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**** Jarrettsville, MD | ********** |

Current student at CCBC maintaining straight As or straight As and
is applying for the two year Vet Tech program that is offered at this
school. Plenty of experience interacting with or among animals since
I have not only grown up with them, but I have also worked with
them. Planning to work hard to be accepted into the program to start
off a career doing something that I would love, and to be a team
player and never give in no matter how tough. A very capable,
adaptable, and dependable friend, coworker, employee, or person in

Technologically coherent and adaptive
Worked with many different programs and software
Both mac and pc computer knowledge
Customer Service
Team work
Time Management
Critical Thinking


Barn care/management, (multiple barns)

A trusted employee left with responsibilities of managing and caring for
all animals (horses, dogs, and cats). In charge of other students
accessibility to equipment and supervised students interactions with the
animals. Managed wound care.

May 2010Current

Customer Service, The Seafood Stop

Coordination among coworkers to fully satisfy customers and given more
responsibility. Very dependable and trusted employee with useful
experience, as such, is especially needed on busy holidays. Answer phone
calls, take orders, stock the store, cashier, and give explanations to

confused or distressed customers on a daily basis.

Feb 2015Current

Volunteer/Shadow, Bel Air Veterinary Hospital

A journal is kept of all surgical or normal procedures that I watch (dental
cleanings, neuters/spays, mass removals, declawings, etc.) Assisted in
putting an IV in a cat as well as helped during a declawing procedure.

June 3, 2013

Diploma, North Harford High School

Aug 2013Dec 2014

No degree (transferred), Goucher College

Dec 2014- Current

Applying to Vet Tech program, CCBC (Essex)

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