Russia Questions

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1. While reading, list in chronological order the rulers of Russia.

Ivan the Terrible, Michael

Romanov then Peter the Great.
2. Identify the following terms: boyar, czar, westernization. Boyars- Russias landowning
Czar-absolute ruler of Russia, kind of like a dictator
Westernization- Using Western Europe as a model for change.
3. How did Ivan the Terrible deal with his enemies during his "bad period"? He hired his
own police force and ordered them to track down and murder whoever he
considered to be a traitor.
4. Why did Peter the Great believe that Russia's future depended on having a warm-water
port? Because only then could Russia compete with more modern states of
Western Europe.
5. What were some of the ways Peter attempted to westernize Russia? He introduced
potatoes, started Russias first newspaper, and raised womens status by allowing
them to attend social gatherings.
6. Who do you believe was more of an absolute monarch: Ivan IV or Peter the Great?
Explain with
evidence to support your answer. I think Peter the Great was more of an absolute
monarch. He made more impacts and changes affecting Russias future. He went
off this concept of westernization which connected Russian culture to Western
7. Which class of Russian society probably did not benefit from Peter's reforms? Why?
Upper-class did not benefit from Peters reforms. They did not benefit because
Peter reduced the power of great landowners, and recruited men from lower rank
families and promoted them to positions of authority.
8. How might Peter's attempts at westernization have affected his people's opinion of
Christians in
Europe? I think Peter may have angered them when he abolished the officer of
patriarch and set up the group called the Holy Synod which had to run the church
under his orders.
9. Which event in your reading do you believe had the most impact on modern Russia?
Why? I think westernization impacted modern day Russia the most. I think this
because during this westernization he broadened the horizons of Russia and
opened up new opportunities for their country as a whole.
10. Write a one-paragraph expository essay explaining which of Peter's actions reveal that
he saw
himself as the highest authority in Russia. Creating the seaport names St.
Petersburg. He created a seaport that would make it easier to travel from Russia
to Western Europe and named it after himself hence the name St. Petersburg.
After creating this, he got Russia in a long drawn out war (that lasted 21 years) to

gain control of the Baltic coast. This war could have simply been prevented but
Peter became greedy and wanted to gain control over the Baltic coast.

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