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List of unit, ammo, and vehicles names and inventory items for use in modding Men of war assault

squad 2.
This is an in progress list that will eventually include every unit and ammo type in the game's name in the script of the
The purpose of this list is for those of us who change what unit is spawned by cheatmod spawns and/or add ammo
types into the unlimited ammo script.
Note that you will have an easyer time of using this guide if you search it for the unit or ammo type you are looking
Soviet Union.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AT Rifleman.
name in the script: Human "mp/rus/at_rifle"
{item "ptrs" filled {cell 0 0}{user "hand_right"}}
{item "ppsh" filled {cell 0 2}}
{item "pistol" "ammo" 100 {cell 4 2}}
{item "pistol" "ammo" 100 {cell 4 3}}
{item "pistol" "ammo" 100 {cell 0 4}}
{item "pistol" "ammo" 100 {cell 2 4}}
{item "pistol" "ammo" 100 {cell 4 4}}
{item "bandage" 3 {cell 0 5}}
{item "rpg40" "grenade" {cell 2 5}}
{item "ptr" "ammo" 5 {cell 4 5}}
{item "ptr" "ammo" 5 {cell 0 6}}
{item "ptr" "ammo" 5 {cell 2 6}}
{item "ptr" "ammo" 5 {cell 4 6}}
{item "ptr" "ammo" 5 {cell 0 7}}
{item "helmet1_rus" {cell 2 7}{user "head"}}

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Faction unknown as of now (Working on figuring out where they go (Any help would be appreceated in figuring out
what faction these units go into))
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GMC CCKW-353
Name in the script: Entity "gmc_cckw"
{item "repair_kit" {cell 0 2}}
{item "can" filling "fuel" 60 {cell 2 2}}
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GMC CCKW
Name in the script: Entity "gmc_eng"
{item "sandbag_kit" 10 {cell 2 0}}
{item "sandbag_kit" 10 {cell 2 2}}
{item "sandbag_kit" 10 {cell 4 0}}
{item "sandbag_kit" 10 {cell 4 2}}
{item "barbwire_kit" {cell 2 4}}
{item "barbwire_kit" {cell 2 6}}
{item "barrel" 2 filling "fuel" 500 {cell 0 7}}
{item "barbwire_kit" {cell 4 4}}
{item "barbwire_kit" {cell 4 6}}
{item "dynamite" 5 {cell 2 8}}
{item "antitank" "mine" 20 {cell 0 5}}
{item "antipersonnel" "mine" 30 {cell 0 4}}
{item "antipersonnel" "mine" 30 {cell 1 4}}
{item "repair_kit" {cell 4 8}}
{item "hedgehog_kit" 1 {cell 0 2}}
{item "hedgehog_kit" 1 {cell 0 0}}
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GMC Refueller

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Name in the script: Entity "gmc_fuel"

{item "repair_kit" {cell 0 0}}
{item "antitank" "mine" 10 {cell 2 0}}
{item "antitank" "mine" 10 {cell 4 0}}
{item "antipersonnel" "mine" 25 {cell 0 2}}
{item "n73at" "grenade" 20 {cell 1 2}}
{item "m61" "grenade" 15 {cell 3 2}}
{item "bandage" 20 {cell 4 3}}
{item "bandage" 20 {cell 4 2}}
{item "calliope" "ammo" 60 {cell 0 3}}
{item "can" {cell 4 4}}
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Soviet Union.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------M26 Pershing
Name in the script: Entity "m26_pershing"
{item "repair_kit" 2 {cell 0 0}}
{item "dynamite" {cell 2 0}}
{item "can" filling "fuel" 60 {cell 4 0}}
{item "bullet90" "ap" "ammo" 45 {cell 0 2}}
{item "bullet90" "fg" "ammo" 25 {cell 0 3}}
{item "bullet90" "apcr" "ammo" 5 {cell 0 4}}
{item "browning" filled {cell 0 5}{user "mgun"}}
{item "hmgun" "ammo" 550 {cell 0 7}}
{item "mgun" "ammo" 2500 {cell 2 7}}
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Willys MB. Comes in 2 types of camo.
Name in the script (urban camo): Entity "willysmb"
Name in the script (desert camo): Entity "willysmb_eng"
Inventory (Same for both camos):

