 10s EARKEXC: exctusive Messages (ON/OFF) ~ Pi=E Tee visser eb ce ye Exclusive meager, EETHRU: sott Thru (OOF SP pry] W888 19 OFF te estes ried deo MIDI wi Se Wien st fo ON, de mesngs recived tough MIDI wil te OTHRU veasmited (anlered) tough MIDI OUT while the perfonmance information athe DR- 660 ae sot wansmited thraugh MIDI OUT. | In Buk Dump mode, the Soft Thru willbe automaticaly tuned OFF, 2 12) sive: Using me O-SED se 4 MIDI Sound Moca / Master: Contrling an External MIDI cures 2. Setting Parameters © We DR 60 soppedio te Song Payor Fate Pay mae allows rocedue © Pees[HBT] The Day shove reas MO (HDI Mode) ® vorgLS)[B], sotec the costes Parameter. (When BHT E # is selected] @ yeu select THO TER" in step 2, the Dap responds with” Sure 2°, Prose ERTER] ® Press[DAUW RIT] The Display snould reas “DRUM KIT e Using he TEMPO/DATA ai select a Drum Kit, Prese BRUNET Jagsin Press [ENTER] e@ 8 6 ‘ete sound win [}:[], then Note Number with he TEMPO/OATA sia, ® Prose [STOPTERT]. the Parameter selacing Display (When BM IC Teh — BTHRL is selected) -~ ® Serine value of each Parameter with the TEMPO/DATA dil. 9 [4] Data Transfer via ee Exclusive.Message Using MIDI Exclusive messes, you can wane data nore in the ntl memory ofthe DR. 650 wo another DR 660, o to sh externa MIDI device ba accepts Exclusive messges 1. Transmit (Bulk Dump) {Connection} 00] Es Tranamit Device (ORS6D) © Prose ‘The Digplay should road “MIDI (MID == Mose) =. ® Using). west BULK BEULEK ALL @® Using the TEMPO/DATA dat, specty the data 10 be ta to be seanetres vranstered ALL “Al data in the OR -660 rythm Patter anc Song data GLOBAL «~~ ReliFiamntetonomeMiDI setings DAMKITS. ~~ Al rum Kits ADRMKIT ~~ One specited Brum Ki o 14) Data Transfer vin Exclusive Mas @ Proce ENTER) = — oa I Tm] ‘The Display responds with“ Fup = When you selett "1 DRM KIT you must spocity the Drum Kit Number lo be tanstorred using the proceed o-[ STOPTERIT Jie cance, 2. Receive ‘Tee DR-660 can recsve Excloie messages fom another DR 660 or MIDI devi. {Connection} ‘wot our ee ee al " E209 $8553 000000 83323 0000 ses OD00 e900 Oheo o0Coeea (Secuence! Reve Device (OREO) 1% Swich Excluahe Receive ON (Page &2), ‘The DR- 660 can receive Exchsive messages oniy whes its so plying. | To receive Excusive data from another DR.-660, goth MID! channel of two DR-660'sto the same number, To read the DR-660' dats stored in an external unit such as a sequencer, set the MIDI channel fo the same channel where the Exclusive meseages have been recaive. Chapter 8 Reference (1] Initialization follow mis procedure faaion is» procedure which rents sme a al ofthe en's parameters to hel vigil factory stings. To inc the DR 660, © ro (TREAT). 1m spay sous wad uur FS —— (Lut Mose) in part T iu @ eng ve Tewroronva ds, wweDINIT% — | BINIT then press [ ENTER]. ALL Oh von @ Using the TEMPO/OATA dial, 5 to be Pe eee ora sgn) PATTERN = At Ryn Patera re atc. (run Kr dol rl oy gt) EFFECT = ho PeramatrtnDrm i curenyeece ona gh! Ao tings © Press [ENTER] airy © Prss[ENTER oroceso[STOETERT cans 1 Hu GINIT re? [2] Error Messages sn operations ror nec one ofthe Kulowing er meses wl be dnplied. Refer He his ection fr iformaio on how to cored 18 When any ertor message appears inthe Display, pressing [STORER ]wi recat me previous screen. 7 Pattern E y posible I mis message appears whie the OR-660 is receiving MIDI data, decre amount of data being sant by the transmit, (= Set tne MIO! mede so thet imeievant MIDI messages wit not be tranemites or received (Page 21) DR 660 canon sore sry adios! Rhythm Pater To contrive win Patter Wrte, erase some existing Rhythm Pattoms to make suteent ory space avaiable, © The BR. 650 cannot sore an ston Songs. 70 cominue wih Song Welt, erase some exising Gongs to make sulfiient memory space availabe (© No data eins the source Rhythm Pater selected for Patra Copy or Pater Delete + Selec a nythm Pattern hat contsins data. ‘No Rhyten Pater dats exits atthe source Pat selected for Par Insert Pat Det. 12) fir Massages © ro Backur AG No dats xin tthe source Song sete fr Song Copy Song Delt s+ Select a Song that contains data, O Erelasve mesuages were not property recived = 88 sure that both the iansmite: and OR-650 are set properly. Repeat the procedure. O This message appears when you have canceled = procedee ora procedure cannot be resto [Othe baer, which supports the memory backup system 6 exhausted (This enor rmestge appears when he wit i switched on) Have the battery replaced by your Roland setalr or at the neerest Roland OTs appears inthe igplay when daa in memory is damaged. (This eror message