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Term 3 Goals & Objectives

My goals and objectives at the starting of the year and November

1) More French reading (all the time)
2) Speak in French at School 80% +

When thinking of my goals and objectives, I think I have

I think I have slightly improved my speaking in French at school but I
probably havent read more than 2 hours at home this whole term.
My goals and objectives for this final term are:
1) Speak more in French.

2) Improve my French writing


When thinking of the following classes

I think that I have improved onbecause

I will work on
I enjoy
I do not enjoy

I am good at
I find it difficult
My goal in this class is

I think its been really easy in Math this term, because we did some
easier subjects and I knew all of them anyway.
I think Ive improved a bit in French and I think Ive done some really good
Science de la Nature:
I think that this term I did really well in Science because Ive gotten really high
English and Language Arts:
Ive continued to do really well in this subject this term and one of the
highlights were the expository writing we did in January.
Physical Education
I continued to do well in gym this term, and made sure to pay a bit more
attention in health.
Sciences Humaine:
I did well in Social Studys this term and scored well on our ancient Egypt test.

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