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Day 1

Lessons & Activities

Complete Are you Web Aware? survey. Answer the
following question: What were you surprised about after
seeing the answers from the survey? Now watch the
following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?

v=N2eRQN9zjxk Use todaysmeet.com to have students

discuss what they felt to be the most important lesson
they learned from the video.

Day 2

Watch this digital citizenship video:

https://vimeo.com/6709512 Use the footprint page (in
Student Resources) and write down all of the online
activities they do in one week. Find a partner and discuss
the similarities and differences. Then, as a class, discuss
the online activities they listed as part of the footprint
activity. Create a "Digital Footprint" word cloud using
Tagxedo.com. To do this, follow these directions: Under the
"Shapes" option, choose the image of the footprint. Next,
go into the "Load" option at the top of the screen. In the
"Enter Text" box, enter all of the online activities students
identified earlier in the lesson. In the "Word/Layout
Options" select "Layout" > "Allow Replication" >"Yes".
When you are finished, go to "Save/Share". Save the
image as a JPG to your computer. You can then print the
footprint and display it in the classroom.

Day 3

Start by reviewing what we have learned so far

about digital citizenship. Play Netiquette off
Brainpop.com and complete the quiz. Read these
scenarios that could happen in real life. Your job is to
take time to think about the scenario and how you
would react. Write your responses on a piece of
paper for each scenario. Inform them that the next
day they will be sharing a blog post with other
students on one scenario. Here are the scenarios:
Scenario 1:
Your teacher has set-up a blog activity and has asked
each person to respond to a classmate's post. You
decide to post a "funny" response to a friend's post
using a fake account.
Scenario 2:
You spend 30 minutes on the computer before school
in the morning, play games on the internet at recess,
and watch Youtube videos until supper.
Scenario 3:
You find an embarrassing photo of your sister and
decide to email it to a friend.
Scenario 4:
You leave to go outside for recess and forget to
logout of your computer account.
Review the scenarios from yesterday and choose one
scenario they connected with the most. Go to
Voki.com to create an avatar and type their response

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

into the Text to speech box. The class will share

these at the end of the lesson.
Watch the video
http://www.commoncraft.com/video/protectingreputations-online. Then watch the Brain pop on
Information Privacy independently. Record your
score and if you did not get 100%, review your
answers and retake the quiz.
Introduce CyberBullying- Create a KWL chart and fill
it in with the topic being CyberBullying. Write
down what you Know about the topic in the K section
and what they want to know in the W section. Then,
Ask the following questions to the class: What is
cyberbullying? What does cyber mean? How can
you bully online? What is the same/different about
bullying and cyberbullying? Do students know
someone whos been cyberbullied? Can you be
cyberbullied on Xbox or Instagram or similar
programs? Use todaysmeet.com to have them
submit their answers to each other and then share
their thinking and the correct answer together.
Begin the lesson by playing Brainpop.com,
Cyberbullying. Complete the activity, graphic
organizer, and vocabulary page through brainpop.
The students should each have their own
Chromebook at their desk to complete these tasks
Go to the website
http://humanservices.alberta.ca/badguypatrol/. Go
through the activities for the day. After they have
completed the activity, they will go to take an online
quiz from http://www.safekids.com/quiz/q1.htm.
Think back to the activity you did yesterday and quiz
you took at the end of the day. Today you are going
create a quiz that a partner in the class will take.
Access: http://www.quizmeonline.net/make-a-quiz.
You will need the rest of the day to create your quiz
and submit the correct answers.
Today, partner up with a student so that you are able
to access each others quizzes. They will take the
quiz and then be required to go over their answers
with the test creator (their partner).

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