Dr. Arthur Benjamin Weglein-A Timely and Necessary Antidote To Indirect Methods and So-Called P-Wave FWI.

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A timely and necessary antidote to indirect methods and so-called

P-wave FWI
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ARTHUR B. WEGLEIN, University of Houston

Editors note: The following article brings to light a cautionary concern

(and a set of fundamental and substantive issues, related to indirect
methods, in general, that benets from a broader and deeper understanding and perspective), regarding the validity of basic assumptions
made in FWI. It was slated to appear in the special section on FWI in
September. The article also describes and exemplies a direct inverse
method for the same FWI-type objectives. However as that issue was
fully subscribed, given the popularity of FWI, it was decided, in
conjunction with the sections guest editors (Antoine Guitton, Tariq
Alkhalifah, and Chris Liner) that the article appear in the October
TLE. In the introduction to the FWI section, the guest editors pose
some admonitory questions: Are we heading in the right direction? Are
we in the right valley? Or within a bigger context, is FWI the way to
go? In this context, Wegleins article is a timely and pertinent riposte
that will be of signicant interest and may elicit a degree of controversy
to those working in the FWI eld.

central purpose of this article is to bring an alternative

voice, perspective, and understanding to the latest
geophysical stampede, technical bubble, and self-proclaimed
seismic cure-all, the so-called full-waveform inversion
or FWI. If you think this is exaggerated, I refer to the
advertisement/announcement of the 2013 SEG Workshop
on FWI whose opening line is, Full-waveform inversion
has emerged as the nal and ultimate solution to the Earth
resolution and imaging objective.
Besides representing language, attitude, and a viewpoint
that have no place anywhere in science, and, in particular, in
exploration seismology, the fact is that the method, as put
forth, is from a fundamental and basic-principle point of view
(aside from, and well before, any practical considerations and
track record of added-value are considered) hardly deserving
of the label inversion, let alone all the other extreme and
unjustied claims and attributes, as being the deliverance
and the last and nal word on the subject.
From a direct-inversion point of view, and for the algorithms that are derived for solving the exact same problem of
estimating, for example, the location of velocity anomalies and
shallow hazards, and velocity changes at the top and base salt,
all the current approaches to so-called full-waveform inversion are: (1) always using the wrong data, (2) always using the
wrong algorithms, and (3) all too often, using the wrong Earth
model, as well. Making this clear is one purpose of this article.
The issue being discussed in this article is not a matter
of semantics and is not a labeling/mislabeling issue; it is the
substantive issue of what data and what algorithms are called
for by direct inversion to achieve certain seismic processing
objectives. In particular, the focus here is on objectives that
rely on the amplitude of reection data as a function of incident angle to determine changes in, e.g., P-wave velocity,
AVO parameters, or so-called FWI.
Another purpose of this article is to propose and exemplify an alternative and direct inverse solution that actually