appear hen the uit i wicked on) = Prose [ENTER]}oiniatize the memory 100 [3] Troubleshooting |: No sound Is produced. ule Causes: “The Volume eto minimum Page 13) ‘The selected Rhy Parner Song corti no das 19010 age 57) » Sound breaks. sible Caves More thin 2 voice ar being payed simalianeoily Assign Type for be Key Pads s nt peopely set Page ®. » Sound is strange. The sings fr the Key Pads ae eappropice (Page ) The Flam ettect is not produced. “The Fam Interval set 28, “The serungs for he Flam) Ratio are inappropriate, D Playback does not begin when [START pressed, sana onsite Cases “The Syne Mace est 10 MIDI Spe (Page 88), ‘The selesed Rhythm Paterno Song contains a dt, ) Modes cannot be changed. cose Case: “The Spee Mode is eto MIDI Syae and [START ] was essed before MIDI clocks were rectved Page 89) Sounds in a Rhythm Pattern have changed. cusible Cae: “The assignment of Key Pads hasbeen changed (Page 4) » Songs automatically play one after another. ~~ essible Case: “Te Song Chan function s ON (Page 5 The tempo changes when a Song starts playing, coeibe Cave: ‘As Inia) Tempo is being set (Page 46), @ The DR-860 cannot be controlled by an external MIDI device. An external MIDI device cannot be controlled by the DR-660. so Possible Cavers ‘The MIDI chinnel of the R660 and te excernl MIDI device donot match (Page 1) Note Numbers of the DR-60 and the externa) MIDI eve do ot cmenpond @ when the DR-680 Is played by performance data from a sequencer, the Song on the DR-660 starts together. vee Possible Case ‘Tre Sone Mode is se to MIDI Sy (Page, @ The metronome does not sound. Possible Cause: ‘The level oF te mewonome is set10 zero (Page 4) @ Program Change messages cannot bo transmitted or received. Possible Cae: : “(PRG in he MIDI Mode ist to OFF (Pabe 91). {© The volume does not change when MID! Volume ‘messages are received. Possible Case “BR XU GL “i the MIDI mode se to OFF (Pose 9, @ Tho volume does not change when ‘MIDI Expression messages are received. Possible Cae: “BR X ENP Rie the MIDI mode ist 10 OFF ope 92. (@ The DA-660 cannot receive Exclusive messages, ~~ Pouible Cau: BR XE XC in he MIDI mode is eto OFF (Page 92), [MIDI chase ae not et to the same nsher (Page 91), 101 [4] Factory Setting for the Drum Kits No. 0, 32 No. 1, 33 No. 2, 34 No. 3, 35 Standard Room Power 1 Electronic Pat | PS tmarmment | (PS! anstument | [RSI] tnavament | [Met Instrument Tepe car) fase cenci | [as tie cencr | [as five omnci Letite-ennce—] [er ire-cenca | [Srisre cance | [sr [ire ence 3 2 FBC “53 [103 Resi 53/125 ASIC 53 [185 fai, rst [tae fie @ | [st ee ae c gers] [Sr [16> ee C So [iso Ret] [S0_[vee Romi ae amsoTs | [so [1ae ewer Hcaeans—] [aeTies Roonte—| [ae [tas ansere | [ae [ita cere 152 Real2 TeiReonts-] [as[teo-ambora | [a5 [144 elcts aa alle [ies Reomts | [ar farcambora) [ar [vas ever Tazanesk | [Or ptee Hass —] [or fies ames] [37 ia wus —| eiavoy [se [aie eoecp —| [ae [eer onecp | [Se ras2 Voce —| [oe [2as_exsnol Hiciain) fae [rerroocnn| [te [tao Reach | [aa tres reacr | [a2 [6s Reson 1z(ara] | s6-[ 168 FopoH| [se_[170Realon, 170-Resor| [a8 [170 ResioH TCG [36 [te yee —] [36 28 Roomki | [Se] 22 Mongo] [36 | 14 elecer Teciara] [ae ee carats —| [ae [ior Aoast—| [32175 caps —| [ae_| 70 eecst Heciata) Ceci mere] [ee [ert feapH—| [ae [i7r-resen | [es 177i Rea Te tato} [se [165 cownel—| [se Tves Cowper] [Se [tes covpsl—| [58_[1a5_ come TF -teon) [se_-204abaue | [ee [aoe cabaup | [68/208 Gaboup | [691204 Capelip Te[B0a) [75] 166 aves | [751198 Caves] [75 [198 caves | [75 [tee Caves 91603) [[70-[ 202 wareas Warcas | [90-[202"Warese—| [70-1202 Marcas 2008) | Se" 120" vibse Voss —| [Se [189 Vie —] [s0-]109 vee Far (808) [er 1200 Agoao ogo] |-€7' [208 Agogo —] [67 1208” Ages 22 (06) | 68-208 Ago92 Agogo] [8 [208-Agone—| [88208 Agogo 25-07] [73300 Guies Gunes] [7a'f200" Gores] [73 [200 sures 3a (a0a)) [74201 Curae Guise] [74 [201 Govot | [74 [201 Gara. 25 {e0o] [Go-]ist Banger] [60] 161 Bangor] [s0-[ve1 Bongos | [so [121 Borger Be {ei} [er [ise Bongoc—] [61] 382 Bongot | [er [rez Bongo. | [1 [192 eongot Briers] [ee [ior Timea —| [66 [iertimoal “Tat —] [38°] 157_taroa (eta [es [167 Ter | 65 | 17 Timea Tinea —| [es_[167 Tnbal 3 [eta] [se Hise Tare | [settee Temom—| [4 }ve6 Tamam—| [s4_[1¢6 tamer So feray [ee [ioe cage] [ea Ties copra] [62"T1e9cngeant_| [aT 159 coghia Fiotpiel| [es [195 Snghios |] [ea [vos cngHop | [ss [195 cngron | [es [195 Cogito; Hpte| [ee 196 Gnaloo—] ['se[19eCngtOs | [64 [196 cngton | [es [199 CoglOp iui] [er zs ho Ho oF (25 Ha 27 [22s Wo [ae (=oal] [2e-12at one Drecie—| [26-{231_Onctip | [ee [es1_onet