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Correcciones para la leccin 40 de curso PREINTERMEDIO de INGLESTOTAL EXAMEN 11

1 My train leaves at 9.15 every morning.
2 Ive been working here since July.
3 We went to the theatre yesterday.
4 When I was a child I loved ice cream.
5 They dont believe us.
6 Well call you when we will get to the airport.
7 Mayumi was born in Tokyo.
8 Sergey is 25. (OR is 25 years old).
9 Are you hot in that sweater?
10 He can to speak four languages.
11 Do you want to speak to me?
12 I dont want to go to work today.
13 He sat in the meeting without speaking.
14 I went to the post office to buy stamps.
15 They told to me to leave.
16 I had to go to the hospital yesterday. [
17 Where can we change our money?
18 Are the children ready to leave?
19 Im not tired.
20 Where is the post office?
21 He smiled, but he didnt say anything.
22 They all speak English very well.
23 My sister is a doctor.
24 Im thirsty. Is there a bottle of water in the fridge?
25 Must I show my passport? (OR Do I have to )
26 Would you like a sandwich?
27 Nobody knows where she is.
28 Hes got a very loud voice.
29 Most of people like her.
30 Its the tallest building in the world.
31 Kim plays the piano much better than Henry.
32 When I saw Sue, I gave the present to her.
33 The Life is expensive in London.
34 Sorry, I havent got any time.
35 It is hotter today.
36 This room is too much cold. (OR much too cold)
37 The woman who helped me is there.
38 The police are looking for him.
39 Its nice to be here with my friends.
40 Eating fruit is good for you.
41 Please listen to me carefully.
42 We went to the caf yesterday afternoon.
43 I dont like flying very much.
44 This juice isnt cold enough.
45 Please give to me your email address. (OR give your email address to me)
46 I worked for three hours last night.
47 I will arrive on time if I will leave home now.
48 I dont believe anything that he says.
49 I asked her what her address was.
50 This coffee isnt very strong, is it?

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