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{item "repair_kit" {cell 0 0}}
{item "can" filling "fuel" 60 {cell 2 0}}
{item "browning_m19" filled {cell 0 3}{user "mgun"}}
{item "mgun" "ammo" 1200 {cell 3 2}}
Crew: 3
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Willys AT
Name in the script: Entity "willysat"
{item "repair_kit" {cell 0 0}}
{item "can" filling "fuel" 60 {cell 2 0}}
{item "bazooka" "ammo" 20 {cell 2 2}}
Crew: 2
Name in the script: Entity "m3_usa"
{item "repair_kit" {cell 0 0}}
{item "can" filling "fuel" 60 {cell 2 0}}
{item "n73at" "grenade" 10 {cell 4 0}}
{item "m61" "grenade" 25 {cell 4 1}}
{item "smoke" "grenade" 10 {cell 0 2}}
{item "bandage" 10 {cell 2 2}}
{item "dynamite" {cell 4 2}}
{item "browning" filled {cell 0 4}{user "mgun"}}
{item "mgun" "ammo" 2500 {cell 0 3}}
{item "hmgun" "ammo" 1000 {cell 2 6}}
Crew: 2 (can transport a total of 10 men)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GMC CCKW. Comes in 3 variants 2 with infentry ammo and one with AT and Arty ammo.
Name in script (AT Variant): Entity "gmc_art"

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{item "mgun" "ammo" 5000 {cell 0 0}}
{item "pistol" "ammo" 2000 {cell 2 0}}
{item "rifle" "ammo" 500 {cell 4 0}}
{item "m61" "grenade" 20 {cell 5 0}}
{item "n73at" "grenade" 10 {cell 6 0}}
{item "smoke" "grenade" 10 {cell 8 0}}
{item "bullet37" "ap" "ammo" 75 {cell 0 1}}
{item "bullet37" "fg" "ammo" 75 {cell 3 1}}
{item "bazooka" "ammo" 20 {cell 6 1}}
{item "m18recoilless" "ammo" 20 {cell 8 1}}
{item "bullet57" "ap" "ammo" 50 {cell 0 2}}
{item "bullet57" "fg" "ammo" 50 {cell 4 2}}
{item "bullet75" "ap" "ammo" 50 {cell 0 3}}
{item "bullet75" "fg" "ammo" 50 {cell 5 3}}
{item "bullet76" "fg" "ammo" 50 {cell 0 4}}
{item "bullet76" "ap" "ammo" 50 {cell 5 4}}
{item "bullet90" "fg" "ammo" 50 {cell 0 5}}
{item "bullet90" "ap" "ammo" 50 {cell 5 5}}
{item "bullet105" "fg" "ammo" 50 {cell 0 6}}
{item "bullet155" "fg" "ammo" 50 {cell 5 6}}
{item "bullet20" "zenite" "ammo" 400 {cell 0 7}}
{item "bullet40" "zenite" "ammo" 400 {cell 2 7}}
{item "hmgun" "ammo" 3000 {cell 4 7}}
{item "mortar" "fg" "ammo" 100 {cell 8 2}}
{item "calliope" "ammo" 200 {cell 6 7}}
{item "barrel" 2 filling "fuel" 500 {cell 4 9}}
Crew: 2
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GMC CCKW. Comes in 3 variants 2 with infentry ammo and one with AT and Arty ammo.
Name in script (infentry ammo version): Entity "gmc_inf"
{item "mgun" "ammo" 5000 {cell 0 0}}
{item "pistol" "ammo" 2000 {cell 2 0}}
{item "rifle" "ammo" 500 {cell 4 0}}
{item "m61" "grenade" 20 {cell 5 0}}
{item "n73at" "grenade" 10 {cell 0 1}}
{item "smoke" "grenade" 10 {cell 2 1}}
{item "bazooka" "ammo" 10 {cell 4 1}}
{item "m18recoilless" "ammo" 10 {cell 0 2}}
{item "bullet37" "fg" "ammo" 50 {cell 2 2}}
{item "mortar" "fg" "ammo" 60 {cell 0 3}}
{item "antipersonnel" "mine" 50 {cell 5 2}}
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{item "repair_kit" {cell 0 4}}

