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Terryl Green 7-Things Students Want To Know


1. Am I in the right room?
I will have my name and the class I teach on the door
I will be at the door to smile and greet students as they enter the room
2. Where Am I supposed to sit?
There will be assigned seat on the first day of class. I will assign seats
by giving students a number as they enter the room that matches a desk
3. What are the RULES of the classroom?
My classroom rules will be stated positively and posted at the front or
side of the classroom.
I also will speak with my colleagues about rules and their experience
with classroom management.
4. What will I be doing this year?
I will have a bulletin board that will have the schedule of what
students will have the big picture of the class.
We will discuss what the students will be doing during the year on the
first day of school.
I will show them my enthusiasm for the subject and teaching.
5. How will I be graded?
We will discuss the grading system on the first day of school. It will
also be posted on a bulletin board.
6. Who is this teacher as a person?
The students and I will discuss my goals for them as well as my
teaching philosophy.
I will introduce myself to my students without giving too many details.
I will show the students that I am the adult in charge.
7. Will the teacher treat me like a human being?
I will show students that I am a person of integrity.
I will also show them that it will be safe to learn in my classroom.
I will also tell them that I have high expectations for them.

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