asc ta} [26 [221 scent Seen] [25-[221~soent—] [ae Teet sec 36 (=e) [30-122 Seen Secte | [a0-|2e"seore | [ao Teee secre —| Sr (=o) [3126 ste Stoxs | [31] v6 sicks —] [S1[ 128 Sters [B10 S8tien secly—| [oz [210-sscav | [32 ]210-ssGav 33 [aie resect 7ebest So [212 TaBeat e212 reseal abeai —| ba [212 Taso 35 1 yx ‘Opveek 35 | 15 Secs 40-2 ois Nests: 20_| 7 ees? 43-52 ota Room 3 Tiat_evera ar [ist Reolta Boot a [ida Ele? 52 [181 Chest | rina 52 [181 Chinas 35-1 80_Spanc Spine $5 [160_S9580 30-[ie2 Fide fide ¢—| 38-[182 Ride ¢ iT eo6_ Wns Wh 71 {206 Wess —| 72 [207 What Wisi 72_|207 Wri 76 100 Wook Wossie 76_|390_Wosbic [177 {180_Wos. Wobie [77 360_Wodhe 78-209 Coie Gaiea 7a [200 Gua 79 [200 Gus Gace [775 1209- Goes a0 [89 Trang | [e010 Trang a0_[ 188 Tong ai-[vee tang} [ob tran sr [es Trang (4) Fetiory Seting tor the Brum Kas No. 4, 36 No. 5,37, No. 6, 38, No.7 TRe08 Jozi Brush 1 Ambient (Layer) (Note! [Note [Note tel rode | PS] matoment | [M3] wnetumen | [MO inetument | [S| inatument Tan fete cae] fete tac) Geneems ] fete enc Zana) [sr [rs canee—| [sr cre-cunce—| [ariiereimac—] [sre ontce—| Sana) Poe [ie wee —| [serene —| Pee iereimac—] [se fies wesc —| a iaoe) [or [tee ge | [sr ie Avec —| [st jreeermec—| [sla nee c Sans) [50.165 bostom 9811] [Softee enti —| [So [tse Rots S10) | ae [es ener tas syta | [ae fras-eisnta —| [ap [ree Recta 7a) [as [1e8 poston seo oyta—] [as [rae eenrs—| [as [seo "Roars ag) [|e posTor iar oyte—] Pariisrassta—| [ar iter roars Scan) [sr fser anssue | [arpias-anesn—] [aries anes] [artes anpeie To-1a%0) | 39 [219 eoece | [se fave eoecp a0_|109- S58 sas) [sere woscen] [er [a7 Poche 2 [165 Resch [re-tara) [ae five sororn-| [ae [ee Boson a5-[ 70" Reng 43a) [asf az taesee| [ae] 27-resie | [6 35-25 Porc [sectara) [os lsi7-sreoes | [ae Par toss] [as [eeems—| [ses atacs se (ats) [ae ive soccer] fer firereae—] [arti mente] Par [art Reni TE (ara) [ seer0-soncon| ['Se-[tarcovser—| [Se-[rme-cowbe—| [eves conber r-tBon} [e2 [204 capauy | [so zor caseUp | [s0-[20e canaup| [se [ass OFF aon) [7s avr soc | [7s [198 Guves | [75188 cloves OFF g-e0n) [Yo laie soeme—| [70-[aa wares —| [70 [207 -warse OFF 20-800) [ss oe veap | [55 [199 vee —| | 5e_[ 199 vie OFF F105) [7 1208 Agsgs | 67 [205 Aon 37 [205 Agoas Toman 22 (B05) [5208 Agogs—| [6a| 206 Agogo) [S0[208 Agog Taman 23_(g07) [7312's 7eGur—| [7s [200 Gares | [75 to00 cures —] Toman 24800} [7a o10 recor] [74 [201 Gare —| [74 | 201 euro Toman | 25-ta0o} [eo 12t Gongs] [01st pongahl | [a0-]1s1~pongert| [ao [zee OFF [ze-rero) | si-jse2eongot—| [er-[vexeongot | [sr-[ioa pongo —| [st [aco Sand a7 jeri} [seia7 Tmneat | [ee [sor rma —| [ee-[197 rime] | se-[a55 OFF aj fos or Tine] [Se [ter—tineal—| [es-fte7timba—] [ss Te65 OFF (B19) [Se [iat Tame —| [se see Tame | [se [106 Taman] [se] kia tie) [sz 296 eoecng | [se [sea Cogan] [se [res Croan] [52 | 209 Swan toss) [s31216 woaceg | [sa [ies cngitop | [sa [10s cngtop "| [es less Orr (Bie) [Se zie woacng | [erase engtoe | Pex ]ies cngtoe | [er [ass OFF 3a(—0i) [artes he 37 [22s Wid a7 [2s Wo 37 [28H 34(=02) [20 oor orete | [ae }esi_oreop | [2e]za1oneoe | [ex [251 onetie 35 (=un] [ov laorcoent | [ae tae -soent—| [oe-[eer-soent—| [ae oat sont 36 (=0n] [s0-fa2e sera | [30 }z2e secre —| | S0']222 serena —| [$0] 222 seerz 37(=05) [aries svee —| [sr frze cise | [sr ]sa5 ste —| [or [iee sic 39 (=05] [sr [aio sscur—| [ar feio~sscuw—| [Se [rio-seci—| [ae [pr0-sscay ‘35 son] [30 2rerasent—| [aa tere repeat —| [sa [sva 7ebeat—] [36 [oie rasoat #0 (—00] [94 [aie repeat —| [st [212 raeeat —| [se [212 7am [212 7850 ‘i (=0p] [os ae wosem—| [ss -3e-sone | [35 27Reote | [os] an vasa a2 (=10] [ao ier goats —| [eo fiesRinps—| [aol se ernie —| [se [eer orecp fa (=mn] fs [166 oeton | [ae [sao-byrs—| [as [vaeeenra | [ea | 0 maoets ae (=a) [ar fies woston | [ar frae-bate —| ar [saseenta | [ar [iso necet2 45 (213) [separ chme—| [se ier-chnac—| [se trer nme —| [ae fier cnrac 35 (= v9] [ss a0" spenc—| [s5_[va0 Sparc —| [55 [ve0-soenc—| [55 [1e0-sosnc a7 (=16] [soar Reece —| [se [te meee —| [So [rer eraao—] [se-[ve2 noes aa (=36) [rr eos wnsis—] [Fr feon wees —| [71 [206 Wnts —| [rr [205 was a5 (=1n) [2 ta0r_wnen—| [pe [oo7_waet—| [2 [207 wnat | [72207 wns 50 (=10) [soo Wessic—| [7e[ 100 Wosic—| [7e-[ 300 woopic| [| wo wesc St (—19) [770 Weds] [77 [se0-Weasie—| [77 [190 Wosbie—| [77 [52 (20) | 75-[205_c 76 |209"Cucs | [7e-[209 coca —| [78 55 (=71| [7.1208 75 |209"Guea | {79-[200 cues [75 54 (—za| [ois ang —| [eof sastrang—| [60] 89 Teng] [0 $5 (25) [arias teang —] Larfiep—taang—] Lartvastoang—] Lar fves rannp 103 Le} Faciery Setng forthe Ovum ne SS