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Answer in detail and specific these based concept questions

According to your exhibition topic


In terms of governance, who
plays a role in tackling the
problems that exist in the
topic of your exhibitions?

Integrated Plan of Arrangement Settlements prevention
Flood and Ciliwung river conducted by the regional
planning development (BAPPEDA) DKI Jakarta.
(Rencana Terpadu Penganggulangan Banjir dan Penataan
Pemukiman Bantaran Sungai Ciliwung dilakukan oleh
Badan perencanaan pembangunan daerah (Bappeda)
DKI Jakarta)

BPLHD (Badan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup

1.Coordination and control of the environment include
Governance, Conservation and Disaster Mitigation and
Planning Law, Partnerships and Capacity Environment
2.Penyelenggaraan facilitation of environmental control
to the District / City and partners in the environmental

Mention the functions / roles

of them to overcome the
problems in the topic
(government body who
involve in the topic)

Indonesian rules of law

1. Kepmen LH No. 115 / 2003
2. Kepmen LH No. 35 / 1995
3. Permen PU 06/PRT/M/2011
4. Permenhut P.70/Menhut-II/2008
5. PP No. 35 / 1991
6. PP No. 37 / 2012
7. PP No. 38 / 2011
DPRs responsibilities:
Absorb, collect, accommodate and follow the
aspirations of the citizen
Assign the act together with the President
Approve or disapprove of government regulation
in replace of Law (by the President) to set to
become law
1. Menyerap, menghimpun, menampung dan
menindaklanjuti aspirasi rakyat
2. Menetapkan UU bersama dengan Presiden
3. Menyetujui atau tidak menyetujui peraturan
pemerintah pengganti UU (yang diajukan
Presiden) untuk ditetapkan menjadi UU
President/Vice presidents responsibilities:
Makes provision for government regulation
Membuat ketetapan peraturan pemerintah

Ministry of environment and forests


Formulation of national policy in the field of

environment and forestry
Coordinating the implementation of policies in the
field of environment and forestry
Management of property / wealth of the country
which they are responsible
Supervision over the execution of their duties
Submitting the evaluation report, suggestion, and
consideration in tasks and functions to the
Tugas dan tanggung jawab kementrian
lingkungan hidup dan kehutanan:

perumusan kebijakan nasional di bidang

lingkungan hidup dan kehutanan
koordinasi pelaksanaan kebijakan di bidang
lingkungan hidup dan kehutanan
pengelolaan barang milik/kekayaan negara yang
menjadi tanggung jawabnya
pengawasan atas pelaksanaan tugasnya
penyampaian laporan hasil evaluasi, saran, dan
pertimbangan di bidang tugas dan fungsinya
kepada Presiden.

BAPPEDAs Responsibilities:
BAPPEDA has the task of preparing, controlling and
evaluating the implementation of local development
plans, the implementation of research and development,
and management of regional statistics.
Bappeda (Badan Perencanaan pembangunan daerah)
mempunyai tugas menyusun, mengendalikan dan
mengevaluasi pelaksanaan rencana pembangunan
daerah, penyelenggaraan penelitian dan
pengembangan, dan pengelolaan statistik daerah.
BPLHD (Badan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup
1.Coordination and control of the environment include
Governance, Conservation and Disaster Mitigation and
Planning Law, Partnerships and Capacity Environment
2.Penyelenggaraan facilitation of environmental control
to the District / City and partners in the environmental

lingkungan hidup meliputi Tata Kelola, Konservasi dan
Mitigasi Bencana dan Penataan Hukum, Kemitraan dan
Pengemabangan Kapasitas Lingkungan;
2.Penyelenggaraan fasilitasi pengendalian lingkungan
hidup kepada Kabupaten/Kota dan mitra kerja di bidang
lingkungan hidup;
BPDASPS (Bina pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai dan
Perhutanan Sosial)
To formulate and implement policies and technical
standardization in the field of watershed management
and Social Forestry
Tugasnya adalah merumuskan dan melaksanakan
kebijakan serta standarisasi teknis di bidang pengelolaan
DAS dan Perhutanan Sosial

Make a chart / image

organizational structure
based on the answers no 1
to show the way
government body organize
the system

What kind of Indonesian

citizen rights that
government needs to fulfill
regarding to your topic?

Educate people about the important of the river

as sources of water to fulfill peoples need.
Campaign to support peoples awareness about
waste management
NO Littering in the river
Initiative for preserving the ecosystem at
Ciliwung river

Which government laws that

are used to manage all
issues related to your topic?
( Who is issuing the rules ,
What chapter/number-year,
statement of its rules )

Teach local school children about river ecosystem

Cleaning up rubbish in the river together with
local community
Build mini conservation to preserve fresh water
fishes being extinct
3R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycled to minimize
Diet plastic bag by using fabric bag, to minimize
using plastic bag which difficult to decompose
Fishing using appropriate tools


(Chapter 1/ number 2 and 7-2012)
2. Pengelolaan DAS adalah upaya manusia dalam
mengatur hubungan timbal balik antara sumberdaya
alam dengan manusia di dalam DAS dan segala
aktivitasnya, agar terwujud kelestarian dan keserasian
sumberdaya alam bagi manusia secara berkelanjutan.
6. Daya Dukung DAS adalah kemampuan DAS untuk
mewujudkan kelestarian dan keserasian ekosistem serta
meningkatnya kemanfaatan sumberdaya alam bagi

How government bodies

fulfill Indonesian citizens
equally in order the get their

pemerintahan non kementerian, pemerintah provinsi,
dengan pengelolaan das.
With the involvement of the watershed forum and the
parties in the Integrated watershed management
programs and activities expected of each sector can be
integrated and mutually supportive:

Mention the impact /

consequences of the

Cleaning waste and planting trees in body and

cooperation between Ciliwung river banks Jakarta
provincial government to kapassus
Campaign by Ministry of environment and forest:
Indonesia clean litter 2020
River Border Policy-Directorate General of Water
Resources, Ministry of Public Works
Rules and laws
Build TPS (Tempat pembuangan sampah) in
different areas.
Establish trash bank to recycled garbage and
citizens entrepreneurship
to achieve sustainability and harmony of ecosystems
and natural resources for the benefit of increasing the

government's decision in
implementing the rules for
citizens for the sake of
fulfilling citizens rights

human and other living things in a sustainable manner

How do citizens play roles/

responsibilities for the
implementation of these

Joint Action Ciliwung to save river:

Together, We implement of responsibilities to save
Ciliwung river ( LSM, Local citizens, students, university,
Ecotourism Ciliwung
Programme of Action Ciliwung Net
Operation Clean Ciliwung
Campaign Clean River I
Campaign Clean River II
One Million Stream Ciliwung Action
Festival of Cultural Movement Ciliwung float
Campaign Clean River III
Save the River & Watershed Ciliwung
bebersih Ciliwung
Festival Ciliwung
Campaign Clean River IV
chipped in Cliwung
A Beautiful Day In Ciliwung
Stop nyampah in time IV
visit year Ciliwung
Dialogue for Action Intraktif Rescue Ciliwung
Parade getek Charm Ciliwung
Community Action To Rescue Ciliwung
Ngariung Ciliwung
Workshop on Environmental Degradation Control and
Climate Change in the watershed Ciliwung
Children and Ciliwung

Why should citizens choose

the right government and its
system to our country?

Citizens choose the right government and its system to

our country because government has planning to make
rules and laws for the citizens to save river, any
problems of Ciliwung, citizens work together as a
stakeholder to deliver the condition of river and the
government is the one to make planning, organize,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

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