The Leading Edge

October 2013

deserves the label inversion and could be useful for those

goals and objectives, and perhaps can actually earn, deserve,
and warrant a label of FWI, although never as the ultimate
and nal solution. The direct-inversion approach provides
not only a method but also a framework and platform for
understanding when it will and will not work. All current socalled FWI methods are indirect model-matching methods,
and indirect methods can never provide that capability and
clarity. Model-matching run backward, or solving a forward
problem in an inverse sense, resides behind all the current
indirect P-wave-only so-called FWI and is never equivalent
to a direct inverse solution for any nonlinear problem, nor
does it even represent a fully and completely aligned goal and
property of a direct inverse solution.
A third and perhaps the most important goal of this article
is to provide a new, comprehensive overview and bridge for
these two approaches for those who may be following, applying, and/or considering the current so-called indirect modelmatching FWI approach and those proposing, interested in,
or providing a road to a direct inverse methodology. It will be
shown how these two approaches have the same starting point,
and in fact, have the same exact generalized Taylor series expansion for modeling data and for expressing the actual data in
terms of a reference model and reference data and the dierence
between actual and reference properties. The two approaches
dier in how they view each of the same terms of that forward
series. One view of those individual terms leads to a Taylor series
form that does not allow a direct inverse series and that leaves
as the only option the running of a forward (linear truncated)
series in an inverse sense. That forward description viewed as
only a generalized Taylor series results in, and provides no other
choice other than, an indirect model-matching approach (e.g.,
as seen in AVO and the so-called FWI methods). This is the
mainstream/conventional view of the forward description as a
Taylor series, and, while easy to understand, that view precludes
a direct inverse, and therefore explains the widespread use of
indirect model-matching approaches. Another view of those
individual terms in the forward Taylor series that derives from
the fundamental equation of scattering theory (the LippmannSchwinger equation) recognizes that the forward Taylor series
is a special class of generalized Taylor seriesa generalized geometric series. Further, it is a geometric series for a forward problem, and it has a geometric series for a direct inverse solution.
Without understanding and calling upon the scattering-theory
equation, that recognition of the forward series as being geometric is not possible, and a direct inverse solution would not be
achievable. All of the consequences and dierences between the
forward model-matching approach leading to methods such as
so-called FWI and the direct inverse methods, derived from the
inverse scattering series, have that simple, accessible, and understandable origin. The details, arguments, and examples behind
these three objectives and goals are provided below.

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Lets begin. Seismic processing is an inverse problem, in

which measurements on or near the surface of the Earth are
used to make inferences about the nature of the subsurface that
are relevant to the exploration and production of hydrocarbons.
There was a time, not too long in the past, when a discussion of any method for solving inverse or data-processing
problems always began with a denition of direct and indirect
methods. The latter was deemed the less respectable and the
lesser choice between the two, considered out of desperation and resignation and oered with hesitation and apology.
It was associated among inversionists with searching and
model matching rather than with seeking a direct, clear, and
denitive solution through a math-physics analysis.
It appears that earlier, healthy understanding and respect
for the framework and denitiveness of direct inverse methods have largely given way or have been pushed aside, with
serious and substantive negative and injurious conceptual and
practical consequences. Among the latter manifestations and
consequences is the totally mislabeled and ubiquitous phenomenon of so-called full-wave inversion (FWI) methods.
Among FWI references are Brossier et al. (2009), Crase et
al. (1990), Gauthier et al. (1986), Nolan and Symes (1997),
Pratt (1999), Pratt and Shipp (1999), Sirgue et al. (2010),
Symes (2008), Tarantola (1984, 1986), Valenciano et al.
(2006), Vigh and Starr (2008), and Zhou et al. (2012).
This note advocates (whenever possible) direct methods
for solving processing problems and providing prerequisites.
Direct methods oer many conceptual and practical benets
over indirect methods. Advantages of direct methods begin
with actually knowing that you are solving the problem that
you are interested in solving.
How can you recognize a direct versus an indirect method? Consider the quadratic equation


and the solution



Equation 2 is a direct solution for the roots of Equation

1. On the other hand, if you see a cost function involved in a
solution, the solution is indirect. Also, if you see a modeling
equation being solved in an inverse sense, or an iteratively
linear updating, those are each direct indicators of an indirect
solution and a model-matching approach, which too often
can start with an incorrect or insucient modeling equation
and a matching of fundamentally inadequate data. The only
time that a forward problem solved in an inverse sense can
be equivalent to a direct inverse solution is when the direct
inverse solution is linear. For example, locating reectors at
depth with a known velocity model is linear, and, hence, e.g.,
(asymptotic) RTM is a modeling run backward (i.e., in an
inverse sense) to directly determine structure. Another transparent example is given by the forward geometric series
and the inverse

when |S/a|. < 1
If, rather than these nonlinear relationships among S, a,
and r, we instead imagine an exact linear relationship that S,
a, and r might satisfy, e.g.,


then we have the forward problem of solving for S given a

and r, and the inverse problem becomes solving for r in terms
of S and a. The direct inverse solution r = S/a is equivalent to
the forward problem solved in an inverse sense, solving S = ar
for r in terms of S and a. However, if the forward relationship
assumed among S, a, and r is a quadratic relationship (an approximate of the actual nonlinear forward problem given by
Equation 3), we have