{item "bandage" 50 {cell 4 5}}
{item "dynamite" 2 {cell 2 3}}
Crew: 2
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GMC CCKW. Comes in 3 variants 2 with infentry ammo and one with AT and Arty ammo.
Name in script (base version): Entity "gmc"
{item "mgun" "ammo" 5000 {cell 0 0}}
{item "pistol" "ammo" 2000 {cell 2 0}}
{item "rifle" "ammo" 500 {cell 4 0}}
{item "m61" "grenade" 20 {cell 5 0}}
{item "n73at" "grenade" 10 {cell 0 1}}
{item "smoke" "grenade" 10 {cell 2 1}}
{item "bazooka" "ammo" 10 {cell 4 1}}
{item "m18recoilless" "ammo" 10 {cell 0 2}}
{item "bandage" 15 {cell 2 2}}
{item "can" {cell 0 3}}
{item "repair_kit" {cell 2 3}}
{item "dynamite" {cell 0 5}}
Crew: 2
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Willys MB. Comes in 2 types of camo.
Name in the script (urban camo): Entity "willysmb"
Name in the script (desert camo): Entity "willysmb_eng"
Inventory (Same for both camos):
{item "repair_kit" {cell 0 0}}
{item "can" filling "fuel" 60 {cell 2 0}}
{item "browning_m19" filled {cell 0 3}{user "mgun"}}
{item "mgun" "ammo" 1200 {cell 3 2}}

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chi-ha 57
Name in the script: Entity "chi-ha57"
{item "repair_kit" 2 {cell 0 0}}
{item "dynamite" {cell 2 0}}
{item "can" filling "fuel" 60 {cell 4 0}}
{item "mgun" "ammo" 2350 {cell 4 2}}
{item "bullet57" "ap" "ammo" 70 {cell 0 2}}
{item "bullet57" "fg" "ammo" 35 {cell 1 5}}
{item "bullet57" "apcr" "ammo" 5 {cell 2 3}}
Name in the script: Entity "ha-go"
{item "repair_kit" 2 {cell 0 0}}
{item "dynamite" {cell 2 0}}
{item "can" filling "fuel" 60 {cell 4 0}}
{item "bullet37" "ap" "ammo" 68 {cell 0 2}}
{item "bullet37" "fg" "ammo" 50 {cell 3 2}}
{item "mgun" "ammo" 2400 {cell 0 4}}
{item "bullet37" "apcr" "ammo" 5 {cell 2 3}}
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ho-Ni 1
Name in the script: Entity "ho-ni1"
{item "repair_kit" 2 {cell 0 0}}
{item "can" filling "fuel" 60 {cell 4 0}}
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"bullet75" "fg" "ammo" 25 {cell 0 3}}

"bullet75" "apcr" "ammo" 5 {cell 0 4}}
"bullet75" "ap" "ammo" 45 {cell 0 2}}
"dynamite" {cell 0 5}}

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ho-Ni 2
Name in the script: Entity "ho-ni2"
{item "repair_kit" 2 {cell 0 0}}
{item "can" filling "fuel" 60 {cell 4 0}}
{item "bullet105" "fg" "ammo" 30 {cell 0 2}}
{item "dynamite" {cell 0 3}}
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ho-Ni 3
Name in the script: Entity "ho-ni_3"
{item "repair_kit" 2 {cell 0 0}}
{item "dynamite" {cell 2 0}}
{item "can" filling "fuel" 60 {cell 4 0}}
{item "bullet75" "ap" "ammo" 45 {cell 0 2}}
{item "bullet75" "apcr" "ammo" 5 {cell 0 3}}
{item "bullet75" "fg" "ammo" 25 {cell 0 4}}
Name in the script: Entity "ho-ro"
{item "repair_kit" 2 {cell 0 0}}
{item "dynamite" {cell 2 0}}
{item "can" filling "fuel" 60 {cell 4 0}}
{item "bullet150" "sm" "ammo" 12 {cell 0 2}}
{item "bullet150" "fg" "ammo" 30 {cell 0 3}}