No. 8 No.9 No. 10 No. 11 BigGym (Layer) Cheap Pop (Layer) _-Hyper (Layer) Pear | [MS] instrument ||MO!) anstumem | MG!) instrumen | [MEM instrument ca ‘ ete ee | Tam) (elas csc] faa om] fae le cer] Fae fae cane ar [sa cance | [ry reomH | [7 57 [7s Crane s3[185-Rigbic | 23 [7s eosomm | [39] 169 Awsic —| [so T103 ABIC er [tae risec | [sr [ize eosoun | [si tiez Ade] [si Tva2 Fae C— So 188 Oy Ti | [S022 Free | [su fies crgioe | [sors Aimy ae [ise by T2—| [a [ox Forex] [e196 crgtop] [ae [rss am Tz a5 [40 OT: a[g09 Fxcos | [4S [106 CeplOp] [45 [156 Fim TS aia byté | [ar [ea eog | [ar f96 Gngtop | [a1 [137 Aimta Br see fase] [37 [125 ws Sr [esa amesie | [37 [125 amps a0) Sz egsns | [32226 Snaps] [ao-[tii sows] [aot 94 Rados ‘elise Peatcn | [alive recua | [ae Ter popcun | [a2 [yer Popcorn ae_i7e-Resiow| [ar [i77 7eoHH | [46 [ies Popore| [ae [168 Poponn CiocRewsk—| [ae [so soarek | [Sos Brick | [36] as eoseK 381707 Rockst | [ae [iis TiryS —| [se [02 east —] [se [iio Sonus. scimreaPH | [afi pean | [a4 fase nevand| [ee [171 realPH se [zoe Agog] [Se l2t recon | [s6-{200—a0ecow. ‘ogo 30-255 OFF 2 | 218 Boake OFF 75 [55 OFF 75. {210 s5CB OFF 70255 OFF 70215 7elsre OFF Se [255 OFF 35: [226 uu? OFF 67 [280_TonAns 7 | 196 CnglOp Swan 88-250 TomAms 56 [106 CnaLOp ‘sacar —| 73-[ 250 Tema 73 [96 Coglop | [73.|249 Sram. 74-1250 tomAme 74 [196 -Crgop | [78 [248 Swan. OFF Gof ies Casta | [60] 06_tiese Sn si f234_tisnet —| [er ]-er Huge § OFF ae [25s OFF | |65_[255_OFF OFF 5 [255 OFF "65-|255 OFF Kia Si [200 Pano —| [62 | 00 ves trav 2 [1@5 temo | 54 [106 tamora ore [63 [a55-oFF a5 [255 OFF OFF «220 eoecow | [64 [250_chink Ho esa. 27 [225 iG. nets 22st bnctip—| | 28-| 281 Ono ee Seen zo [zi serent | [291221 Sere [36 (= 08) Sean 50 [222 Seen —| | 90-222 serene ir (08) Stake x St [126 Sticke —] [311 126~Staxs 36-(= 08) SsClv—| [az [198 Caves | [2 [210-sscue—| [se [210 scar (=o FeBeat | [35_[212 706 33 [212 resent | | sa {212 7eseai a0-(= 08) “esest—| [34-1212 Tebeat | [4 [zie 7eBen ar(=03] Mondok] [es] azsneik —| [3s] 6 ancex. B10) vince | [ab[i22-sosRns is_s06Gip aa(=1] Dita] [43 [225 Pxnoie 96 Cngl.0a aD Dyt2—]. [47] 228 exo 186 nglOe a) st ChmaC | [52 | 161 -Canaw jei_chnec is (= ia] Spence | [ss [10 spanc—| [ss [1807spenc a7 (= 18) ide S| [s9_[182 Rec | [so_[1e2 Rive c [aa(=%0) Whe] [rr [206 Wns —| [71 [206 whee sem Whst—] [72 [207 What —] [72"}207 wht, S019) Wiosbi—| [76 [Yeo Woden —| [76-100 weaem—| [sri Woabis—] [77 [100 Wosoie] ['77_| 190" weat [sz(=29) Gace] 7a} 200 Gua 78-208 Cuiea 5321 Gucs—| [99']200 "Cea —] [v8 | 200~Cue 22 Toa [185 Tang] [60-| 199 Trang s5(2 23 Tia ei ies Trang] [er [io Fra _ 108 [el Factory Settag forthe Oram Kee No. 12 No. 13 No. 14 No. 15 Dance 1 Dance 2 Dance 3 Power 2 7 T ade | [Me instrument | M2") instrument | [N='*) instrament | [3] instrument “ene Gener] [ative Genci |] [ws live Gener] [as five Gant 7 Gb Noses —| [37 [2st tnguie—] [sr teo-Revor| [er [ie erence Su [26 Rewind | [so zve usr —| [so [2e1_novcar | [sa [ves msec S125 Ho Si [a0 oat] [st oue cn | [st ties mae © soiaot cece | [Sojpes serene —| [So [tse mm tt —] [s01[ 122 “Boost ape seas | [ie et See | [a ss Rae aS 236 Gem} [as [zat Onetip | [4s [ise Amt ai eer newb] [ar je04 usher —] [ai [7A ~staosy] [Sar bps | [97 ste” Songs] [ar | 79 Howes] To-(ato} [20-|-e8oasss—| [uo-[ wo ReOps—] [so [7a Hovese Stay] [a2 [ver -popcer| [ae [ier epee] [a2[te7 Post Tz (atay] [4e[v68 Popome| [ae [tae PepOna] [ae [tee Poco [a-taia] [Sete oercek~] [Ss] 26 Rep x —| [35] 19 Housek | sa_{ava] [e[ Gs banses | [ae es booms | [as [77 House TE 7(ats) [at [Tees [pas pesroe | [ae [Ste zara 156) [St [ree Tanba—| [oe [tes Teno —| [541306 tarbin 370i} [So_[204 Cavsup—) [eo[zoe Cebsup—] [eo [204 cabal TB [80a] [75-[ 198 Caves —] [75 [roe aves] [75-1108 Caves 78 [poz "Marcas | [70-[a0e Marcas] | 7o-[20e wares areas 20, 199 Vibsip, 58 [199 Viosip ‘BE | 198 Vibeip ‘Vibsip. 3 fans_Agegs | [67 {208 Agogo —| [67 [206 Agsae Ago a 208 Azego—| [8e[208” Agog —| | 68206 Apogo Ag. 2 00 Gores] [73.1200 Guros | [73 1200 Gures 24 201 Goret—| [4 [201 Grol —] [741201 Gurot 2 @[ sor Benger | [eo yret Benge] [eo s61 Bonga 26 ‘si [182 Bongot | [61 [192 Bongot | [61 [+92 Bongot_ ar 86 [tor Tb —| [es [yo7—tmeal | [66 #67 moat 28 & [197 Tinbat—| [es [vor teal —] [es [357 tinbar 23 55.