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Satvika Madadi

Mrs. Gardner
English 0
4 Dec 2014
Servicing the target
The man moved
In swift motions,
Almost like he was flying.
I fly after him,
Like a hungry tiger racing after its prey.
I know what he did.
I know who he killed.
And I know that I want revenge,
That I need revenge.
I pause, aim, and fire.
An eye for and eye,
And a life for a life.
A gunshot blared through the night sky,
And he falls to his death
A feeling of defeat consumes me,
For at that moment I realize that
My hands shall be forever stained,
Forever bloodied.
Drowned with tears of sorrow,
And emotions steering my mind,
I pause, aim, and fire:
Relieving myself of the agony that was driving me insane.

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