Then, solving the forward problem, Equation 6, in an

inverse sense is a quadratic solution with two roots that can
be real or imaginary, whereas the solution to Equation 4 is a
single real solution for r. In place of Equation 6, think of the
linearized forward Zoeppritz equation for RPP solved in an inverse sense, and the point is clear. This simple and transparent
example demonstrates a pitfall of thinking that a direct inversion is equivalent to a forward problem solved in an inverse
sense. Another example, pointed out in Weglein et al. (2009),
is the direct inverse solution for predicting and removing freesurface and internal multiples, from the inverse-scattering series, where these two distinct algorithms are independent not
only of subsurface information, they are also independent of
whether we assume the Earth is acoustic, elastic, anelastic, heterogeneous, and anisotropic. The multiple-removal algorithms
(which are direct and nonlinear) do not change one line of
code when you change your mind about the Earth model type
you want to consider. Can you imagine a model-matching and
subtraction method or linear-updating method for predicting
and removing multiples, with any cost function, L1, L2, LP, that
would be independent of subsurface properties and the type
of Earth model you are using to generate the synthetic data? It
is hard to overstate the signicance of this point. The widely
recognized benet to industry from eectively removing freesurface and internal multiples using algorithms derived from
the inverse scattering series, for oshore and onshore plays,
never would have occurred if the indirect inversion, modelmatching, and iterative updating, and FWI-like thinking,
were the approaches pursued for removing multiples.
In general, we look at inversion as a set of tasks: freesurface and internal-multiple removal, depth imaging, and
nonlinear AVO. For the purposes of this article and for discussing FWI, the focus is entirely on how the ISS addresses
that parameter estimation task in isolation, and as if all other
tasks (e.g., multiple removal) had been previously achieved.
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Indirect methods such as at common-image gathers (CIG)

were developed as a response to the inability to directly solve
for and adequately provide a velocity model for depth imaging,
and those CIGs represent a necessary condition at the image
that an accurate velocity would satisfy. References for CIGs are
Anderson et al. (2012), Baumstein et al. (2009), Ben-Hadj-ali
et al. (2008, 2009), Biondi and Sava (1999), Biondi and Symes
(2004), Brandsberg-Dahl et al. (1999), Chavent and Jacewitz
(1995), Fitchner (2011), Guasch et al. (2012), Kapoor et al.
(2012), Rickett and Sava (2002), Sava et al. (2005), Sava and
Fomel (2003), Sirgue et al. (2009, 2010, 2012), Symes and
Carazzone (1991), Tarantola (1987), and Zhang and Biondi
(2013). Many wrong velocity models can and will also satisfy
a at common-image-gather criterion, especially under complex imaging circumstances. Indeed, unquestioned faith in the
power of satisfying the at CIG criterion can and does contribute to dry-hole drilling. Mathematicians who work on the
latter types of CIG problems would better spend their time
describing the underlying lack of a necessary and sucient
condition, and the consequences, rather than dressing up and
obfuscating the necessary but insucient condition in fancy,
rigorous, and abstract new clothes.
It seems that the recent surge of interest in estimating
changes in velocity is fueled by: (1) the improved ability to
produce low-frequency and low-vertical-wavenumber information from new acquisition and improved deghosting; (2)
the implicit admission of serious problems with methods to
estimate velocity models (e.g., with tomography, iterative at
CIG searching, and the like); and, of course, (3) the persistent
and unacceptable dry-hole drilling rate. Today, for example,
we basically remain xed and without signicant progress (at
a one-in-ten success rate) in drilling successful exploration
wells in the deep-water Gulf of Mexico (Hawthorn, 2009;
Iledare and Kaiser, 2007).
Indirect methods should be considered only when direct
methods are not available or are inadequate, or when you cannot gure out how to solve a problem directly. Indirect methods are often and reasonably employed to allow a channel or an
adjustment (a dial) for phenomena and components of reality
that are outside and external to the physics of the system you
have chosen and dened. Of course, there always are, and always will be, phenomena outside your assumed and adopted
physics and system that must be accommodated and that are
ignored at your peril. Thats the proper realm and role for indirect methods. Even then, however, they need to be applied
judiciously and always with scrutiny of what resides behind
cost-function-criteria assumptions. When a direct method
to predict the amplitude and phase of free-surface multiples,
such as inverse-scattering-series free-surface-multiple removal,
includes the obliquity factor, and has the direct satisfaction of
prerequisites such as source and receiver deghosting and wavelet estimation, then the better the direct method of providing
the prerequisites performs, the better the free-surface demultiple provides the amplitude and phase of the free-surface multiples. If at any stage you decide you can roll in obliquity,
source and receiver deghosting, and wavelet estimation into a
catch-all energy-minimization adaptive subtraction, you run