[185 Gewbet | [se [vas conbel —| [56 105 Comte 30 ez [ios Cogent | [ea [yo3 Cnganke} [62 1182 Gogh En 2 [tos CrghOn] [ss [95 engos | [-60_[1us_GngHOp 32 (B16) [erie Cnglop | [aa [4B englOp | [4 Tae Gngl op s3(-04] [ar [zs ne 37 [22s Wo 7 [225 He 34(=0a] [26-| 231 Drecw—] [a [21 onete | [20 1251 onetio 35(=0al| [30 [220 sera —| [2 [eot seem —] [oa Top seen 3 [S00] [a0 [aze seks] {a0 ]ooe sera —| [90 [322 See 37(=08] [31 [126 sue] [ar ]i26 steta —] [ar 126-soe 3008] [2 Tai sscer | [ae fero secur] [se [210 sscur S807] [ss [aie resear—] [so fore robe] [5 [212 resent 0(=08) [34 [212 7aboat 34 [12 7eBeat 1(=09) [35 | 30 Teknok 251 40 Tigh a2 (10) [35 [232 Veco —| a0 B18 o8Cis 1H] [es [0 ambos] a3] 166 Bem Ts aa (= 4a] [a7 [eo Ambre a7 [55 AinT2 45(=19) [52 [181 Chine 32 [181 Chiat Seta] [ $5_[ 150" spice 35 [180 SpinC. 47 (=18)] [50 [182 Ride C 59 [182 Aide C 48216) [71-[ 206" Whas 71 [06 Winsis S97] [2 [207 whe "fa aor Wins 50 = 78] | 76 | 190 Wosbic 75.1 190_ Woah 51(= 9} [77 [490 Wess 77190 Wosbi 52(=20) [7a | 200 Cuiss —| 75-[208_Cuics 3320} | 79 [200 Cui "79200 Cuse ‘a (—23) [ 00") 169i 30"] 108” 5(=29) [ar Tea trang ar in5 Vaan 108 [1 Factory Sing for the Ovum ae No. 16 No. 17 No. 18 No. 18 Power 3 Perc 1 Perc 2 Pere 3 pace | [| wsrumen | [AS isirament | [GI tstument | |*SI| Insvument [iat] [ae te tener] fee tobe canaup | [Fe too woo | [372 Tatow (aoa [571179 renee 77190 Wesbie—| [75-1217 woec—] “tao PES TiasAasiC — 0189-Thang | ['70-|2v8 ebeure [oa aoa) [s1_fisz ‘81188 Trang | [92 [210 ssi. ‘5 (aosy) [507162 Rooms Se sae Tamoe | [sa [2ie7eTemo ~e(ats)) [2 1163 _Aoom T= 75106 Caves —| [62-[216 abs 7a07]| [#5 Tiee Reonts [sa—"1s1 Borger | ['65-| 216 e0acr Tao) [ai iee Rooms | 61 [182 Bonget | [ea [216 808mg | 31a06)| [37 125 Ames ‘60_-Po4 Cabaup | [29-214 raTamo 30~at0}| [3371 Spams 7908 hater —| [90-1250 B08Cow Sixty) [a2 167 Pepcrr 37 T] [ecaoccwrts | [se Taiz TeBea F2-tara]) [ae_[iee Posoee | [es tier timoat—| [re tear wren | [sa 7212 rae ia-tatay) [S81 36 7Roomks | [ex [19 Crghimt—| [76-206 cues 35[ 47 a0eeK Stata) [ae veraauss | Partie eusip—| [Fe Tee cue Tet goss 351A) eaPa | [ee 1495 Cnghoo | [or [200 Agogo] [73-[21s recur He —iat6) [56 [1e5 Comer] [ee Tv95-Cngion | [a] 206 Agoge. 213 TeGur {01} [ar [eos cabaup—] [ee ere ener] [as [ve Cenci_—| [aa 178 cance (a0) | 75.1108 Gives | [7178 -cence| [sr [17a cence] [sr fire crsnce 48165) | 707[202 Waress—] [Sa lvao Roc —} [ss ves Rosio —] [se /1es Rowe {2003} Si se Ade C | [st [102 Awe —| [51162 avec 21 (605) Reatti—| [50-1182 Room [ise 08Tom 22(803] RearT2—| | 48 [163 Roomz “68 e08Tor | 23607] a5 [ise Reatts—| [as [164 Rooms "66_609or 24_(909) ['6< [201 Gur] [ar ata] [ai 165 RoomTa 186_808Tor | 25~(@0a| [26 [ier eonget | [a7 Tse amos | [sr [ae Halse 127 a0este 26610) [20 30[219 otc —] [38 [251 Onecin 2i0_a08G 27 (Bin) | 34 [ter Tmo —] [a2 }r67PopcHa_| [a2 [ses ‘2 [174 808GHT 28 (eiay [25 [197 Tmpai | [a5 free Poon | [ae [70—A 6-175 B08OHH [ 20-veiay ['s5-[te6 Tamer | [361 20ryera | [ae 35] «9 eosaik 30 (814 [40-198 Cogn | [30 oo Pest —| [s0-[ Toe. 3 | Sees 31e16) [7a [105 CegHos] [ae iri Rea] Peep ag [7a poacrir 327816) [74[196CrgtOp—] [se [ie cows! | [se [res 36 [220_s08CoN 33(—on] [ae [eee wo —| [27 [225 via. ar zs 2a 251 One a¢(=0a] [31 [201 bnetip | [38 fas onecip—| [2s [2st onetip | [Si] 26 stcks 35(=09) [sa [zat serent | [25 [ze1seren1 —| [ea fear seen —| [as [x66 sosrom 36 (=0a)| [a7 [202 Serena] [S0-Tzee Serene —] [a0-| 02 seene | [7 [165 s05tom [37 (=08) 26-Stiks | [31 [126 siexs —| [31] v26-sieks —] [52-[161_chinac 36(=06)| [65 [ei0 ssciv—| [a2 evo secav—| [2 faio-sscav—| [ss [160 spine 33(=on] [58 [212 rebest | [35 [212 Tevet 58 | 199" Veep. 40(=0a]| | 59 [252 7ebenr | [3712 TeBeat 58-[ 182 Aiae a1(= 09] 30_ppven | [25] 24 Pawk 60_[19t_Bongor 219) Fis woes] [40"[715_tha § Gi [192 Bongat. 4 ieaRoomrs | [a3_[1s2ReatT3—| 65 | 197 Tinbal ¥63_Roomt2 | | a7_| 151 RealT2 66-[ 197 —Tenbal Ser-chnsc | [Se [se Crnac | [S2.[e1cnnac —| [67 [208 agoas 380" Spisnc—] ['s5-[190Splnc—| [55-180 Spinc —| [68 [208 Agogo vee Figec—| [s9.[182 RaeC | [$8 [199 Vbsip | [69 204 Cabaup 206 _Wneis—] [67 208" Agogo —| [so1182 Rive C—] [71-206 wns 207 Wrist —] [ea-[p0e Agogo —] [62 [193_cngeam—) [72207 whist Fé [380 Wosek | [711206 Wnsis—| [63 [195 "cngrOp | [76_[ 190" Wedd S119] [77 [90 wack | [72 [oor wns —| [4 [196 cagtop | [77 [190 Wodbk 32:(=20] [781208 Cuca 7a | 208 Cuca &5_[s97_timpst —| [78] 200 cuts s3(=ai] [79 | 209 cuca 7e-|208Cuies | | 65.