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Video Script

TITLE: Invoice numbers

WRITER: Heather Tobey
PRODUCER: Heather Tobey
DATE: March 24, 2015

H Tobey

Invoice numbers
3-8-15 1



Intro Slide w/ pic of ACC and Nexus


1.1 ACC-Nexus Payables Invoice numbering

Introduction Slide- Rhonda

1.2 Hi! I am! Rhonda has the day off today so I

will be your guide through invoices and how
important their numbers are.
Today we will go over invoice numbers.

Rhonda with his hands up like why

1.3 Why are they so important?

It may seem silly to go over invoice numbers but
you would be amazed at how neglected they are.
Common problems are things such as no numbers
at all. Duplicate numbers, and extremely long

Picture of Rhonda with a smile

1.4 Lets test your knowledge. ZI am going to

show you three sample invoices and I want you to
show me where the invoices numbers are. Be
careful- some are tricky.

Screen shot of an invoice and Rhonda

pointing to it

1.5 Click on the invoice number. If there is none

click on the NONE button.


Screen shot of an invoice and Rhonda

looking at it with his arms crossed

1.6 Lets try another one. Click on the invoice

number. If there is none click on the NONE

Screen shot of an invoice and Rhonda

(full body pointing and looking at it.

1.7 Click on the invoice number. If there is none

Picture of Rhonda with 1 finger up

1.8 Because we see so many invoices without

click on the NONE button.

numbers we feel the need to go over the basics of

creating one. Step one: No number but has a date
and as account number. If the invoice does not
have a number, look for an account number, If an
account number exists here is your format to
create the number. MMDDYYlast four of the
account number 0320154321. MM is for the
month- include the zero for months under 10. DD
is for day- also include the 0 for numbers under
10. YY is for the last two digits of the year. Locate
the account number and add the last four digitsletters are ok if they are part of the account
number. Lets look at an example Please keep in
mind when creating invoice numbers we do not
use any spaces or special characters such as / - . #

Screen shot of an invoice with invoice

number and date circled in separate

1.9 Invoice # example- In this example the

account number is circled in blue. The invoice
date is circled in red. The created invoice number
should read: 0227150501

Screen shot of an invoice with a

question and three possible answers

1.10 Ok lets try one- which of the following

numbers should you use to create an invoice
number for this invoice?

Picture of Rhonda with 2 fingers up

1.11 Invoice numbers cont Step two Invoices

with no invoice number or an account number.
For invoices that do not have a number and there
is no account number to be found try using the
date and your property number. Example
MMDDYY123, 032015541 MM month 03, DD
Day 20, YY Year 15, Property # 541 retrieved
from list. Lets look at an example.

Screen shot of an invoice with date and

property name circled in separate colors

1.12 In this example the invoice number (circled

in blue) is very hard to read so we will need to
create one. By using the invoice date (surrounded
by green) and the property name (surrounded by
purple) we can create an invoice number. By
using the date 03-18-15
MM Month 03
DD Day 18

YY Year 15
and using the property name University Crescent
(prop# 633)
We come up with this invoice number:
031815633 now you do one.
Screen shot of an invoice with a
question and three possible answers

1.13 Please select the correct invoice number to

Rhonda standing in the middle and a

screen shot of an invoice on both sides

1.14 Lets review. No invoice number but has an

use for this type of invoice.

account number MMDDYYLast four digits of the

account number. 0313154533. No invoice
number and no account number. MMDDYY
Property number. 031815450

Message with two boxes

1.15 Complete- Now that you have completed the

Invoice Number module and can successfully
create invoice numbers when needed, you are now
ready to move on to your next module, Invoice

Just words

1.16 The end references Software website
Pictures: American Campus Communities
(copyrighted) Nexus Payables (copyrighted)
Articulate Storyline 2
Microsoft Office 360
Adobe Acrobat
Insignia microphone

Writer: H Tobey

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