Geography Lesson Plan

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Teacher-candidate: Danielle Latine

Subject Area: Geography

Date: 2-22-15
Grade Level: First Grade

Prior learning related to lesson or unit: (what has been covered that will provide the foundation for this
lesson or unit?) ODE Kindergarten Social Studies: Geography: 5. Terms related to direction and distance,
as well as symbols and landmarks, can be used to talk about the relative location of familiar places.
6. Models and maps represent places. Students have worked with maps in the past and understand that they
are used to tell where things are.
Standards Alignment(s):
ODE First Grade Social Studies: Geography: 4. Maps can be used to locate and identify places.
Learning Target(s) measurable and observable with actionable verb:
The teachers learning target: Students will locate where they sit on a classroom map

The students learning target: I can locate my seat on a classroom map.

*Integrated Learning: How does this lesson fit in a broad unit? How can other content areas be integrated?
At least one other content area should be integrated.
Language Arts: Students will be listening to a reading of the book Theres a Map on My Lap and writing
their names on the smart board.
Social Studies:
Fine Arts:
Movement: students will be coming to the carpet for the video and will be walking up to the board to find
their seat and write their name on the map.
Teaching Strategies:
Classroom Management Reminders:
Whole Group
Make sure all kids can see the video
Authentic Activity
Ask students if they would like help from a friend or
Turn and teach
if they just need time to think.
Control shouting out as much as possible to ensure
every student has time to think.
Instructional Materials:
Smart Board
Theres a Map on My Lap Video

Differentiation Instruction (objectives, strategies, environment, materials, or content):

Child A (or Group A): Student with visual impairment: make sure this student is sitting close enough to
the video so he/she can see it clearly.
Child B (or Group B): student with behavioral struggles: be sure to ask questions to this student to keep
him/her engaged. Stand near this student while we are completing the smart board activity to ensure he/she
is on task.

Planned Assessment Tools

Assessment of learning target- performance assessment
Data Collection Tool- the smart board map
Criterion- students must write their names in the correct spots on the classroom map (1/1)
Next steps for students showing master-Have students create a map of somewhere familiar to them
and label the locations of objects.
Next steps for students that are progressing- Give students a map blank map of something familiar
to them and have them place the items in the correct locations.

Lesson Body
Content Summary:
Students will be reviewing what a map is and what it is used for by watching a video
Talk about what location is: Where something is. Talk about locating specific places: Finding
where that specific place is.
Complete a smart board map of the classroom. Do a few examples as a class, then have students
one by one come up and write their name on where they sit in the class.
Review what maps are and what they are used for.
Review what locate means: To find where something is.
Explain that later on we will be making maps of other places that we know like the playground
and our homes
Set Induction/Introduction of Lesson and Learning Target (connect to past and introduce current; this
should be motivating and engaging!! You must state this learning target at the beginning of the lesson):
Okay class! Its time to learn about maps. How many of you have ever seen a map? Okay now how
many if you have ever used a map? So who can raise their hand and tell me what a map is and what we use
maps for? Yes maps are representations of places that show us where places and objects are and how we
can get to those places or find those objects. Awesome job! Now I have our I Can statement for today up on
the board. Lets read it as a class. I can locate my seat on a classroom map. Very fluent reading everyone!
Can anyone tell me what the word locate means? Allow students to share thoughts. Do we agree or
disagree? Okay! Locate means to find where something is. Turn and tell a friend what locate means.
Fantastic. Now I have a video of some students just like you reading us the book, Theres a Map on my
Lap By Dr. Seuss. Now this book has some words in it that we dont know quite yet, so we are only going
to watch a few minutes of the video. We are going to hear some words that arent first grade words, but it is
important that you hear them now because you will be learning all about them in the future. We are
watching this video to remind us what maps do and how we use them to find or locate places and objects.
So please quietly stand up, push in your chairs, and walk over to the carpet. We will start the video once
everyone is quiet and ready.


Academic Language I need to use (Map: a representation of a place. Locate: to find where
something is):
Think about some things you remembered from the video. Turn and tell a partner one thing you
remembered from the video. Awesome! Now go ahead and go back to your seats quietly please!
Thank you for being so quiet! Now we are going to do an activity with a map I made myself! Can
anyone read the title of the map and tell the class what this is a map of? Yes its a map of our
classroom! This is an overhead view, so its like we are standing on the roof and looking down into
our classroom. Now there are plenty of objects on this map, but nothing is labeled. It is now our job
to label the objects on the map! We are going to do a few objects together as a class, then each one
of you is going to locate where your seat is on this map of our classroom. Once you think you have

located the correct spot, raise your hand and I will call on people to come up to the board and write
their names in their seat spot. Can anyone remind me of our I Can statement again? Are we locating
our seats on a classroom map? Perfect!
Okay first, lets find one place that we know is already labeled. Who can raise their hand and tell
me what is already labeled on our map? Okay so we have where the door is. Good work. Now lets
see what else we can label. Since the door is located here, what do we think would be the object
next to the door, all the way in the back of the room? If you think you have the answer put it in your
fist. Once almost everyone has a guess, and release! The chalkboard Okay we will label this the
chalkboard. Keep labeling smart board, bookshelf, Miss Latines Desk.
Okay class, now that we have everything but your seats located, its time for you to locate your
seats! Make sure you are looking at the things around your seat in order to locate the correct spot to
write your name. Once you think you have the correct spot, raise your hand. We will come up one
by one, and then ask our classmates if they agree with where the name is or if they disagree and
think it should go somewhere else.
Allow students to come up and write their names on the map. Vote on where the names are.
Once the map is finished. Okay class lets go through our completed map one more time to check to
make sure everything is where it should be. Go through map and have students thumbs up and
thumbs down. Great work on completing the classroom map!

Conclusion/Review of Objective and learning that has occurred during this lesson; Connection to future
So today we talked about maps. Who can tell me what a map is again? Yes, a map is a representation of a
place that helps us find specific places or objects within that place. What was our I Can statement for this
activity? I can locate my seat on a classroom map. And what did that word locate mean again? Yes locate
means to find where something is. Did we locate our seats on a classroom map today? Indeed we did! Now
keep this in your brain because next week you all are going to create your own maps of somewhere that you
like, for example, your bedroom, the playground, or the park! Great work today!
Alternate plan: if students are having difficulty locating where they sit on the map, they can ask for help from
the class. This will require the helping student to give an explanation for why they think that is where that
student sits. If the entire class is struggling, we will fill in the entire map together as a class.

Lesson Plan Checklist:

Did I:
Plan differentiations to meet the needs of all students?
Does the assessment match the learning target type (knowledge, reasoning, skill,
Plan assessments that will provide data on student learning?
Plan a lesson that builds on prior knowledge, provides instruction and practice for
new knowledge and connects to future knowledge?
Plan my questions to include breadth and depth, as well as higher level thinking
Check for alignment between my learning target, body, and assessment?
Remember the age and developmental level of each of my students?
Consider the management of the lesson in order to counteract behavior problems?
Consider opportunities for double-dipping in other content areas?
Consider DAP in terms of engagement, exploration, involvement?

*Integrated Learning section is a requirement for EC lesson plan, but not for MC and
AYA plans.

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