The Leading Edge

October 2013

into the serious problem: No matter how much better you

achieve a satisfaction of energy minimization, you still have
no guarantee that that improved energy minimization aligns
with and supports free-surface-multiple removal while preserving primaries. In fact, removal of multiples can increase energy (e.g., when you have destructive interference between
a primary and a multiple), and it is widely understood that
the energy-minimization criteria are among todays greatest
impediments to eectively removing free-surface and internal
multiples for complex onshore and marine plays. The criteria behind the indirect adaptive step matter. Within the area
of free-surface and internal-multiple attenuation, the rush to
and overreliance on energy-minimization adaptive subtraction
contributes to the inability to eectively and surgically remove
multiples at all osets and without damaging primaries. That
specic issue was discussed in a recent report to the M-OSRP
consortium on seeking adaptive criteria (Weglein, 2012) that
serve as an alternative and replacement for energy minimization for free-surface multiple removal. However, the trend of
using indirect methods for phenomena and processing goals
within the system, and for providing prerequisites within the
system, is in general a conceptual and practical mistake. There
has been a dangerous and growing tendency to solve everything
inside and outside the system by using indirect methods and
cost functions. Of course the need for ever-faster computers is
universally recognized and supported. However, the growth in
computational physics, often at the expense of mathematical
physics, and the availability of ever-faster computers, encourages the rush to cost functions and to searching without thinking, and thus represents a ubiquitous, misguided, and unfortunate trend, with solutions that arent. When we give up on
physics and determinism, we look at statistics and searching,
and indirect methods become a natural choice and are always
readily available, along with their drawbacks and consequences.
A direct method provides a framework of precise data needs,
and it delivers a straight-ahead formula that takes in your data
and actually solves and explicitly and directly outputs the solution that you seek. Indirect methods can never provide that
clarity or condence. Model-matching and iterative updating
by any fancy name, such as a new Frechet derivative, and
the so-called full-wave inversion, are model-matching and are
never, ever, equivalent to a direct inversion for the Earths elastic mechanical property changes. The distinction is signicant
and has both conceptual and mercantile consequences.
Here is an example of the dierence. Suppose someone
said that you could take a single seismic trace that is a single
function of time, and invert simultaneously for velocity and
density, each as a function of depth in a 1D Earth.
Today, you might reasonably be cautious and concerned
because the dimension of the data is less than the overall dimension of the quantities you seek to determine. We have
learned as an industry to be dubious in the latter single-trace,
solve-for-two-functions-of-depth case. We look skeptically at
those who would model-match and pull all kinds of arcane
cost functions and generalized inverses together, using dierent norms and constraints and full-wave predictions of that
single trace that can be model-matched with amplitude and