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Name in the script: Entity "ke-nu"
{item "repair_kit" 2 {cell 0 0}}
{item "dynamite" {cell 2 0}}
{item "can" filling "fuel" 60 {cell 4 0}}
{item "bullet57" "fg" "ammo" 50 {cell 0 2}}
{item "bullet57" "apcr" "ammo" 5 {cell 0 4}}
{item "mgun" "ammo" 2400 {cell 4 2}}
{item "bullet57" "ap" "ammo" 50 {cell 0 5}}
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Isuzu Mortar truck.
Name in the script: Entity "isuzutx40_mort"
{item "repair_kit" {cell 0 0}}
{item "can" filling "fuel" 60 {cell 2 0}}
{item "mortar" "fg" "ammo" 120 {cell 4 1}}
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Isuzu AA truck.
Name in the script: Entity "isuzutx40_aa"
{item "repair_kit" {cell 0 0}}
{item "can" filling "fuel" 60 {cell 2 0}}
{item "bullet20" "zenite" "ammo" 400 {cell 4 0}}
{item "bullet20" "zenite" "ammo" 200 {cell 2 2}}
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Isuzu truck.
Name in the script: Entity "isuzutx40_eng"
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{item "hedgehog_kit" 1 {cell 0 2}}
{item "sandbag_kit" 10 {cell 2 0}}
{item "sandbag_kit" 10 {cell 2 2}}
{item "sandbag_kit" 10 {cell 4 0}}
{item "sandbag_kit" 10 {cell 4 2}}
{item "barbwire_kit" {cell 2 4}}
{item "barbwire_kit" {cell 2 6}}
{item "barbwire_kit" {cell 4 4}}
{item "barbwire_kit" {cell 4 6}}
{item "antitank" "mine" 20 {cell 0 5}}
{item "antipersonnel" "mine" 30 {cell 0 4}}
{item "antipersonnel" "mine" 30 {cell 1 4}}
{item "barrel" 2 filling "fuel" 500 {cell 0 7}}
{item "dynamite" 5 {cell 2 8}}
{item "repair_kit" {cell 4 8}}
{item "hedgehog_kit" 1 {cell 0 0}}
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chi-Ha 47
Name in script: Entity "chi-ha47"
{item "repair_kit" 2 {cell 0 0}}
{item "dynamite" {cell 2 0}}
{item "can" filling "fuel" 60 {cell 4 0}}
{item "bullet47" "ap" "ammo" 74 {cell 0 2}}
{item "bullet47" "fg" "ammo" 45 {cell 3 2}}
{item "bullet47" "apcr" "ammo" 5 {cell 0 3}}
{item "type99lmg" filled {cell 0 4}{user "mgun"}}
{item "mgun" "ammo" 2350 {cell 4 3}}
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chi-Ha 120
Name in script: Entity "chi-ha120"
{item "repair_kit" 2 {cell 0 0}}
{item "dynamite" {cell 2 0}}
{item "can" filling "fuel" 60 {cell 4 0}}
{item "bullet120" "fg" "ammo" 24 {cell 0 2}}
{item "type99lmg" filled {cell 0 3}{user "mgun"}}
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{item "mgun" "ammo" 2350 {cell 3 5}}

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------M1 Mortar
Name in script: Entity "m1mortar"
{item "repair_kit" {cell 4 0}}
{item "sandbag_kit2" {cell 2 0}}
{item "mortar" "fg" "ammo" 120 {cell 0 1}}
Crew: 2
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------M3 AT-Gun
Name in the script: Entity "m3cannon"
{item "repair_kit" {cell 4 0}}
{item "bullet37" "apcr" "ammo" 5 {cell 0 3}}
{item "bullet37" "fg" "ammo" 5 {cell 0 2}}
{item "bullet37" "ap" "ammo" 50 {cell 0 1}}
Crew: 2
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------M5 AT-Gun
Name in the script: Entity "m5"
{item "repair_kit" {cell 4 0}}
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"sandbag_kit2" {cell 0 0}}

"bullet76" "apcr" "ammo" 5 {cell 0 5}}
"bullet76" "fg" "ammo" 5 {cell 0 4}}
"bullet76" "ap" "ammo" 50 {cell 0 3}}

Crew: 2
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------M1 AT-Gun
Name in the script: Entity "m1_57mm"
{item "repair_kit" {cell 4 0}}
{item "bullet57" "apcr" "ammo" 5 {cell 0 3}}
{item "bullet57" "fg" "ammo" 5 {cell 0 2}}
{item "bullet57" "ap" "ammo" 50 {cell 0 1}}
Crew: 2
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------40mm M1 Bofors L/60
Name in the script: Entity "bofors"
{item "repair_kit" {cell 4 2}}
{item "bullet40" "zenite" "ammo" 336 {cell 2 2}}
{item "bullet40" "zenite" "ammo" 400 {cell 0 2}}
Crew: 2
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Soviet Union

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