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Welcome to Mrs. Baxters Second Grade Class!

Howdy parents/guardians,
I would like to welcome each of you and your child to an exciting year this year. I am overly excited and honored to be
your childs teacher this year. I hope you all have had a wonderful relaxing summer. I would like to take this
opportunity to introduce myself and to give you a glimpse into my personal and professional life.
I am married and have three children. My son is 16 and my two daughters are 13 and 9. Like you, I trust my children
each year with their teachers and share the same concerns you may have as well. I enjoy gardening and growing
vegetables, reading and watching movies. I also enjoy useless trivia so you may hear your child tell you some
interesting facts from time to time.
Before I became a teacher, I served in the US Army for 10 years where I was a Paralegal for the JAG Corps. I then
worked as a paralegal for the US Attorneys Office and lastly at Scott & White in the Risk Management Department. I
have always dreamed of being a teacher since I can remember. I have always had a burning desire to teach children
and to show them how to be all they can be.
I received my degree from Texas A&M University Central Texas and enrolled in and alternative certification course
and became certified to teach Early Childhood through 6th Grade.
My Mission Statement
I wake up excited to come to school everyday and I hope your child does to. I will create a very fun learning
environment. I want to ensure your kids are excited to come to school and will have only good memories to share with
you. It is my personal responsibility to ensure your child is safe and is learning the material effectively and efficiently. I
have my classroom management plan posted in my classroom and you are welcome to review it at any time.
I believe that a positive and fun environment will only encourage kids to look forward to returning to school everyday. I
will instill values into your child in which they will learn to follow directions and to show respect to all things and other
people. I feel it is my mission to make these young minds into amazing productive citizens in our society.
Teacher/Parent Communication
I believe teacher/parent/guardian communication is crucial to a childs success in school. Please feel free to contact
me at any time if you have any questions or concerns regarding your childs performance or questions regarding
assignments. You can reach me at (254) 555-5555 or at I will respond to you as promptly
as possible. My conference times are Mon-Friday from 10:05 11:00. I would be happy to meet with you and discuss
any concerns you may have.
Thank you for your time, involvement, and support.
Christina Baxter

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