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R o u n d t a b l e

phase so that we can call that model-matching scheme fullwaveform inversion. Why cant we solve for density and velocity uniquely from a single trace, because we can certainly
model the single trace from knowing the velocity and density
as a function of depth? Thats a beginning and an example of
thinking that solving a forward problem in an inverse sense is
in some way actually solving the inverse problem. What came
along in that earlier time, as a response to this question, were
direct acoustic inversion methods that said that inverting
for velocity and density as functions of depth from a single
trace is impossible, or at least that it is impossible to provide the unique and actual velocity and density as a function
of depth. That direct-inversion framework convinced many
(hopefully most) people that the one-trace-in, two-functionsout approach is not a question or an issue of which indirect
algorithm or LP cost function you are using. It is more basic and stands above algorithm; its an inadequate-data issue.
No algorithm with that single-trace data input should call
itself inversion, even if that single trace was model-matched
and iteratively updated and computed with amplitude and
phase and, with too much self-regard, labels itself as fullwave inversion. We learned to stop running that single trace
through search algorithms for velocity and densityand that
lesson was absorbed within our collective psyches in our industryfor whatever the cost function and local or global
minimum you employed. Using the wrong and fundamentally inadequate data closes the book and constitutes the end of

the story. Thus, we learned to look for and respect dimension

between the data and the sought-after parameters we want to
identify. That is a good thing, but it turns out that its not a
good-enough thing. In fact, direct acoustic waveeld inversion for a 1D Earth requires all the traces for a given shot
record in order to determine one or more parameters (e.g.,
VP and density) as a function of depth.
This article will show (in a similar way) that the fact that you
can solve the forward Zoeppritz equations (or a linear approximate) for a PP reection coecient as a function of incident
angle and the changes in , , and across the reector does not
imply that you can solve for changes in , , and in terms of
the PP reection coecient as a function of angle. A direct inverse for the changes in , , and demands all multicomponent
sources and receivers, or, equivalently, PP, PS, SP, and SS data.
These conditions on data requirements hold for any processing/inverse problem in which the reference or background
medium is elastice.g., for all amplitude analysis, including
AVO and so-called FWI and all ISS multiple removal and
imaging with ocean-bottom or onshore acquisition. See Li et
al. (2011), Liang et al. (2010), Matson (1997), Matson and
Weglein (1998), Weglein et al. (2003), and H. Zhang (2006).
Inadequate data means something much more basic and
fundamental than limitations due to sampling, aperture, and
bandwidth. That is, indirect solutions can (and often do) input data that are fundamentally inadequate from a basic and
direct inverse perspective and understanding. The indirect

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R o u n d t a b l e

methods then search locally and globally around error surfaces

with Frechet derivatives and conjugate gradients, and they keep
hordes of math, physics, geophysics, and computer scientists
busy using giant and super-fast computers looking at outputs
and 3D color displays, and being convinced that with all the
brainpower and resources that are invested, they are on track
and are on their way to solving the problem. Whats wrong
with linear iterative updating? Whats wrong begins with understanding the meaning of a linear inverse. Even in cases in
which the data are adequatee.g., cases with P-wave data
and an acoustic inverse modelthe algorithms that a direct
inverse provides for explicit linear and each nonlinear estimate
of changes in P-wave velocity and density, will dier at the rst
nonlinear step and at every subsequent step, with the nonlinear
iterative linear estimate of these changes in physical properties.
The linear, quadratic, cubic, estimates of physical properties
from a direct inverse method are explicit and unique (a generalized Taylor/geometric series) and order-by-order in the data
and will not agree with an iterative linear update. Hence, although the iterative linear updating is nonlinear in the data, it
does not represent a direct inverse solution. Further, the terms
in the direct solution are analytically determined in terms of
the rst term, whereas iterative linear updating requires generalized inverses, SVD, cost functions, and numerical solutions.
They could not be more dierent. If you had an alternative to
the solution of the quadratic equation and it produced dierent roots from those produced by the direct quadratic formula,
(Equation 2), would you call it an inverse solution for the
roots? Thats the issue, and its that simple.
For the elastic inverse case, the dierence is yet more serious. A direct inverse solution for the P-velocity, VP , shear
velocity, VS , and density, , and a linear iterative method, will
already dier at the linear step, and that dierence and resulting gap grow at each nonlinear step and estimate.
When it comes to directly inverting for changes in elastic
properties and density, there are direct and explicit formulas
for the linear and nonlinear estimates. The same single unchanged direct inverse ISS set of equations that derived the algorithms for free-surface and internal-multiple removaland
have demonstrated standalone capability (see, e.g., Ferreira,
2011; Luo et al., 2011; and Weglein et al., 2003, 2011)have
also provided the ISS depth imaging (Weglein et al. 2011,
2012) and direct inversion for Earth mechanical properties.
In Zhang (2006), we nd the rst direct nonlinear equations
for estimating the changes in elastic properties for a 1D Earth.
The mathematical origin of linear inverse theory (and linear iterative inversion) begins with a Taylor series of the recorded data, D(m), from the actual Earth. Those data depend
on the Earth properties characterized by the label m and the
synthetic data D(m0) from an estimate or reference value of
those properties that we label, m0. To relate D(m) and D(m0 ),
we introduce a Taylor series
, (7)
in which the derivatives are Frechet derivatives. A linearized
form of Equation 7 is considered

