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page by Anna Christoff, 13

We need to build
connections withH Ealumni
because the group
is relatively new.


-Sara Shipley Hiles, NABJ adviser

Local chapter seeks professional mentors

Student journalists in the
BGSU chapter of National Association of Black Journalists
are seeking alumni professional
contacts to give guidance.
Were looking for all kinds
of professional contacts, Sara
Shipley Hiles, NABJ adviser,
said. We need to build connections with alumni because the
group is relatively new.
The group is looking for
mentors to work with the students in a one-on-one setting
and to provide networking.
NABJ is also seeking guest
speakers and funding.
The BGSU chapter was
founded almost three years ago
and has been growing in popularity among students of color
who are majoring in media and
communication fields.
We have different workshops here on campus about
how to market yourself, improve writing skills, video
editing, resume building and
much more, Kaila Johnson,
the groups president, said. I
really encourage students of
color to come to NABJ because
it is so beneficial and has really

helped me learn about my future career.

NABJ members also want to
travel to New Orleans for the
National Convention in June.
The BGSU chapter of NABJ
has never attended a national
Attendance at the national
convention lets students network and participate in professional development sessions.
The convention is an opportunity for the group members
to get their name out to other
chapters and potential employers at a national level.
This trip is very costly; its
probably around $1,500 per
person, Jamar Lark, NABJ
member, said. We will be trying like crazy to raise funds
through events so we dont
have to put that burden on our
members to cover the cost.
NABJ members held an
overnight bake sale on St. Patricks Day that raised around
$350 for travel expenses.
They also held a trash-forcash fundraiser in Harshman
dormitory in April.
They are also looking for

alumni to provide monetary

I think its very important
that we go because you can
meet so many people, Johnson
said. They will have companies [such as] CNN, MSNBC
and ABC News there. People
get hired at these conventions.
The members of BGSUs
NABJ chapter encourage all
students of color to come to a
meeting and see what the group
is about.
Were very open to different minorities; we dont just
limit to African Americans,
Lark said. Any minority looking for that jump start in the
journalism profession, NABJ
can definitely be an outlet.
The group met once a month
this year and aimed to have a
fundraiser each month. Members set up a Facebook page and
Twitter account @BG_NABJ.
NABJ is a great opportunity, Lark said. Its the perfect way to get your foot in the
door and do what you want to
do within your media related

uses NABJ
ties to land
Jamar Lark, NABJ
member, said the organization has helped him
tremendously, including
getting an internship.
Wesley Lowery, the
student representative at
Ohio University helped
him get a full-time journalism internship with the
Columbus Dispatch for
the summer.
NABJ was the driving
force behind me getting
the internship. I used my
connections and got myself out there, Lark said.
Lark and Lowery grew
up outside of Cleveland
and personally knew
each other before getting
involved in NABJ.
Lowery represents all
NABJ chapters nationwide
and has interned at the
Columbus Dispatch.
He referred me to the
company because he
thought I would make a
good fit, Lark said.

photo by Anna Christoff 12

student news spring 2012

Jamar Lark was offered a journalism internship at the Columbus Dispatch from networking he
has done through NABJ.

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