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Plan Project

Technology Plan Project

EDTC 520
December 1, 2014
Robyn Brooks
Serria Eraseren
Michael Roussell

Technology Plan Project



QUESTION 1 ................................................................................................................................................. 8, 15-16

QUESTION 2 .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
QUESTION 3 ..................................................................................................................................................... 16-29
QUESTION 4 ..................................................................................................................................................... 45-46
QUESTION 5 ..................................................................................................................................................... 25-27
QUESTION 6 ..................................................................................................................................................... 57-61
QUESTION 7 ..................................................................................................................................................... 17-21
QUESTION 8 ..................................................................................................................................................... 61-62
QUESTION 9 ............................................................................................................................................................ 19

Technology Plan Project


1. What is your districts vision or mission statement? Five years from now, would a visitor
coming to your school see the technology supporting learning and teaching? Would there
be an improvement from today?
The mission statement for the Ontario Montclair School District is to provide a world-class
education to all of its students in a respectful and safe manner. The OMSD is committed to
empowering its students, families, and staff and cultivate partnerships with businesses,
communities and non-profit agencies.
The districts plan is to:
1) Promote proficiency for all students as defined in State standards by embedding
writing and balanced literacy in all content areas and accelerating the reclassification
of EL students
2) Develop students to have the knowledge and skills to ensure proficiency in Algebra
by the end of 8th grade
3) Promote technological literacy as an integral educational tool for all students and staff
4) Preserve essential programs and services for students by promoting cost saving
initiatives, exploring green technologies, evaluating assets and exploring revenue
options to maintain solvency
Five years from now a visitor coming to this school district would see technology supporting
learning and teaching. The plan details current access by teachers and students, current use of
technology to support teaching and learning. The five-year plan also details the districts
curricular goals to support this plan. Lastly the Ontario Montclair School District shows
acquiring technology skills and information literacy skills. After reading the OMSD technology
plan there would be an improvement for teachers and especially for students.
2. Has the district established levels of proficiency in technology by grade levels? If so, are
these proficiencies woven into the academic curriculum? Are they taught in separate
stand-alone technology?
The OMSD Technology Plan does not establish levels of proficiency in technology by grade levels. The
OMSD establishes levels of proficiency by, establishing a clear connection between curriculum
development processes integration which requires the district to reach an agreement about the role of
technology and how it is applied to learning. Throughout the school system Common Core technology
integration will be identified in several different areas that will have a positive impact on the students,
teachers and principals.

Teachers and principals identified several areas for improvement:

Teaching 21st Century Skills

Technology Plan Project


Teaching basic technology skills

Students using technology to take responsibility for their learning
Assuring that there are adequate technology resources in all classrooms
In addition, surveyed teachers and principals demonstrated that they are technology savvy i n
their professional and personal lives:
92.3% of the teachers and 94.7% of the principals have a high-speed Internet
connection at home.
68.5% of the teachers and 81.6% of the principals responded that they have a
Smartphone and they use it on a regular basis.
Over 30% of the teachers and principals responded that they use MP3 Players, GPS
Devices, e-readers, and tablets on a regular basis.
27.1% of the teachers responded that were somewhat dissatisfied with the level of
access to technology for learning while at school, while 36.4% of the principals
responded that they were satisfied with the level of access.
3. What are some of the classroom management strategies that work with the amount of
technology actually available in the classrooms?
This plan has a detailed outline of its management strategies. Here are some of the
management strategies.
Section 3d. Teaching and learning goals
Goal 3d.1 Math and Language Arts
OMSD students will meet state and federal targets for student achievement in math and
language arts.
By June 2017, 95% of teachers will be able to select and effectively apply the appropriate
instructional technology to ensure all students meet state and federal targets for achievement
in math and language arts.
Benchmark 3d.1
Year 1: By June 2015, 70% of teachers will be able to select and apply the
appropriate instructional technology to ensure all students meet state and federal targets
for achievement in math and language arts.
Year 2: By June 2016, 85% of teachers will be able to select and apply the
appropriate instructional technology to ensure all students meet state and federal targets
for achievement in math and language arts.
Year 3: By June 2017, 95% of teachers will be able to select and apply the appropriate
instructional technology to ensure all students meet state and federal targets for
achievement in math and language arts.