[197"Timbat—| [79-]205~Cule S422] [80.1180 Trang —] [BO 8 trang—] [73 1200-Gures—] [80] 188 Teng S520) [e100 trang —] [ortiee trang —} [re tz01 Guvoe—) [ar bres tang 108 {2} Factory Seting for the Duan xis No. 21 No. 22 No. 23 Light FX TR909 [rote [Nave Fiore] Pea #| ote natrumen te instrament | [*S' instrument ae [ee Fao ie Gener | [ae we anc] [as [ve omer 2 tanal [sr [ize cence] [srjtre Crnce | [srf2u revo | [67 [170 cence Sao) [Safes Ree —| [serves rpc —| [an jove evan] [so [ren hase [rectaoe| [Sr ie mae] [Si tia Ae] [St] iee Rec | [51 [ier Ra C Sang) [Safe am Tr] [sofas teri —] [sot ro ees —| [safe uteri Sate) [ae fies ame] [ae var taere | [ae [ro ees) [ae [rar ctor Faen| [Ws [ise Ams] [as tae teeta] [asp 70 cece] [as [rae cers Sane) afer ae frie tire 7) [reese] [a ae trot — 3 1a09) [5r_Tieo Amesie | [7/125 wisi —| [57 [ize stes —] [57 [va amosik GO Ai0) [oT s eggs] [0s tiese —] [ae [ese vice —| [oe TPie saci Sain] [az [iee_westce | [a2 er Pope | [Ae [or Poscrm | [ae Tie0 Resicn | sz _taial| [46-1170 Aesion | [se 1168 PopoHH | [45 {160 PopOHE | [461170 ResiOw, [a aiay [Se 16 Hed Farsi —| [3518 -Doork | [35] «a_rao08e “(aia [| Toe Regs si_| [eta rxs—] [sete as (aio) [471 Resa Resi] [27 [p20 Free | [ae [171 6 1aia)| | 36-1786 ~Coweet ego | [se-fe caste —| [se ten i7teon] [s_[z04Cabavs—| [Ga r204 Cabaue—| [oe Tee revo’ | [e=-Taoe 802) [75-1168 Caves —| [75 1108 Claes —] [75 [art 7aCom —] [75 [217 76-[a02 Mare 70208 -Marees—| [70.]2107aGur—] [70 [2v8 38] 185 Vislp 58-[ 188 Vis}. [56-1198 er [208 Agoao 2 [e2i_seint—| [er [p00 6 [206 Agee Sor scene —| [os l208 75-200 Gures 73]200- Gores | [rsa 7a [BOF Guat 74 [201 Gore] [74 [218 30-[i6t Borge 7 [20s Wrias—| [e001 51 [382 Bonga 7a jaar Wrst] [or [ree 35 [187 Tina ae 1205" Seens—] [os [er e5-[io7 Timea | [6s [187 —timoal | [95-|2z serena] [o5-[ iar 54105 Tama | [55 [s06 Tamar —| [5e-[ 108 tomore—| [se ra8 @_[185 Grgrat | [62 v85_Cogrine—| [ee [200 chine —] [oe [26 &5_[105 Grgrop_| [63-1105 CngHOp | [es-|25¢_Uener—] [os [216 4 [106 cngiOp| [ss 196 creios | [er lass ces] [er aie 3a{ an) [ars Ho Fras Ha | [St] ies siete —] [or-[oes 34 (=00) | 26-[251 Deets | [28251 onetip | [seta sscin—| [20 fast 35 (=09) [20 [221 Seem —| [-39-| 212 reseat | | 25_[221 36 (=on) [s0_[ 222 Sere —| [Se zie Teseat—] [oo 37 (05) [st v26 Sice | [ae] to bark —] or fice 36 (08) [52 [210 ssciv_| [a0] 74 Gases] [2 [200 38 (07) [a [zie Yasest—| [aa] 70eeess—| [aa [22 a0 09) |e [are Tabext —] [ac [i pear —| [oa [>r2 ai(=oa) [ae] 2 ar 7 eieesi —| [35-10 az (=10) [ola sete ohnac—] [a0 faze fa (Say) [as | 56 [ier mec | [ao [148 Lies acai) [ars [ss [ie0spenc—] [G7 [iar tiers 45 (= 19) [eit ‘9 [se ize ¢ | ['s2"[ 181 chines a6 (=1a) | 55-[100_ Sols 30-[ 161 Bongo] [55 [180 Span a7 (=19) [so [ez Awe C i [ie Bogot | [s0-[ie2 Ride 4a (= 16) [7+ [306 whe i |20s_Agoo | [71 [206 wnass 72-{207 Whi 8 [0s Agogo | | 72"]207_Wnst 76_| 190 Wobie [76] 100-Weasie | | 75_| 1907 Woani 77[ 90 Wodbie 77-[igoWeesi | | 77_|190—Woabie 7e-[B08_Cuica 7a-{202 Cues —| | 76"[200- Cuca 79_| 209 Cuca Yo [ate Cues —| [78 [209 cuca 20°] 169 ang ‘| i89_trang | [ao-[ 189 Trang er [i6e Teng —] [er tree tang —] [erties trang —| Let Tiae tang 107 1 Factory Seting forthe Onan Kae No. 24 No. 25 No. 26 No. 27 Jazz? Brush 2 SlapBs Syn Bs ail [Nove fot pace | [8S instrument Instrument | [Net*) instrument | [MQ nstrument ‘ive conc] Se eee | [oe oes Sages | [oe lor sine | Sri7ecrence | [s7 [se Brsiso | [65.255 Swapss | | 65 [254 Syn Bs 52 [89 AIC Tae rmisc Slaps —| [65 [50 syn 6 5h [182 Fine C 184 Brie Siapse | [67 154 sin 6 50_[138_ Ory 3 Slope | [[88_[25¢ sim Be ae [190 Dy Te 35 69 [259 Siapos | ['59_|25¢ Syne Byte Hoe Sapse—| [70-1 25@ syn ae Byte] a7 Spee | [71 1250 syne ames 36. Slap Fo 1a19] ices? 57 SiepSe (ar Poser | [a2 lire, Sips Pesonn | [a5 75 Sep 13 (ar3) Wood x | [36 30 ‘Slaps +4_(aia) Pieess | [38] 60. 771253. sipB TS 7(A5)| [42 [77 ReaPH | [ae 5 ernisi —| [76-253 sobs T6(At)] [S6-[165 Cowes —| [S565 Cowper) [75-1258 Slapbs Cabal] [691204 Capeup | [4s [178 crenct_| Ciaves | [75] 126 Chves | ['s7 1178 Crence’ Mareas | [70 igBIC Vibaip Fide C ‘Agee | [7 ockTt Agog. co AockT2 Guros | [7s RockTS Guirot | [74 oekTa Bongo] [60 ‘Amps Bongot | [er Vai —| Timbal —| [65 oper] [42 [369 Reich _| Timbat—| [es BopOHH| [46 [170 AesioH amb] [58 ‘Solak | [36-| 50 sosHck Granta | [ee NasyS—| [35 [ite TAs00s Engiion | [es Resi _| [a6 [171 RealPH Gngop | [ee ‘Gowpel | [54 [185 tanorm HO. 27 Hi. Fle Ho | DncGip | [2e[291 Dnecip | [28 [231 nec | [ze [a1 ond Screht—] [20 [2at scrent —] [20 [221 serent—| [20 [oet”scront Serene] | 30-[ 222 Serena —] ['20°[z22~Scrcna | |(30_[a2 serene SsClav | [31 726 Stexs ‘31 [126 sucks —} [31] 195 sucks 38 Sucks 32 [210 ssclew | [se [eto sscav_| [se |210 sscav 39(—07) Tabeat_—| [33 [212 7eBear| [33 [212 rabeat | [29, a0 (— 08) TaBeat—] [ee ]212 repeat —| | se [212 repeat] [34 a1 (08) Souk] [as -27 Reale] [35/20 term —| [as 2 (= 10} woscin | ao} se ermise | | 40-[V00 Reams) (37, een Dyts—| [43 fase erenrs | [as [ved Roots | [as (= 13] Dy Te] [ar tras erent —| [471169 Roots | [-a7 [129 Amcor, a5 (= 13) china] [Satie China| [52 [181 ChnaC | [827[ 181 China 36 (= 18] Spenc | [se 11a spenc | ['S4[185_Tambm | [$5100 Spisic [a7 (=19] [se [102 ide c—] [So-[1e¢emnac | [55 [120 Spienc —| [se [220 s0ecow 8 (=16)| [71 [208 Wiss —] [71 [206 whsis | [86 [109_Ves | [se [199 vibe 48(=17)| [72 [207 Wrist —| [721207 -Whst—] [36/182 Ride C—| [S9_[182 Ade © SOL=8)] [701180 Wodek—| [76 [190 Woswm | [60-191 Bangor| [60_|181 Bongor S1(= 18] [77 [160 Wodok—| [77-[190 Woda —} [ex [192 Bangot—| [61 [192 Bongo. ‘sz (=20)| [7a [209 Cues 2 [193_Crghat_| [62° [199_CnghM 53(—28) [7 [200 Cuca 163.