The Leading Edge

October 2013


where the Frechet derivative,

is approximated by a nite-dierence approximation involving data at m0 and data at a nearby model, m0+m. m11
means the rst linear estimate of m, with the subscript
standing for linear and the superscript for the rst estimate.
The matrix inversion of Equation 8 for m11 leads to a new
approximate m0+m11, and


The process is repeated and is the basis of iterative linear

inversion. Properties of that process related to convergence
to m are spelled out in Blum (1972), page 536, with issues
where the constants such as M that appear in the convergence
criteria are unknown.
Another starting point for this type of perturbative approach is from scattering theory, where D(m) relates to the
actual Greens function, G, and D(m0 ) relates to the reference
Greens function, G0 , and V = mm0. The identity among G,
G0, and V is called the Lippmann-Schwinger or Scattering
Equation (see, e.g., Taylor 1972)
and an expansion of Equation 11 for G in terms of G0 and V


Keys and Weglein (1983) provide the formal association

between D(m0)m and G0VG0. Equation 7 is a Taylor series
in m, and as such that series does not have an available inverse series. However, because Equation 12 (which follows
from the scattering Equation 11) is a geometric series in r
= VG0 and a = G0 , then a geometric series for S = GG0
in terms of a and rS = ar/(1r)has an inverse series r =
(S/a)/(1+S/a) with terms

... .
A unique expansion of VG0 in orders of measurement values of (G-G0 ) is

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The scattering-theory equation allows that forward series

form the opportunity to nd a direct inverse solution. Substituting Equation 13 into Equation 12 and setting the terms
of equal order in the data to be equal, we have D = G0V1 G0 ,
where the higher order terms are V2 , V3 , . . . , as given in Weglein et al. (2003) page R33 Equations 714.
For the elastic equation, V is a matrix and the relationship
between the data and V1 is

where V1, V2 are linear, quadratic contributions to V in terms

of the data,
The changes in elastic properties and density are contained in

, and that leads to direct and explicit

solutions for the changes in mechanical properties in orders

of the data,

The ability of the forward series to have a direct inverse series derives from (1) the identity among G, G0 , V provided by
the scattering equation and then (2) the recognition that the
forward solution can be viewed as a geometric series for the
data, D, in terms of VG0. The latter derives the direct inverse
series for VG0 in terms of the data.
Viewing the forward problem and series as the Taylor
series (Equation 7) in terms of m does not oer a direct
inverse series, and hence there is no choice but to solve the
forward series in an inverse sense. It is that fact that results
in all current AVO and FWI methods being modeling methods that are solved in an inverse sense. Among references that
solve a forward problem in an inverse sense in P-wave AVO
are Beylkin and Burridge (1990), Boyse and Keller (1986),

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Burridge et al. (1998), Castagna and Smith (1994), Clayton and Stolt (1981), Foster et al. (2010), Goodway (2010),
Goodway et al. (1997), Shuey (1985), Smith and Gidlow
(2000), Stolt (1992), and Stolt and Weglein (1985). The intervention of the explicit relationship among G, G0, and V
(the scattering equation) in a Taylor series-like form produces
a geometric series and a direct inverse solution.
The linear equations are:







relates to
relates to
, and so on,
the four components of the data will be coupled in the nonlinear elastic inversion. We cannot perform the direct nonlinear
inversion without knowing all components of the data. Thus,
the direct nonlinear solution determines the data needed for
a direct inverse. That, in turn, denes what a linear estimate
means. That is, a linear estimate of a parameter is an estimate
of a parameter that is linear in data that can directly invert for
that parameter. Because DPP , DPS , DSP , and DSS are needed to
determine a , a , and a directly, a linear estimate for any one
of these quantities requires simultaneously solving Equations
1922. See, e.g., Weglein et al. (2009) for further detail.
Those direct nonlinear formulas are like the direct solution
for the quadratic equation mentioned above and solve directly
and nonlinearly for changes in VP , VS, and density in a 1D elastic
Earth. Stolt and Weglein (2012), present the linear equations
for a 3D Earth that generalize Equations 19-22. Those formulas
prescribe precisely what data you need as input, and they dictate how to compute those sought-after mechanical properties,
given the necessary data. There is no search or cost function, and
the unambiguous and unequivocal data needed are full multicomponent dataPP, PS, SP, and SSfor all traces in each
of the P and S shot records. The direct algorithm determines
rst the data needed and then the appropriate algorithms for
using those data to directly compute the sought-after changes in
the Earths mechanical properties. Hence, any method that calls
itself inversion (let alone full-wave inversion) for determining
changes in elastic properties, and in particular the P-wave velocity, VP , and that inputs only P-data, is more o base, misguided,
and lost than the methods that sought two or more functions of
depth from a single trace. You can model-match P-data until the
cows come home, and that takes a lot of computational eort
and people with advanced degrees in math and physics computing Frechet derivatives, and requires sophisticated LP norm
cost functions and local or global search engines, so it must be
reasonable, scientic, and worthwhile. Why cant we use just
PP data to invert for changes in VP , VS , and density, because
Zoeppritz says that we can model PP from those quantities, and
because we have, using PP-data with angle variation, enough
dimension? As stated above, data dimension is good, but not
good enough for a direct inversion of those elastic properties.






where a (1), a(1), and a(1) are the linear estimates of the changes
in bulk modulus, shear modulus, and density, respectively.
The direct quadratic nonlinear equations are

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Figure 1. Synthetic well log A-52.

Figure 2. The baseline, monitor, and input reection coecients.

Figure 3. Comparison of actual changes in shear modulus,

P-impedance, and velocity ratio VP / VS . The baseline is the log data in
1986 and the monitor is the log data in 2001.

Figure 4. Comparison of rst- and second-order approximations of

relative change in shear modulus. The baseline is the log data in 1986
and the monitor is the log data in 2001.

Figure 5. Comparison of rst- and second-order approximations of

relative change in VP / VS . The baseline is the log data in 1986 and the
monitor is the log data in 2001.

Figure 6. Zoomed-in comparison of rst- and second-order

approximations of relative change in VP / VS . The baseline is the log
data in 1986 and the monitor is the log data in 2001.


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R o u n d t a b l e

The direct inverse is nonlinear. Iterative linear is nonlinear.