Technology Plan Project


Benchmark 3d.2
Year 1: By June 2015, 55% of students will be able to select and apply the
appropriate technology tools and resources utilizing critical thinking and 21st century
skills to analyze, create and present on selected topics.
Year 2: By June 2016, 70% of students will be able to select and apply the
appropriate technology tools and resources utilizing critical thinking and 21st century
skills to analyze, create and present on selected topics.
Year 3: By June 2017, 85% of students will be able to select and apply the
appropriate technology tools and resources utilizing critical thinking and 21st century
skills to analyze, create and present on selected topics.
Section 3e. Acquiring technology skills and information literacy skills
Goal 3e.1. Literacy Skills
Students will become proficient at locating, accessing, and evaluating information and
resources (including online reference databases and practice tests) on the Internet. Search
strategies will be taught as appropriate per grade level.
Objective 3e.1
By June 2017, 85% of students will use grade level appropriate technology to demonstrate
competency by engaging in at least one appropriate research based project per trimester as
defined by Common Core State Standards, requiring them to conduct effective searches and
demonstrate their ability to locate, access, and evaluate information and resources from the
Objective 3e.1 Benchmarks
Year 1: By June 2015, 55% of students will use grade level appropriate technology to
demonstrate competency by engaging in at least one appropriate research based project
per trimester as defined by Common Core State Standards, requiring them to conduct
effective searches and demonstrate their ability to locate, access, and evaluate
information and resources from the Internet.
Year 2: By June 2016, 70% of students will use grade level appropriate technology to
demonstrate competency by engaging in at least one appropriate research based project
per trimester as defined by Common Core State Standards, requiring them to conduct
effective searches and demonstrate their ability to locate, access, and evaluate
information and resources from the Internet.
Year 3: By June 2017, 85% of students will use grade level appropriate technology to
demonstrate competency by engaging in at least one appropriate research based project
per trimester as defined by Common Core State Standards, requiring them to conduct
effective searches and demonstrate their ability to locate, access, and evaluate
information and resources from the Internet.

Technology Plan Project


Section 3f. Ethical use

Goal 3f.1 Copyright and fair use
All students in our District will be able to distinguish lawful from unlawful uses of
copyrighted works, including the following topics:
The concept and purpose of both copyright and fair use
Distinguishing lawful from unlawful downloading and peer-to-peer file sharing
How to avoid plagiarism
Legal sources of materials for academic uses.
Objective 3f.1
By June 2017, 85% of students will demonstrate grade-level proficiency in the concept and
purpose of both copyright and fair use, distinguishing lawful from unlawful
downloading and peer-to-peer file sharing, how to avoid plagiarism, and legal sources of
materials for academic uses.
Benchmark 3f.1
Year 1: By June 2015, 70% of students will demonstrate grade-level proficiency in the
concept and purpose of both copyright and fair use, distinguishing lawful from
unlawful downloading and peer-to-peer file sharing, how to avoid plagiarism, and legal
sources of materials for academic
Section 3g. Internet safety

Goal 3g.1 Policies for internet safety

Students in our District will be educated to be safe, responsible users of digital tools in the
21st century; students will be knowledgeable of Internet safety including:
Awareness of District acceptable use policies and practices
Awareness and dangers of cyber bullying
Protection against online predators
How to maintain online privacy
How to report Internet safety concerns
Objective 3g.1
By June 2017, 95% of students will demonstrate grade-level proficiency in understanding
the Districts acceptable use policy, what constitutes cyber bullying, how to protect
themselves from online predators, maintain online privacy, and report Internet safety
Benchmark 3g.1
Year 1: By June 2015, 70% of students will demonstrate grade-level proficiency in
understanding the Districts acceptable use policy, what constitutes cyber bullying, how
to protect themselves from online predators, maintain online privacy, and report Internet
safety concerns.