| 195 cd so [vas iets —| [50-T 165 s0eTom, 5 (a08) Lier? sa ewct2 | [aa [ver treta —| [ae [166 etTom [rear] Tieta | [as ttee eer] [es [setters —] [as fv65_evetor [a (a0 Taste] [ar [ies were | [ar [ias-taere —] [or-T166~eoetom #(a09) ‘amosic) ['ar-[es Mis] [37 [125_musn—] [37 [127-eooste 10_a10) aiicow| [so jzes rxsor—] [40 e6 tesa —| [312i woscm—| a (as)] ReaiGH| [a2 /ie9-AesGH | [42 [ior Popout | [ee [174 eosceH EmCSE) Rosin] [Se ti70 Rese} [as [16e PopOHH | [-46_[ 175 s0BOHH EMC) Tmoaak | [ae { 14 Ewext | [set te-rarak | [6'| a2 rasoak cmc] ‘Races | [se 70 Eecst—] [9e[ es test —| [oe [77 rasoss is aia) Rear] [ae tirr ae [ire pear] [4a lira evecH 6a) (36-250 Grin Se[1esCowbel—| [58-[208 Agogo —] [S68 [220 e06Cow. FF (won| [ee [ie Soin | [ee [20e capaup—| [er [Fos cassup | [ee [204 Capa. 4(a0a)| [75 Tet crinac | [75] 196 claves] [751198 Caves | [75 [217 woecw 7(a0a)] [70 Tea _Rasic —| | ra[202-wareas—| [70-fe0e marcas —| | 7o-[pHe_aoaikc 20_tBo0) | Se [ie? Ride C—] [Se] 109 Vibsp 55/100 vibep —] | 58-[ 199 Vibsip [2s qw08) [7 Tae" taors ‘67 [208 Agogo] [87 [208 Agago—] [67 [208 Agogo ‘2_(eo8)| [ee [sar teers —| [-o8-} 208 Agogo] [e820 Agogo] [68 [208 Agogo. 23 (607) [role teers 73.1200 Guves | [73 [200~Guies | [73.|213 aur $e~(eoa)| [7a [eo Lista —| [7a ]201 Gurot—| [7a ]20i-Gurot—| [74 fers recur 35_(B0s)| [60.194 ais | [60 V0 Bongo | |'60-] 191 Bongo | | 90_| 181 Bongor 25 (610) Si [92 Bongo | [er [ise orga —| [oi ] 132 Bongot | 7 3e_[167 Tbe —| [-68-[167_Timeal—] [66-1167 Timea 23612) e5-[187 Tmbal—] [es [127 timea—| [a5 [197 Timbo! 29_(813] setae tarore | [Se [ies Tamom—] [se [160 Tanbm 30 (614)] se[1e3 Gnge| [ox [195 crghwt] [52 T2r6 e08cng EINE) 3.1195 CngHOp—| [6 [198 Gnghop | [e5 [216 e0acra 32 (B16) @4[ 196" Cngiop | [oe Tio cnglop—] [se [216 s08Gng 39{— 07) 27 [225 HO. 27 [225 HG zs wo] 34 (= 00) 2a"[2atDnetip | |26[2s1_Onetip —| [a5 [251 onctio 3503] [2s [2ai Seen —| [26 [2etseen | [20 Peet serent 35(=09 0 [222 Serna] [0-]222" serra] ['30-[202 Sere 37 (=o) 31 | 26 siete 31 {26 soee —| [1] 2s. sions 38 (=08] 32{210 sscav | [2 {eI0-sscew—| [-s2-]2i0 ssGiev 39(=07) 33 [212 7886 '33/[2i2 Yebeat—| [35°] 212 Pebect 40 (= a8] Se [212 Tapeat | ['3e[212 resent —| [a4 | 212 rebeat {a1-(=08)| a5] 8 eeck2 | [55 12 Oye —| [35-1 48 e0sEK (10 a0[ 71 eecs2—| [a9 [39 soap —| [a0 Tet soos an) aa [t44_Ee TS 148_UieT3 —| [3 [166 803Tom 2a (= 27 ar-[ 143 EieeT2 artnet —| [47 [166_e08tom a5(= 13) 2] 181 China TeiGrinac—| [52-[61 Grin a= 19) 55] 180_Spienc Teo Spinc | ['s5 [160 spanc a7 (= 18) 59] 18 Rice © #52 Age] | s0_[162 Ade c 48(= 16] 7-[206 Wns —] |71-[208-wnsis—] [71 [206 whisis {207 Wie, 207 Whit —| [72 [207 wat —| [Ze 180 Wied 100" Wosbi—| [76_[190_wosbik "77-1190 Wed 190_Woebk—| [77-1190 Wabi 7e_|208 Cues 703 Cues 76-| 209" Gua = 73-[205 Cues 209 Gules 79-200 Guia “Taang—| [ao-[189Trang 85 Tang | [80-1 109—Trang 55(=2a) [er [ee Trang —| [ar pie9Tiang 105 Tang —| [ex 1198 Teang 109 ((5) Preset Pattern Table 10 Rog a guest Eno Varin TF thent Varin [Se iosSeng Opa i [S31 Saenswing Fils to Vanaion 4] BrushSwing Varator 3, Gbeat Fin to Ogi 58) BrvehSming Film lo Onginal T_Paghocs Orgial BE|_Couniry Ongaat 5. Popfione Filo Varaion ‘5/Pepfiock Variation “571_Couniry Filinve VaNaDON, [ se" Couniny variation. 591_Couniny Fa nie Gigial "71 PoafoexFilin to Origins @ TaraRoa Orga @0_Dance Ona areRoce Ful o Varcion 30" Harehos Varaten 1]Dance Fils io Varaton 2) “Dance Variator 11 Hareiocs Fil te Ong 3 Dance Fino Orginal W2. Hadhoo2 Ongina Ba] Haves Ongnal 13[_HaroAoc2 Fil i Vaan 65} House Fin to Va 14) Harehoci2 vanaton 6] Hevea Variation 15" Hareloc? Fain te Ona '67|_Hovss Fin to Orginal —— Te Rock Nal Ongral G6]_Fapi Ong 471 Rost N Rall Fike to Variation '69] Rap" Filin to Varaion 516 Rook N Roll Varsion TO) Rapt Variation Til Rapt Fin io Cigna 49 foci N Rall Fil to Orginal WO, Siowfions Orginal (ral Race Ongar 21° Slowlooe Fa into Variation al Rap? Filin to Varian 22 Slow lock Vanabon "Tal Rap? Varation 23, Slowfooc Fit inte Orginal 75 Fape Pin fo Orginal Zal_ebeat Orgad 7E)_Semba Ong 25" 6beat Fils to Varaon FSamoa Filip Variation — 26_16beai Variation. 