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Sydney Brooks

Fair Trade: Truth Behind the Product


Annotated Bibliography
Blood diamond [Motion picture on DVD]. (2007). Distributed by Warner Home
The movie, Blood Diamond, shows the viewer about blood diamond trafficking in the
1990s. The diamonds, that were mined by slave laborers of the rebel army around Sierra Leone,
were sold to rich countries such as Switzerland and the United States. The enormous amounts of
money that the rebels made was used to fund the civil war in Sierra Leone.
Corporate Watch : Nestl SA : Corporate Crimes. (n.d.). Retrieved March 10, 2015, from
This article describes the many problems with the company of Nestle. In 2001, it was
discovered that the company had been buying their cocoa from Ivory Coast that was believed to
be harvested by child slaves. In 2002, they also were called a fraudulent company when they
obtained 200 tons of powdered milk that had the brand name of Conaprole and relabeled it as
Nestle. During the relabeling process, they also changed the production dates on the product to
over a year later than it was actually produced.
Fairhills. (n.d.). Retrieved March 10, 2015, from
The company of Origin produces a fair trade wine called Fairhills. The production
occurs in Rawsonville, South Africa. Workers and their children are given the opportunity for
education, as there has been a school built in Rawsonville. While the workers do their jobs,
daycare service is provided for their children that is also educational. The money that is made
goes back into the program to further improve the lives of people in the area.
Greenhouse, S. (2013, May 15). Abercrombie & Fitch Signs Bangladesh Safety Plan. Retrieved
March 10, 2015, from
The company of Abercrombie and Fitch produces their clothing in Bangladesh. Until
recently, the working conditions and wages of the workers were very poor. After the public found
out about the working conditions in Abercrombies factories in Bangladesh, they agreed to
improve the safety and working conditions of their factories.

Sydney Brooks
Fair Trade: Truth Behind the Product

Hondros, C. (n.d.). Conflict Diamonds. Retrieved March 10, 2015, from
This article explains what conflict diamonds of the 1990s and today were and are still
today. It also talks about the Kimberley Process.
Islam, S. (2013, June 20). Abercrombie & Fitch signed a safety agreement, but that doesnt mean
Bangladeshi workers will be safe. Retrieved March 10, 2015, from
This article elaborates on why Abercrombie and Fitch signed the safety agreement and
the horrible events that lead up to it.
Miller, J. (2013, October 1). After Horror, Apologetics. Retrieved March 10, 2015, from
This website contains information about the aftermath of the Abercrombie and Fitch
catastrophe. It has valid information about the working conditions and wages of the factory
workers in Bangladesh.
Reed, G. (2012, April 22). Ben & Jerrys Fair Trade Commitment. Retrieved March 10, 2015,
This article states that in 2005 the ice cream company Ben and Jerrys committed
themselves fully to using fair trade coffee from Mexico, vanilla from Uganda, and chocolate
from fair trade sources in the Ivory Coast and Ghana. They have been faithful to their fair trade
agreement since its creation.
Wassener, B. (2010, May 6). In China, Strong Debut for Supplier of Heparin. Retrieved February
26, 2015, from
This article explains that the main ingredient of the drug Heparin is pig intestines and that
is is mostly produced in China. Heparin is used as a blood thinner as in Aspirin. A company
called Shenzhen Hepalink Pharmaceutical in China that has over 500 workers makes the Heparin
that is shipped to pharmaceutical companies all over the world, though most of it comes into the
United States. SHP is not the only heparin producing company in China, as the United States
buys heparin from about 13 different companies. In 2007, the companies caused trouble in the

Sydney Brooks
Fair Trade: Truth Behind the Product

United States when about 150 people died from allergic reactions to the Chinese heparin. During
production of the drug, the companies allowed workers to boil the pig intestines at their own
homes causing contamination.
World's Strongest Coffee. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2015, from
Death Wish coffee is a company that was created fairly recently. They are and have
always been a fully fair trade organization. All of their unique coffee beans can be traced back to
a place when the workers are paid fairly and work in a safe working environment. They are a
very honorable company.


Sydney Brooks
Fair Trade: Truth Behind the Product
Death Wish

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