Technology Plan Project


Year 2: By June 2016, 85% of students will demonstrate grade-level proficiency in

understanding the Districts acceptable use policy, what constitutes cyber bullying, how
to protect themselves from online predators, maintain online privacy, and report Internet
safety concerns.
Year 3: By June 2017, 100% of students will demonstrate grade-level proficiency in
understanding the Districts acceptable use policy, what constitutes cyber bullying,
how to protect themselves from online predators, maintain online privacy, and
report Internet safety concerns.

Section 3i. Student record keeping

All administrators and teachers will use technology resources to facilitate data-driven decisionmaking, resulting in improved student academic achievement.
Objective 3i
By 2017, 100% teachers and administrators will access integrated online record and data
resources to record and monitor student progress, and inform and modify instruction to
address student needs.
Benchmark 3i
Year 1: By June 2015, 55% of teachers and administrators will access integrated
online records and data resources to record and monitor student progress, and inform and
modify instruction to address student needs.
Year 2: By June 2016, 75% of teachers and administrators will access integrated
online records and data resources to record and monitor student progress, and inform and
modify instruction to address student needs.
Year 3: By June 2017, 100% of teachers and administrators will access integrated online
records and data resources to record and monitor student progress, and inform and
modify instruction to address student needs.
Section 3j. Two-way home-school communication
Goal 3j.1 Parent access
OMSD will provide a comprehensive student management system that will provide parents
access to student data.
Objective 3j.1
By 2017, OMSD will make K-8 student information and school information (which may
include grades, attendance, assignments, standards being taught, transcripts, graduation
progress, and discipline) available through a secure parent portal, promoting timely twoway communication between home and school.
Benchmark 3j.1
Year 1: By June 2015, OMSD will make 7th and 8th grade information (which may

Technology Plan Project


include grades, attendance, assignments, standards being taught, transcripts, graduation

progress, and discipline) available through a secure parent portal, promoting timely twoway communication between home and school.
Year 2: By June 2016, OMSD will make 5th and 6th grade information (which may
include grades, attendance, assignments, standards being taught, transcripts, graduation
progress, and discipline) available through a secure parent portal, promoting timely twoway communication between home and school.
Year 3: By June 2017, OMSD will make TK through 8th grade information (which
may include grades, attendance, assignments, standards being taught, transcripts,
graduation progress, and discipline) available through a secure parent portal,
promoting timely two- way communication between home and school.
Goal 3j.2

Implement the use of social media tools to increase parent awareness and participation in school
and District-level activities. Encourage social media pilot programs, such as the use of Twitter
for parent communication
Objective 3j.2

By June 2017, schools and the District will use social media tools to increase parent awareness
and participation in school and District-level activities.
Benchmarks 3j.2
Year 1: By June 2015, the District will use social media tools to increase two-way
communication between home and school.
Year 2: By June 2016, schools will use social media tools to increase two-way
communication between home and school.
Year 3: By June 2017, schools and the District will use social media tools to increase
parent awareness and participation in school and District-level activities
4. Does the district have an inventory system or does one need to be developed to track the type and
age of hardware?

The OMSD does have an inventory system- The district has a total of 2500 thin client computer
devices that are utilized for web based research, instructional web sites and creating,
keyboarding and for productivity apps such as Microsoft Office.

