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Human Body


Organisms such as plants or animals are
made of tissues, which are made up of
individual cells that share a similar
structure and function.
In humans there are four basic tissue types:
Epithelial Tissue
Connective Tissue
Muscle Tissue
Nervous Tissue

Tightly fitted cells with very limited intracellular
substances. All epithelial tissues share a common
basement membrane and have one of three main cell
shapes: Columnar, cuboidal and squamous. The number
of cell layers fall into simples and stratified.

Consists of different types of cells and abundant intercellular

substances, and it connects different tissues and organs that depending

on their functions they are divide into tow specific groups:
Tissues with protective and nutritive functions
Tissues with supportive functions

Muscles tissues composes muscle to enable motion
and mechanical work as in contracting and relaxing.
There are 3 main types of muscle tissues:
Skeletal muscles are the most amount of tissues in
the vertebrate body. These bones are attached to
the many bones which will allow motion movement.
Cardiac muscles are found around the heart and is
the wall which helps pump blood.
Smooth muscles are thin, long muscles cells called
fibers. They form muscle layers in organs with
hollow walls like the uterus, bladder, esophagus,
and etc.

Nervous tissues are made of special cells called neurons.
These tissues function by reacting to certain situations and
then travels to certain organs to help respond to that
situation which are impulses.
Neurons are sensitive and transmit impulses quickly.
A nerve consists of many neurons attached to connective.
Nerve tissues are in the brain, spinal cord, peripheral
nerves which is spead into the rest of the body.

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