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Moscow, Russia Wednesday, March 18, 2015 2 pages

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Is Russia benefiting from the

conflict with Ukraine?
The conflict going on between Russia and
Ukraine is no secret. We all know the
conflict going on between the rebels and the
ukraine military. What a lot of people dont
realize is that Russia is suffering from the
conflict too. Russia has been at risk of losing
half its natural gas that is transported
through Ukraine. Not only that, Russia has
also been losing many resources that other
countries transport to them. However, even
though Russia is suffering from economic
loss and resource loss, does not mean that

Ukraine is facing any better times. Ukraine

suffers at the chance of losing most of their
country to Russia and becoming forced to
turn to them as their new leader. While
Ukraine continues to fight the terrorist,
Russia has been using any last remaining
money to help send weapons to the rebels
so that they might take over Ukraine and
hand over the government to them.Russia
does not only face the loss of resources
and economy, they also face the chance of
there becoming a new world war if they
continue their actions towards Ukraine in
such a crude matter. The conflict between
has gotten the attention of other world
powers that have moved in to interfer. The
U.S.A has already moved soldiers and
tanks into Ukraine, threatening face Russia
in war if they do not cease their actions. If
Russia and the U.S did go to war, then that
would cause other countries to join their
allied sides causing world war 3. Ukraine
would in no way benefit from this at all
because that would cause the Russians to

have no fear to enter their country. It

would make them the biggest target.
Russia has a lot of reasons to why this
conflict does not benefit them. They do
however have some benefits to taking
over Ukraine. The first would of course
having more land for themselves. The
second would be that they would have
control of the giant gas pipeline that goes
towards all of Europe. The last would be
showing the world that they are a country
that is not to be messed with, therefore
giving them more power in fear. The only
way they will ever be able to achieve this
would be to get past America and
somehow not cause a third world war. As
for their plummeting economy and
resources, the only way they can fix that
is if they stop this conflict and try to build
their themselves back up.

Corruption in Russia
The corruption of Russia is very intense. Putin
poll rates have been outrageous for almost 16
years now. For the past sixteen years, putin
has maintained an average poll rate of 80%.
With him in presentation the country has been
plummeting so their no reason to why his poll
rates should be so high. Not only that but, with
him in office, corruption has been widespread
covering even business. They say now that in
Russia you cant go through one business
transaction without their being corruption.
Russia needs to start following actually
democracy instead of just pretending to follow
it in darkness because right now, Russia is
secretly under a dictatorship. People have no
right to voice and if they do speak up, they get
they get sent to prison along with any other
opposers. Russia needs to start to put in new
laws to face the corruption against it. They
need to start putting in new laws and kick
Putin out of office if they want to get anything
done in Russia.

Putin has brought Russia to a stand

still with his secret Dictatorship. He has
brought Russias economy down, their
resources almost to the bottom, and their
trading all sunk to the bottom. He is slowly
draining everything from Russia. The
citizens would fare so much better if he was nexationofCrimea/EN/index.htm>.
taken out of presidential and they put in a

political figure that the people actually voted Kashin,Vasily."Analyst:RussiaPreparesfor

on. Also so that the citizens no longer have
to live in fear of speaking there voice so that Restructuring."
they may call out the president and his





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