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Building a Web Outline

Date: 3/26/2015

Subject: Reading/Writing/Language Arts

Grade: 5th

1a - Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
2a,b - Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital
environments and media b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a
variety of media and formats
3a - Use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity
3b - Use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, preparing
publications, and
producing other creative works
Timeline/structure of lesson:
Opening/Framing the Lesson/Introduction/Early
Day 1
ENGAGEMENT: In this lesson students will be given
different subjects that they all will be writing about and will
develop their own Web outline that will begin to eventually
develop into their paper with the use of technology such as
WiseMapping and Edmodo. To engage students, I will read
my paper over the topic that I choose using the
SmartBoard that I created, and show the students my own
web outline that I used to gather all my ideas. Students will
then be informed that they, too, will be creating their own
web outline using WiseMapping as well as sharing their
web outlines to the class using Edmodo. The end goal is for
students to have created a fully developed web outline
with enough thought out ideas to eventually turn them into
a paper on the subject they each choose.
The Lesson Structure:
EXPLORATION: Each student will have a computer (laptop
or ipad) for use at their desk. Together, as a class, we will
get into the websites. Students will watch directions on the
Smartboard as we proceed through the program(s)
together as a class. Students will have play time to learn
how to maneuver through the websites, learning how to
30 -40
edit the web outlines, and post on Edmodo.
For the rest of class time, students will be required to
choose 6 sub branches off the 3 main sub branches that
are different from the main idea of their topic for their
papers. They will, as well, post to one another what topic
they were assigned and respond to one another on
Edmodo providing additional ideas for other students.
Day 2

ELABORATION: Students will begin adding text under each

sub idea, a short sentence, and may add any picture
showing an understanding or relation to an idea or topic.
As well, each student must provide positive feedback and
additional ideas to a minimum of 3 other students in the

Read out loud to the class
example paper and go over
criteria, ideas,
wisemapping, web outline,

Students will be monitored

on their progress through
Students will share their
work through Edmodo, and
ask any needed questions.

ELABORATION: Students will have completed their web

outlines and shared them on Edmodo with the class.
Day 2
10 min.

EVALUATION: Students will be evaluated on their effort, as
well as following the directions properly that were provided

Students will be


to them at the beginning of the lesson. Students will be

graded on their overall participation within the classroom
as well.

encouraged to give positive

feedback to one anothers
outlines and ideas.

Homework: Students will research additional information

on their chosen assigned topics, and share their findings
with the class through Edmodo.

Students will log onto the

class Edmodo and post
their findings.

Self-Evaluation of the Lesson

The self-evaluation will be completed through provided rubric(s).
On day 3, all web topic outlines will be shared with entire class.

Laptops/ Ipads students will log into their accounts from their desks
WiseMapping students will create their own web outline
Edmodo students will share their work and ideas with the class as well as provide positive
feedback to one another
My Own Example web outline will be premade as an example for students

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