But iterative linear inversion is not in any way equivalent to a
direct nonlinear inversion. The further evidence that iterative
linear inverse is not a direct elastic inverse solution, is that you
can iteratively linear invert P-wave data. Hence, you can have
the fundamentally inadequate data and perform iterative linear updating. Thats not possible with a direct inverse method.
The framework, data needs, and algorithms provided by direct
inversion all matter. If you iteratively linear invert multicomponent data, you would not be performing a direct inversion,
and your nonlinear estimates would not agree with the unique
nonlinear terms provided by a direct solution. Multicomponent data are important, but the direct inverse algorithm of that
data is essential. The framework of a direct method helps you
understand what will allow things to work in principle, and,
equally important, it helps you identify the issue or problem
when things dont work. Indirect methods, on the other hand,
can never match that deniteness, clarity, and value. When we
use just P-wave data with an acoustic or elastic model-matching
FWI for shallow-hazard detection or velocity estimation at top
salt, and then issues arise, perhaps the framework and requirements described in this note might be among the issues behind
a lack of predictive stability and usefulness.
In Wave theory modeling of P-waves in a heterogeneous
elastic medium (Weglein 2012), a single-channel P-wave formalism is presented as a way to model P-waves in amplitude
and phase without needing to model and predict shear waves.
This P-only wave-modeling method is intractable as a parameter-estimation inverse procedure, blocked at the rst and linear term. That supports the need for all multicomponent data
in a direct inverse for estimating changes in the Earths mechanical properties. If one somehow remained insistent that
P-data were adequate for a direct elastic inverse, one would
have to provide a response to that linear, intractable inverse
step. Further, those direct and explicit nonlinear formulas are
derivable only from the direct inverse machinery of the inverse
scattering series (please see the References section).
Using P-wave data with amplitude and phase for an acoustic
Earth model ies in the face of 40 years of AVO experience,
which says that the elastic Earth is the minimum realistic Earth
model for any amplitude-dependent algorithm or processing
method. Using P-wave data for an elastic Earth model, with
algorithms that utilize amplitude and phase, violates the necessary multicomponent data needs prescribed by direct inversion
of VP , VS , and density. Having the adequate data (dened by a
direct-inversion framework) is better than not having the necessary and sucient data and is a good place to start. However,
even when one is starting with the indicated multicomponent
data, the train can still be taken o the track by indirect search
and iterative linear-updating algorithms, when direct inverse algorithms are indicated and available. Iterative linear updating
of multicomponent data is a model-matching indirect method
and is never equivalent to a direct inversion of those data.
Some might say in response that P-wave FWI with either
an acoustic or elastic medium, followed by use of some search
algorithm, represents an approximation, and whats wrong
with approximations? The answer is precisely that What IS

The Leading Edge

October 2013

wrong with the approximation? If you purposefully or inadvertently ignore (or wish away) the framework and algorithms
that a direct solution to the elastic parameter estimation provides, you will never know what you are ignoring and dropping
and what your approximation is approximating, nor will you
know what value your method actually represents and means,
and how you could improve the reliability of your prediction.
In summary, so-called P-wave FWI is something less than
advertised and is in general the wrong (acoustic) Earth model,
the wrong data, and the wrong methodbut besides that, it
has a lot going for it.
In Zhang (2006), the direct elastic inverse was applied to
a 4D application and the term beyond linear was able to help
distinguish a pressure change from a uid change. This line
of research continued in Li (2011) and Liang (2010). This is
comparatively illustrated with synthetic log data in Zhangs
Figures 1 through 6 (which are included in this article).
A direct method to nd the route from where you are to
where you want to goe.g., for a scheduled meeting
would use MapQuest, while an indirect method would seek
and search and stop at every possible location in the city until
you arrive somewhere where someone seems to be happy to
see you, and you have a toolbox of LP cost functions to dene
happy. A direct solution, in contrast to indirect methods,
does not require or ever raise the issue of necessary but insufcient conditions or cost functions, and its not a condition
or property. Its a solution, a construction. Nothing beats
that for clarity, eciency, and eectiveness. The direct MapQuest inversion communication and message to the current
indirect P-wave FWI methods is that the latter are searching
for the meeting in the wrong city.
The message of this article is that direct inversion provides
a framework, and a set of data requirements and algorithms,
that not only have produced a standalone capability (with
model-type independent algorithms) for removing free-surface and internal multiples, without subsurface information,
but also for establishing the requirements for all seismic processing methods that depend on amplitude analysis, such as
AVO and so-called FWI. Being frank, we wish these requirements were not the case, because it makes our lives more complicated and dicultbut the conclusions are inescapable.
When the framework, data requirements, and direct methods
are not satised, we have a clear and understandable reason
for the resulting failure and for what we might do to provide
more reliable and useful predictive capability. Direct and indirect methods both play an essential role in an eective seismic processing strategy: where the former accommodates the
physics within the system, and the latter provides a channel
for real-world phenomena beyond the assumed physics.
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Acknowledgments: I thank the M-OSRP sponsors for their support,

and Jim Mayhan, Hong Liang, Di Chang, and Lin Tang for their
help in preparing this article.
Corresponding author: aweglein@Central.UH.EDU

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