School Name

Enrollment (K-8)
CBEDS 2012

Student Computers






Bon View
Buena Vista

Technology Plan Project


7. De Anza
8. Del Norte
9. Edison
10. El Camino
11. Elderberry
12. Euclid
13. Hawthorne
14. Haynes
15. Howard
16. Kingsley
17. Lehigh
18. Lincoln
19. Mariposa
20. Mission
21. Monte Vista
22. Montera
23. Moreno
24. Oaks
25. Ramona
26. Serrano
27. Sultana
28. Vernon
29. Vina Danks
30. Vineyard
31. Vista Grande
32. Wiltsey




5. Are assistive technologies available to students with special needs as well as to other
students, such as English language learners, who might benefit from the use of those
devices and software? A description of access is described on pages 25-27
A variety of classes are provided to address all levels of language proficiency, including
listening, speaking, reading, and writing, based on the level and needs of the student.
All schools within the district with special populations will implement the use of appropriate
technology including hardware, software and online learning tools. The technologies available
have been selected to fulfill the needs of special education students, as specified in their IEP.
All students within the OMSD have equitable access to technology that promotes student
performance and academic achievement. Based on special needs students IEP evaluation
appropriate technologies are provided. Specific instruction for English learners and Special
Needs students will be provided access to necessary technologies regardless of any limitations,
permanent or temporary. This includes injuries, illness or any long-term physical conditions,
learning disabilities or health impairment. These technologies include the use of built in
accessibility features.

Technology Plan Project


Each school within the district maintain equitable student to computer ratios in every classroom.
Technologies are shared equitably by all students with necessary provisions for special learners.
OMSDs Special Needs Admin Team provides an ongoing process to evaluate technical support
needs and appropriate products and resources for Special Education students. This ensures all
special education technology work orders are handled in a timely fashion. In addition, selected
products, software, online learning tools and resources are meeting the needs identified in the
6. What replacement cycle has been built into the plan? Will adequate funding be set aside
for replacements? Replacement cycle and funding information can be found on pages 51-67.
Computers 5 years or older are considered obsolete, depleting network and technical support
resources, and will be replaced or upgraded as quickly as funds allow. Technicians will provide
site administrators with specific recommendations based on hardware performance.
Technology budgeting has been integrated into the District general budget process. Based on site
level needs analyses conducted by the Information Services Department and the school principal,
site and District level funds from the aforementioned sources will be used to support the plan.
The plan gives a detailed list of clear benchmarks and a timeline for obtaining the hardware,
infrastructure, learning resources and technical support required to support the other plan
The deal with Dell Computer Company also generates an obsolete equipment replacement report
that provides valuable information to assist with decisions of replacing old equipment.
Ongoing activities and funding sources for replacement cycle includes:



Develop equipment
replacement cycle for
technology refresh


Upgrade Wireless
Infrastructure to support 1:1
Density and Common Core


Funding Sources

E-Rate Funding sources

Technology Plan Project


Upgrade Internet bandwidth to

10 gigabits per second


E-Rate Funding sources

Replace classroom projectors

as required


Site funded $1,600 per


Upgrade network equipment

to support high-bandwidth


E-Rate Funding sources

7. How does the tech plan address technology proficiencies and information literacy skills?
The plan clearly identifies literacy skills and technology proficiencies.
Objective 3d.2 Technology Tools
By June 2017, 85% of students will select and effectively apply the appropriate
technology tools and resources utilizing critical thinking and 21st century skills to
analyze, create and present on selected topics.
Benchmark 3d.2
Year 1: By June 2015, 55% of students will be able to select and apply the
appropriate technology tools and resources utilizing critical thinking and 21st
century skills to analyze, create and present on selected topics.

Year 2: By June 2016, 70% of students will be able to select and apply the
appropriate technology tools and resources utilizing critical thinking and 21st
century skills to analyze, create and present on selected topics.

Year 3: By June 2017, 85% of students will be able to select and apply the
appropriate technology tools and resources utilizing critical thinking and 21st
century skills to analyze, create and present on selected topics.