7a|_Samba Vanaton 276beat Filia to Cig 78]Samba Film fo Orginal ie, AaB Ongial 207 A&E Fil toVanaion Sasa Ong [sit-saas Pmeviovaraio; | 50_A& 8 Veron 2/_Saies Variation 31 RES Fil to Ong 83[_Seiss Fin fo Ong Ti Oaes Omaal ‘_Hossanova Orginal 33] Oe Fil ino Varalion '86|_Bossanova Filin to Vataion ‘34|_Oides Vaniabon ‘35/Oides Fit info Orginal '7|_Bocsanove Flin 1 Orga 3e_Dacs Orgad “a_Haggae Ongnal 37|_Dieoo Fin to Varian "a9|_Reggne Fil into Varaiion 381 Disco Verabon: '90)_ Reggae Variation Disco Fil to Original BH] Aeggee Flin to Orginal Tonk Orginal G2]_wambe Orginal one Fil nto Vatiaton 83) Mambo Fal nto Varin, Funk Vanaton 84| Mambo Varavon Fun Fin fo Orga $5[ Mambo Filinto Oigial Swingi Ongal ‘Be]_Sequine Ongnal Swing’ Flin to Varaton 97] Beguine Filia e Vanation Swingt Vanaton ‘981 Beguine Veraion Swingt Fil nto Org 99] Beguine Fil wo Orgad Swing? Ongeal Swing? Film fo Varian ‘Sninge Varaion “Sil Swing? Fil no Orginal (6) Blank Chart {Song Data} Song # : ___ Title : Part | Pattern # || Parts | Pattern || Part# |.Pattorn# || Part# | Pattornd# || Part #|.Pattom # 16} Bank Cre [Effect Parameter) Drum | p.rype | p.rime | R.LPF |o.FOBK| c.tyPE | ¢.DPTH | c.RATE| C.FDBK| C.OLY ne {61 Bink on [Pad Parameter] Drum Kit Name : ssign | Sense Pada | notes [instrument Level | piten | Decay | nuance Type_| Curve Tan 1 a08) 50s) 5H06) 7400) 09) 1409 5a 0) sa Ea Tawa} 19 Sais “eal, 70] 131899] 13-1603] 20_(800) 21 (608) (008) 33_(en7| 24 (608) 25 (60) 25610) 26H) 2 er H 201810) 31161) Roland Exclusive Messages 04 a) me) ‘Roland Exclusive Messages (ue se 1) tree ae Cue 6 DR. RHYTHM Mode! 0-850 =o oe 16 MIDI Implementation Date = 15 1992 Version = 1.00 FR sm oe a et at lam ae one it (Cte a FER sc x ne St ORY no 7 Seances Fa ER 18 mi bse Gene in) een | Fae come xa! bret He DR. RHYTHM Date : Feb. 15 1992 Model OF -650 MID! Implementation Chart Vetson ¢ 1.00 a Tranamited Reconnines amare Bane Default 1n1s 1-16 "1 Cranes Changes | 116 1718 Tete Mose 3 aoe 3 oe Messages x x teres teteeenes Note am #2 yaa 9? Number are see ee veo Now ON [O an veinie7 [0 ¥ Note OFF |X an vo x ater Keys x x Touch hs x x cn Bone x x 7S cy Wome #1 nfx * Expression Control Change | Pre ° 3 Uses for change Th sereeneee orum Kit change” System Exot ° rn Swim S904 For |. Syme=iNT © Sne=Miot Sretem og Sel |. Syne NT © syre=miot Ture x x System Chek © Smenint © Sme=Mil Feat Time Commands |. Syne=inT [LO Syme= M01 a x Aux all Notes oF? | x x Messages Active Sense | x Rass x x i $i Monontee Won-voinie) 22 Hote Number aesignment for each! instrument is commoniy use for transmiting and recoving. Preset or user setting ean bo edecte 43. Can be sat to Over X manus, ane) memorize. Mode 1! OMIM ON, POLY Mode 2! OMNI ON, MONO OD: ver Mode 2 OMNI OFF. POLY Moge 4 OMNI OFF, MONO xi No [M@ Specifications - DR-660: Dr. RHYTHM (© Maximum Polyphony ‘voices @ Instruments © Etoct Reve hors © Anytim Panes Programmable Pavers: 190 rss Pater: 100 © Song ‘Songs: 100 Song Length Maximum Pans for song: 250 ‘oul pants fo songs: 900 @ Resolution er quae nate: 96 @ Tompo ‘Quaner note: 20 — 260 © Dispiay ‘Custom: LED (3-1/8) Xt 1460) nes] © Data Input Method Realume/tep @ Pads ynamies Pack 16 © synchronization aD © Connectors Stereo Output Sacks (LR) Indien! Ouro ack (1,2) Headphone ck MIDI Cossectees (ln, Ou) [AC Adapts Sack (ACI2V) © Power Supply AC Atapioe © Current Draw oma @ Dimensions 21S¢W) X 14510) > 570 mn 8. 1210) 6. 12D) 2-H edas © Weight 72091 ms 1022 @ Accsessories [AC Atsptor (BOSS BRA series) woes Manis! {The specifications for this productare su without prior notice, wa Information \Whan you need repair service, call vour local Rolend Service Station or the authorized Roland distributor in your country a shown below. usa ‘SPAIN RoieéCarjorion US Ratan Becorics uno Donon ise de Eat SA. arama CA Cale Boivin 29 pn360, USA ‘sto Barebon, SPAIN ‘Beyaas sit B95-308-100| CANADA GERMANY Round Canis Mei etme leche (Gaon) Messtrenene Sto panweod Hindesgeclcat mi Ricmmand BC, V6V 2M Osaree9, 2000, CANADA, Nererta GERMANY sem ans 00520090 alan Cana musica FRANCE pasTenmmgere— Madkengo Seve REN. Sebzuet, 102 Avenue enor Gamer HAS 1V3, (xe? Lyon Cater CANADA FRANCE B95 2009 Ess 5480 Aetmd cans MisieLd Maser Par Office) te atine Ave MisiamageOnario LZ Cane Rein Parsee ‘true Coes Fease, 1a. CANADA S440 iy aS (loo 6s FRANCE Bigesn 8662 AUSTRALIA BetneCaroion BELGIUM’ (sea) Py Li. 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