Critically consume Ongoing

information to
support arguments

Site administrators
Library staff

Monitoring and
Classroom walk-
throughs and

Data from

Technology Plan Project


Utilize a wide
range of electronic
texts with
capability to help
organize and
Use self-created
audio and video
recordings to
engage an


Use video
conference tools
and access
resources for
virtual field trips
and simulations
that are otherwise
Create, collaborate
and present using
tools such as
systems, wikis,
blogs, digital
media, visual
discussion boards,
word processing,
and spreadsheets
assessments using


Site administrators
Library staff

Classroom walk-
throughs and

Data from

Web-usage logs



Classroom walk-
throughs and

Data from

Teacher created
Director of

Help desk requests

for video
conferencing setup

Help desk ticket


Teacher created
lesson plans

Student work

Library staff
minimum of
once per


school year

Site administrators

Site administrators


Library staff

Director II of
Research and

Test administrator

SBAC reports

Technology Plan Project


Section 3e. Acquiring technology skills and information literacy skills

Goal 3e.1. Literacy Skills
Students will become proficient at locating, accessing, and evaluating information and resources
(including online reference databases and practice tests) on the Internet. Search strategies will
be taught as appropriate per grade level.

Objective 3e.1
By June 2017, 85% of students will use grade level appropriate technology to demonstrate
competency by engaging in at least one appropriate research based project per trimester as
defined by Common Core State Standards, requiring them to conduct effective searches and
demonstrate their ability to locate, access, and evaluate information and resources from the
Objective 3e.1 Benchmarks
Year 1: By June 2015, 55% of students will use grade level appropriate
technology to demonstrate competency by engaging in at least one appropriate
research based project per trimester as defined by Common Core State
Standards, requiring them to conduct effective searches and demonstrate their
ability to locate, access, and evaluate information and resources from the Internet.

Year 2: By June 2016, 70% of students will use grade level appropriate
technology to demonstrate competency by engaging in at least one
appropriate research based project per trimester as defined by Common
Core State Standards, requiring them to conduct effective searches and
demonstrate their ability to locate, access, and evaluate information and
resources from the Internet.

Year 3: By June 2017, 85% of students will use grade level appropriate
technology to demonstrate competency by engaging in at least one
appropriate research based project per trimester as defined by Common Core
State Standards, requiring them to conduct effective searches and demonstrate
their ability to locate, access, and evaluate information and resources from the




Evaluation and

Estimated Cost4

Technology Plan Project


Design grade level

appropriate rubrics for the
research project that is
aligned with Common Core


Teachers and
administrators will
participate in the
evaluation of student
research reports,
presentations, and work
samples during the report


Community Events

Trimester Administrators


Common Core
and SBAC Tools

Site administrators
Library staff

Common Core,
E-Rate and
CIPA training
from Common
Sense Media
and other

8. How will the school district know whether implementation of this plan has made a
positive impact on teaching and learning?
The district has selected to review data and feedback from all committee members to monitor the
success of the approved plan. Key evaluation components will consist of district technology
committee meetings, district created tech survey, staff proficiency survey, professional
development survey, classroom observation and walkthroughs, Common Core Assessments,
Student Technology survey, and Parent Technology Survey. These components will be used to
create an Annual update of Technology Report.
Section 7a. Overall progress and impact evaluation
Data and feedback information from all components of the plan will be compiled and analyzed
by the District Educational Technology Lead Committee comprised of Directors of Learning and
Teaching, Professional Development Staff, and Curriculum and Instruction.

Technical needs will be updated by the Information Services Department.

Learning and Teaching will inventory curricular resources.
Site administrators will update hardware and software inventories in March.
Learning and Teaching will evaluate progress on curricular and professional
development goals:
o Using criteria outlined in the District local educational agency (LEA) plan,
o Student achievement data,
o Dropout rates (for grades 7 and 8 only),
o Student technology surveys,
o Training calendar,
o Site administrator input.
The Educational Technology Committee will meet regularly to discuss

Technology Plan Project


implementation issues.
An annual summary report with recommendations will be developed by Learning and
Teaching and Information Services Departments, submitted to Cabinet for review, and
shared with stakeholders via the local school board meeting and District website.
Revisions to this plan will be made available online.
9. Does the plan address a time frame by which the district proposes to implement the
various components of the plan?
Yes. This plan gives detailed clarification in addressing a time frame by which the district
proposes to implement various components. The Ontario-Montclair School District Plan is also
known as a 3-year implementation plan. Moreover there are sections within this plan that
specifically touch on this basis of time implementation:
Section 3d: Teaching and learning goals
This section list objective and benchmark goals for student learning. At the end of each
benchmark goal, there is a section that discusses the activity, timeline, person(s) responsible,
monitoring and evaluation, and evaluation instrument for these purposes.
10. Do you think this plan has addressed issues such as equity for all students? Please
explain your thinking.
I do believe this plan has addressed the issues such as equality for all students.

Section 3c: District curricular goals to support plan addresses the mission, expectations, goals,
and initiatives. Within this section, there is a breakdown of the students that are supported under
the plan of this mission:
! English Learners (EL)
! Special Education (SPED)
! Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtI2)
! Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID)
! Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)
! Magnet/Academy Schools/Distinctive Schools
! Community and Family Services (i.e., Family Solutions and Montclair Community

Additionally, section 3h: Description of access for all students discusses the importances of
students with special needs with, appropriate technologies based on recommendations in their
Individual Education Plans (IEP). Secondly, here is an excerpt from what other services the
Ontario-Montclair School District provides for various learners:
~The instructional program for our English Learners is based on the most current research of
effective programs. Specific instruction for English Learners occurs daily during scheduled ELD
time where students are leveled according to their language needs. The ELD programs utilized
in OMSD are SRA in grades kindergartenthird, OMSD HM ELD in grades thirdsixth, and

Technology Plan Project


Pearson Language Central in grades 7 and 8.

~All students (i.e., English Learners, Special Education, Newcomers and General Education)
will be provided access to necessary technologies regardless of any limitation, permanent or
temporary. This includes injuries, illness or any long-term physical conditions, learning
disabilities or health impairment.
School administrators maintain equitable student to computer ratios in all classrooms and
establish policies for shared use technologies (i.e. laptop carts) that are equitable across Special
Education, English Learners, and regular education classes. These technologies include the use
of built in accessibility features.

11. Does this plan provide tools to help lower the achievement gap? Please explain your
I do believe that this technology plan provides tools to assist in lowering the achievement gap.
For instance, the Ontario Montclair School District provides information on how, The Student
Outreach and Academic Recovery (S.O.A.R.) is a flexible, comprehensive program to meet the
needs of expelled and other at-risk students. Students who display a history of academic
difficulty, attendance problems and/or social emotional dysfunction are referred to S.O.A.R.
Further, the plan went on to discuss, All schools with special education populations will
implement the use of appropriate technology, appropriate hardware, software and online
learning tools and that are designed to meet the needs of special education students, as specified
in their Individual Education Plan (IEP).
The information presented above exemplifies the importance in providing services to allow all
students, regardless if they have special needs or are at-risk youth, with the opportunity to
achieve and engage with technology. That is such an integral purpose because all students
deserve the opportunities to grow and reach goals that they may have never thought were
possible. Finally, with the incorporation of technology, students have the opportunity to use
appropriate technology for their needs and interact with the curriculum accordingly.
12. If you could recommend some improvements to your district's technology team
regarding this plan, what would they be and why?
One improvement that I would recommend would be to illustrate more statistics on how teachers
are using the technology resources to effectively focus on the technology plans vision. Having
the opportunity to read over the master technology plan, I have witnessed that technology plans
must focus on the given vision at hand. Developing a vision for teachers to focus on is essential
as well as with the specific guidelines that the plan has mapped out for teachers to follow. It is
critical to showcase statistics on how different school groupings are doing (i.e., special
education, gifted learners, AVID learners) with the schools technology plan. This specifically
would have been of assistance for me to view just so that I could see how each grouping was

Technology Plan Project


following along with the technology plan that has been implemented.

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